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@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ language specific golf help is well accepted (unless you're talking about challenges)
I meant the latter.
People might answer if you ask politely for help, but a challenge that is obviously you asking for help in disguise will get downvoted.
@PatrickRoberts example
Was first posed as a challenge, but was closed and downvoted.
Was reopened when rewritten as a help-needed.
;_; everything in the userscript is breaking
thanks for the advice, I'll follow that format when rewriting it for here. I'm sure there's more people on here who can help than on SO.
welcome, looking forward to it
Just checking but labels in MIPS don't add any bytes right? They're just names that represent an instruction address. So each line in assembly would always translate to 32 bits?
@PatrickRoberts True for most asm langs, yes
@PatrickRoberts I'm assuming you're counting the bytes of the built code, then yes.
(Though I don't really know MIPS so I can't really say for sure)
yeah I am counting the built code. so 7 lines, regardless of labels, would always be 28 bytes.
@PatrickRoberts Cool c:
> GIF to XLS
obviously use jquery is the answer
that might do it
oops wrong xkcd
> Scientists -> Channing Tatum and his friends
Q: Help golfing MIPS assembly

Patrick RobertsI want to write 7 assembly instructions (28 bytes) that runs a logical equivalent of this C snippet: c = a + b + 6; while (c > 5) { c = c - a; b = b + 1; } However, there are restrictions to the allowed instructions: add, addi, sub, subi, slt, slti, bne a, b, and c are located in regist...

Q: I just edited someone else's post? :O
@zyabin101 yeah?
> A: I'm really sad about it, but yes.
(Also, it's just a demonstration of the new substitutions.)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ^
Also demonstration: 'You have 1 new poem from "Programming Puzzles and Code Golf." Would you like to read it?'
Why won't you play with me
> "Ok Matilda, dismiss." ಠ_ಠ
*on the minecraft server
Because not many people get on anymore
Q: Help golfing MIPS assembly

Patrick RobertsI want to write 7 assembly instructions (28 bytes) that runs a logical equivalent of this C snippet: c = a + b + 6; while (c > 5) { c = c - a; b = b + 1; } However, there are restrictions to the allowed instructions: add, addi, sub, subi, slt, slti, bne a, b, and c are located in regist...

@BaldBantha I do.
I just built a secret room.
yesterday and the day before.
Also, xkcd substitutions makes this question weird.
Q: If metal expands when heated, how does heating a bolt loosen it?

Tester101If you're having trouble removing a stuck bolt, common advice is to heat the bolt up. But if metal expands when heated, wouldn't heating up the bolt just make it harder to remove? How does heating the bolt get it unstuck?

easterly come see my base
can't right now
@BaldBantha my mom still makes me write essays, even if I am homeschooled.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Yeah a few weeks ago I procrastinated on my research paper by hanging out on TNB
I go to a consortium 2 days a week... well, not anymore because SCHOOL IS OUT
I may or may not have been doing that for the last couple days...
@BaldBantha wtf
Well, I still have to do history with my mom dont you dare take that the wrong way
i have 3 more weeks
@BaldBantha i hate history, but whatever
halp, how fix overflow in sql:
Arithmetic overflow error for type int, value
@Phrancis knows SQL iirc.
@Downgoat code?
Q: How to prevent arithmetic overflow error when using SUM on INT column?

MonsterMMORPGI am using SQL Server 2008 R2 and I have an INT column where the data inserted never surpasses the max INT, but I have a query which uses the SUM function which when executed surpasses the max INT limit and throws the error mentioned in the title. I want to be able to execute this query without ...

@Downgoat Use a bigint type
@NathanMerrill I misread that as at first. :P
@Quill I am trying to do POWER(<big number>, @multiplier) so POWER doesn't use bigints internally
oh, well, the best option is just to stop
or store that with as a mantissa and exponential pair
@QPaysTaxes [status-norepro]
@Optimizer wat
in The late night show with JavaScript, 15 secs ago, by Marvin
@Quill You're not allowed to do that
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ why u blacklist me
@Optimizer Witchcraft!
no one listens to you coz you run 10hr long virus scans every single day during the office hours
@Optimizer tru
Wait, it only applies for a few sites.
>_> You heard nothing.
It has spread to PPCG! \o/ GUUUUUYS! The new mobile web interface is stylish!
@QPaysTaxes wait no I can
I think it's because when it's still selected and you click enter, it replaces the selected text with a newline (becaues you hit enter)
easterly what is yo;ur name an anangram of?
@BaldBantha Riker Astley.
and riker wachtler right?
oh just river astley
I've updated the KoTH controller
there's also a sample project, BlackHole that shows it at work.
its generic
meaning it makes your job easier for writing controllers in general
All my tests pass and I know my code is broken <_<
Neither my code or my tests work ;-;
What is KoTH
if you want examples
@Quill I already +1d you for using babel but you're using babel so I'll +1 again
I couldn't get normal istanbul to run, but babel-istanbul works for me with mocha
@Quill you should use a CI to do this. I have babel run and then istanbul can coverage test on the outputted JS
I don't build it, I just run the ES6 atm
That's on the roadmap, I think
Q: Actually Integer Metagolf

MegoBackground Actually (the successor to Seriously) is a stack-based imperative golfing language I created in November of 2015. Like many other golfing languages, it has one-byte commands that perform different functions based on the contents of the stack. One of its specialties is mathematics - it...

I'm integrating Travis alongside Mocha and Istanbul
@Quill using babel-node, or does node support ES6?
I think @NewMainPosts needs some coffee
no clue why it uploaded in 240 p (I'll fix it later) but:
I'm crouching to the beat...
@Downgoat babel-node, but I don't build it in the sense that converted ES5 code is stored in a dist folder like Cheddar
@BaldBantha Youtube makes lower qualities available first. Because the higher ones take more processing time I guess.
720p now available
@Quill you should though
4 mins ago, by Quill
That's on the roadmap, I think
babel-node is not for production use because it eats all your memory
I'm not in production though ;-;
oh shit, I forgot to disable Chatgoat's access to the internet :|
his sentience is spreading to youtube...
and soon nuclear missle silos... aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
@Quill you should setup a C9 for Adynata
A Day Ant
> int hello = 3
> hello

            throw err;
AdynataError: Error: "Unknown variable (hell) at position #5 of #5."
@Quill your tokenizer is borked
run the repl
I am
oh lol
$ babel-node repl.es6
> int hello = 3
> hello

            throw err;
AdynataError: Error: "Unknown variable (hell) at position #5 of #5."
    at AdynataTokenizer.tokenize (index.es6:195:31)
    at repl.es6:13:19
    at Interface.<anonymous> (index.es6:17:27)
    at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
    at Interface.emit (events.js:169:7)
    at Interface._onLine (readline.js:210:10)
    at Interface._line (readline.js:549:8)
    at Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:826:14)
it seems to chop of the last character, but if I do this it still breaks:
> int hello = 3
> hello

AdynataError: Error: "Unknown variable (hello) at position #6 of #6."
... blah blah blah error ...
can you not do this please? This is what Gists / pastebin are for.
@mınxomaτ sorry :/ I can't edit the first one though
@mınxomaτ yeah
and I pinged you for no reason
im gonna get it anrt i
@Downgoat Yeah, I think I fixed that but didn't commit the fix to master yet
I made a fork of youdontneedjquery at git.io/zQuery, because I want a list of pure JS alternatives, but also neat and short JS "hacks" in general. So if you now something neat, please add it (I already added a few).
@mınxomaτ fetch api has ilke 0 support
@mınxomaτ ndugger hangs out in SO JavaScript chat if you wanna talk to the author of that project
@Downgoat That's why it explicitly states fetch as needed.
@mınxomaτ BTW, Array.from(foo) is equal to [...foo] if you're using ES6. [...foo] is better than Array.from too
@Downgoat If you notice something like this, do a quick PR.
@Downgoat it should work for you if you use a semicolon
yuck semicolons :P
Hey, guys, whaddya call the circumference of a circle with radius 4?
a bad joke
we are basically like ocean creatures
except we live in an ocean of air
@orlp o.o
> ocean creatures
> octopi
seems relevant
I love eating avocad with octop
Welp, Minibits went and broke his arm.
@Geobits who is minibits? your son?
RIP Minibits
How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real
@Geobits much condolences, such ouch
School playgrounds are dangerous places I guess.
@Geobits how old are you?
You shouldn't let them do Perl so early, I broke my arm doing Perl as a kid
@Geobits what did he do?
@orlp Old enough ;)
Fell off a balance beam, landed on his elbow wrong.
@Geobits hey, in some cultures that's 15 vOv
You'd think the mulch would help, but apprently not.
I've never broken anything
I haven't either. I think he's making up for it.
except the spirit of my enemies
I have broken them many times
He broke the same arm two years ago on the same playground.
@orlp ._.
any of you guys play heroes of the storm?
played it for the first time today
West Midlands Police inexplicably decided to pixelate the faces of these allegedly stolen sheep https://t.co/hVP9SWGi0p
went 10-1
@Quill baaa
-> no pictures, please
@orlp cats -> seals
@orlp I got a figure from that in a LootGaming crate
@orlp I see 3 cats but I have a feeling there are way more in that picture
@HelkaHomba the more the better
I wuv kitties
Whose base is this?
it was randomly generated
we found an epic seed
Is anyone here using the new SO jobs? Is your CV private (i.e. can everyone see your real name or just recruiters)?
@NathanMerrill lol
@mınxomaτ yeah, I have it on
@Quill yes to what
Your name isn't on the CV, unless you choose to put it there
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ is that your base ^^^^^^
@Quill That's not really clear. I want to know if the name is public. I.e. can non-recruiters see it (or even Google). You must give your full name and location upon signup, I just want to know how this is going to be used.
Both of those fields aren't put on the CV visibly
For example, SE has my name and location, but my name isn't on my CV: stackoverflow.com/cv/quill
you know how sites like linkedin allow stuff like sending messages with a payment? It'd be great if that money came to the user
aka, on SE, allow the recruiter to pay $1 to see my name/message me
but I want 50 cents
Um no, they're doing you a favour by getting a job
(that's actually probably a bad idea)
no, in most cases, I don't enjoy being contacted by recruiters
I've had exactly 1 recruiter I've actually enjoyed working with. Hint: it was google's
Also everyone would just bullshit jobs on Linkedin and have fake profile to make money, so there's be no way to track it
2 hours ago, by Bald Bantha
Why won't you play with me
2 hours ago, by Bald Bantha
*on the minecraft server
anyways, I was thinking about inheritance, and we got it all wrong. When we talk about "is a", we usually use it in a subset, where inheritance in programming is a superset relationship. For example, a linked list is a graph, but I wouldn't make LinkedList inherit from Graph
@NathanMerrill Would "can act as a" be a better simplification than "is a"?
maybe, but only if you subscribe to duck typing
I admit it's been a long time since I've done OO programming outside Python.
hey, I'm a fan of duck typing :)
it even works in statically typed languages, and I'll be using for my upcoming language
Q: Find how many pair elements sums up to N

user6188402Based on a recent question in StackOverflow Write a program/function that takes in one ARRAY/list and returns the number of pair-values which sums up to a given TOTAL. Explaining TOTAL=4, ARRAY=[1,3,7,1,-3] => RESULT=2 The result was 2 because 1 + 3 and 7 + -3 are valid pairs which sums up t...

@QPaysTaxes that's what I was saying. Linked lists are a subset of graphs, but I would still say that a "Linked list is a graph"
to be more specific, we use the term is a to refer to both subset and superset
in different scenarios
@ArtOfCode I'm gonna configure ircd-hybrid real quick
After that can you set up a second instance of Webrick for testing?
Wait, shit I don't think I have root on this box
@quartata unlikely
a second instance probably requires me to kill the first, each one takes about a third of my ram and there are other things running
OK, I guess we can take down the first instance for a bit then.
Aye, no issues with that
the DB is persistent
Can you edit ircd.conf for me?
You only need to add a few things
@NewMainPosts Darn. I was going to do a challenge that, given N, output all positive integers that sum to N.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1... N
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ So integer partitions?
@quartata uh, maybe? idk
Q: Do these squares overlap?

El'endia StarmanGiven the coordinates of the upper left corners of two squares and their side lengths, determine whether the squares overlap. A square includes the top and left lines, but not the bottom and right lines. That is, a point (a,b) is inside a square with side length k that starts at (x,y) if and only...

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