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@AshwinGupta I think that the most viable strategy won't be to launch to far zone, but to six bar real quick and clear yours to your near zone
@AshwinGupta nj
@AshwinGupta yeah, but usually you can split it across the team members. I started my own robotics team a few years ago, and that's what I did
Oh I probably won't compete against you cuz I'm in ca
@Maltysen but yeah, that seems like what would be ideal. Although, high-elevation at the end would be an added bonus
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ there isn't a filter + map function in ES6, correct?
@AshwinGupta oh course, there is the strategy of expanding into a 12 foot wall :D
@Downgoat What does that mean?
I'm thinking of using 2 claws for lifting
@Maltysen okay, I'm sold...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ like if a is my function, it does the equvilant of foo.filter(a).map(a)
@AshwinGupta yeah the stars are annoying. pretty light though, around a couple skyrise sections
@Downgoat no such thing iirc
yeah, that' what I thought.. Guess I'll be using a for loop... yuck
@Maltysen have you actually seen one yet (IRL)?
why not just .filter(a).map(a)? :P
wait brb
@AshwinGupta no but I know the weight from the field specs
@Downgoat that would give an array of all ones surely
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ too ineficient
@quartata or of all truthy values
@quartata no?
Filter keeps all values where a returns true. Then map replaces all of those with the results of a which are all true.
@Maltysen yeah i've been meaning to check. What's the weight? (if you remember)
@quartata filter keeps all truthy values
@AshwinGupta iirc 300 grams
@QPaysTaxes If they're all powers of two, yes.
That's basically a bitflag/mask/whatever.
@Maltysen brb, converting to pounds :P
Right. But what kind of hellish filter do you have where you are returning something else
half a pound about
@Downgoat but mapping with a would do what? Just make all the ones that got filtered truthy
@Maltysen -1 for metrics. imperial is obviously the best
@HelkaHomba lemme make an example:
@Downgoat ಠ_ಠ
You know, one good think about this game, the launching needs to be inprecise.
I can't wait until we switch to metrics
You could throw 2,3 at a time if you figured out a mechanism that could hold it and it wouldn't matter if they all landed a foot away from each other.
@AshwinGupta i'll send you a pic of the wall bot if we ever make one :P
const a = item => item  > 1 ? item + 1 : false
[1,2,3].filter(a).map(a); // outputs [3,4]
@Maltysen pls do, I'll send a pic of ours (If I make the team)
@QPaysTaxes ಠ_ಠ
you are not a bird
hey actually...
@AshwinGupta which state?
You are a unicron!!!!!
@Maltysen california
@QPaysTaxes you took a picture of alex?
@Downgoat For mass, you could just use human hearts. In this case, it would be roughly one.
@Maltysen could you do me ANOTHER favor... (adding to the million you've already done for me today)
@Downgoat that is gross just filter out the less than or equal to ones then map a + 1 over it
The coach asked me to write a slideshow on programming LCD displays (because I'm the only one who knows how =/), could you just check it out really quick and tell me if there is a topic I've missed/should cover.
@QPaysTaxes how do you know his sister
Its simple on purpose due to skill level of peers.
@QPaysTaxes well that would be very awkward. Nah jk, I'd understand, I'd just have one of you guys do it.
or even better do an enumerated map and pop the less than ones then do a + 1
His sister plays Magic?
But... you're not a unicorn...
yeah, you're a horse playing pretend @_@
See, you whinny just like a horse.
@Geobits haha
All smoke and mirrors (or in this case, mp3 players).
cast detect magic on his horn
@quartata I agree, mixing filter and map like this is weird. But maybe downgoat just wants to for golfing
> gowngoat
Alllways I wanna be with you // make believe with you // and live in harmony harmony // oh love...
@HelkaHomba no, it is for real life code
@El'endiaStarman For that, you deserve A Little Respect.
@Downgoat Nope.
No, the song's name is the link...
how do I know that
Didn't you say you had all the rickroll urls memorized or something once?
I'm not sure if filter is working
@Downgoat yeah you did
@AshwinGupta code?
Hmm, someone did... thought it was you, but I could be wrong.
called when missile hits alien
@AshwinGupta you forgot return
@Geobits no, I've only memorized the vevo rickroll
return what?
aliens=aliens.filter(function(i){return i!=this})
@QPaysTaxes idk
for(let i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
  let x = arr[i];
  if(x <= 1) {
  } else {
    arr[i] = x + 1;
wait nope still not working
@QPaysTaxes I'm guessing it's Andrea Garcia.
@QPaysTaxes yeah that person is following my repo too. IDK who it is either...
@Downgoat I wrote that on mobile and it only took me a minute. Much more readable and efficient
dont fear the for loop
I fear I will never understand that bird picture or how it's ever applicable to any situation.
I takes longer to read
I read the other one in less time
@quartata ಠ_ಠ
length is not a function...
pop also doesn't take any args
@Downgoat whatever
@QPaysTaxes best script
can you even javascript m9
@QPaysTaxes I think you and I have different definitions of better. That youtube url has far too many Qs and Ws for me to click it.
.remove then.
whatever the thing that removes something at an index is. It is pop in most languages.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ weird, when I add the return, it just stops working =/
aliens=aliens.filter(function(i){return i!=this});
@AshwinGupta what is this?
that line of code is in a function inside of the Alien class
so its an instance of Alien
and that code is called when a missile hits the Alien.
You can't compare objects with == or !=.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ oh =/
You could try hacking it: i <= this && this <= i.
I thought objects have a hash code or something and u could.
What should you be doing? strawpoll.me/10051142
in java theres .equals()
@AshwinGupta ಠ_ಠ
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ you realze this is why people dont like JS right
Java =/= JavaScript
@HelkaHomba ....none of the above at the moment, in fact. Well, "work" is probably closest, but it's not exactly a job...
they are very different
@quartata you realize I don't give a rip
IK that. I'm saying that's what Im used too
Whats the JS equivalent of .equals()?
@AshwinGupta Object.is
@Downgoat that's a thing?
1 min ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
You could try hacking it: i <= this && this <= i.
@Downgoat are you f*cking kidding w/ me dude? Oh nvm, its different.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ does't work I don't think
@AshwinGupta I am not f*cking kidding you
@HelkaHomba My kid just went to bed, so there is actually nothing on this list that really fits right now.
@Downgoat thanks for using the SE content filter...
@AshwinGupta fixed
@QPaysTaxes yes, exactly
@QPaysTaxes I wish the chat had a Downgoat button, I'd downgoat that message.
@AshwinGupta you can always click my avatar
@Downgoat Tried that, it brought me to some idiot's profile page.
@AshwinGupta your browser must be broken, clicking an avatar doesn't open a profile page
Hello @Phrancis!
Heya golfers
@Downgoat must be...
@Geobits @El'endiaStarman How about option 9: beating Dennis at golf
@HelkaHomba That's...not really ever been a goal of mine. :P
@QPaysTaxes eh, same as usual, just tables and stuff :)
@QPaysTaxes oh wow, I have +13 on that challenge :D
Apr 19 at 23:53, by Downgoat
I would upvote but I can't
@QPaysTaxes we call this bragging :D (but a good type of bragging since you actually have the skills to back it up)
I hope no one is still using mySQL. They'll be having problems in 2038
> I think I have literally performed magic.
@QPaysTaxes queue the imperial march.
@QPaysTaxes I CAN"T WIN
@quartata wtf happens in 2038?
@quartata go tell that to all the PHP guys
YOU GET 11 upvotes and I get 4. >:|
@AshwinGupta s/queue/cue/
@quartata should they be using YourSQL?
3 () ()( )( ) () ( is valid Cheddar syntax.
@QPaysTaxes well shit...
@QPaysTaxes Yeah, but he probably meant cue.
Spelling is a b*tch...
7 mins ago, by Ashwin Gupta
@Downgoat thanks for using the SE content filter...
@QPaysTaxes no I get it, I just never thought about it before.
@Downgoat fixed. The filter did it for me
@AshwinGupta yeah, definetly
@QPaysTaxes this is discrimination against goats
Alex entered the room and it got all quiet
we can't help having hooves
@Downgoat Does Cheddar have block scopes and an int type?
@quartata yeas
@Downgoat good job so far then it's already better than JS
@QPaysTaxes that's because amazon didn't delay your shipment on your hoof keyboard
@quartata but it can barely do anything?
I have high hopes
goats are just naturally not good at typing correctly
Do you think Dragons are any better?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ dragons have claws which are kinda like fingers
@HelkaHomba An odd game. The only winning move is not to play.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ did you draw your avatar?
@Downgoat But the number of keyboards I go through (literally) is hideous.
@Downgoat No, I paid a friend.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ to draw an avatar?
She's really good
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ is it so big that even python overflows on it?
@Downgoat That's what he said ;)
@Downgoat No. I eat pythons for lunch.
@Geobits are you saying that's what quartata said, or a spin-off of a "that's what she said" joke?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ :D +1
bows green internet points for my green self
though flawr probably won't be happy hearing that you eat is brothers
@Downgoat not a spin-off
Aww... but that one was appropriate :(
Or, as appropriate as they get anyway.
heh, the confusion it brings is funnier
@QPaysTaxes gist.github.com
@QPaysTaxes They were relating a story of how one time another person also said that.
@QPaysTaxes ):<
angry pufferfish
That looks like something, but not a fish...
like an angry spider
<>< is also a fish
@Geobits that's what she said
(ok, no more)
@HelkaHomba that's what she said
                 _/'.:'_:'`._    .-._
            _.-''        ```-`.,'.::.`-._
         _.'                    ``-..:.:.`-.
       ,'          ____               `-:.:,'      _..-'|
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   ,-`'. ,' ,'  /  ):::._,'             __...--../::.   |
   `.        _,'   `--''            _.''           `-.._|
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
12 secs ago, by Downgoat
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
@QPaysTaxes rickroll? seriously,
@QPaysTaxes No, this is Phish.
@QPaysTaxes I was not being serious....
            ,'          `.
          ,'          __  `.
         /|          " __   \
        , |           / |.   .
        |,'          !_.'|   |
      ,'             '   |   |
     /              |`--'|   |
    |                `---'   |
     .   ,                   |                       ,".
      ._     '           _'  |                    , ' \ `
  `.. `.`-...___,...---""    |       __,.        ,`"   L,|
  |, `- .`._        _,-,.'   .  __.-'-. /        .   ,    \
^ charmander
oh no, I forgot to work on cheddar
@HelkaHomba Yea, I did it a couple years back.
This FEN question is so table-like I felt tempted to try it in SQL, but then I remember SQL sucks @$$ at parsing strings
@Geobits Pretty detailed. Impressive
It turned out better than expected. It's not hard if you have patience, though, since it's really just an outline. Doing fancy stuff is probably beyond me.
What tool(s) did you use?
A tiny saw and a paring knife. Traced the design on first, then cut it out.
@Geobits that is really good, this is my best pumpkin carving
Looks happy to me :)
Oh wait an actual pumpkin. I assumed you meant some sort of graphic design software
I like to cut out the bottom instead of the top though. Much easier to light that way.
@HelkaHomba yes.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Yep, you can usually find them in the food-getting-places.
@EasterlyIrk getting mixed signals here
@Geobits Keeping this in mind for next Halloween.
I need to do that
I did this one the year before. Not as much detail work.
that's nice

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