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Hi, what is the probability of 1? i.e. $P(1)$ = ? (where 1 is the integer 1)
@QPaysTaxes I've hit an obstacle lol
@QPaysTaxes I meant what I wrote
How about $P(1 | Z| \leq y)$ where $Z \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)$
where $|$ means conditioning, not absolute values
@QPaysTaxes It was probably Xfinity wifi
P(1 | Z | <= y) where Z is standard normal distribution
@QPaysTaxes Purple weighs 1.38843x10^-23 grams.
Well, an average truck weighs $134,000
I think...
Yeah, thanks to the inflation of the Euro
Hello so confused, I am Kap
Dang it...that was the Pound, wasn't it...
@R.Kap I think he is just "confused" and so was just an adjective
>:(? You're mad ? I thought you were so confused?
Now I am so confused...
But I am Kap. If I am so confused then...I'm not Kap...
I am not confused. I am Kap.
You can go by more than one name. I'm known by several, depending on the person.
@Geobits I know youo as Geobits, AI, and owner of homicidal AI.
I am so, the confused?...
@Downgoat I don't blame Marky for his homicidal tendencies. I blame the victims.
I didn't know I was an illusionist...
@Geobits for being so killable…?
Those always confuse me...
@Maltysen Sometimes people just need to be killed, what can I say? :P
@Maltysen every murder: "It's not my fault! He was just so... killable...."
@AlexA. Don't worry. I don't think Marky's ever expressed a desire to kill birds.
Oh good
Mainly goats. He likes curry.
@Geobits totally get what you mean. hey, on a completely unrelated note, can I hire marky?
"I had to kill him! He just had to be killed!"
@Maltysen ಠ_ಠ
@Maltysen Uh, sure. I'll have him get in touch with you.
"That icky spider did not deserve a life..."
@QPaysTaxes Well now, my dog loudly expresses his desire every time a bird flies over.
Hello @MarsUltor!
@QPaysTaxes do unicorn's hate birds or something?
My dog doesn't even care about birds
@QPaysTaxes Nah. I don't have anything against most birds. Generally just anything peacock-sized or bigger. They have a tendency to go for the eyes, and I like having eyes.
@QPaysTaxes ಠ_ಠ
But...I thought unicorns fart out rainbows...
@R.Kap no, the rainbows come from the back of their neck. See @QPaysTaxes's avatar
@Downgoat no, they fart from the back of their necks
@QPaysTaxes ._.
You're really a unicorn?? I thought you were just a horse playing dress-up.
@Geobits ssshhhh. Don't disillusion him.
Right. Sorry.
Humans fart from their mouths and burp from their anuses.
@R.Kap isn't that like a muscle?
@R.Kap Thanks for that insight
@Maltysen what are you? A fish?
@Downgoat -_- a dragon
That is not a dragon...
Now now, let's not be racist. :P
@Downgoat Hello
How would a goat know what a dragon looks like?
@Geobits I have seen Cᴏɴᴏʀ's avatar
@Downgoat I am a clay dragon
@Downgoat There are many types of dragon. Just because someone looks different is no reason to pick on dhjem.
@Maltysen wat
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ that is not what I implied
IIRC his avatar is from a claymation show about dragons
brb doing reverse googl imaeg search
@Maltysen last dragon chronicles?
I'm not familiar with googl imaegs.
Hello @Dennis!
@AlexA. it was a typo of google images
@Downgoat Are you seur?
@QPaysTaxes How can I be of service?
@QPaysTaxes you're a horse playing pretend
@AlexA. ಠ_ಠ
@Dennis You could confirm the fact that Marky shouldn't need a reason to kill goats.
Killing goats is allowed by meta consensus.
Does anyone need a reason?
The mods have spoken.
@Dennis uh...
Oh, I assumed you needed something because of the ping.
@Dennis @Downgoat @QPaysTaxes @Geobits @Maltysen @AlexA. Hello
Huh. Well that seemed a bit much.
Perhaps a tad
Aaaand that's a rickroll.
Maybe it is, maybe it's not
You won't find out until you click on the link
@AlexA. Actually, it's not. It's a hello
> You won't find out until you click on the link
Nice try, Astley.
@R.Kap Kap is Adele confirmed eleven
Fine...I guess no one will ever know...might as well get a dell.
What if rickrolling was actually started by Astley himself, to immortalize an otherwise soon-to-be-forgotten one hit wonder?
It would be pretty genius, tbh.
@Geobits Then he was a genius
I mean, at this point, we're never gonna give him up. Never gonna let him down...
@Downgoat Dang it downgoat, you have broken my cover.
56 mins ago, by Downgoat
how should Cheddar take STDIN?
54 mins ago, by Downgoat
yeah but should it have a function? preset variable? an import with the stdin/stdout functions?
And now, for something completely different:
Just trying to stay hidden from the world, and you, of all people, found out I am adele.
@Downgoat Oh no...those beautiful books...
Just in case it's anyones birthday
I would try it myself, but I don't you know, want to get...
I just tried it, and some lady answered on the other end
Made a complete fool out of myself...
She called the cops...
I'm so scared...
Moral of the story, do not trust life hacks!
@AlexA. hydraulic press is best press
> Making healthy fruit salad with our press
What will my parents think?
I called them back, but I'm now on hold...
What should I do?
@R.Kap ... wat ... really...
@Downgoat Yes, this really happened
Don't worry. They'll turn to stone when the sun comes out.
@AlexA. Can you delete that image I just posted in chat?
Apparently it does not work anymore. It just connects you to your local police department.
@R.Kap done
@AlexA. Thanks
@Downgoat Hydraulic press channel is hilarious, I am subbed, I check youtube every day just to see if they got a new video :d
@Geobits @Maltysen I finally fixed my movement system :D
TY both for all the help.
I think (keyword: think) I did what you guys were saying.
var x = width - (Math.cos(toRadians(theta)) * hyp);
var y = ((Math.sin(toRadians(theta)) * hyp) + this.yStart);

then I basically just increased hyp++ for movement
@AshwinGupta what does niwhsa9 stand for?
@Downgoat its just my name backwards, I'm too lazy to remember my usernames for stuff.
Also, when I want to keep my name anonymous it works well since people don't realize.
@Downgoat ashwin9. idk why did he choose this GH username, though.
@AshwinGupta but you have your name right there on github ._.
Ik, I use niwhsa9 for everything
like video game accounts and stuff.
@AshwinGupta Also, you have your name here
Ik, I don't care if you guys know my name.
> Also, when I want to keep my name anonymous it works well since people don't realize.
Idk, honestly its not me who came up w/ it. My cousin made me an account for a game when I was like 7 or 8 and I've kidna been using it ever since without thinking much about it.
@MarsUltor keyword: when I want to.
Pretty well
But because of your GH having your name and username, it's not hard for people to find your name
@MarsUltor thats not really the point.
I mean if someone wants to go through that much effort to find my name thats fine
alright you know what
ur right, its totally irrational and unreasonably.
@AshwinGupta Ashwin is also a pretty common name, (I know like 3 ashwins (4 including you)) so using ashwin9 won't give off your identiy
@Downgoat true. But then I'd have to change all of my accts =/
plus, I won't lie this is sorta an OCD type thing.
Really the only 3 accounts people could connect to me via my real name are my GitHub account, my Google account, and my Stack Exchange account
@Downgoat Most names are pretty common
I'm not actually OCD, but it really bothers me when certain stuff is not how I want it.
so like this is just one of those things. IDK
And I have nothing to hide on any of them (and it's occasionally useful for people to be able to make those connections, like for job offers)
There's a name for when stuff bothers you because it's not how you want it
It's called being human
exactly ^^
the other reason is because now when I make accounts for stuff, i don't evne have to think. I just type niwhsa9. I'll never forget my username for anything.
@MarsUltor my name isn't very common :/
If I forget my password for stuff, no problem, I know my username and email so I can just recreate my password.
@Downgoat whats ur name?
@Downgoat Most names
@AshwinGupta Vihan
I have several other accounts that are "Mego" or variants on "Mego", but there are also many "Mego" accounts on the internet that I do not own
@MarsUltor oh yeah that's right
So I get plausible deniability :P
Me: but there are also many "somebody" accounts on the internet that I do not own
@Mego how did you come up the name Mego?
gets better plausible deniablilty
@Mego yeah that won't work for me, I'm guessing there aren't too many niwhsa9s
@Downgoat It's a portmanteau of two usernames I used to use
Me + go
The Mego Corporation was a toy company founded in 1954. Originally known as a purveyor of dime store toys, in 1971 the company shifted direction and became famous for producing licensed action figures (including the long-running "World's Greatest Super Heroes" line), celebrity dolls, and the Micronauts toy line. For a time in the 1970s, their line of 8-inch-scale action figures with interchangeable bodies became the industry standard. In 1982 Mego filed for bankruptcy, and by 1983, the Mego Corporation ceased to exist; today, Mego action figures and playsets are highly prized collectibles, with...
@MarsUltor 'Me%' + '%go%'
(using SQL wildcard syntax)
@Mego nerd :P
jk btw
@AshwinGupta we make short code for fun, we are all nerds
@Downgoat If I had a dollar for every time someone linked that Wikipedia article in reference to me, I could buy the company.
@Downgoat ik LOL
I make long broken code for fun. Am I still a nerd?
@AshwinGupta Yes - you code for fun
fair enough.
Also the Mego Corporation pronounced their name like "Meh-go", but I pronounce mine like "Me-go"
@Mego seriously? Like mee-go? I always said it in my head as meh-go
ah damn its 10:52
@AshwinGupta 8:52 here.
@zyabin101 are you in Hawaii?
I'm praying my parents are asleep, otherwise I'm getting yelled at for staying up till 11 on a sunday night w/ no homework. =/
@Downgoat Russia
bye people
be back tomorrow to fix my broken code :D
@MarsUltor oh so it's daylight for zyabin and you..
@Downgoat 12 hrs difference
@Downgoat No, I'm not in Russia
It's 4 PM here
@MarsUltor you are in Australia correct?
@Downgoat Yeah
@Downgoat Fixed :D
@MarsUltor yay!!!!
Woohoo, I hit 8k rep earlier!
@Mego congrats!
I'll give you a cookie when you hit 10K
I'm not far from 10k network :)
@MarsUltor \o/ What fixed?
I'll give you two cookies when you hit 10K on PPCG
@zyabin101 Shunting Yard
Challenge idea: implement cowsay.
I'm interested if this challenge already exists :P
I'm gonna start posting a bunch of Sage answers... Maybe the inevitable massive amounts of upvotes will push me over :)
@zyabin101 Of course it does:
Q: "Cowsay" in short

Vi.Simulate cowsay in the default mode. $ cowsay <<< Hello _______ < Hello > ------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || $ perl -e 'print "Long text "x20' | cowsay __________________________________________ /...

@Geobits weird. the cow is being rendered as mathjac
I thought PPCG chat has no MathJAX.
@Downgoat Turn off your mathjax extension
no thanks
@Downgoat Wait, MathJax extension?
Q: Too many colors, let's round colors

Creative Magic Hot pink, Rose red, Teal, Royal black, Marble white - what's up with all these colors? Why can't we just say Red, Green etc.? Ain't nobody got time to tell those colors apart! Hey, why don't we write a program that takes a Uint like #FF0000 and put's into a category like Red. We don't need t...

@NewMainPosts I think it's too broad.
Cheddar, 5 bytes: "Red"
See? Too broad
too broad Too many colors, let's round colors - Creative Magic - 2016-04-25 06:13:16Z
@zyabin101 Boom.
1 hour later…
There, I just posted like a bajillion Sage answers
Did you push Actually, @Mego?
@Sherlock9 Yes, I did
Same repo as Seriously, or different?
Same repo, different branch
It's on the v2 branch
Eventually I'll separate the repos
Alright, I'll go look at it soon. Still want me to finish the Seriously docs? And do you need help with Actually docs?
Q: Take the derivative of a polynomial

Stewie GriffinThis is closely related to this challenge, but it's limited to polynomials (which makes it very different when it comes to answering it), and with the restriction that using the "power function" (2^3, 2**3, pow(2,3)) is prohibited. Derivatives of polynomials are given as follows. (^ denotes "...

@Sherlock9 Yes on both accounts, that would be lovely
I see there are a few people chatting in here... Before it starts accumulating potential downvotes, do you mind commenting on the challenge above ^^ ? =) I thought it was well defined and would be an interesting challenge, but I might be wrong... =)
Seriously is still in development; I want to release a "final" version at some point
@StewieGriffin Many of the rules seem arbitrary and unnecessary
o7 Will do ... just as soon as my semester stops with all the assignments and the classes and the glayvin
@Mego I see... Any in particular, or just all in general?
@Mego, there are only a few rules that restrict the challenge: Don't have 1x when you can have x, and don't have 3*x when you can have 3x, and don't use the power function. Those are all the rules there are...
The power function restriction makes it more of a regex-ish challenge, rather than a math challenge (as the math part isn't particularly exciting) =)
All the other stuff is actually there to avoid unnecessary complications, such as floating point constants and exponents, different variables (x,y,z...), spaces/no spaces etc.
@StewieGriffin That makes it somewhat of a chameleon challenge
@Mego, I can see why you think that, but IMO it's a really simple spec... I believe that a chameleon challenge is a challenge where people use a lot of time trying to find out how to solve it, before they "suddenly" understand that the challenge is really something else than it seemed to be.
The first sentence says: with the restriction that using the "power function" (2^3, 2**3, pow(2,3)) is prohibited.
But sorry for "complaining". You're entitled to your own opinion of course... =)
I've disliked stuff others have considered good too =) OP (in this case me) is likely more positive toward his/her own challenge in 99.9% of the cases.
2 hours later…
20 years later...
Aaaaand... time travel shenanigans engaged. Someone, return us back.
@Downgoat have yu not funished ur paracosmic solar system yet ?
euh not here
How is everyone?
1 hour later…
I presume
Q: Count up folks!

Έρικ ΚωνσταντόπουλοςIntroduction It may sound strange, but we haven't got ONE challenge for counting from 1 to n, inclusive. This is not the same thing. That one is a (closed) not well-explained challenge. Challenge Write a program or function that prints every integer from 1 to n inclusive. Rules You can get...

codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/78451/48538 - yet another way to get round the char limit.
Q: Is Prolog's REPL unification mechanism allowed for multiple outputs?

FatalizeThis meta-question is inspired by this challenge, which basically asks to count from 1 to N. However this is a question that bothers me in a lot of challenges which have those “iterative”/“print all X such that” kind of outputs. So keeping as an example this challenge of counting from 1 to N, a ...

Apparently I'm able to review suggested edits on my own posts.
Is that a feature...?
You should be able to.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Is there a Meta Stack Exchange post on it?
Yes, it's a feature.
Yes, there is. It's in the faq tag...
Not hard to search up either.

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