@Vi. The ideas behind your challenges are all pretty interesting. I would focus on that. The scoring for your challenge can come second. Basically, if you can make the winning criteria objective, you should do that. If you can't, then it is acceptable to post it as a pop contest.
@quartata I said I understand why people think that way. I didn't say I totally ignored the creator of Linux when he said how to pronounce it properly.
You guys all voted for GIFF over JIFF just because you like Gilbert Gottfried better than Jessica Jones, right? Gotta scrap the poll... I introduced a bias.
Suppose I have an active PPCG user's name in my head. I want to find their profile on SE, but I don't have a directly clickable link on hand. What's the easiest way to find this person's profile?
If they're really active, click on the link to main and click on their profile from the questions they appear in at the top of the page. Otherwise, click on "Users" from main and they'll be nearish the top if they're active. Oh - very ninjad
According to Wikipedia, y’all’dn’t’ve is a valid contraction.
I am having difficulty pronouncing the L-D-N-T-V consonant cluster, especially since there is no vowel at the end (silent E). Y’all’dn’t’ve any advice or audio samples would you?
Like, when you mouse over a message, it highlights the one it replied to if applicable and any replies if applicable. When you click on the triangle dropdown to the left, it never gets the memo that you moused off of the message.