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@MarsUltor oh cool
That's the extreme limit of a very skinny shape.
But the edge between the cases(e.g. [3,4,5]) has total angle 2pi
The method I have for the center outside is to solve for the largest angle equal to the sum of the other angles.
@feersum sorry, I think I had an implicit golf in here
@feersum I never multiply the total angle by 2
I should've said total_angle == pi
I actually ignored the /2.
@AlexA. huh wait, I think parts are compiled to machine code, something else runs that and dynamically recompiles when needed

 Chat Fortress 2

TF2 discussion for PPCG folks
@Downgoat @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ^
@AlexA. You just created this, didn't you? :P
@El'endiaStarman Yes
@QPaysTaxes Having just read the Wikipedia article on JIT compilation, I can say that's a (common) kind of JIT. Though it's really more like each newly-seen piece of code is compiled and then cached so it doesn't need to be compiled again.
Yeah, that's part of what HotSpot does IIRC.
I think JIT needs a room too...
@feersum actually, I think I messed up
@feersum gotten excited by incidentally close numbers
@feersum At least it's marginally on-topic
Not really...what you'd want is native code there.
Oh interesting
@feersum Not always. In certain situations JIT is faster.
@MarsUltor Take this to JIT room plzx
@feersum there can never be more than one 'negative' segment, right?
I'm pretty sure JIT is on topic
@orlp I think so.
and it's always the largest segment
I'm totally fine with the JIT conversation in here.
@flawr The top two are amazing.
What we need is an asin2 that figures out the correct angle magically.
Off topic conversation is fine in here, it happens all the time.
Mostly for topics that will not be discussed long enough to merit a separate room
@flawr the comment I left on the other answer to orlp's question sort of applies to yours as well: if the link ever goes dead then referring to the paper as "this paper" gives people no way to figure out which paper you were talking about. even when you link to it, author, year and title should probably be part of the answer to ensure lasting value.
^ This. We should try to make this standard practice when referencing published materials on the site.
For all of you that like piano music, here's a fantastic arrangement of "Piano Man"
(The entire video is good, but I'm just linking to the last 3 minutes)
you know, I've always been impressed by the amount of expert knowledge around here
for a site dedicated to fun and games, you guys are really smart
@AlexA. I was talking about math.SE, but sure. :) That said, off the top of my head I can't think of an answer that references specific published literature (although I'm sure we've got a bunch)
like the state of the tag? It's one we often want to use, but rarely do
Is it a good idea if I want to post something there?
well, make sure its actually a problem that actually takes a significant amount of time.
@NathanMerrill well, not too surprising, it's programming fun and games
and make sure that you are ready to test all of the problems
@NathanMerrill ooh, I really like a lot of these :)
@Doorknob great :)
@NathanMerrill That would be more properly Arqade. :P We're more about problem-solving.
@NathanMerrill I don't need to.
I'm pretty sure its still about fun and games here
@KennyLau how do you plan on determining the winner?
@NathanMerrill Yes, but it's centered around problem-solving.
And who have you met that likes to solve problems for fun that isn't smart?
@NathanMerrill I can have them time themselves and then divide the time by a sample program I provide.
@MartinBüttner I know I've seen at least a couple but I can't recall where they are offhand
@KennyLau I'm not sure if we disallow that, but in times where that's been suggested, its been strongly discouraged
@NathanMerrill Well, I don't have every language downloaded
@KennyLau Not that hard to get all of them
@KennyLau right. We often require a freely available compiler
@NathanMerrill Is it alright if I just translate a problem to ?
@KennyLau assuming it would be a good fastest code in the first place, usually, yes
If you are worried about the specs at all, I'd highly recommend the sandbox :)
@El'endiaStarman o/
@AlexA. I'm pretty sure I'd count you as smart.
Just because you're wrong doesn't mean you're not smart
That's very nice but honestly I'm like a tree stump compared to the rest of you awesome people.
@AlexA. Hey, at least you have the edge over us youngins :P
@feersum I solved it but it's not pretty
@AlexA. that makes me a block of cement
@quartata oh heck no gosh dangit
...guys, smartness isn't a linear scale...
@El'endiaStarman sshhh
Very linear.
O(wow such)
@El'endiaStarman says the guy with 5 smart
@orlp ...hwhat?
@El'endiaStarman well smartness is a linear scale, and you have 5
@orlp You write very nicely formatted code
@AlexA. It's Python. Of course it's nicely formatted. :P
Believe me, I've seen some ugly Python
@El'endiaStarman oh boii
give me one sec
...I was half joking!
I still think about that C++ garbage collection thing orlp posted in here a while back.
It looked so nice
I like to think my code is pretty
I don't know what I was thinking when I was formatting this
Sep 10 '15 at 18:35, by orlp
@ChrisJester-Young https://gist.github.com/orlp/f93ac1e1ee42e6ea724b
@Doorknob In my defense, it was around 4 AM and I had been awake for over 24 hours .-.
@Doorknob What
How does even what
@AlexA. ?
2 mins ago, by Alex A.
I still think about that C++ garbage collection thing orlp posted in here a while back.
how does it look nice?
@El'endiaStarman I present you
the worst Python code
I have ever seen
The code looks so nice that it looks like it'll just work. Haha
[[trigger warning, bad code]]
> freaky_rect_switcharoo_2D
@orlp I could write better python :P
> add_wall_thing
> rock_and_ROLLY = math.pi / 8 * 180 #24
@orlp Yeah okay that's pretty bad.
Is there a story behind this code?
Lack of newlines for conceptual separation, long/repetitive variable names, and extremely inconsistent indentation...
I mean, surely nobody writes like this unless they're trolling... "mouse" is misspelled.
@AlexA. nope, I found it in the pygame example code
Oh okay
I probably have some worse code from when I first started coding
one thing can be learned from this
when in doubt about a variable name, just take a noun and add "y"
shit, I need a variable name for this unicode string
@Doorknob Please go back and fix this it's bothering me so much
haha there are some gems in the cfractal source code that I don't even remember writing
void v3(Point *p, float aff[6]) {
    float r = p->x*p->x + p->y*p->y,
          thingy = sin(r)*p->x,
          thingy2 = cos(r)*p->y;
    p->x = thingy - thingy2;
    p->y = thingy + thingy2;
@orlp That explains listy.
//NOTE: const power below (24) can be any even number
const int p = 30;
... that's not 24
char buf[20];  // just to be safe. too tired to figure out the real value
sprintf(buf, "out%03d.ppm", num);
@Doorknob have you checked the rest of the file?
if there's a 24 anywhere in the file, it still counts as 'below'
that comment is the only place where the number 24 appears
// NOTE: this one is also bad
void v20(Point *p, float aff[6]) {
    p->x = cos(M_PI * p->x) * cosh(p->y);
    p->y = -sin(M_PI * p->x) * sinh(p->y);
maybe the file gets concatenated with another by some preprocessor? :D
@Doorknob what is that supposed to mean
        // do NOT try to "optimize" this by creating a 'rgb' local variable
        // for some reason that makes it slower
someone doesn't have his compiler set to optimize!
May 8 '15 at 18:36, by Geobits
That's.... what... she... dammit.
:29066035 Tabs aside this isn't so bad
@AlexA. Why didn't that ping me? o-O
Because you deleted the message it was replying to
@Doorknob Did you see the link I posted?
bc it was the answer to one of my unsolved puzzles on Puzzling >_>
@AlexA. ok why did you star Phondue it doesn't even DO anything yet O_o
@Doorknob Why wouldn't I star it?
... :P
(not why doesn't it do anything yet)
Is there going to be a joke about having your cake and eating it too anywhere in Phondue?
(The answer should be "yes".)
This was the beginning of a project that ended. I have no idea what it did >:|
function p(a,b){
	// a + 0 = a
	if(b==0) return 0;
	if(1) {}
Maybe Peano's axioms?
> // a + 0 = a
> if(1) {}
50% of te lines \o/
> }
Even the middle line is suspect, because I think the 0 at the end should've been a. :P
Looks like a half-assed truth machine
function p(a,b){ them variable names
Ok, that's every line now
XD It's probably Peano's axioms
Yup, found another file
function δ(x){
	return d(x);

function S(n){
	return n+1;

/*     multiplication     */
//           / a + 0 = a
// +:N*N->N: |
//           \ a + S(b) = s(a + b)

function p(a,b){
	// a + 0 = a
	if(b==0) return 0;
	if(1) {}
@Sp3000 If it's intended to be a truth machine then it's more like quarter-assed. :P
idk what function d was tho :(
Yeah. The file was recursiveDelta.js, which is more descriptive than the actual code
Also, why the heck is multiplication denoted by +?
actually wait I have no idea
What did Peano do for addition?!
No, Peano was sane
I think all of you know
but just to be sure
whenever you do something with geometry
try doodling in geogebra
llama@llama:...misc/oldstuffs/ruby$ ls
24.rb                    fanatic.rb                  mylang.mlg              sieve.txt
addbowling.rb            fastcalcpi.rb               mylang.rb               simpleinterpret.rb
allcolorgolf.rb          feedppl.rb                  newlang                 sls.rb
all_colors.png           flood.rb                    num2word.rb             sn2.rb
alphabravo.rb            gbwd.gs                     numberscript.rb         sobountyamount.rb
alpha.rb                 gfight.rb                   num-coder.rb            sorep.rb
oh jeez this is a LOT of stuff
rip mobile people
Is there a way to make ls do a count?
Is it reasonable to expect that a majority of people's browsers are at least 1000px wide and at least 600px tall?
@El'endiaStarman ls | wc -l?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ No. I love split screening
@NathanMerrill Oh. I'm referring to an HTML canvas RPG game.
I just found a file called ~/misc/oldstuffs/ruby/dict/dict
It is 3829196 lines long
for canvases, I guess that's fine
ok, thanks
@Doorknob wtf
It appears to contain words in various different languages, including English, Korean, Chinese, Russian, and... gibberish
It also contains words such as
Here is the full file (warning: HUGE)
>implying youtube isn't the best word
>>> L = os.listdir(r"C:\Users\El'endia Starman\snip\Blitz Basic 2D")
>>> len(L)
>>> len(list(filter(lambda s:s.endswith(".bb"), L)))
> what_is_this_I_don't_even
is there a way to detect an obtuse cyclic convex polygon given the side lengths without doing all the radius computation?
e.g. for n = 3 the check a^2 + b^2 < c^2 works
Obtuse meaning what?
do_you_accept_American_dollars do_you_accept_credit_cards do_you_believe_in_God do_you_come_here_often do_you_have_a_boyfriend do_you_have_a_menu_in_English do_you_have_any_pets do_you_have_children do_you_have_pets do_you_kiss_your_mother_with_that_mouth do_you_know do_you_know_who_I_am do_you_know_who_I_am?  do_you_mind do_you_need_help do_you_speak do_you_speak_English do_you_speak_something
I have no idea where this is from O_o
@El'endiaStarman that the circumcentre of the polygon lies outside the polygon
@Doorknob Terrifying o-o
@orlp Check to see if there's one side that's longer than pi times the sum of the other sides?
that's an 'obtuse' 4 sided cyclic polygon
My reasoning is that you're basically checking against a semi-circle approximation, in a way.
@El'endiaStarman I can't see that working
@El'endiaStarman I can make an 180-gon that's obtuse but very nearly fills the semi-circle
and a 3-gon that's not obtuse which is just straight lines
Wait, I had it in the opposite order. Check to see if one side times pi is longer than the sum of the others divided by 2?
@El'endiaStarman compare ACBE to ABF
ABF is not obtuse
Obviously you'd have to do some fiddling with it.
I presume you've already tried the a^2 + b^2 + c^2 ?< d^2 approach?
Q: Quickly express a number with only 0-9 and the four operations, plus one more extra

Kenny LauExplanation Befunge is a two-dimensional program that uses stacks. That means, to do 5 + 6, you write 56+, meaning: 56+ 5 push 5 into stack 6 push 6 into stack + pop the first two items in the stack and add them up, and push the result into stack (to those of you who do not know stac...

@El'endiaStarman doesn't work
Any chance you could tweak it by multiplying by a constant?
with the git gui, how do you push the repo to github?
Like I'm at this screen?
How can I now put my repo on github?
I normally use a different git app
First, create a repo on github
Then follow the instructions that appear
BAI @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
@AshwinGupta stop using the git gui and use the cmdline
@AshwinGupta Use gitkraken.com
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ oooh
@Maltysen ya
i like gitkraken, but not as much as i like man git
MacBook-Pro:~ rikerw$ man git
GIT(1)                            Git Manual                            GIT(1)

       git - the stupid content tracker
> the stupid content tracker
1 hour later…
@Doorknob This crashed my browser
@AlexA. Can't say he didn't warn ya...
@AlexA. switch to chrome :P
Why do only some message show the little timestamp on the right?
To show that time has passed
But how does it decide which get stamped?
My guess is that it's every sixth message/every minute, whichever is smaller; fewer than 6 if a significantly longer amount of time passed.
Q: When does chat show a timestamp in the posts?

kiamlalunoChat shows the timestamp for some of the messages, but I don't understand when that happens. In the following screenshot, the timestamp is show for two of my posts, but while in the first case the timestamp is show for the message I wrote after I returned to the chat window from a different brow...


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