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working on a project heres a teaser:
user image
no pls
also +1 million for smooth mcgroove
@quartata Thanks :P
speaking of smooth mcgroove
Those are pretty good
I hope he doesn't feel pressured by his fans into doing all Undertale a capellas from now on though...
MY parents think smooth mcgroove is awful :(
do your parents think undertale is awful too
BTW that advocad is being juiced
then it would probably cancel out on those songs /s
@poi830 Havent played it yet
its pretty good
I liked Undertale. I definitely didn't like its fans though.
basically reskinned nethack /s
yeah the fanbase is pretty trash
@poi830 I mean, Nethack has both genocide and pacifist runs so basically the same game
Well gtg, continuing my project, more teasers to come
hey no spoilers i havent actually played nethack yet
I don't think you can play nethack without spoilers
Not like it has much of a plot
Spoilers? Nethack? as if there is a storyline?
oh ok
wasnt sure since i havent actually played it
I'm just saying that people have played through it as a pacifist and also genocide all species
And if you try to figure it out on your own you are either a genius (probs not though)
or an idiot
so its like dwarf fortress
I mean there is the oracle
But it's aggressively unhelpful usually
@epicTCK 8/10 not enough avocad juic
@poi830 Kinda, not exactly
You pretty much have to play it to understand
i will soon hopefully
@Downgoat working on more juic right now... brb :D
once i have time
@epicTCK :D +1
mi di'a jundi
Just out of curiosity, how long have you been learning Lojban for?
This is the earliest message I can find about it on Miaou
isnt that from rationalwiki
So I guess about 3.5 months?
@poi830 hence the quote formatting
> that's not how you blockquote
(hint: [REDACTED!])
yeah i looked it up earlier
i think using meme arrows is better when im memeing
Oh, okay
You're truly a connoisseur of fine memes
im a pretty bad memer tbh
to truly meme you have to have no life and do nothing but meme all day
You mean your memes aren't radiddlidank?
@Doorknob That seems short
@quartata So does my sister but what can you do
apparently the website is no longer up
so this will have to do
@poi830 This is ridiculous.
I can't even
Also Nightwish = metal? Pfft. No way.
@QPaysTaxes (hint: [DOUBLE REDACTED!])
redacteroni & cheese
[R E D A C T E D]
rip in redacteroni?
More like a rip in the jeans of the spacetime continuum
@quartata .y. pe'i frili fa lo nu za'e jbokemjunbi'o
translate: .y. pe'i frili fa lo nu za'e jbokemjunbi'o
(from Romanian) . y. ' i frili fa lo jbokemjunbi e za ' not ' a
TIL Doorknob is actually speaking Romanian
romanian lol
vimeo.com/album/3152276/video/126974807 this is some old geek using a voice changer isn't it? no 6 year old girl can speak lojban (AFAIK). The only old male geek that can speak that high is... smooth mcgroove. Lojban = mcgroove confurmmmed
speaking a language doesn't make you equal the language...
It doesn't? :( brb, taking "= English" off of my resume...
i am the physical embodiment of the english language
@poi830 He says, with no capitalization nor punctuation XD
what is a punctuation
@QPaysTaxes = America
to be fair, nobody does that in chat. Well, except Dennis and Chris and sometimes El'endia
yeah, why be punctual when you can be late /s
@Doorknob did you not just use capitalization and punctiation in the second sentence there
im so confused
I usually use proper capitalization unless I'm typing incorrectly for comedic effect.
But my use of periods to end chat messages is haphazard at best
I sometimes start messages with capital letters and sometimes don't
and I rarely end sentences with punctuation
but not if the message is multiple sentences. Then I always use punctuation/capitalization to separate them
i like to use newlines rather than punctuation
it looks better imo
more readable at least
yeah a lot of the voteys are like that
mi ca'o ciska lojban
wait did I do it right?
on Miaou/Skype/Hangouts/etc., I always start sentences with lowercase letters when on a computer and uppercase letters from mobile (because mobile autocapitalizes)
but it's almost completely random on SE chat
@poi830 The only problem with multiline chat messages is that markdown gets ignored. So you can bold in a single line message but not when there's a line break, for example.
wait what really
@epicTCK "I am Lojban"
Yes really
actually, {lojban} is a cmene so that's not grammatically correct
oh god why
thats horrible
@poi830 no HTML in chat anyway
@AlexA. orlp
@Doorknob What's a c meme and why is Lojban?
I thought it was "I am typing lojban"
@Doorknob Hell yeah
@QPaysTaxes Oh no.
@epicTCK mi batke ciska bau la lojban
@AlexA. it's not lojban itself; its {lojban}, the set containing lojban
@AlexA. incorrect, not enough user profile link
@QPaysTaxes not me
@Doorknob u no ln -s either broskinskeroni
disclaimer: untested
@Doorknob Then what does ciska mean
@epicTCK x1 writes x2 on medium x3 with implement x4
@Doorknob What? makes no sense at all
llama@llama:~$ pyth -c 'smO,drd2'
"This is an example string."
tHiS IS AN ExAmpLE StrIng.
how do you loop through characters in a string in pyth
ninja'd, but it's map
To quote a math teacher from my community college, "If you don't understand that I can't help you."
To quote someone from my math class, "just math it out"
@poi830 The same way you loop through an array
@AlexA. so.. pyth strings are bassicly c strings?
@MarsUltor @MartinBüttner I just got a response from foxlit about updating unidentified submissions on go-hero: "yes, but I'm not quite sure when that'll happen. At the moment, I'm just letting the incoming mail accumulate in the hopes of being able to deal with all of it in one go." - there's an email address published on the site
@epicTCK Pyth strings are basically Python strings.
We finally have an answer to that age-old question.
@El'endiaStarman What happens when an avocado leaks into a perfect rectangle on your computer screen?
I wouldn't exactly call that "age old"
@El'endiaStarman That's equally universal as "So it has come to this".
@mınxomaτ So it is! :D
ahem I mean...
@mınxomaτ So, it has come to this.
@AlexA. -1 not enough avocado
@El'endiaStarman You. Me. This moment.
@mınxomaτ We shall decide that age-old question once and for all!
@Geobits Eggplants are the new avocados
@AlexA. Rectangling the avocado has been pondered since ancient times
@AlexA. Then, umm, what are avocados now if not avocados?
hello i have questions how does juic egpalnt i tri fro thirti menit and no jiuc
@Geobits Avocadon'ts.
-1 not ripe
Is that a contraction of Avocadonuts?
@AlexA. oh, have your dirty star :P
^ not a question
@Doorknob ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@QPaysTaxes I think that'd be "environment".
Uh, table?
I actually learned something recently about juicing avocados: They become naturally juicy once they pass beyond the realm of edible.
I wonder how you found out.
Everything is naturally juicy at a high enough temperature
Side note: Don't buy avocados and forget about them.
@Doorknob Not when it's gas.
@AlexA. Is that after the stage where they turn black and taste like meat?
@AlexA. especially if you keep them next to bananas
@El'endiaStarman Everything is naturally juicy at a certain temperature*
Though if you reeaalllyyy want to stretch things, you could maybe think of plasma as a fluid. :P
@trichoplax Um what
@El'endiaStarman i think thats just correct :P
@AlexA. This is why I check my avocados daily now
I probably shouldn't have eaten them. I didn't feel great afterwards
I can imagine
I'm glad you're still with us
They didn't actually taste bad, just like the wrong thing.
An avocado tasting like meat is wrong enough that my brain would probably call it bad
If it was still green I'd think "ew green meat" but it was very dark brown which didn't seem to trigger the same reaction
This was a long time ago. Nowadays, if something tastes like another thing I throw it away
Good plan
Via Facebook:
> Ikigai (生き甲斐, pronounced [ikiɡai]) is a Japanese concept meaning "a reason for being". Everyone, according to the Japanese, has an ikigai. Finding it requires a deep and often lengthy search of self.
translate: 生き甲斐
(from Japanese) Salt of life
Right now, though, I'm trying to fill in the blank spots. :P
@QPaysTaxes But one that produces some sort of luxury item.
Bottom would be a dull but essential job.
I was going to say golfing for the left pointing white triangle
Top triangle would be a volunteer job at a charity, I guess.
@QPaysTaxes Counterexample: unpaid internships
@poi830 who gonna pay u for meme here dood
It's also not totally certain that you'll love an internship.
It's probably easier to love an intern than an internship.
@AlexA. i get paid in others' pain
thats also the part that i love
I'm not sure pain is the right word for it.
@Geobits ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@AlexA. Had to check what that was in reply to ;)
Haha it could several targets
Several (in)appropriate targets
Enter PhiNotPi
exeunt everyone else
@AlexA. Is there an option for "I didn't know those were the same thing"?
@AlexA. I'll call them garbanzo beans because that's how they were labeled at the restaurant I worked at, but I've also heard "chickpeas" often. At first I didn't know what either was, and then I didn't know they were the same... :P
I call them garbanzo beans because 1) chickpeas sounds stupid 2) garbanzo is fun to say.
What do you call houmous?
OK just spelt differently but still the same name even if you don't call the ingredient chickpeas?
I call it hummus. Again, fun to say :P
I was assuming it was pronounced the same as houmous but now I'm doubting myself
I've always seen "hummus" spelt that way.
I think it's a UK/US thing
True, UK spellings do tend to be wrong.
Though strangely, in this case, the same number of "u"s
I know. It's not every day they throw extras Os in the mix.
Is it pronounced like "hum" or like "whom"?
Ah OK it's not just the spelling then. Seems we're pronouncing it wrong too
Wow. Lots of recipes come up when I search for houmous.
I had no idea we used hummus too
It isn't
Stick around. We love food in here.
Oh I get it now
It comes up more often than one might expect in a room for code golf
Interesting colo(u)r vision test: xrite.com/online-color-test-challenge
Get that filthy optional u out of there (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Warning: is also a test of monitor quality.
I've done that before. It's a pain, but I did pretty good on it, considering I was at work and trying to not put my face on the monitor.
@AlexA. Do(u) yo(u) have a pro(u)blem with it?
@PhiNotPi Gotta love the optional u in you
@Geobits Why is there no garbonzo-themed parody of Hunter S. Thompson's "gonzo" journalism?
Ahem. It's spelled Geoubits.
My apologies, @Geo​ubits.
@AlexA. I've been looking for a small songbird to hire to do exactly that. Do you know any that would be interested?
Payment is, of course, in birdseed.
I'll have to ask around the nest

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