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SE just crashed, guys. It's gonna be a while.
Unofficial results: Winners are Alex A., Doorknob, Dennis, and Martin Büttner.
OpenSTV version 1.7 (OpenSTV.org)

Suggested donation for using OpenSTV for an election is $50.  Please go to
OpenSTV.org/donate to donate via PayPal, Google Checkout, or
Amazon Payments.

Certified election reports are also available.  Please go to
openstv.org/certified-reports for more information.

Loading ballots from file votes.blt.
Ballot file contains 8 candidates and 512 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 512 non-empty ballots.
> 2,932 voters were eligible, 1,141 visited the site during the election, 1,126 visited the election page, and 512 voted
512 votes. Nice job, guys.
only 512 voted??
@Downgoat I'll just say that all people I chose have a non-unique first letter of the name
That's actually really impressive.
@ZachGates would have been pretty terrible if 513 or 511 had voted.
@MartinBüttner nice job getting the threshold first
Okay, elect someone to make statistics for the election.
512s a nice number#
Yay I wasn't the first to be eliminated!
@Undo My point exactly
@Mego I didn't think you would be. :P
Why doesn't it show any results???????
CMs have to manually run the election, IIRC
One statistic: I was the user who chose a second and third but not a first.
They didn't even implement a simple evaluation??????
And all that by lucky accident :P
~21 points before being eliminated is pretty good :)
What are the results?!?!
@zyabin101 Looks like there were three people who did that
The system is rigged! This wouldn't have happened if we didn't have superdelegates.
@Undo :O
Okay, looks like Martin was elected first, then Dennis and Doorknob at the same time, then I was eliminated, then Mego, then PhiNotPi, and finally Alex A. was elected.
Mar 31 at 21:50, by El'endia Starman
I predict that mods will be elected in this order: Martin, Dennis, Doorknob, Alex, with these candidates being eliminated in the process in this order: El'endia Starman, Mego, (and maybe PhiNotPi).
Mar 31 at 21:51, by El'endia Starman
I predict I will be eliminated between Doorknob and Alex.
The establishment candidates won. Get big rep out of politics!
Spot on. :D
Except for being uncertain about PhiNotPi.
I was hoping for some change
26 secs ago, by aditsu
I was hoping for some change
Everyone after every election ever.
not really, change sometimes happens
@El'endiaStarman I'm impressed
Q: A fond farewell from an old-time mod

Chris Jester-Youngtl;dr: I'm starting a coding tutoring company, and if you have any interest in coding education, or want to get coding tutoring or be a tutor, email me at [email protected]. I hope to keep in touch with you all! So long, and thanks for all the fish As we wrap up the first PPCG election, i...

Wait, so what does the raw data mean? i don't understand the format it's in.
@aditsu Still guaranteed to be different from the change someone else wanted.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Its format is described in the original STV paper.
> the 4 "new" moderators are
Should the election Q&A be unpinned now?
I don't know the implementation details of STV, but there must be a code-golf question in there somwhere
^ wow. look how far ahead Martin is
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Download OpenSTV, python setup.py install, then run runElection.py in the resulting folder.
@NathanMerrill I know! He had twice the votes of anyone else!
@zyabin101 Yeah, I was just looking at it in vim.
Congratulations @MartinBüttner, @Dennis, @Doorknob and @AlexA.
Pyth = Python, shortened
Therefore, Java = JavaScript, shortened
@QPaysTaxes I don't care about degrees. If you are good at coding and good at teaching, then I'd say yes.
wait, who is Exhausted?
STV thing
@NathanMerrill Votes that don't count anymore.
@ChrisJester-Young How about minors?
@ChrisJester-Young oh, snap then
Oh, and I don't even have to worry about being a minor :D
Forget JIT compilation, I have JIT birthdays.
congrats @DigitalTrauma for being the top runner up!
guys, you're writing too fast, please stop until I catch up
@NathanMerrill Thanks
@ChrisJester-Young: I'm going to email you regarding this business :)
@Undo I'd have to look into labour laws and all that, but I have no reason to discriminate against minors per se.
@ZachGates Thanks! I'd love that. :-)
@aditsu Quick, everyone write faster!
@ChrisJester-Young I think as long as you aren't paying people, you're fine
@NathanMerrill I'm sure tutors want to get paid. :-)
@ChrisJester-Young where's the company based? US?
@ChrisJester-Young oh, I thought you were talking about contributing to the site
@ArtOfCode I have no idea. (Long story. I'll have to explain this later.)
@Mego I was going to say caaaaache but then I saw the list.
Right now Martin is the only mod on Meta (aside from a SE engineer)
And fixed
Where's my diamond?
And broken again
@Mego congrats to Kasra Rahjerdi!!! :)
@ChrisJester-Young Labour laws in Idaho are the strangest thing ever. You can't hire a minor... UNLESS they have achieved "basic academic requirements"
@ArtOfCode I don't think the userlist pages are cached
@Undo :-O Yeah, definitely important for me to talk to a lawyer at some stage.
One of those is "mathematics up to and including the multiplication of fractions" if I remember correctly.
All better now...
@Undo wat
define 'up to'
@ArtOfCode also, exemption if it's a family wreath-making business.
@Undo uwat
I'm not even making this crap up.
@Undo That's not very unreasonable. He just can't hire any (average) 3rd graders
Q: 2016 Community Moderator Election Results

Jon EricsonProgramming Puzzles & Code Golf's first moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 4 new moderators are: Please thank them for volunteering! And please join me in thanking Chris Jester-Young and gnibbler for their service as moderators pro tempore. Level-...

Although it seems arbitrary
Pinged a dev about the mod list
oh, here it is. legislature.idaho.gov/idstat/Title44/T44CH13SECT44-1302.htm That doesn't have the wreath-making thing in it, that might be federal.
@flawr that needs a little explanation :)
you guys know the mantra of "refactor, don't rewrite"?
Oh, so basically it's a fail-safe if a business wants to hire someone younger than 16
@QPaysTaxes Cool, let's keep in touch for sure. :-)
@flawr I mean I am sure one can solve it.. but to what end?
the problem with that is that it makes language change impossible
Well... wow. Thanks to everyone who voted for me/us/at all. Also, to the candidates who didn't make it this time, I hope you'll nominate yourself again on the next election so that some of your nice faces can join us on the mod team when it grows. :)
aka, you can't refactor into another language
Oh, here's the funny one: webapps.dol.gov/elaws/whd/flsa/cl/exemptions.asp "Youth working at home in the making of wreaths composed of natural holly, pine, cedar, or other evergreens (including the harvesting of the evergreens).". That's a US DOL page.
@MartinBüttner Yep, I'm expecting that @DigitalTrauma will be elected in the next one. :D
@El'endiaStarman What is the "keep factor" in the visualisation?
@Lembik This will provide the bound=)
(I hope)
@flawr I can just ask on math.se if you like :)
The problem is that you cannot solve it analytically.
you want a numerical solution?
You cannot even evaluate that integral analytically
That makes it somewhat cumbersome
Well I'm looking into that right now0)
the integral is sqrt(pi) when c -> infinity
as I am sure you know
@MartinBüttner I don't know, actually, but I'll bet it scales votes in some way.
@flawr and the integral you gave is just erf(c)*sqrt(pi)
which is not wildly helpful :)
I think I'm going to disappear for the day
@MartinBüttner @Dennis @AlexA. Don't forget to remove "pro tempore" from your profiles :P
oh, good call, thanks
@MartinBüttner will you report that siegeltheta bug do you think?
(will probably do tomorrow, because I can't be bothered with making sure I update all the profiles correctly right now)
@Lembik ah yeah, I forgot about that...
@Lembik Right, perhaps matlab has a buitl in erf inverse
Oh hey @Maltysen, your Academia question hit HNQ!
@MartinBüttner cool.. oh and re: the comment from J.M. I think the problem I am posing is much easier that the general task of computing siegeltheta :)
The one about the plagiarism?
@flawr yeah
Q: Is it acceptable for paid online course to use quizzes and materials from elsewhere on the internet?

MaltysenThis question is specifically about a high school course, but it should be applicable to any online course in general. I was taking a physics course online to skip it in school, those courses are really expensive, so I took the cheapest one that my school was allowing me to take, and it was unde...

Wait. So the joke in C++ is that it's C incremented, right? Because ++ is the increment operator?
But C++ increments C, but evaluates to the old value
...going to get a haircut. Now I wonder if I would have been elected with tidier hair ;-)
When you program in C++, you're incrementing C but programming in the old C
@Cyoce C++; C == D
@ZachGates (C++) == D // false
I suppose not
They should have named it ++C
or -~C
"Plus Plus C"
@flawr fsolve(int(exp(-x^2), x = -c..c)=0.5,c);
in case you need to check an example :)
@Cyoce exactly
@flawr I have to go soon.. is there anything I can help with before I do?
in case it wasn't clear.. c == erf^{-1} (k/\sqrt(pi)) which is directly computable
I caught up now, you can resume :p
Hah. I turned attention to an old question of mine and it got a close vote. Are questions like that off topic these days?
it hurts
@quartata no, but that too
It's perfectly valid syntax
If that were Python, you would have to do q=str.replace.
It fails to compile when I do it. Feel free to edit the post with a more appropriate word.
@Lembik I do not thinkg so, perhaps I look at it again tomorrow=)
It took me a good two minutes to understand that your snippet was from my post lol
@Cyoce it took me a good two minutes to understand you didn't actually have a problem with the code
I'd just remove the word syntax.
@aditsu You're not alone.
@aditsu Haha
Okay, Python isn't a compiled language. I failed again
What can I do next that will torture poor Cyoce...
Okay, fixed for reals now @Cyoce
@quartata Ahahaha.
@TimmyD I bet you can't guess what language that was
@Rainbolt :(
But I was preparing screenshots! :(
@El'endiaStarman But then chaining wouldn't work
Okay you went from agony to just sad. How does one make you happy?
Well PyPy JIT compiles it so
@Rainbolt IRL non-browser cookies.
Depends on your definition of "interpret"
@quartata Looks vaguely .NET-ish, so I'm going to go with F#
@quartata JS
@TimmyD Nope, JavaScript
Wait a second... doesn't it get compiled after it gets interpreted? If it fails to be interpreted, then it also fails to be compiled.
@quartata ninja'd
@NathanMerrill I've successfully registered this. If we want koth.ppcg.io to point somewhere, for example, we can make that happen. :-)
I know very little about JavaScript. All my exposure to it has been PPCG.
@ChrisJester-Young I was very confused for a second when I noticed your name in italics
You're still a room owner
But not a mod :(
@TimmyD you happy guy :)
@TimmyD lucky
.NET buries NaN under the [double] tree -- msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
JavaScript is great if you don't mind programming in a vindictive language that is trying to decieve you.
He's still a mod, right?
@quartata Yeah, I created the room, so.
PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> ([double]::NaN).GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     Double                                   System.ValueType
@Rainbolt It gets compiled to bytecode so you're kind of right
With its own set of quirks ...
PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> ([double]::NaN)-eq([double]::NaN)
@TimmyD That's normal behavior.
NaN != NaN
that's how you detect a NaN in many languages
@Rainbolt Nonono, I'm not a mod any more.

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