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@epicTCK Doesn't work on computers where there's hover-URL
not everyone checks those
Any sensible person does though, and those are the ones that make you proudest when you trick them.
Or something like that.
I only started checking links after joining this website
I probably started regularly doing it during the original rickroll epidemic a decade or so ago. I've basically always done it for links in emails from strangers, etc, though.
@Geobits But we're no strangers to love...
Having to trash your system due to virus and various crapware enough will make a person paranoid :)
@TimmyD Umm, you know the rules, and so do I.
Gmail spam filter is pretty great for that stuff. The only spam I get now are the newsletters from services I used to want -___-
It is now, yes. I'm talking before gmail was a thing.
@Geobits Really? Because a full commitment's what I'm thinking of.
I check most links, because I like seeing the whole link before clicking on it first
@TimmyD Really. You wouldn't get this from any other guy.
@Geobits But I just want to tell you how I'm feeling.
I get that, but I gotta make you understand...
And on mobile, I open links in a new tab, which involves holding down on a link and a menu with the full link pops up, so I get to see it first anyway
Also, I half memorized the Rick roll video ID. Lots of q's and w's
There's not just one ;)
@Geobits Y'know. I'm never gonna give you up.
Never gonna let you down...
Never gonna run arooooound
And desert you...
And get some dessert.
Hello to the like 10 people who just joined chat at once
I'm gonna make you cry, and I'm gonna say goodbye.
@Maltysen what is that?
Looks we've caught a lot of random people on that recital.
Did someone flag something?
Shh, everyone be good. Act natural.
@Sherlock9 probably my rick roll.
Being good? Natural?

Rickroll recital

9 mins ago, 6 minutes total – 29 messages, 7 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 17 secs ago by GamrCorps

What seems to be the trouble, officers?
The only problem I have with rickrolls is that we should be expanding this to other videos. I get that Astley is awesome and all, but share the love around, ya know?
What are we being good for?
We need to make a PPCG rickroll video
oh lol.
Or "What can I do you for, officers?"
use that.
OK, they're gone. Where were we?
I'm trying to decide on a new video. Right now I'm thinking Safety Dance.
Because you're friends don't dance, and if they don't dace, well, they're no friends of mine.
You can dance if you want to
Or was that another song?
That's the one.
Nope, you've got it
Oh good, I thought my friends had left me behind :P
Just dance, gonna be okaaay... duh duh doo doo mm just dance spin that record babe
On second thought, now that it is a decade after rickrolling started, maybe something from the 90s is more appropriate. Plenty of ridiculous videos from that decade too.
You think rickrolling started ten years ago? My mom said people rickrolled real life events (dances, etc.) when she was in school.
How old is your mom? My parents were out of school before the song existed.
She's 56 or 57 I think?
So low 20s in 1982. I guess it's possible. I don't think it started online until mid-2000s.
The meme says it was uploaded to YouTube in 2007
That's about the same age as my mother, and she had graduated from college years before Never Gonna Give You Up
It came out in 1987, though
Ah, I thought it was 82 for some reason.
Now this is sad. "Although the video garnered millions of hits on YouTube, Astley has earned almost no money from the meme. By 2010 he had received only US$12 in royalties from YouTube for his performance share."
Twelve bucks from three years of (Internet) rickrolling
Hmm. Most youtube videos weren't ad-infested by 2010, and I don't think they'd figured out the revenue side of things at that point. Wonder if that's changed now.
How can you rickroll someone if there's an ad playing?
I don't think you can. I think there are other revenue streams for videos now, though. I don't know what sort of deal VEVO has, tbh.
For the most part I have no clue what videos have ads any more, because adblockers work well on youtube.
Rickrolling getting boring eh? Try duckrolling
Do ad blockers work well for sites like putlocker and dailymotion where clicking pretty much anything on the page opens new tabs or even launches a new browser window?
Don't visit either of those sites often, lemme find out.
Hmm. Clicked through a few videos on dailymotion. All in one tab so far.
What do you use to adblock?
At home I run my own DNS servers and use this list of hostnames.
Dammit, I caught myself. Started browsing through cheesy 80s videos, and now I'm just gonna let the list play out :)
Adblock Plus
@Rainbolt Straw poll?
@Geobits Nice, it comes as a Chrome extension
Yea, I'm using the extension version.
@epicTCK the play dev console is where you publish and look at the apps that you published on the play store
every other year or so google does an april's fool joke with it
this year its making your app available in space
Honestly, I would be much more impressed if Google remade your app in Whitespace
Well, actually that would be quite insane. It would be very, very impressive though
Crap, I think my apache config is screwed. bbl.
is google not doing april fools?
google mic drop
I've checked gmail, google, and youtube
1 hour ago, by Maltysen
google did a play dev console april's fool joke again this year
@NathanMerrill the gmail one went over badly and got removed
what was it?
or are you talking last years?
Maps is Funky Town
lol, GMM has a good video today:
@NathanMerrill John Cage sending copyright notice in 3 ... 2 ...
Their video is 3 times longer, so clearly they've put in more effort
Who here wants to play Custom Tetris? I'll start a netplay session if someone wants to.
Anyone here with node able to get this answer to work (and give the same result?)?
@Sp3000 Erm, nope. No one... No.
Oh wait, I think I know what's wrong
Ah, dang. Someone beat my answer on the infinite I/O challenge
@zyabin101 That looks really fun. Can I take you up on it in about an hour? I'm almost finished at work
@Polyducks Why, yes, you can play. But I will be the attacker.
Fine :)
C'mon Schwartz ... C'mon Schwartz ...
Challenge! Sandbox! Meta! Whatever!
@NathanMerrill It does not connect to the network, and only has a frozen-time singleplayer version.
Custom Tetris allows netplay and 12 variants of Tetris in one!
I said player, although, I should have said attacker
I'm not saying its the best system, but the best AI :)
@Polyducks The settings for the session are attacker "network", defender "human", and game URL is "ondras.firebaseio.com/tetris/ppcga00".
wait, why does it have more than the standard pieces?
Or, alternatively, write "ondras" and "ppcga00" in the text fields.
@Quill You've even posted the same thing twice. lol
@NathanMerrill damn that's mean
oh, the system
The AI I mean :)
@zyabin101 heading home now. Be back online in 30 mins!
the record is like 24 lines I think
@Polyducks Sorry, I'm on a walk. I won't be able to play right now. I'll ping you when I'll be back home.
A: How many project managers are needed to change a lightbulb?

user22868Let's call a meeting to introduce the project to all affected department leads, discuss objectives and answer any questions.

so i was disappointed there wasnt a question pitting programs against each other to see who could score the highest on unikong
That's because you haven't written the challenge yet ;)
well i would, but ive never written a question here, and im afraid i would do it wrong
I got the 100 rep bonus so now I can comment on PPCG! Yeah!
It's funny how active I am in chat seeing as how few chalenges I answer...
@Dragonrage Don't worry. If you do, we'll just downvote it mercilessly and close it until it gets fixed >_>
@Geobits awesome. sounds great lets try this
There's always The Sandbox to iron those things out before it goes live, too.
@Geobits so i just post an answer there of what my question will look like and then get feedback?
@Dragonrage Yes.
Pretty much, yea. It's also typical to ask specific questions you might have at the bottom, like "is input specified well enough?", etc.
I got a downvote on my proposed challenge here does anyone know why? not rickroll
@epicTCK I haven't looked through it well, but did you address the comments?
@Geobits For the most part, yes
Does anybody know if we have a "magic link" to the Sandbox? It would be handy, rather than having to get to it and copy/paste each time.
If not, I'm going to make one.
@Geobits you could have a Room owner or mod add it to the room description. might be handy
(or at least a shorter, easier to remember url)
2 days ago, by Quill
Okay, sandbox.ppcg.lol is set up
yup. works. not rickroll.
2/10 could have been a sillier link title
Well crap. I guess ppcg-sandbox.noip.me was a waste of two minutes I won't get back.
were you under the impression that the site wasn't a waste of time?
@Geobits dammit
Good point. I should say "more of a waste".
@Zyabin101 RE: That tetris game and you being on a walk. No prob! Speak later!
Hey guys, are you entering into the 64x64 gamejam on IO?
@Polyducks the what what on what?
Sorry, let me reconstitute my words
There's a #lowrezjam on itch.io. I got an email about it over the weekend
I realise I sort of spewed out all my words
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DragonrageLet's Play Unikong In honor of April Fool's day, we shall have an epic battle to see who can play Unikong best. Or, rather, whose program can play it best. Goal Write a program in any language to play the game Unicorn. It should seek to try and score as high as possible. Standard rules apply. ...

@Dragonrage that's awesome
@Polyducks thanks. i thought it would be kind of neat for a challenge, just wanna make sure i get the format/rules done correctly
@Dragonrage are we allowed to read out the variables from the game to avoid barrels etc?
Further, how long is the game going to be on the page?
You should make sure you include the url, rules, etc. Also, what happens to the challenge if/when they pull it after today? Is it hosted somewhere else in a playable form?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DragonrageLet's Play Unikong In honor of April Fool's day, we shall have an epic battle to see who can play Unikong best. Or, rather, whose program can play it best. Goal Write a program in any language to play the game Unicorn. It should seek to try and score as high as possible. Standard rules apply. ...

@AlexA. Caveat: For some reason it 403s on Stack Overflow. Works for all of the other sites though.
@Polyducks i have no idea. i assume its just for april fools. though i think you may be able to extract the source from the page
@Downgoat would it be possible to add "by byte count" to the sort options for answers? I know there's a leaderboard, but it would cool to simply sort it by score.
@Dragonrage I think it's a html5 game. If that's the case you could actually write a program which injects javascript and just increase the score variable.
@Polyducks hmm, interesting. i'd say yes, but you get bonus points for not doing that.
@Cyoce Once we get a custom design are you still going to use the userscript?
@Polyducks ok then i would have to say in the rules that that is not allowed, it actually has to play that game
@Dragonrage we don't like bonus points
@AlexA. Yes. It has extra features as well as looking nice.
@NathanMerrill ah, well then you get a pat on the back then
@Dragonrage rpg.stackexchange.com/seriously/unikong that's the direct link to unikong
Would anyone like a 39 megapixel picture of a cheeseburger?
@Cyoce We should feature request that once we get a custom design, the features of the userscript remain but it uses the site's official design.
Also, I had an idea: it'd be way cool if we could rate challenges' diffculty
@Polyducks LowRezJam looks interesting. 16 days to enter, huh? I'll have to think on this.
@Doorknob thanks. I never knew I wanted this until now.
@Geobits I'm going to see how much I can do over the weekend. I was drawing sprites today in my free time between code
and then, you could sort/filter challenges based on the average difficulty rating
@AlexA. Yeah, or it could just be one of the settings in the userscript to use the official theme instead of the userscript's.
a bonus is if it was actually part of the site is that people would be motivated to make more difficult challenges
@Doorknob Whoever labeled it 39000x39000 doesn't seem to know what that means.
@Geobits er that would be around 1450 megapixels, no?
Somewhere around there.
The image is 39mp though, 7216x5412.
added in the rules and link
@Dragonrage the other downside is that the jquery is all compressed. And it's jquery -vomits-
> Should I require a video of it playing/picture of finished games?
You should probably test/score them yourself, tbh.
GUYS. The unicorn game uses the konami code. Trying to work out where it goes now
@Polyducks is this all you need to play the game? ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.js
@Polyducks if you enter it while playing the game, it toggles rain on/off
haha oh my god
up up, down down, left right, left right, b, a, enter
Plays Rick Astley
@Dragonrage It uses the jquery library and Phaser to run the game
@Dragonrage it's included in the page source. The user doesn't need to do anything
@Dragonrage not rain. its a "Golden particle effect" and it is included if you do it in menu too.
@Rainbolt this literally happened at my job.
well, i want to work on my question more, but i just got a huge pile of work dumped on me :(
@Polyducks And now I have the 8-bit version of Never Gonna Give You Up stuck in my head. ಠ_ಠ
Q: building an adding machine

logicalnoobi'm having real problems how to build an adding machine. its supposed to have 5 inputs and 3 outputs. output should give a sum of positive signals (all binary, so with 2 positive inputs it should give 010 output. Anyone can help me out and provide me with a adding machine (only AND, OR, NOT ga...

For anyone who likes solo guitar music:
@GraceNote o/
How's things?
Busy and busy.
I can certainly imagine!
Grace Note here just to chat?
It must be april fools
refraining from using bad puns
More amazing solo guitar music
Badly mangled bilingual pun: The Indonesian phrase for "thank you" is "terima kasih", which can be translated either as "receive (my) gratitude" or more literally as "receive (my) grace". So, in badly retranslated Indonesian, "thank-you note" => "kartu terima kasih" => "receive grace note"
This reminds me, my band director several years ago used to intentionally put fake names in the concert program... stuff like "Grace Note" as a flute player, "Erin Reed" as an oboe player, "Justin Time" as a percussionist, etc.
@Polyducks I'm back.
To reiterate, the settings are: attacker "network", defender "human", and game URL is "ondras.firebaseio.com/tetris/ppcga00".
Or alternatively, type "ondras" and "ppcga00" into the text fields.
Ah, fiddlesticks. My pun might not work because "kasih" is better translated as "love".
@AlexA. Thanks for the music :D
It provided nice background music while I frantically determined if my bad pun was even half-valid. Turns out the word for grace could be "kasih karunia" so, close enough
At any rate, perhaps I'll leave the goofy bilingual puns until I have a better grasp of my own country's language :D
@AlexA. Clever idea of using the capo on only some of the strings.
@flawr Yeah! Not uncommon, really. Usually it's a banjo capo that's used.
I never thought of this but it totally makes sense=)
When next I own a capo, I should give that a try
when I next own a capo and a guitar, I should give that a try
I have a spider capo, which is this goofy contraption that can act as a capo on any combination of the 6 strings
So you can decide which strings should be pressed down?
That is genious!
It's pretty neat :)
Do you also have one that can be computer controlled?
No, that sounds crazy
Do those exist??
That would be neat.
Oh, okay
I've seen that. It's really cool.
I've seen basically all of Animusic's videos on their YouTube channel.
Just found this again, but unfortunately no full length one:
Dang, that adage about "reputation is inversely proportional to golfing effort" is true. My easy-peasy infinite I/O answer is my highest-voted answer ever.
My highest voted answer is my language showcase for R
Also, new challenge (that skipped the sandbox, gasp!) posted
I'm reading it now :)
C'mon, @NewMainPosts! Don't fail @TimmyD now! >_<
My highest voted answer is still the one on returning a movie length in human readable format, followed by the answer to my quipu question as a very distant second
@TimmyD +1 I like it :D
@TimmyD answered and upvoted
(Regarding computer controlled gutars=)
Q: Ravenity of Cube Distance Numbers

TimmyDInspired by this Numberphile entry Background The cube distance numbers of an integer n are defined here as the set of integers that are x³ distance away for a given x. For a simple example, with n=100 and x=2, the cube distance numbers are {92,108}. This can be extended into a larger set simp...

Our beloved @NewMainPosts tungsten'd @TimmyD's post in 11 mins, with 6 upvotes. WAI NMP WAI? ;_;
@zyabin101 Would you prefer to get a notification from NMP 11 mins before a challenge was posted?
@Maltysen That was dang fast.
That would be sooo creapy.
@flawr New Main Posts are a bot, not a future seer.
@mınxomaτ submits as answer to infinite I/O challenge
@TimmyD My answer to your challenge got me the last vote I needed to get the silver math badge. :D
@AlexA. \o/
Silver FTW
Nobody needs Gold
@AlexA. Woo!
4 votes and -3 answers later, you'll get the badge. I don't know your progress on .
Oh you're right, I guess I do only need 4 more votes to get the bronze random badge.
@AlexA. -1, doesn't have a link to TIO ;-)
@TimmyD I honestly considered it.

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