If you scrape the HTML, it always shows people who withdrew during the primary. Mine adds an explicit (withdrew) next to a candidate's score if they withdrew.
Stack Exchange uses an STV-based system for holding elections. They use the software OpenSTV to host it.
That software is no longer being maintained, and the system is being rebranded as OpaVote, and will no longer be free.
This month's challenge:
Build an implementation of the sa...
@AlexA. remember my proposal for a "Welcome to PPCG!" meta post? Whether you do or not I made an example for the time being for people to deliberate over.
Took me a moment to realize why the "Average votes rank" column is discontinuous. It's because there are other users with higher votes/question ratios, but they don't make the top 50 in terms of votes.
In the pursuit of SQL enlightenment, I wrote a quick SEDE query to display Rep, Age and Overall Rank.
Sorted by Age, then Rank (Which is generated by Rep).
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Users.Reputation DESC) AS Rank,
Users.Id as [User Link],
Users.Reputation as R...
Anyway, I quite like how I have almost the exact same average votes per question as Helka Homba, but only about 5% as many questions. That mostly just speaks to how good Helka is at writing good questions over a long period of time.
First Crash Course Physics episode is up, and at one point, the host mentions going at 100 kilometers per hour. I had to do some mental math to figure out that that was about 60 miles per hour. >_<
I used to have a link that would redirect anything from the whole subdomain, but I can't remember it. It was useful, since you could just use the.domain.com/…