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Regarding #4, I think the most relevant changes are that 1) every close/reopen/delete/undelete/approve/decline/flag/etc. vote is binding, 2) suspensions are available for particularly bad/extended behavior, and 3) you also have a number of other mod tools for investigating stuff like possible voting fraud, but not a whole lot in that way. You can ping Community Managers and ask them to check stuff out in a few, rare instances.
Oh, also, suspensions are a sort of subset of mod messages, which are private messages from a mod to a user, usually used for extreme instances where you need to privately and strongly tell them to stop <whatever bad behavior>. That's relevant to #5.
If a high-rep, good contributor is acting up, you can warn them first with a mod message, then suspend them if they continue. Some of our high-rep users on C.SE were mod-messaged near the beginning of the site to set them straight on what the site is really meant for, and I'm happy to say that they responded positively.
Why is El writing an essay in chat?
20 mins ago, by El'endia Starman
@aditsu @xnor @Zach, what are some questions that you'd be better able to answer if you knew what tools were available?
@HelkaHomba And what I wrote is nothing like an essay. :P
A: 2016 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

Chris Jester-YoungChris Jester-Young (non-competing) A new-ish user posts a well-posed challenge that quickly gets many answers. An hour later, they edit in a restriction that invalidates most of the existing answers. An experienced user whose answer was invalidated comments that doing this is bad, and roll...

^ My answers. ;-)
You had me confused for a moment since you're not actually running. :P
Hence "non-competing". :-)
/me reads Alex's answers since he's the only other candidate to have posted so far. ;-)
Why the heck can we vote on your answers???
So people can express approval or lack thereof on the answers.
Who downvoted Martin? :o
New Meta Post: Should non-competing answers be permitted on Meta?
@trichoplax My two cents: yes, if it's written in good faith and raises the bar for other candidates. :-)
@ChrisJester-Young Oh I definitely agree with that - it just amused me to hear about a non-competing answer on Meta - seems so incongruous...
Hehehehe, there's gotta be a first time for everything. ;-)
@trichoplax should non-competing answers to your question be permitted? or is this question too meta?
@aditsu Hmmm. I think that belongs on Meta Meta...
@aditsu Only if they are "yes" answers.
[xkcd 1447]
i'm so meta even this acronym etc etc
@undergroundmonorail Nope, actually!
i know i was just saying a different one
We need a separate site for every meta-ordinal.
@undergroundmonorail oh, okay
I'm fine with non-competing meta answers. They give a chance to answer for posters who were born after the question was posted.
i wanted to find the one that's like black area vs white area, black area per panel, location of black area in image
but i realized i was too lazy to look for it
@xnor Or just grew a new limb.
can someone help me to see if a question has already been posted?
I'm thinking of writing a challenge where you have to evaluate a mini-max tree
i think there's a mini-max tag
@undergroundmonorail No need to look, just mention it in chat and it will appear...
@orlp Have you written up the challenge yet? Then just post it in the Sandbox. If it's clearly dup, you'll know really soon.
or at least, someone tried to make one and it was destroyed
@orlp I don't remember having seen such a challenge and didn't find anything searching now.
I still want to see the challenge in the Sandbox; it sounds interesting at first blush. :-)
@ChrisJester-Young it's basically computing the outcome of a very simple game
a tree is drawn with a whole bunch of branches (not necessarily all the same on each level), with numbers at the leafs
the players take turns to choose one branch
@ChrisJester-Young What led you to become so active again?
player A wants to maximize the value, player B wants to minimize the value
@LegionMammal978 It's my last days as a mod here, so I want to do a proper farewell. :-)
In fact, I am thinking of writing a meta post to that effect.
And it's finally finally finally graduated :)
Also, does anyone know where a stock facepalm GIF can be found?
You can always use Giphy to search.
^^^ Me when I find an esolang where the only interpreter is in compiled LUA (which is apparently missing a library) that decompilers reject
@LegionMammal978 Closed-source interpreters = fail.
Good thing it's licensed under the GNU GPL, so I can pester the author if necessary
Just sent out a friendly request
what if you lose the source to a GPL released binary?
Then you're doomed, I guess
@orlp I'd like to think any responsible developer puts their stuff on GitHub or a similar service.
Well, they didn't
@ChrisJester-Young yes, but let's say at one point you release a binary
and in some backup failure you lose the source
can anyone that ever received the binary just sue you into oblivion?
If "you" are the copyright holder, no: you have all rights.
The link on Esolangs leads to a blog, where a ZIP file can be downloaded that contains example programs, documentation, and two LUA binaries labelled "Windows" and "Linux"
If "you" are just someone else, then yes, the copyright holder can make you stop distributing your binary.
Also, Firefox says that it's "labeled" instead of "labelled"
Normal users can't sue you, at any rate; only the copyright holder (or someone appointed to act on their behalf, like the SFLC) can do that.
@LegionMammal978 I think that's one of those words where either spelling is actually fine.
Depends somewhat on British/American English.
Adjective: labelled ‎(not comparable)
  1. Having a label, tagged.
  2. The butterfly collection had each specimen labelled with the scientific name on a little piece of paper.
  3. Defined or described.
  4. He was labelled as a racist for his otherwise innocent remark.
Verb: labelled
  1. (Britain, Canada) simple past tense and past participle of label
  2. "I've labelled the file and put it on your desk."...
Try "traveling" and "travelling", or "modeling" and "modelling".
Huh, apparently "labeled" is from American English
And even I live in the U.S.
Why does English need so many exceptions to exceptions to exceptions?
US English tends to use fewer Ls except for cases like "enrol", "instil", "distil", etc.
(And less Us)
There's a general rule for this (in American).
You only double if the last syllable is stressed.
@LegionMammal978 English borrowed a lot of vocab from other languages and also went through a spelling reform some time ago.
Or if it's a compound, you defer to the spelling of the root verb.
They never teach you that stuff in school :p
@LegionMammal978 A few teachers are good, many are okay, and some are bad. :P
Oh well, at least I can communicate in it :p
how do I visualize a tree without internal nodes (or like dots)?
trying to use graphviz but it's not coooperating
How hard is it to give the internal nodes some dummy label?
@feersum that still gives them huge circles
@feersum also not sure if serious question or incredibly rude =/
I've been looking for a good directed graph visualizer that can automatically format the graph for you
@LegionMammal978 graphviz is generally really good
Can it automatically format?
albeit a bit cumbersome to specify sometimes
@LegionMammal978 do you mean position nodes?
Yeah, I find it annoying to hand-specify node positions
yeah, it does that
I usually use Mathematica's GraphPlot, but the kernel explodes for larger graphs
graphviz has multiple 'engines'
that determines how nodes are positioned
Also, does it support node size being based on the inner content size?
@LegionMammal978 yes
> Normally, the size of a node is determined by smallest width and height needed to contain its label and image, if any, with a margin specified by the margin attribute.
Wow, it's everything I've been looking for for the last few months
@feersum can't get points to work
graph G {
    a [style=point];
    a -- b;
@feersum am I doing something wrong?
I don't know
Hey, look, it's even available as a Debian package
Those are the only things that actually install correctly
@LegionMammal978 it's like the most used tool for this...
graphviz is like the standard :P
bit like saying 'hey, look, there's even a Debian package for vim!'
Hey, I just didn't know how to Google it
"Draw graph" doesn't give any directed graphs, and "draw directed graph" doesn't give any useful results
second result for "graph visualization tool"
@orlp You wrote "style" instead of "shape"
I didn't know what to call it :p
@feersum there we go
According to the voting on the primary stage mod election post, there have been over 142 people active on Meta in the past two hours...
Loops are now supported. I also put actual NUL bytes into the code now. Infinite output should be the only thing that doesn't work.
Also, it's not really golfed.
I saw several opportunities, but they'd make it run slower, so I'll do them later.
Ahhh, leading space.
@flawr I avoid writing it wherever and whenever I can, but if necessary, I do "f---".
@flawr fsck
@flawr fuck*
(conditions apply)
I sometimes prefer fork
hey there @aditsu
@ChrisJester-Young bash.org/?12547
I love how people still keep IRC transcripts
@aditsu That's awesome. :-D
@Quill I still use IRC, not just IRC transcripts. :-P
(I don't mean you specifically, don't get me wrong...)
I'm in like 9 channels right now :p
@aditsu Apart from the one channel we have in common (a certain programming contest + "2"), lemme introduce you to #stackoverflow and ##ppcg (sadly a ghosttown).
I made ##ppcg, but even I never go there anymore. :P
not much to do in #SO
Although I am currently in a certain channel that I am perpetually in. (and no, it's not #nethack)
@aditsu Sometimes there's discussions there, but it is mostly idle, yes. Just like most of us lurkers like it.
@Doorknob Uh, #stackoverflow? ;-)
nope :P
another censoring option is the French Connection logo :p
@Doorknob now we need a nethack a51 proposal
@aditsu FCUK! :-P
Or, instead of censorship, we could realise Self Control > Censorship
(I used to name many of my programs starting with "ck", so "ckfu" => "Chris's fortune or uptime".)
heh, I thought it was ck-fu like kung-fu
@aditsu Good band!!
Q: Invert png image

Hannes KarppilaCreate program or function that takes file name as an argument or reads it from standard input, and completes the following task: Read image from a png file (name given as argument). Reverse colors in that image, so that for example dark green (0, 75, 30) would become (255, 180, 225) (because 2...

I can't believe no one has asked that before ^
> ninja'd by Sparr 1 min ago

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