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Did you hover your mouse over the songs in file explorer? In 10 that starts playing them.
(Which is absurdly annoying)
Also, if you go into the volume mixer, you can see which programs are making noise.
in both firefox and chrome, tab bar indicates noise making tabs
@Morgan'Venti'Thrappuccino OH, thanks for the tip. It's actually because of my Streamus Chrome extension, which is not a tab.
@El'endiaStarman Ah ha! I've never heard of that before.
Oooo, that does sound really nice.
Can anyone tell me, what OS would you use on an old slow computer for just browing the internet and perhaps listen to some music?
Something linuxy?
Maybe mint?
Do you use mint/can you recommend mint?
I've used it in the past and I liked it, but I'm not THAT familiar with the different distros out there.
I mostly use windows.
@flawr I used Mint Debian Edition on my 7-year-old laptop, and it ran fine. It also included media codecs for music and such. It was an older version tough, I don't know how it would work now.
Is there even much of a difference between those different linux distros?
(In terms of speed/ressources)
@flawr It's mostly how much stuff comes preinstalled and what window/package manager you want.
Hm right.
@flawr I've heard that Ubuntu has become somewhat bloated and slow.
I'm using javasctipt
woops pressed enter too soon
@Zgarb Yeah, that's been my experience. Plus, they send your info to advertisers whenever you do a local search, which I don't love.
anyway I'm using javascript's setInterval to run a loop method as part of my chat bot. However, the loop method is inside an es6 class, and when it is called from setInterval the loop method does not reconise this as the class that it is apart of
so it is broken. :(
@Zgarb It seems ubuntu has evolved a lot over the past few years =/
(for the better or for the worse...)
@Morgan'Venti'Thrappuccino They do? I wouldn't love that either.
@Zgarb You can disable them showing you results from advertisers, but my understanding is they still send at least some aggregate data even if you disable it. Plus it's crazy slow compared to any other distro I've tried.
It's slower out of the box for sure. You can disable a lot of crap to speed it up, but if you're the type that likes to tinker too much for setup, then...
I just googled around a bit, linux mint looks quite cool!
@quartata ninja'd
It seems like people are asking that same question on every single Jelly answer
That's OK, I like to talk to people.
Pfft, asking for last-hour nominations with 47 minutes left. Too slow, man, too slow.
Everyone quick nominate yourself!
@quartata We should invent a new encoding for BrainFu*k
8 characters -> 3 bytes bits

Marky's rep rush

31 secs ago, 8 seconds total – 4 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 6 secs ago by Geobits

is it over?
23 minutes
oh, not the right time to whine about being late for nominations then.
see you in 23 minutes
Oct 9 '15 at 23:37, by flawr
@VTCAKAVSMoACE and I proudly present you ShadyAsFuck.
Not good enough?
@TimmyD Not the same.
Nope, wastes 2/8 bytes.
@quartata I know not the same, I'm asking "Not good enough?"
@TimmyD Yes, it isn't good enough
It's never enough, no it's never enough...
I just discovered this:
This is going to change my life!
Why did nobody ever tell me!
They did. Right there :P
@Geobits Nope, they never did!
They didn't even tell me to read what was next to search button!
As a moderator, what are you going to do to make me read stuff better!
That's the most important issue of this election.
@NinjaBearMonkey I thougth the .tk domains expire every now and then?
@Morgan'Venti'Thrappuccino I should ask that. And if they answer, add another comment "LOL DIDN'T READ"
@flawr Can you TL;DR that?
BTW: TL implies that you already looked at it (otherwise you would not know how long it is.)
Q: Required tags on the main site

QwertiyMeta site has a set of special tags: discussion feature-request support bug At least one of them is required to ask a question on meta. What about the main site? Is it possible to make tags with winning creteria required? Also I would've add tips and experimental-challenge to the list.

5 minutes!
@NinjaBearMonkey s.tk/hyphen is my favorite.
@NinjaBearMonkey Didn't anyone here make an own url shortener?
@Quill made that.
Soyuz rockets just aren't that tall when they aren't upright.
Seconds away from the primary
30 seconds!!!
> You can't vote for yourself
Martin already has 4 upvotes that was fast
@Doorknob How disappointing that you even tried! =P
you are shown the vote counts before you vote?
Vote early, vote often.
there's basically no surprise on the votes
@xnor Apparently.
the 4 mods will get elected
@flawr that seems like a bad idea
Gotta change the pinned message!
@xnor I don't mind this at primary stage - it won't be visible at election stage
@trichoplax ok, i guess that's good, but revealing it for the primaries basically reveals it for the main vote
i expect people to vote much the same
@xnor Ah good point
especially when there are 4 spots and 4 people are clearly ahead
@xnor I thought so too.
I find it interesting that Dennis and Doorknob each have a downvote, while Alex and Martin don't.
uhm, we have a primary to pick 10 out of 11 candidates?
just as you say that Martin got one (not me :p)
It is going to rain constituent badges soon.
@xnor someone's gonna be disappointed... :/
"you are the weakest link, goodbye."
Interesting that negative net votes are displayed as zero
OMG, so many downvotes!
So you should upvote the ones you want and downvote the ones you do not want?
diabolical plan: make a script that correlates vote changes with people getting constituent badges to learn who voted for whom
Haha, good idea=)
howdy, I just finished documenting all single-character CJam operators
Mego has +9/-10 but it shows as +1 ?
@TimmyD Caching - refresh and it'll show zero
@trichoplax @TimmyD If a candidate has a negative score, the score will display as your vote.
So 0 if you haven't voted, -1 if you downvoted, and 1 if you upvoted.
@Doorknob That seems ... odd.
that's weird
The stackularity has come
Yeah, I'm not sure what the reasoning was
Now we know Timmy voted for Mego
@Doorknob For some reason, I also saw the +9/-10 as +1 net, until refreshing. I hadn't upvoted, so I wonder if this was just a cached net vote
whistles nonchalantly
....do they progress anybody with a negative score?
If you're in the top 10
It'd be better if they simply kept those with a positive score, or the top ten, whichever is fewer
@NathanMerrill They have to. What if all nominees have negative scores? =)
@flawr close the site
where's beta decay? ;_;
And what happens on draws/ties?
@flawr We could try to game the election and find out.
I was looking forward to the -15
Alex still the only one with no downvote
@MartinBüttner [status-norepro]
@Fatalize I see one.
@Doorknob post a new one? :P
@aditsu He hasn't been here for 20 days! 0_O
(or edit mine)
Wow there are a lot of downvotes
Are we supposed to downvote everynoe we don't upvote?
@hobbs you just donwvoted him to contradict me didn't you? :p
Q: Do not show the score for users during primaries

badpI believe that showing the post score for nomination posts during primaries is a bad idea. When I loaded the primaries page during the election, the first thing I saw was a post voted -1. This immediately colored my impression of the post. Reading his post didn't indeed make me wish he was a mod...

no :)
@feersum Just downvote people you don't want to be a mod
That means yes then.
@MartinBüttner done
(if anyone thinks the questionnaire shouldn't be pinned, ping me and I'll unpin it)
@Doorknob The stars suggest people like it being pinned...
time for some creative writing...
how many moderators will we get after the election?
@trichoplax The stars suggest that people like starring pinned messages.
@trichoplax implying starred messages indicate quality posts in this chat
@aditsu IV
@aditsu 4
you mean patru? :p
Haha, I liked those three different versions=)
Darn, ninja'd.
I was already waiting for someone else to come up with another way of writing four=)
(or 넷)
didn't we have 6 before? or did they/we already discount the inactive ones?
First elections are typically three moderators. We're an exception. I doubt they've ever gone to 5 or greater though.
Two 50% part time mod positions count as one=)
I want to reflect how on dumb this primary process is. All they will do is eliminate one candidate, while causing everyone to cast votes whose counts are public before the candidates have answered the questions that we wrote to judge who would be a good mod.
btw, I'm the guy who's in the habit of running SE election ballots through my own implementation of iterative Ranked Pairs voting to sow discord... I mean promote knowledge of voting algorithms... I mean just for fun, really :)
@xnor and in the end we will elect the same mods we already have
@xnor I'm not even sure why they did the primary here and not in C.SE's first election, where we had 11 candidates also.
because if you don't use the established uniform process, that gives people something else to complain about
@El'endiaStarman cse.google.com
I only casted votes for people I'm already familiar with
Making all the votes visible up front does seem a little
after they answer, I'll vote some more
I understand that the current mods are good and there's good reason to vote for them, but having this voting happen in effect before candidates can answer questions just makes it silly
it makes it hard for anyone to prove themselves in their responses
@xnor Yes I'd definitely like to have seen a delay to allow answering questions before allowing voting
Alex is objectively the least-liked current mod, according to current votes.
@TimmyD word on the street is that he's wrong
@xnor I'll bring that up with a member from the SE team in TL.
Just took a look at all of the vote breakdowns, and it seems to me like this primary is pointless. All the current 4 (active) mods have >40 votes and the only other person who comes close is Digital Trauma, who has like half the votes. Everyone else has <10 or negative.
It's okay if it's pointless
the only way the current mods would have gotten less votes is if their answers/answers of other candidates were bad/good
but since we will read the answers after voting it's useless
Phi and quartata at least have a positive score.
I have no problem with an election that results in the same 4 mods - that just confirms that the community strongly approves of them. I agree that allowing votes to be visible at this stage is not helpful.
Martin cracks 60 up-votes. I'm amazed that we have 60 currently-active users
As in, online, logged in, right now.
literally currently active!
half of it are Martin's bots
Owowowow I have a bruise on my eye owowow
@CoolestVeto Join the club.
Mar 24 at 12:52, by TimmyD
You know what sucks? Jabbing your phone headset into your eye and needing to go see an optometrist. 0/10 would not recommend.
oh, an actual bruise? I was wondering what reference I was missing :p
Doesn't a publicly available vote count during the voting period make the primary obsolete? Not to mention biased
@TimmyD blind high-five
@CoolestVeto swings and misses
@TimmyD Nailed it. :P
@ZachGates That is what we've been disucssing a bunch of messages farther up=)
@flawr Oh well I'm late to the party then :P
@xnor Checked with a CM—looks like we're just going to have to go through the primary. Not ideal, but it would be a bit rash to end the primary early after it's already started. :/
@Doorknob well, the cat is out of the bag with votes now anyway
@TimmyD You do get a notification when a site you participate on has a nomination/primary/election phase.
@xnor Yeah. We probably should have figured this out beforehand...
@El'endiaStarman Oh yeah. That makes sense.
I kinda wanna raise a meta.SE question about this. >.>
The one benefit I can see is that if someone gets lots of downvotes it may prompt someone to defend that person and give examples of suitability. Doesn't seem enough to justify broadcasting votes though.
@CoolestVeto Both Christianity and Travel are doing the same thing. I'm sure there've been others.
I'm impressed by the score that Digital Trauma is pulling.
Dennis has 5 downvotes now.. what is wrong with people?!
@CoolestVeto I'd upvote that (provided it were well written...)
@aditsu probably people that are pissed with Dennis winning every challenge
@aditsu give it two days, and voting for Dennis will be a builtin in Jelly
Or people fed up with how nice he is.
Yeah! We don't want someone talented and dedicated as a mod!
@xnor Eh, in most site graduations, the incumbent moderators usually all get re-elected. I can't say I'm surprised to see the current outcome in the slightest. :-P
@Doorknob Oh, Scifi too.
The current moderators have a huge fundraising advantage.
I'm surprised how many downvotes are being cast. Until I refreshed the page and saw that downvotes were actually being made, I was quite conservative with them
I'm just not gonna vote.
@feersum Fundraising?
@TimmyD They have a high "candidate score", which some may use as a guideline.
I'm amazed at the amount of voting (and voters). I've only made 2 upvotes so far...
@CoolestVeto well, we wouldn't want you to veto a candidate
well, I actually have found people's voting quite informative
there are a few people I'd expect higher scores from, and a few others I'm surprised are so high
(basically, people think differently than me)
Perhaps prompting discussion is more important than trying to eliminate all possible bias
I seem to be changing my mind...
Community will no longer protect the sandbox.
A: Community is being Overprotective of the Sandbox

Shog9I've disabled auto-protection on this meta site. Or rather, set the relevant thresholds (answers from new users) to 10,000. That should keep things under control for a few weeks.

> a few weeks
@Doorknob Yep, Shog9 gets the site. :P
@NathanMerrill Are you expressing dissatisfaction with the current mods in the running? Because they are the ones with the high scores, and like I said, I can't say I find this surprising in the slightest. :-)
no, I'm actually talking about everybody else
@ChrisJester-Young i think nobody is surprised by the results, but it would have been nice to give at least an impression that other candidates have the chance to prove themselves over incumbents through their responses
Hopefully "a few weeks" means 6-8 weeks. — CoolestVeto 1 min ago
@xnor PPCG has the special distinction that all of the current pro tems who are running were actually hugely popular with the community and were selected for that reason. i.e., they weren't randomly plucked out of thin air.
@xnor That just seems like we'd be playing pretend, though; people are much much more likely to vote for the current mods.
so looks like the primary will be a contest of "how low can you go"; SuperJedi seems to be currently leading with -12
The appointments, to my knowledge, were absolutely not controversial in the slightest.
@aditsu Now I'm ahead with -13 /:
congra... um.. I mean, sorry to hear that
the thing about primaries is that
The question is, can you beat -15?
it looks like 10 people move on to the real election
@aditsu No harm, no foul
This is why I pulled out early. >.> I'd probably take it way too personally.
to those elected and not a pro-term: Remember, this is not a vote on whether we like you as a member of the community
and there are 11 candidates
so one person is just going to feel bad i guess
You're late to the party. :P
hi i just showed up
it's a musical chairs party!
that's the 4th time its been mentioned?
without the music or the chairs
shh i thought i was clevelr
Q: If I'm supposed to be able to see candidate vote totals, why aren't they accurate?

tacI was scrolling the Primaries page, and clicked the downvote button on a post, yes? Ok. This Primary enty had 0 votes, then I downvoted, so it has a score of -1. So far, so good. I noticed If I click on the number, I can see how many votes it has (am I supposed to be able to do that for an el...

@NewMetaPosts +1 for "Wat?".
Q: Toy store profits

sammkoThe story "2016? Al..right," grumbled toy seller Hilbert. He opened his eyes, wiped salad dressing trickling out of his ear and ate a morning kick-start cremeschnitte. Exemplar holidays. He needs to go to work now though, and finish the year's accounting. Christmas is a very yielding period of...

> wiped salad dressing trickling out of his ear
uh, wut
so I was wondering, are the candidates supposed to be familiar with what they can do as a moderator and how it works? that's the impression I got from the questionnaire
We must conclude sammko is a robot.
@aditsu That's a good question. I'd have no idea how to answer some of the questions without knowing the tools available.
@aditsu Yeah, I was taken aback when I read some of those questions
@Doorknob ok, that meta post answers why negative votes are hidden
funny though that it says there's no point in knowing negative votes when it turns out to be the only thing that matters in this primary
Strange that it's not documented more thoroughly
@ZachGates I won't hold that against you, for what it's worth :p
@aditsu @xnor @Zach, what are some questions that you'd be better able to answer if you knew what tools were available?
I think #1 in particular.
I know mods can ban people from suggesting edits, but I don't know about 2k edits
I think question 4 is a pretty obvious one
@El'endiaStarman well, my own question (#1) about how to deal with a conflict for one
yeah, #4 too
@quartata There's no specific edit ban (other than suggested edits)—if it becomes too big of a problem, we suspend.
@Doorknob Yeah, that's what I put
Just a garden variety suspension if the person refuses to disengage from the edit war
Also, regarding #1, you can lock questions temporarily.
Ooh, I hadn't thought of that.
That's probably better
A suspension feels a tad bit overkill.
we shouldn't discuss this too much, but it would be nice for everyone to know a list of options to be fair
"Content dispute" is even one of the given lock reasons, and another is "Offtipic comments".

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