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Also, how did Conor get suspended? D:
9 mins ago, by Doorknob
@EasterlyIrk Private information, but you can get a clue from the message on his profile page.
8 mins ago, by Easterly Irk
> This account is temporarily suspended for voting irregularities. The suspension period ends in 7 days.
voting irregularities also cause chat bans??
serial upvoting does.
Maybe other stuff, idk.
If you're suspended on the parent site of your chat account, your chat account also gets suspended.
bai for now guys
If your parent profile is the site you are suspended on yes
@Doorknob does that mean you change your parent site and chat?
No, if you change your parent site, the suspension stays.
ninjad stupid wifi
> stjpid
@ZachGates just admitted his dislike of avocad. D:
@HelkaHomba Yes, it used to be Adnan
much much D:
@quartata I would quote but my spelling isn't any better...
@AlexA. reprimand your sock.
@Downgoat embrace your himarmness
Is there a place I can run Perl online with flags? Trying to verify that codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/58488/26997 works
in Mos Eisley, 2 days ago, by amarillo
also i cant type anymore. im himarm jr
@Downgoat What about both optional???
that is not possible
I voted.
@HelkaHomba ideone works, add the flags to the shebang line
@Downgoat Option 1 is how Rust does it, and I like that method
although i do not know how you could possibly not have perl; it comes with every flavor of unix under the sun
@quartata I don't have Unix. I have Windows like many normal people
@HelkaHomba s/many normal/some/
TIL My little pony is on topic on SciFi SE.
@EasterlyIrk ._.
@ChrisJester-Young Unlike Riker, I'm 21 and looking for a job. I really like your idea and would love to help out.
:/ I just realized how difficult it is to say "Cheddar Error" quickly...
@Downgoat IKR?
@Downgoat roflmao
@EasterlyIrk Fits in "fantasy".
i guess
> [...]
> • the name of this character is misleading; it does not actually join graphemes
very misleading...
I got excited for a second that I would be able to combine my graphemes only to come across the disappointment that it doesn't...
@Doorknob 8/10 graphemes
restart chat!
@Mego Sure, please email me ([email protected])! I'll keep your name on hand when I get to the point where I'm looking for tutors. It won't be for a while yet, though; it'd only happen if I actually get enough clients where I'm not able to handle all the load myself. :-)
Thank you for your support!
@Doorknob link?
:28553802 It's the initials for my unmarried name. :-)
@EasterlyIrk it's... a Unicode character
I know, but I couldn't find that page you got that sentence from.
@EasterlyIrk I've used cky as my username since 1998; when I got married at the end of 2006 I didn't feel like changing my username (though there are sites where I do use ckjy as a username, such as sites with a 4-character minimum, or where cky is already taken). :-P
YIL that hai confuses japanese people, because it means yes not hi.
@EasterlyIrk and hai in Cantonese can be a swearword referring to a certain anatomical part.
apparently hindu is "is".
@EasterlyIrk はい、そうです。
I should of never written Cheddar in JavaScript...
JavaScript is the worst.
Use python, I'll help translate.
plz giv teh codez
@Downgoat That sorta looks like Swift.
in JavaScript on Stack Overflow Chat, 7 mins ago, by Vihan
> b
[Function: CheddarLiteral]
> t.Token
[Function: CheddarLiteral]
> t.Token instanceof b
dude i need like 3 days.
unless someone can figure out why that returns false...
crap more like 7
They aren't the same thing?
@EasterlyIrk It can't be that much, most of the code is in expr/tok.es6, ignore the .js files...
Try b isinstanceof CheddarLiteralBaseClass.
b is CheddarLiteral
The base class?
An instance of CheddarLiteral is the same as another one, not an instance of an instance of CheddarLiteral.
@Downgoat ^^
Can everyone see these Unicode characters?   ᚁ ᚂ ᚃ ᚄ ᚅ ᚆ ᚇ ᚈ ᚉ ᚊ ᚋ ᚌ ᚍ ᚎ ᚏ ᚐ ᚑ ᚒ ᚓ ᚔ
@Doorknob how do I know if I can't?
they'd be boxes
@Doorknob On my phone, I can't see any of them.
or just be blank...
what's wrong with ASCII?
@Dennis (╯°□°)╯︵ Unicode
@Downgoat what's wrong with javascript?
in JavaScript on Stack Overflow Chat, 18 mins ago, by Vihan
> b
[Function: CheddarLiteral]
> t.Token
[Function: CheddarLiteral]
> t.Token instanceof b
@Quill Everything
in JavaScript on Stack Overflow Chat, 18 mins ago, by Vihan
does anyone have any idea why this is returning false? b is a class and t.Token extends b. new t.Token() instanceof b works, so am I doing something wrong?
@Dennis ಠ_ಠ
@Doorknob Not necessarily.
typeof t.Token
@Dennis haha, yeah
@Quill I am checking if t.Token is a subclass of b
Instanceof will only show if b is in the hierarchical chain, not if t.Token is actually b
so how to I check if t.Token is a subclass of b?
in JavaScript on Stack Overflow Chat, 10 mins ago, by Vihan
any ideas on what I do then? t.Token.prototype instanceof b doesn't work either D:
are you talking about b specifically or b's type?
b is a class, So b specifically
b === CheddarLiteral
typeof does types, instanceof does inheritance
so why is it not wokring?
@AlexA. woah what is this
it's all colorful
@Doorknob It's kind of like Yahoo! and DogPile
@AlexA. what do you think was the first thing I did :|
@Downgoat Used Bing.
@Downgoat what are you trying to show
is it bad if batteries are getting very hot and nothing is plugged into them?
@Quill Who
end of the world
oh no, now they are holes in the batteries :|
Don't touch them directly
Put them in the garbage
@Quill I am trying to check if t.Token is a subclass of b
now they are smelling weird... how did this happen
Q: Javascript inheritance - instanceof not working?

ShawsonI'm writing a simple platform game using javascript and html5. I'm using javascript in an OO manner. To get inheritance working i'm using the following; // http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2006/01/17/javascript-inheritance/ function copyPrototype(descendant, parent) { var sConstructor = pare...

@Quill tried that didn't work
@Downgoat Don't inhale them!! Go throw them out!
If you die I'll be pissed!
@AlexA. okay, I put them in the dustbin. Should I throw them outside?
@AlexA. nice attempt at compassion
@Downgoat I don't know what a dustbin is it should be sufficient
@Quill ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Downgoat which file in your repo contains this stuff?
@Downgoat +1 for continuing to use spaces after blasphemously claiming tabs to be superior the other day.
and it throws 'CheddarParser: provided parser is not a CheddarLexer'?
I've spent too much time on Esolangs
$ ls Interpreters
Benul.exe    Dirst.exe  Omnifuck.c                           Shtriped.js
BF           Etre       ozone.c                              Skull.pe
bfi.c        Etre.c     PancakeStack.py                      Subskin.rb
BSM.exe      KimL       prog.txt                             ZeptoBasic.py
Carriage.hs  Lp.exe     Rottytooth.Esolang.LightPattern.dll
Condit       Magic.lua  Sally
@Downgoat -1 for continuing to use spaces after rightfully claiming tabs to be superior the other day.
@Dennis I'm sorry, my text editor is weird...
@Dennis will be fixed in next github commit
@AlexA. how do you feel about soft tabbing (hit the tab key to get spaces)?
Hm, there was an APL operator I wanted to implement in Jelly, but I cannot remember which one...
Dyadic duckface or something.
@Quill That's the only way to indent. No one should ever press the space bar four times on every line, that'd be chaos.
@Dennis >:U
okay, I thought you might figure it's tabbing in spirit
Oh hellz no, bb
@Dennis APL has a Duckface operator?
that's more of a :s face
@AlexA. Close enough. It was .
It's called a "tilde dieresis"
@Downgoat how do I get this repo running locally?
@Quill download the zip, once your inside the zip. run node
var CheddarParser = require('./tok/parser');
var CheddarLiteral = require('./literals/literal');
var test = new CheddarParser("Abc:123", 0);
> var CheddarLiteral = require('./literals/literal');
ReferenceError: Symbol is not defined
nevermind I got it to work
@Quill update your node
TIL testing your code is very helpful when debugging...
how'd ya fix it
> test.parse(CheddarLiteral)
> test
CheddarParser {
  Code: 'Abc:123',
  Index: 4,
  _Tokens: [ CheddarTokens { '0': 'Abc', length: 1 } ] }
just worked
maybe you should return the value of test instead of setting it
yeah. I was just testing
but it needs to do the chaining too
I'm thinking of making a language like Bubblegum that would do extremely well at Kolmogorov-complexity problems. Any ideas?
So I now have a function called: "jumpwhite" :|
@MamaFunRoll I don't see how you can do better than Bubblegum
@Downgoat Why not?
What if I used... Javascript?
it uses LZ and DEFLATE, which are some of the shortest compression algorithms. JavaScript's compression is shit (sorry JS)
@xnor Hi
Poll: Favorite programming font?
@Doorknob Adobe Source Code Pro
comic sans
@Doorknob Consolas or Inconsolata or Source Sans Pro
@Quill monospace comic sans is also pretty good
@Downgoat DEFLATE was never short. It's comparatively fast though.
@Doorknob Why choose one. Make your own: input.fontbureau.com/preview
@Dennis really?
I use Inconsolata for R and LaTeX but Source Code Pro for everything else.
@Downgoat It does well for sufficiently short data, but LZMA and bzip2 compress circles around it. Not to mention the really good compression algorithms, which are usually very slow.
@Dennis ah okay, I don't really know anything about anything and I guess that includes compression algorithms.
Normal for @jonskeet - an anon self executing fn inside an interpolated string. In comic sans https://t.co/Eo0ugIw7ii
@Downgoat Shoco has a JS version on GitHub
@Quill oh my god
@AlexA. yeah, TeaScript uses that
@Quill I suddenly want to choke your computer.
@Dennis AFAIK the currently best deflate-like algo is GLZA (which even beats Brotli).
@AnthonySteele @jonskeet C# actually looks quite cool in Comic Sans!
ಠ_ಠ no it doesn't...
Everything look cool in COmic Sand
is there a list of all whitespace characters?
or even better, is there a regex to match all whitespace?
@Downgoat \s
@mınxomaτ Wow, that is crazy short.
@Dennis Short?
@AlexA. no \s isn't good enough. It only matches ASCII whitespace
...as opposed to...?
@mınxomaτ Well, compressed.
unicode whitespace
@Dennis Yes. I'm really excited for the first 1.0 release. The source is a mess, though.
@Downgoat Do you have a specific code point in mind?
@AlexA. \u00000000 - \uFFFFFFFF
@Downgoat Both directions?
they are directions of whitespace?
this is very confusing :|
vertical and horizontal
both direcions
@Downgoat Is this in JS?
of course
JavaScript's regular expressions are weird and unusable...
I'm not trolling for once. They are.
> for once
does anyone have any ideas for an alternative name to "jumpwhites"?
Tighty whities?
no jump whitespace
@AlexA. Well, I complain a lot about JS, but this is just an undeniable fact. For starters, \s is implementation-defined.
@AlexA. Side by side of SCP (left) and Hack (right, my current font). It's a bit taller, but I think I like it (and it has the Unicode support that I need).
@Dennis it is the same as PCRE
I know in PCRE there's BSR_ANYCRLF for vertical. And if you flip PCRE_UCP, the \h will also match all horizontal UTF8 whitespace.
@Dennis s/'s \w+ \w+ \w+/ is/
@AlexA. s/'.*d/ is/ GTFY
nevermind, I found a regex:
[ \f\n\r\t\v​\u00A0\u1680​\u180e\u2000​\u2001\u2002​\u2003\u2004​\u2005\u2006​\u2007\u2008​\u2009\u200a​\u2028\u2029​\u2028\u2029​\u202f\u205f​\u3000]
@Downgoat Which implementation exactly? \s is [ \f\n\r\t\v\u00A0\u2028\u2029] in Firefox, [ \f\n\r\t\v] in IE.
@Dennis ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm going of regex101
@Doorknob You like which?
SCP also has Unicode up the wazoo
@AlexA. Source Code Pro
up the... what?
It's good and does all things
@Downgoat PHP, Python and JavaScript... Great "flavors".
@Doorknob Are you not familiar with that expression?
I have never heard the word "wazoo" before
@Dennis PHP is plain PCRE mode.
... thank you for the definition, Google
Oh, I guess the expression is "out the wazoo," not "up the wazoo."
Not just wazoo. It's up the wazoo :P
I've definitely heard it more often with up.
@mınxomaτ I'm confident they messed something up. :P
But in that context, it probably should be out.

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