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am so bad at APL. duh.
@ven which one?
@Doorknob in Texas right now
Connecting flight
@Maltysen hey I was born there!
Dallas airport, btw
Well, I almost had this Ruby solution working
@Maltysen oh-oh
@Maltysen do you have your leeloo dallas multipass?
There we go
Prime.take is really useful
Wow the new mobile chat is really nice
@orlp what's a leeloo?
Hum, I had a hard time trying to find internship for me when I had too, I've needed 24hours to find one for a friend...
@Maltysen it's a reference, just google it :P
g'morning m8s
@crayzeedude have a good breakfast
@Katenkyo didnt eat breakfast
Ugh, can I get some APL help around? Need to wrap my head 'round some concept.
@FryAmTheEggman P<neg> has been around for quite a while, btw
@crayzeedude Won't you?
no like i actually didnt eat breakfast
slept in this morning because i just got back from florida last night
so i just grabbed an energy bar on the way out
@ven What are you stuck on?
@quartata Yeah I figured, just never seen it before :P
@orlp Is (numerator/denominator) OK as an output format, by the way?
I have a matrix (5 5) and I'm trying to count the neighbors cells. But I need not to wrap at the "borders"
@quartata sure
OK, good. That's what my Ruby solution does
And now I have a 2 5 5 matrix, and I'm trying to add them together :\
@ven So you're trying to count the 1s in the neighborhood of each cell?
Right. I generate matrices using drop. That's okay. Now I want to go from 2 5 5 matrix->5 5 by adding them together
Actually. It's 3 5 5 :).
Okay. Does +/ work?
Out of context code is the best code:
(tryapl.org is down for me, so can't test)
function destroyChildren(element){
No, +/ gives me a 3 3 5 matrix
Ugh, sorry, i'm unclear. i have a 3 3 5 5, and I want to go back to a 5 5...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ for (x of element.children) x.removeElement();
@Optimizer Not using ES6 here.
removeElement is not es6 iirc
but for(x of ob); is.
@ven +⌿+⌿ should do it.
Ooh I always forget about the axes :) ty
No problem!
Does anyone have PARI/GP?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ so you have to do such big thing instead of normal for loop?
Well, it's not what I want, but that's because of how I generate the matrices...
@Optimizer No, I just dont want to use a for loop.
what are you doing on this site then?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ It's actually not just a lang - it's a lib for lang creation as well.
I'll probably separate them out, actually... Flasp should be separate from langlib.
@CoolestVeto o__o I have been looking for one for so long
Thank you
Just do it
Lol, it's gonna be in Java.
Then Im in
I had a dream I was learning Java last night
Still unsure how to generate adjacent cells matrices in APL
I guess I have to use drop
I was like "This **** makes no sense" but then I felt a great wave of understanding pass over me. I knew the answer was to put (int) inline in the function call. I remember my code looked roughly like this:
... lost to the dream ...
	int calc = 2 * input;
	alert((int) calc);
	return calc + 1;
I still don't get what that dream was trying to tell me >_>
@ven Did you try the docs?
alert isn't a thing. :P That's just JS.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ "docs"? Mastering dyalog apl?
I know the operators. But I'm not sure how to drop correctly. i know I can't use the stiles.
@CoolestVeto I know.
Blame the dream.
Trending on Twitter.
@ven Another way would be to pad the matrix with 0s, so it becomes 7x7, and then rotate in different directions.
Not sure if that's easier.
Snow day! Time to hop on TNB!
Not sure. Kinda giving up on that one for now
That's my backyard right now.
Do you live in Canada?
No, Colorado.
Oh, high up in the mountains?
I ask because there's no snow in the south or north on the east side of the US.
Power is out at work, which is why I'm on chat right now instead of coding.
in Utah its snowing as well :P
but we still have power
@El'endiaStarman Not that high up. Google says I'm at 5,000 ft.
it's ~76 degrees F here
@El'endiaStarman You live in Colorado too?
4,500 ft here :P
@MyHamDJ Oh, no, I live in Louisville KY. Less than 1000 ft elevation. :P I went to college in Rochester, NY and my fiancée currently lives a few hours away from there.
are GPUs effectively decked-out CPUs?
Almost. The biggest diff is that they have WAY more cores, and a significantly lower clock speed.
^ GPUs are heavily optimized for parallelizable operations.
They also have a lot of dedicated RAM (VRAM). Some high end cards have up to 12 GBs.
And IIRC the instruction set for GPUs is smaller than that of CPUs, so they're essentially simpler/less powerful.
They're not less powerful. They're less powerful at what a CPU is good at, and way more powerful at other things. (e.g, password cracking, bitcoin mining, rendering, gaming, etc.)
Here's a good link on the topic: stackoverflow.com/questions/5242164/…
I'm actually reading this fascinating one: superuser.com/questions/308771/…
Does anyone know how to inter(w|l)eave two strings/arrays in J?
That's concatenation.
Ah, interleaving. Sorry :)
I mean [1,2,3,4,5] OP [0,0,0,0,0] => [1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0]
No problem ^_^
Welcome to The Nineteenth Byte, where questions can be validly answered with punctuation. :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Try ,@,.
What does ,. do? o_O
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ It glues two arrays of shape n into one of shape n 2
@Maltysen \o/
And then , flattens that.
Jelly mergesort looks really freakin’ cool:
I answered my first question. O_o
A: Halloween Golf: The 2spooky4me Challenge!

SolverCookie, 16 bytes (non-competing) Note that the recent changes to the Github page were not made for this challenge, Cookie is still in development. wŕspooky[r+2]me" Explanation: wŕspooky[r+2]me" w start write command ŕ take input spooky write spooky ...

@Solver \0/ \0/ \0/
@MyHamDJ :D
great new video from Veritasium:
Just watched that. :D
Oh, haha from the title I thought that was about Donald Trump.
I'm so glad it isn't.
@El'endiaStarman we must live identical lives
@NathanMerrill Well we can't; due to relativistic effects, some of us would be living in the future and others in the past.
Thanks Einstein :(
right, some of you are living in my future, and others in El'endia's past
Strictly speaking, we're all living in our own pasts.
By the way, you will go onto Code Golf sometime later today.
@El'endiaStarman no, we're just acting on past data
It takes about 80ms for signals to travel from the feet to the brain, and the brain prefers to have synchronized data, so all our "now" experiences are really a little bit in the past.
@El'endiaStarman Yes, due to the finite speed of light, our dataset (which is parsed slowly since Dennis didn't write the code) we see the past.
80ms is an insanely high amount of time
but the same argument could be said for movement. I send a signal to my feet to move, and it appears that it happens instantaneously
@Solver Or, is it parsed slowly because Dennis wrote the code short?
@El'endiaStarman :)
@ven Have you ever played that "game" with a stopwatch where you try to start and stop it as quickly as possible? 80ms is 0.08 in such a context.
@Zgarb do you have a J book/reference/.., or should I go for "J for C programmers"?
@El'endiaStarman Yes, I have, but since I have a touchpad, my time is insanely high.
Oh, you gotta do it with a physical stopwatch.
You know how SO has [jon skeet facts](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/9134/jon-skeet-facts)?
I think we need code-golf themed Dennis facts.
@El'endiaStarman yeah. That game has more overhead than simply "head to brain"
@ven The vocabulary is helpful once you know the syntax.
@El'endiaStarman Does my phone count as a physical stopwatch O_o
@Zgarb no list "symbol -> doc page/meaning"?
Dennis wrote code shorter than pyth and faster than C.
@MyHamDJ Trust dennis.
@Solver No, though a wristwatch would if it had a stopwatch feature.
@Zgarb amazing, thanks. Yeah, I did learn about the syntax in the J for C book
@CoolestVeto cool.
Hello, Easterly Irk!
Incidentally, I remember there being a little discussion somewhere about how Melee players are reacting faster than they should be able to. I'mma see if I can find that again.
I answered my first question!
sleeeeep is good, alarm clocks aren't.
@Solver good for you!!!
@Zgarb Why doesn't this work? u:32+0*i.@# I'm trying to create a string spaces equal to the length of another string
A: Halloween Golf: The 2spooky4me Challenge!

SolverCookie, 16 bytes (non-competing) Note that the recent changes to the Github page were not made for this challenge, Cookie is still in development. wŕspooky[r+2]me" Explanation: wŕspooky[r+2]me" w start write command ŕ take input spooky write spooky ...

Here it is.
@NathanMerrill Watched that video the day it came out.
its why we live in the present, not the past
because our brains adjust for time differences
Going to eat something.
@NathanMerrill Yup, that's where I remember 80ms from.
@Zgarb Nvm, find a different way
@Solver bai
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Ok good. What is this for?
The full width question.
I'm almost done.
I don't even remember how to concat strings in J :PP
Ah. You know that ,. threads over single-element inputs? Try 'abc' ,. '0'
Makes life easier. ;)
thanks! :D
Just need to get it out of the box thingy
Why is it in a box?
not a box, but a table, sorry
   'abc' ,. '1'
Oh right. Use ,
   (,,.~&' ') 'asf'
did I do the verb wrong?
You have a hook on ,
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

My Ham DJMusic Interval Solver code-golf, music In music theory, an interval is the difference between two pitches. Each pitch is defined by the number of half-steps (The difference between C and C#) or whole steps (The difference between C and D). One whole step is the same as two half-steps. Here ...

\o/ I did it! :D
I always love seeing the sandbox bot post my own submission.
@mınxomaτ Was that from PPCG?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Batch script for you:
ECHO Thinking of Maud you forget everything else.
I wouldn't run that.
Just in case you were considering it.
Free cookie for the reference. (not from quartata or doorknob)
Why exclude me?
Google says Nethack. :P
is that a nethack reference?
I mean, it's not like anyways else is going to get it.
...oh google cheaters
I knew it was a nethack reference and I don't even know what nethack is. It just sounds like other nethack related stuff in this chatroom.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ cookie!
It's from a poem. It shows up when you read a scroll of amnesia.
Specifically, it's a reference to scrolls of amnesia.
go play nethack
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I have become you....
I have played Nethack.
go play moar
I didn't say play it for the first time, i just said do it.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I feel so confused, but I'm excited about... Comic drawing???
And annoyed with people who bug me about it.
@EasterlyIrk XD
I'm working on two atm
finishing up drafts
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ: Have you heard about Toonz becoming open source and free?
@El'endiaStarman No, what's Toonz?
Have you seen some of Studio Ghibli's stuff?
From that article, it looks pretty nice
Studio Ghibli films are renowned for great art, great animation, and especially great story-telling.
The one in the image is Princess Mononoke.
Unfortunately, the best animation studio in the world would be wasted in my hands.
I've seen that and The Wind Also Rises, Howl's Moving Castle, and My Neighbor Totoro.
I loved My Neighbor Totoro.
Totoro, Totoro! Totoro, Totoro...
That was my very first film I watched
watched totoro in japanese class last year
I think I've seen almost all of them. Side effects of socializing with Japanese people.
absolutely loved it
Kiki's Delivery Service is great too.
My favorite is probably Princess Mononoke, which was the third I watched, I think.
So's Spirited Away
Oh, forgot about Spirited Away.
I haven't seen that.
My favorite is Laputa.
its really good
all my computers and servers are named after Studio Ghibli characters
Spirited Away was the first one where I saw any of Studio Ghibli's work...and I saw parts and pieces as far back as like a decade ago or something.
Ive got a Totoro picture book.
The art's really nice
thats nice
Smaller figurine shown not included.
is it 2312?
that looks like a mask from post apocalyptic earth
@Geobits I actually know another military vet who spent a year or more abroad in Japan. He's good friends with my best friend, who introduced me to Studio Ghibli's stuff and other animes...
No idea why it's $70 on Amazon though. I got mine for maybe 2000 yen.
convert: 2000 yen
(to usd): 17.7486
@El'endiaStarman Yea, it's hard not to see Ghibli stuff if you spend time with people. It's like living in the USA and not knowing what The Lion King or Aladdin are.
convert: 2000 yen
(to usd): 17.7486
oh, it works for non-mods too now?
That's not far off the exchange rate while I was there.
convert: 2000 yen
(to gbp)
Except it was probably more like $22 at the time for 2000 yen.
@muddyfish ~12.5958 now
thats cheap
Especially compared to $70.
Yea, no idea why the price jump there.
compared to 70 $, anything less than $70 is cheap
@EasterlyIrk BTW, I rewrote that license for you. I strongly advise against using it. But if you do, keep in mind that you can't use platforms with incompatible ToS, like e.g. GitHub. This is more for sort of commercial-oriented OS projects.
It's on rakuten for $35 though.
I wish there was a simple way to make LaTeX (well, ChatJax) context-aware so it knows when $ means dollars and not math mode... :P
$ followed by a space/punctuation+space is not mathjax, maybe?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I do not think so.
That wouldn't help things like $70.
No, Optimizer's previous message has two instances of $70.
@El'endiaStarman dunno about simple, but did u try this
@El'endiaStarman no, first one was 70 $
@Optimizer If, so then does the translator work for non-mods too now?
@zyabin101 dont know how to use it !
Either way, the most common use of $ as currency is followed directly by a number, not a space or punctuation.
@zyabin101 No it doesn't. It's a mod tool only.
@Geobits $ 70 is totally valid
Well, I don't think convert is a mod tool at all.
@Optimizer Oh, you're right.
@quartata No it isn't, I was spoofing the translate tool.
@quartata Then the convertor should work only for mods now.
@Optimizer I said "most common", not "only valid".
oh ok .
@zyabin101 That was fake.
convert is not a mod tool period.
translate is a tool but it is mod-only.
convert: 70$
(to yen): 7882.35
convert: 3.14 kg
So it only works for currency conversion, yeah?
I think it's a mod thing
It doesn't work at all because it doesn't exist.
@zyabin101 You have to include the unit to convert to.
Drama llama
convert (lb): 3.14 kg
(to pounds) 6.922515 lb
@zyabin101 its not google
@El'endiaStarman rofl
@zyabin101 You do understand that they're joking, right?
Maybe the script has him ignored for some reason.
convert: JavaScript
to (english): A bad idea.
totally possible. script has lots of errors
@Geobits Maybe it's only for those who can react to chat flags.
Seriously though, the translate tool is real, but the convert tool is not. I was spoofing the translate tool.
@zyabin101 you mean people with o in their user names?
@zyabin101 Maybe. It works fine for me.
Also, pro tip: the translate tool has a reply-to-like highlight effect.
translate: Deutsch
(from German) German
It's not really possible to "forge" the translate tool anymore because the only way to get to highlight was a silent ping.
@El'endiaStarman holy shit
This could fool the untrained observer though:
@Zgarb Is there any way to call jqt with command line arguments to execute J code?
translate: Une contrefaçon
> (from French) A forgery
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I don't know, I've never used IO in J.
I just use the REPL.
jqt '3 + 4' doesn't work :(
@quartata I thought there is also the word "counterfeit" in english, isn't it?
@CoolestVeto You didn't know about that? :P
@quartata Now I was almost used to @AquaTart and you change it back!
As well as the default keyword. O.o
@flawr Yeah, although usually it's used as an adjective.
it's like {un,}checked blocks in C# :P (somewhat)
@quartata Oh right
I thought default was for switch/case, not for methods.
I had to use strictfp once when I was writing something for a MIPS computer.
@CoolestVeto That's new in Java 8
@quartata Yeah, I just looked it up. O.o I thought it was implied on visibility modifier-less interfaces with implementations.

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