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A: What HTML tags are allowed on Stack Exchange sites?

randomAllowed HTML Tags The Stack Exchange engine allows only the following safe, whitelisted subset of HTML tags: <a> - hyperlink. <b> - bold, use as last resort <h1>-<h3>, <em>, and <strong> are preferred. <blockquote> - specifies a section that is ...

Okay, just triple added an answer for APL, Perl 6 and LiveScript on that recent "easy" question :-).
let's see if anyone has anything to say 'bout them
@mbomb007 limits don't affect loops yet
I'll try to add an examples page to the wiki some time though
let me know if there's anything specific I can clear up in the language docs
@JessSmith Oh, I forgot to mention that Jelly uses this encoding — A and N 3 hours ago
How many moderators will there actually be?
can you point me to where it says that
@Dennis I'm not a huge fan of the "unrelated to moderation" argument, because of the diamond effect
nvm found it
we currently have like 7 moderators or what?
6. 2 aren't active, though
@NathanMerrill You can enforce community consensus, even if you don't agree with it. Your personal thoughts about a topic do not matter, as long as they do not influence your actions.
And X likes/doesn't like pop cons isn't a good reason to prefer one candidate over another IMHO.
@NathanMerrill 6?
Martin, Doorknob, Alex, Chris, gnibbler and me.
oh damn, i was not counting doorknob!
okay, added even an Elixir solution.meh
string manipulation in cobol is zzz
@Dennis it depends on what you mean by "likes". If you are referring to "doesn't enjoy participating in them", then I totally agree. If you are referring to "doesn't think they should exist", then that should totally influence your vote
(assuming you care about the pop-con issue)
Why? We currently have at least one moderator that thinks all popularity contests should be off topic. That doesn't make them off topic.
hi.. anyone want to hear my crazy math challenge (I asked a lot of hours ago but there weren't so many math people in)?
right, but if all of the moderators thought that, then I'd bet they'd be off topic. Not because the moderators are enforcing their opinion, but because people generally follow the opinions of the moderators
I dont have 50 rep I cant comment but I would like to point out that codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/75993/47019 is not valid because functions are not allowed @GenericUser
well, JS/.. don't really have a stdin
hi @MartinBüttner
I am experimenting with real code-golf questions :)
when we elect a president, we don't just elect him based on how well he can perform the tasks of being a president, we also elect him based on his stance on current issues
@epicTCK Program means program or function on PPCG. If it has to be a full program, the spec must say so.
before I go back to really hard math ones ;)
@Dennis well, it says "read from stdin"
actually, that's a bad analogy, because goverments do set the rules
@NathanMerrill is the US politics?
@NathanMerrill You're not electing a president. You're choosing a few police officers.
So, if I understand, we can't take input as a function parameter (or output as a return value)? "
"@NathanMerrill Yes, that's correct"
@Dennis yeah, as far as moderation goes, I agree. I'm arguing that it matters because of the diamond effect (where personal stance directs the site)
you guys are police officers and our religious leaders
we don't have to follow what you preach, but we most likely will
We have a few defaults for I/O that are based on community consensus. While you are entitled to override them, insisting on STDIN/STDOUT for I/O invalidates a bunch of answers (which assumed that the defaults apply) and make the task downright impossible in other languages (they don't have standard streams). — Dennis ♦ 27 secs ago
@epicTCK By default, yes. The challenge seems to override that though. I've left a comment.
@Dennis nice, thanks :)
means my LiveScript answer applies.
@NathanMerrill I know about the diamond effect. This is why I haven't posted an answer to the pop con discussion on meta.
@Dennis The main reason is that I was upset that my grond (github.com/epicTCK/Grond) program (WIP i havent posted it yet) was not beating js and i realised it was because he was using a function which was disallowed
^ me being honest
well, to expect moderators to not post answers on such issues is unreasonable
Not really.
@MartinBüttner I meant separate examples, not an example using both.
Mods are supposed to stay neutral and execute the community's consensus.
@NathanMerrill I've stopped bothering with chat because the signal to noise ratio fell so low that it was too frustrating. Thanks for the vote of confidence; my current opinion is that the current mods are doing a good job, and I'm happy to vote them back in.
okay, guess I should try some bigger questions to get more reviews.. :p
Not try to bully the community into following their consensus because they have a diamond
@NathanMerrill is this convo about me?
@epicTCK No......?
@quartata The mods on C.SE were rarely neutral in Meta discussions, but we did often emphasize that our opinions were personal ones and that we would uphold community consensus no matter what.
@PeterTaylor well, I definitely agree its gone up, but I did enjoy you being around
@NathanMerrill You can't have it both ways. 1. Moderators should be elected because they are good moderators, not because they share your views. 2. To make that possible, moderators shouldn't attempt to use their diamonds to force their own opinions on the community.
@quartata I've never read that mods are supposed to be neutral, but I agree that they are supposed to execute the consensus
Ideally, they should.
At the end of the day, moderators are members of the community too.
That greeted me on my screen just now...
@EasterlyIrk Heyyy Purim Torah! :P
just checking it out for any interesting ones.
Not jewish.
Me neither, but I like Purim Torah for the..."interesting" questions that come up on Mi Yodeya. :P
@Dennis I agree that moderators shouldn't use their diamonds to influence, but I still think that it happens (not the moderator's fault though)
@El'endiaStarman yup
so its either "we vote purely on capability", or "moderators can post answers to issues"
maybe this would make a good candidate question
"How do you stay impartial on current issues"
I guess that's basically what A diamond will be attached to everything you say and have said in the past, including questions, answers and comments. Everything you will do will be seen under a different light. How do you feel about that? is getting at
@NathanMerrill I'm not saying I won't voice my opinion at all. Especially when it's related to moderation (e.g., what to do with invalid answers), I have participated in discussions and will continue to do so.
lol, saw +10 and thought "someone liked one of my 4/5 answers" nope it's from SO :P
Q: Make this Code Explanation pretty again

DenkerAffeIntroduction Most code-golfers here add explanations to their submissions, so it's easier to understand what's going on. Usually the codelines go on the left and the corrosponding explanation to the right with some kind of seperator. To make it look pretty, the seperators are all on the same col...

sooo... this is bizarre
I was stalking @PeterTaylor and he usually uses pjt33 as a username
and I found this post:
with @El'endiaStarman
but back in 2007
also woah: You are a stalker! Never telling you anything about me.
@NathanMerrill Oh-ho, Peter Taylor also participated on the PE forums?
@NewMainPosts I found from where the example code is.
@El'endiaStarman apparently
A: Making an acronym

DenkerAffePyth, 25 21 20 bytes shM-crz1dc4."@YK½¼ Try it here! Thanks to @Jakube for saving one byte! Explanation shM-crz1dc4."@YK½¼ # z = input rz1 # convert input to uppercase c d # split input on spaces c4."@YK½¼ # create a list of the words fr...

14:55 here.
Q: What is the deeper meaning of yo mama jokes in the Talmud?

b aThe Talmud, in discussing the meaning of the word "אור," proposes astoundingly that: אלמא אור יממא הוא Thus we see that אור is yo mama Pesachim 2a Indeed, it's only a hava ameina. But every hava ameina must be taken seriously. Could anyone shed light on the deeper meaning o...

@El'endiaStarman And talked with you... :P
That's so cool.
codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/76027/… did I get the first answer? yay :).
I can't believe the name "quartata" is taken on Twitter.
(well, would be rly cool if I were good)
@ZachGates its not cool
@ZachGates damn that's a sexy nav bar
@Quill Thanks :D
coming-soon page is coming soon
I hadn't thought of it like that
how about a 404 page that cannot be found?
@ZachGates put a working game of pacman, snake, or chrono trigger (random each visit) when you visit
or a 5xx error page that throws 5xx error
or cat memes
cat memes are always good to look at instead of what you're looking for
ugh, making sure a string has the correct length is hard
@Quill Amen.
@Quill you haven't posted anything here on PPCG since January. That is a problem.
I literally don't understand half of the questions, and the other half already have JavaScript answers
Make your own language and answer old ones.
@Quill Gotta FGITW 'em all!
I'm still learning Pyth, but I've been busy with stuff and things
@El'endiaStarman pretty much
@EasterlyIrk I would do that, but A) I don't know how to make languages B) I don't know how it would work, or what I'd need for the language to be useful
@ZachGates what's with the animated topbar?
its kinda annoying
other than that, pretty good site
I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was // To FGITW them is my test, to answer them is my cause // I will trawl across the site, searching far and wide // Each challenge to understand the problem that's inside...
@Quill also, you don't use enough carets. ^^
@El'endiaStarman what?
@EasterlyIrk I literally wrote a script to hide them
I don't like them.
@EasterlyIrk ...............................do you know the Pokémon theme song?
I don't play/watch/know pokemon.
Go right now and play the entire pokemon series and watch the entire first series
I know what it is, but that is it.
@Quill Trade: Carets for pokemon.
@Quill That would take quite a while though. Took me a couple weeks to beat Red.
(And I played it last year sometime.)
@El'endiaStarman It took me a couple of weeks to abuse glitches to literally catch them all
Red is great
@Maltysen What's wrong with it?
I didn't really try hard to catch them all. I think I caught like half of the available ones in Red.
@EasterlyIrk while you're at it, make a duelingnetwork account and learn yugioh and watch the entire anime
Yesterday in my lecture, right in the middle of it, when it's just the lecturer talking, somewhere in the audience you hear the pokemon battle startup sound. Everybody laughed so hard
@Maltysen you play?
ugggh wrapping line is so hard :[
@Quill dn? yeah. I used to play a lot more, but i'm busier now. what's your username, i'll add you
oh, I haven't played in long enough to remember my username
I mainly played offline tournaments back in the day
this is hilarious (even if you don't know anything about CS:GO)
@EasterlyIrk Bored again?
@quartata I liked the little overkill bit at the end. :P
@Downgoat js should be fine now
@Maltysen More likely than pokemon.
@flawr Always.
@EasterlyIrk \o/
I like card games, but my mom freaks at anybody in our family collecting stuff.
@EasterlyIrk dn is all online
@CoolestVeto @trichoplax are you guys excited about your country's new boat, boaty mcboatface?
@EasterlyIrk does she know you're collecting them's sweet rep points?
Is it frowned upon to post a non-complete impl. of a challenge in a rarely used language so people can compare and/or base their solution off of it?
(With stated "non-competing"). Obviously the downvoter didn't comment.
@AlexA. Did you ever feel compelled to do socket programming in LOLCODE? Me too! github.com/justinmeza/httpd.lol
Yes, there's a meta post somewhere
@DanielM. what does "without using" encompass? Does it include writing to global variables?
@Maltysen link?
Sorry, but close but not there answers are not allowed.
@Maltysen brb registering
@Downgoat Yes, writing to a global variable is considered a side-effect
@Maltysen done, now htf do I play?
@DanielM. For example, n=>(b=n+1)+b will make a global variable b, as arrow functions they don't have their own scope. So would this be considered a side-effect? That would disqualify a lot of existing JavaScript answers
you have to make a deck, then duel
i'll duel with you, but you can also duel with random people
that manual is missing pendulum monsters, which dn has, but no one uses
@Downgoat Maybe something like "A function should be able to pass data without relying on side-effects to pass the data"
mainly because they're too complicated
Can't people just add a comment when downvoting? "This is invalid, see this meta post, cya". Instead of leaving me to guess. Oh people
Side-effects are allowed, but the function shouldn't use side-effects to pass the data
@FryAmTheEggman thanks :)
@Downgoat the same effect applies to declaring variables inside proper function scopes
it rises through the scopes to try and find a relevant variable and ends up at the top and becoming a global
which is why you should use strict mode in production code
that "should" edit though
@Maltysen sure
@ven I try.
dam, yugioh is complicated
hai @HelkaHomba
hai @SuperJedi224
set i {}
set i.width 20
set i.height 20
set i.bg 0xCCDDFF
set canvas graphics.canvas i
canvas.rotatePenDirection 50
canvas.setPenDown FALSE
canvas.move 12
canvas.setPenColor 0xAA0022
canvas.setPenDown TRUE
canvas.rotatePenDirection -16
canvas.move 10
canvas.rotatePenDirection 150
canvas.move 6
canvas.save "out.png"
@EasterlyIrk it's not that hard
Not hard, complicated.
I don't play magic, pokemon, yu-gi-oh, or any other deck/card games like this.
The only thing remotely close is D&D. I play sometimes, but very informally.
The above program generates this image:
This one?
What langauge?
ForceLang, but it uses some new functionality I haven't published yet.
@Downgoat I think that the definition would work now
@GamrCorps I think your question to mods "What's your opinion on letting experienced users essentially re-write a challenge" is different from mine, so please consider including it.
it's asking about large rewrites of an unclear challenge, whereas I was asking about a rules changes
@EasterlyIrk I can give you a solid starter deck that's not too complicated if you don't want to bother making your own while still learning how to play
also, what's your username?
@AlexA. Hi
Hey @SuperJedi224!
@Maltysen RikerW
And sure.
@DanielM. that sounds fine. Perhaps just define "data" as "I/O"
@Maltysen That sounds great, but how?
do you have a basic understanding of the game?
my internet sucks very badly
@Maltysen Place monsters, they do damage.
uhh, i guess
Fusion are made of multiple monsters, and other monsters can only be played at certain times/with other cards.
@EasterlyIrk ignore fusions
they're also pretty useless
syncrho and xyz
The synchrons can be summoned with combinations of other monsters or with a special tuner dude.
do you understand battling?
The xyz ones are just extra summonable ones.
@Maltysen ish
there's a neat flowchart IIRC
just keep on consulting it till you get the hang of it
i'll send you a screenshot of the deck
six samurai or blackwing?
both are pretty easy to play
which one do you want
samurai sounds cool
are they decks?
yeah, they're types of decks
well, types of cards
and the deck is centered around that type
just tell me the card names
wait do these cost money?
not online
the real ones do
okai good
I know the real ones do, but I can't pay right now.
Also in the next ForceLang release, timer.new will be deprecated
Use datetime.timer instead
@EasterlyIrk ^^^ tell me if you can't read any of those
I can't read any of those.
@Maltysen What is this.
@flawr the deck i'm giving Riker
how do you zoom in flash?
majik cards not from majik teh gather
I mean this:
42 secs ago, by Maltysen
lol misspleled
e and o aren't even close?
no, misspleled
@Maltysen I'm good actually.
I can read bits and pieces, and the search uses most of it.
@flawr ask @AlexA.
Jan 2 at 1:32, by Alex A.
He says it alot.
@xnor I considered including it, but my browser isn't letting me click undelete... so... yeah
Nevermind, I got it
@flawr It's an intentional misspelling for the sake of humor. I use it in situations where I could otherwise say something like "heh."
@Maltysen i can't find one of the cards.
Top left corner in the image.
poison of the old man
sorry top right
I'm thinking about trying my hand at a window manager. Does anyone know where I can find some docs to get started?
@Maltysen oh the six samurai deck
@quartata Window Manager?
I am trying.......
@Quill its an xyz spam one
@Quill For X11.
Use Windows
A: Full Width Text

epicTCKGrond, 22 chars a(p().sp('').jn(' ')); compiler in js below String.prototype.reverse = function() { return this.split("").reverse().join(""); } function compile(source){ var wc = source; // wc stands for working copy var lastWC; while (true) { lastWC = wc; wc = wc.reverse()...

@AlexA. Why? It has a terrible Window Manager :P
speaking of which, I forgot to give you the extra deck @EasterlyIrk
@Geobits haha
@quartata docs for... what?
@Maltysen 3rd row down, right side.
The greenish ones.
I'd probably peek at a few OS ones to see how they do things before diving straight into the docs.
asceticism of the six samurai
@Doorknob I don't
@AlexA. IOI
@EasterlyIrk ^^^^^^
sorry wtf
my browser like didn't show any new messages for like 5 min
@AlexA. 5
I think he means writing speed.
@Maltysen last card in the big deck.
I can't read the xttra deck at all.
i'll read it to you
shi en
king arthur
shadow of the six samurai
gem-knight pearl
evilswarm ouroboros
blade armor ninja
crimson blader
photon papilloperative
take two of the one's you see twice in the image
@Fatalize No need; avocados have always been great.
okay doke
@AlexA. Amen.
(lel capitalization and punctuation failure)
@EasterlyIrk hosted duel
username Maltysen
password: abc123
@Maltysen brb hakkin

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