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@flawr Hm?
@AlexA. Oh, I had to reload the page.
@flawr how many?
@mınxomaτ \ ಠ_ಠ /
@DonMuesli Did you already write your application?
Suggest for the election q&a: Why should we not vote for you?
you should not vote for me because i'll randomly disappear for weeks at a time
@flawr Don't just suggest, post it! Be bold.
Anyone who can post on meta can submit a question to be included in the Q&A.
Better not, my not-so-serious suggestions are not that well received usually=)
I just came up with this because I couldn't find a few "qualities" of mine that would not make me a good mod^^
ohhh modesty!
votes for flawr
That was a popular children's game. Imagine you are all together in a crashing hot air balloon and you have to get rid of people (down to the last one). In each round, every player has to give the others a reason not to kill them.
OK, thinking about it, it was a bit grim. But fun.
we should use that method for presidential elections
@mınxomaτ What kind of childhood was that?
@MamaFunRoll A lot of childhood games and songs are fairly grim, we just don't know it at that age.
@El'endiaStarman Oh yeah... forgot about that.
Especially German nursery rhymes.
I mean, look at that.
@mınxomaτ Better than Disney.
serves him right, little suck-a-thumb
@El'endiaStarman when you really think about it though, even most of our childish insults have some larger meaning or innuendo
@mınxomaτ O_o
I open my chat to see this ._.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Part of the charm of the 19th Byte! :P
You never know what you're gonna get! :P
> (The Truly Sad Story of the Matches): a girl wants to play with matches, but a cat tells her not to. She plays with them anyway and burns to death.
> Kaspar, a chubby, healthy boy, refuses to eat his soup. Five days pass in which he continues to refuse his soup, so he wastes away and dies.
@AquaTart = @quartata MIND == BLOWN
Why didn't I notice this.
@mınxomaτ Taking scare tactics to an extreme
I have multiple books from my childhood with those stories.
@mınxomaτ closed as wrong
@mınxomaτ Can confirm. I didn't feel like soup for a week and I died.
"With their 7th prank they aren’t so lucky. The boys hide in a grain store and cut holes in sacks of grain. The farmer discovers them, puts them in the sacks instead and takes them to the mill. They get ground to pieces and fed to the ducks. And as the ending makes very clear, no one was sad about it."
Oh my god what am I reading?
> (The Story of Flying Robert): despite the fact he knows boys and girls should stay inside during storms, Robert goes outside during a storm. The wind catches his umbrella and takes him into the clouds and far away, where no one hears his cries. He is presumably never seen again.
@flawr haha
@AlexA. Can you change my name back to quartata?
I have 2 days to wait...
@ZachGates Conceptually, / applied to arrays is the opposite of *, so it essentially truncates. It is a slice, but one that always starts at the left and is based on the length of the array. I'll have \chunk for splitting arrays into equal-sized chunks.

quartata's goal

12 mins ago, 1 minute total – 13 messages, 5 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 1 min ago by Aqua Tart

@EasterlyIrk Temporarily, obviously. :P
@AquaTart Globally or on PPCG only?
@AlexA. PPCG only; it's already quartata everywhere else
Okay, done
@MamaFunRoll I remember that story. It was told to me when I was a child.
That was more like 0.
Inconsistent identity is bad
@El'endiaStarman okai dokey
yeah nope
user image
I gave in.
A userscript that alerts you if the link text is different from the link would be cool
I just have the links memorized. Makes it easy.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You just lost any chance of me voting for you >.>
> does not seem to wish to give you up
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ rickremoval.com
@HelkaHomba D:
I'm going to get all the way to the last phase of the election, and then add a rickroll link and be like "It was worth it"
You haven't even nominated yourself????
Not yet, no.
Probably in a few days.
(If I ever am going to)
@EasterlyIrk Don't pressure people to nominate themselves; it's a much harder choice than you might think.
I am not.
What does being a mod entail, beside moderating the site?
He was acting like he already did, but he didn't.
Oh, OK.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ With great power comes great responsibilty... NO MOD ABUSE!!!1!!!1!!!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You should read the Theory of Moderation; it outlines the purpose of moderators fairly well.
@AquaTart I read that already. Anything else?
@AquaTart idk, is there any penalty for running with no intention of assuming the position? People could do it for ships and giggles
Feb 26 at 0:23, by Quill
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I recommend reading A Theory of Moderation, and the election questions asked to election candidates
search through the top voted questions on MSE as well
Basically, moderators act as human exception handlers and leaders. Their goal is to lead the community by example and perform janitorial things in situations that regular users cannot be expected to do by themselves.
7 hours ago, by Easterly Irk
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ new comic request
6 hours ago, by Easterly Irk
I need moar comix
Uh, I gotta go and write my acceptance speech
Hai @NathanMerrill
Hai @CoolestVeto
Is it not possible to nominate others?
Lots of posts to read, y'know!
is that only a beta thing?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ಠ______________________________ಠ
> reputation 0k
s/reputation/sense/ and you have D. Trump.
Dangit Trump.
Damnit Trump.
@EasterlyIrk Well I was asleep...
@NathanMerrill In the past, you could nominate others even for the initial election, so I assume this will also be the case for future elections.
There are many things D. can stand for that represent him better than donald trump.
@CoolestVeto GOOD MORNING!
@CoolestVeto ohai
@El'endiaStarman hehe little late :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Just past o' dark 30.
@CoolestVeto 19:30?
Q: Sort a nested list

My Ham DJYou must write a program or function that sorts a nested list. Here are the rules for sorting a nested list: Let's take this list as an example: ((5, 2), 2, 7, (2, 1, (3, 4)), 9) Each element in this list has a "priority". An element counts as a number or a sublist. First, get the priority of...

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ generally 6:30.
@ZachGates Well yeah, with 20 minutes of internet altogether over 5 days, it's hard to stay current. :P
Try 0038
@El'endiaStarman Oh dear
I figured I'd answer the question anyway.
O' dark 30 generally refers to the earlyish hours of the morning, like 3-6 (source: military grandfather(
@CoolestVeto Then why did you visit chat?
@EasterlyIrk I respond to every ping ASAP.
Maybe I should add recursive pointing to the chat userscript
@CoolestVeto Even when you are sleeping?
XD Night.
@Downgoat 🐐_🐐 is not a good emoticon.
@EasterlyIrk ಠ_ಠ
Hey, I did get goats fully working in FOG.
@EasterlyIrk \o/ that is awesome
@PinCrash Did you anagram yourself from Phrancis?
Step 1 of CR -> PPCG assimilation
Crap, guess that gave it away didn't it
@AlexA. Wait, which way?
But I don't mind CR.
Hey, could I get thoughts on this challenge? I'm wondering if my explanation is clear enough.
@MyHamDJ Need new profile pic.
Your Ham DJ avatar was cool
@MyHamDJ Also, it's xkcd not XKCD
The python one was best.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ @MyHamDJ #didn'tspecifygetrekt
@MyHamDJ so the "priority" is just a number's value or the sum of a list?
@MyHamDJ Looks like that'd be fun to try to solve with a Lisp, for extra extra brackets
@MartinBüttner as my favorite mod, are you going to be nominating yourself?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ That was a irrelavent thought, but he didn't say it wasn't allowed.
@NathanMerrill He said he will tomorrow
@Downgoat actually, 🐐 _🐐 doesn't look bad.
Also ;-;
@EasterlyIrk I'm still "?"
@Downgoat The sum of the list not including any sublists. So

(1, 2, (3, 4))

has a priority of 3, not 10.
I do like our current mod set, but yeah, I play favorites
I like birds as mods.
@MyHamDJ ah, okay. got it
@AlexA. is my favorite, no offense others.
@EasterlyIrk what about goats :3
@NathanMerrill It would honestly be rather foolish not to support Martin as a mod. :P
@EasterlyIrk :'(
@EasterlyIrk <3 <3 <3
@El'endiaStarman I haven't seen enough of your moddiness.
@AlexA. <3
Well if it isn't Dr. BearMonkey...
I don't really care if I win or not, but I do hope some of my ideas get some support.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ '"XKCD" is an okay alternative.' -- Randall Monroe.
@EasterlyIrk Alex is friendly and all, but I think Martin has done more to improve/advance the site. (No fence alex)
@MyHamDJ Strive for the best.
Winning would make implementing them easier though :P
I haven't been around for that long, so IDK about the most improvement for the site.
This strawpoll is the one competition Dennis isnt winning
@HelkaHomba No fences have been taken. He's also been a mod a lot longer than I have.
@AquaTart Hate to break it to you, but modship doesn't work that way. :P
I choose @El'endiaStarman.
@MyHamDJ Oh, that's tricky...
Can't decide? Pick A -> accept. Pick B -> well, it's opposite day...
in Haskell, what is the shortest expression in two numbers m and n that gives 1 if they are equal and 0 otherwise?
i.e. an indicator function for equality
@EasterlyIrk Haha it only finds one place given my address and that place doesn't even serve food, they wholesale tea. XD
@AlexA. The challenge or the strawpoll?
@MyHamDJ Follow the reply link ;) (laptop vs. desktop)
@xnor How do you check equality in Haskell? a==b?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Y'know the replies are perfectly visible before making a choice, right? :P
@PinCrash I had to think about that one for a little bit before answering. =D
@AlexA. yup, but unlike Python, True and False are not 1 and 0
@xnor That's a foreign concept to me... Can they be cast as such implicitly?
@AlexA. haha, duh.
@xnor Does it have to be an integer or can it be a float?
@AlexA. the "proper way" is fromEnum
@El'endiaStarman Still.
@xnor Proper? If you're doing something proper in code golf then you're doing something wrong. :P
Who was that wanted the restrictive open-source license yesterday?
@Sp3000 i guess floats are fine
@mınxomaτ I think it was @EasterlyIrk...
@AlexA. yes, haskell's pickiness makes golfing in it a challenge, hence simple-looking tasks can have clever workarounds
That sounds intriguing :)
@MyHamDJ ಠ_ಠ
0^(abs(a-b)) is all I have atm :/ forgot haskell doesn't really have bitwise builtin
@MyHamDJ First no is best no
Second no is best no
@Sp3000 that does work, and the outer parens can be cut
@GamrCorps The lampooning version: strawpoll.me/6027183
@HelkaHomba Domerators?
Also, does anyone here know any NASM assembly?
The moderators of Thunderdome
@Downgoat What do you want to know?
@xnor Ah, right. (I can never tell with Haskell :P)
@mınxomaτ I am getting this error:
@AlexA. hahahahaha :P
> error: binary output format does not support external references
I am compiling with:
nasm asdf.asm -o asdf.o
@El'endiaStarman How did you find that? That was like a million years ago :P
@Sp3000 I've been golfing haskell for a bit, and I still never know when parens are needed. I just try cutting each pair and see if it runs.
@Downgoat Well. Do you have external references in your code?
@AlexA. Catching up on the transcript after seeing none of it for about 6 days...
@xnor That's exactly how I learned when parentheses are necessary in APL.
@mınxomaτ yes, I am calling extern to a C function
though I do have the extern instruction in my asm:
extern boot
call boot
:o I beat Jelly
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ is that even possible?
@Downgoat I must have done something wrong o_o
@Downgoat There is you problem. You're creating a binary file (ie. unaligned, headless OP code).
Identity matrix?
Wait, nvm
I have a serious question to put to all the moderator candidates. Is there a room for election talk, or is this the best spot for it?
Which challenge did you mean?
@mınxomaτ well this is my code:
[BITS 16]
org 0x7C00 ; boot address

extern boot
call boot

times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0 ; make sure file is correct length
dw 0x0AA55
did I do something wrong?
@El'endiaStarman Thanks :D
@Sp3000 yes, i was thinking about this for the identity matrix challenge
@Downgoat All your command does is dump OP code into the blah.o file. I assume you want to create a linkable object?
Sorry, out of context. The which challenge was at Conor :P (but nice to know which one you're working on too :) )
@Sp3000 ah, you happened to guess right!
@mınxomaτ yes, I want to run call the external C function without actually having it compiled into the asdf.o file
So you're trying to beat the builtin? :o
Anyone have suggestions for github.com/molarmanful/RETURN?
@Sp3000 no, that seems hopeless
@xnor Thought you were responding to Mama there :P
i'm such a pessimist
@PhiNotPi Awh nooo...Rubio was my pick of the Republicans. Now that he's out and Kasich has no hope of winning, the options are basically incompetent-and-bad and competent-but-bad. If Clinton wins over Sanders, then the options in my opinion are basically bad and worse. >_<
@Downgoat That has nothing to do with the assembly step. To create a linkable object, use the -f(ormat) option. E.g. nasm -f obj foobar.asm. Then link against the library which contains the C function. E.g. alink -oPE <blah>.
With whatever linker you use.
@Sp3000 with the direct strat, the chain of improvements seems to be:
fromEnum m==n
but i feel like there could be better
Oh god ^2 that precedence
i know, i thought only python did that
@mınxomaτ do you mean like this or am I just stupid?
Vihans-MacBook:bootloader vihan$ nasm -f bin v1.asm
v1.asm:5: error: binary output format does not support external references
@Downgoat You don't seem to know what object files are. Binary files are a 1:1 list of OP codes generated by the assembler. They have no entry point and no header. In order to call some external library, an object file has to be assembled (which contains fixups for the linker to fill in). The linker will then link the static library code against the object file and add the binary header (Windows = PE, Unix = ELF etc.).
@El'endiaStarman Yeah, Rubio was mine too. Honestly, I'd settle for Trump because I already know what bad looks like for the Clintons.
A binary file can't call anything because it has empty fixup locations. Without an address (provided by the linker), it doesn't know where to jump. It isn't even aware of any OS or libs or anything.
A: Generate 100 Java Tuple classes

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴJolf, 42 bytes Do I get bonus points for beating Jelly with the best score ever? Contains unprintables, so you may want to try it online here. I replaced the unprintables with their respective alt index for readability. ‼Μz~1d"Ξ/êί Tuple% {Ξ0î⌂ Ξ2Qμ_ %;}"HRzH",_ Explanation ‼Μz~1d"Ξ/êί Tuple...

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I think I would actually prefer Trump over Cruz, perversely, because I'm fairly sure that Trump would not last long as president.
@El'endiaStarman I see your point. I would do (anybody) (trump) (clinton) just because I want to at least try to live in a sane country >_>
@mınxomaτ ah, ok. I think I get it, but I'm making a bootloader so if I use elf32, will everything work fine?
@Downgoat That question doesn't make much sense.
@mınxomaτ docs say: elf32 ELF32 (i386) object files (e.g. Linux). So if I use on it on a non-UNIX system, will it still be able to understand object file(s)?
What? No. Object files can only be used by linkers
ohhh, okay
You also shouldn't write you own bootloader, for a variety of reasons. I suggest to get a stable microkernel and extend from there.
GRUB is really good and does all sorts of things
GRUB is way to overloaded for this project.
@quartata @AlexA. also finds it tasty, I'm sure.
A good place to start is baremetal.
@mınxomaτ I'm not doing this seriously, just for fun (and to learn asm).
35 secs ago, by mınxomaτ
A good place to start is baremetal.
@El'endiaStarman This bird only eats organic, non-GMO soy grubs thank you very much :P
@AlexA. what's wrong with GMO soy grubs?
What's wrong with Giant, Moldy, Orange soy grubs? What do you think?
sorry, was cleaning my keyboard
@HelkaHomba hahahaha
does this lookr eady to toast?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DowngoatRandomly Spell A Word Wrong code-golf string random Inspired by this CR question Spec What the probabilities of misspelling a word are: 50% of the time don't change the output 25% of the time remove a random character 25% of the time duplicate a random character The chance for removing/du...

But, why would you need to make a spell error? Just curious :-) — xyz Mar 3 at 6:57
@xyz reassons... — mikeTheLiar Mar 3 at 14:50
> does this lookr eady to toast
@AlexA. does that means it's not ready to toast post?
I don't know that it'll ever be ready to toast
You guys wanna see something scary?
Define scary?
Well, it's code, and it's scary ;p
Q: Calendar made with tkinter

AbsoluteI made a calendar that displays text documents according to month. Thankfully it works, although I could really use some help how to make it more better looking and efficient. I'm new to programming but I have horrible organization skills, and can't really understand the concept of classes, and _...

Code Review links generally are scary enough as it is.
AAAHHHH, the un-codegolfedness....
But now that I've actually looked at the code... what the hell?
@PinCrash People talk about the DRY principle... Well this guy is sopping wet.
much carrots. many confusion...
^^ That's a fantastic way to put it.
@tac I'm kind of half-assedly working on a Vim plugin for Mouse 83 syntax highlighting and smart indentation. I figured you'd probably be the only one around here who would care. :P
My money is on Beer.SE

Beta Q&A site for beer aficionados and collectors

Currently in public beta.

Aw yus
@AlexA. Correct

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