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hey there @AquaTart
Nothing for b <= 100000
@AquaTart tuesqueen
@ETHproductions Does Cubix require its topology to be Turing-complete? That is, is it Turing complete with one face of instructions and five faces of nops?
Nothing for b <= 1000000
Wolfram gave no answers
I'm using Mathematica
f[b_] := f[b] =
   With[{m = 10^IntegerLength[b]},
    Reduce[n^b == m n + b && n > 0 && n \[Element] Integers]];
first number = x
2nd number = y
havent gotten anything yet with Int32.MaxValue
y is positive
the only solution might be to use positive and negative integers, and zero
if x is positive, solve 10x + y = x ^ y
@crayzeedude Or abandon integers.
@flawr good point
@BentNeeHumor But what if y > 9?
Wait a moment.
Then it's 100x + y = x ^ y, y > 9
Nevermind .
@BentNeeHumor Is x and y an integer?
1000x + y = x ^ y, y > 99
You get the point
I somehow missed that :(
@crayzeedude For example in the finite field F2 it works perfectly fine.
1^1 = 1 = 11
@flawr ಠ_ಠ
GF(2) (also F2, Z/2Z or Z2) is the Galois field of two elements. It is the smallest finite field. == Definition == The two elements are nearly always called 0 and 1, being the additive and multiplicative identities, respectively. The field's addition operation is given by the table below, which corresponds to the logical XOR operation. The field's multiplication operation corresponds to the logical AND operation. One may also define GF(2) as the quotient ring of the ring of integers Z by the ideal 2Z of all even numbers: GF(2) = Z/2Z. == Properties == Because GF(2) is a field, many of ...
this is beyond me
@Maltysen ಠ‿ಠ
Do you know what a field is?
im a junior in high school
taking an advanced calc class
Do you know what a set is?
Well a field is a structure where you can add and multiply. But also the reverse of the two.
@AquaTart things like real numbers, rational numbers, etc.?
For example the rational numbers form a field.
The real numbers too.
Also the complex numbers.
yeah yeah
But not the integers.
Well and you can also find finite ones.
Look at the set {0,1} with the multiplication 0*1 = 0*0 = 0
And 1*1 = 1
and the addition 0+0 = 1+1 = 0
and 0+1 = 1
Does no one want to answer ant-cube? :(
Ok that was a really bad way of explaining it.
i only know about the sets of numbers
Kinda have to break it down :P
@HelkaHomba Not until you renamed yourself to a more reasonable name.
lemme try: a field is a kind of set with addition and multiplication that's commutative under multiplication
not about any sort of operations on them or anything
A magma is a set of elements with an associated binary operation that takes two elements from the set and outputs an element in the set
@crayzeedude Well without the operations a set is quite useless.
this is all going right over me ._.
@crayzeedude One more try: Take all integers and calculate mod 7
so like
@flawr "Calvin's Hobbies" was never a reasonable name, more of a phrase...
You can still add and multiply but just add a "mod7" to everything.
for each number x in the set of ints, return x mod 7
Ok so far?
something like that?
Approximate answer: -10^2.009864 = -102.00935463548397
@crayzeedude yeah but when you do math on those numbers, you mod seven again afterwards
@crayzeedude Exaclty, what you are left with are e.g. {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
But you could also take 9, but in this case 9 = 2
So we only consider the numbers {0,1,...,6}
So the neat thing is that you can still substract as you are used to.
but itll apply to each number in the set
And the even neather thing is that you can still DIVIDE
i kinda figured
So what is 2/5 i hear you ask?
Revised revised challenge: find the smallest set of real numbers closed under exponentiation where the original challenge is solvable
since if you can mod you can divide
@crayzeedude Not quite
@crayzeedude Not all rings are division rings
@AquaTart That was really helpful
...I was going to explain...
Fog Creek has been building an easy-to-use web development tool codenamed HyperWeb. Sign up for the beta http://goo.gl/forms/jE9JdS0KdR
explain rings?
@flawr So for example 2/5 = 6, because 2 = 6*5 mod 7
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by hichris123
So another thingy to "make" you "able" to create a "webapp"?
Think of a ring like a set of numbers with two binary operations you can perfom on the numbers.
@Doorknob *insert related xkcd here*
It turns out when you consider {0,1,...,6} and take all the operations mod7 you can still do multiplication and division, addition and substraction. "as you are used to"
That is a field.
Let's say you take everything mod 6 this is going to fail
It turns out this construction only works if you take it mod p where p is a prime number.
If it is not prime, you will find two nonzero number whos product is zero, which is bad.
In this case you call this stuff a Ring and not a field.
so lets see if im getting this
a field is the result of an operation performed on the members of a set,
and you can perform additions/subtractions/multiplications/divisions on this field normally
Id say a field is a set together with those operatiosn.
So apparently it's starting to be a thing where Microsoft is making Windows 10 a "recommended" update for Win7 users.
@crayzeedude But that is basically it.
@PhiNotPi it wasn't already?
As in, supposedly people are getting "auto-updated."
microsoft pls
they should've done that for IE not their OS
let me try this again
If you take a set, define two operations on the elements of this set, call those operations + and * and if those operatiosn satisfy the criteriosn listed, you have a field.
Anyways, the point of all this is that it generalizes the concepts and axioms of arithmetic. Rings don't have to consist of sets of numbers, they can be matrices or polynomials...
-10**2.008636944492642... == -102.008636944492642...
ohhhhhhh okay
This field (not that kind of field) is called abstract algebra.
so if we were to relate this to programming
* and + would be kind of like methods?
Quick question: How to factor a GF2 polynomial?
And so my dilemma is that I might want to disable auto-updating, but my university doesn't allow me to.
@crayzeedude Yes.
@crayzeedude FieldElement mult(FieldElement a, FieldElement b);
ahh neat
And when talking generall about "fields" you only talk about the "abstract class" (as in java)
Nitpick moment: A method usually means a function defined in a class, but in this case you can kinda think of the elements as being an object so that works
And what you can infer from the abstract class.
@BentNeeHumor Umm... that number is actually 101.971... + 2.76754...i
Not according to wolfram :P
Wolfram lies.
@LegionMammal978 Besides, how would you get that? The power is not negative.
@BentNeeHumor For small ones you can easily bruteforce.
As there are only 2^(n+1) polynomials of degree <=n in F2
@crayzeedude Going back to GF2, you can think of GF2 as integers over mod 2
@flawr what about something big like 200 terms.
so like
{...-1, 0, 1, 2, 3...} % 2?
Yeah. So the only numbers are {0, 1}.
@crayzeedude Yup. Now try to find all "classes" (subsets) where all numbers are equal mod 2
@flawr did you mean equal to?
@crayzeedude nope A==B mod 2 is just (A-B) == 0 mod 2
@crayzeedude its called congruency
@Maltysen Or identity on remainder classes=)
wait what
@BentNeeHumor You mean the degree is about 100?
No, about 200 :)
@AlexA. ELI5 julia macros?
Don't quote xkcd at me, and the julia page wasn't helpful.
What is ELI5?
@BentNeeHumor Well shit.
@AlexA. Explain Like I'm 5
dammit you literally ninja'd me with "don't quote xkcd"
dam son, rekt
@AlexA. that was fast.
@BentNeeHumor Use Maple?
@EasterlyIrk :/
I can be a fake alex sock.
I don't think there is thealgorithm, but a lot of not quite as bad ones for different cases.
With damned sons and julia everywhere.
@EasterlyIrk Why damned sons?
@EasterlyIrk When you call a function, you're calling some compiled entity that accepts some parameters and does some shit. When you call a macro, it expands to Julia code, like you wrote the code yourself, rather than calling a function.
I have yet to find a situation in which a macro better suited my needs than a function
@EasterlyIrk all you need is a degree in statistics and you'd be good to go
official alex impersonator
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@AquaTart And you have to pretend to love dogs.
(Love as in not eat.)
@flawr Ah, right.
That'll be a little tricky since Riker is a cat disguised as the Seventh Doctor
@flawr Alex loves the quote "dam son".
@AquaTart yup
And disguised as a human 13 yr old going through statistics and hating it.
@AlexA. okay.
@AquaTart what?
@EasterlyIrk So where is this quote from?
@EasterlyIrk Does that make sense?
I'm sorry to hear that you don't like statistics
@AlexA. Does life make sense?
@flawr Does your face make sense?
@AquaTart Does your mom make sense?
@flawr oh shit
@AquaTart Beat that!
@flawr That's what she said
@AquaTart eh, it'l be better when i get done with the other stuff
@EasterlyIrk Are you taking AP/Honors statistics or just your regular run of the mill probably not very good statistics class
@AlexA. Yes, and so does your mom, life, and cats.
so cu guys
@AquaTart AP.
@EasterlyIrk Hm, OK.
I didn't take a course in statistics until college
@AlexA. You could chose stat before college?
@AlexA. I think the AP stats is one of the newer AP math courses
I think AP stats was a thing when I was in high school
Oh, 1996. Not that new.
Advanced Placement Statistics (AP Statistics, AP Stat or AP Stats) is a college-level high school statistics course offered in the United States through the College Board's Advanced Placement program. This course is equivalent to a one semester, non-calculus-based introductory college statistics course and is normally offered to juniors and seniors in high school. One of the College Board's more recent additions, the AP Statistics exam was first administered in May 1996 to supplement the AP program's math offerings, which had previously consisted of only AP Calculus AB and BC. In the United States...
@AquaTart eh, teacher is mean/crappy/stupid
@EasterlyIrk do you think the test can be self-studied?
since you're taking the course and all
I didn't like the pace of high school classes. I can imagine that taking anything remotely interesting in high school would be sufficient to destroy one's interest.
I learned most stuff from wikipedia and wolfram wiki. I actually didn't know wolfram alpha was a thing. >.<
@Maltysen Definitely, cause i has crappy study skills.
But I am doing fineish, i think A- average.
@EasterlyIrk Better improve them. Yer gonna needem
@EasterlyIrk The book I used in my intro course was pretty decent and wasn't too mathy or high-level. Could be worth checking out for an AP class.
I know.
@AlexA. eh, don't mind the mathyness.
@EasterlyIrk Great=)
I just hate teachers who act condescending and then can't answer anything not directly presented in the text.
"Please ping me for absolutely no reason. No seriously, do it." - @EasterlyIrk
@EasterlyIrk Well, most college level stats textbooks are based on calculus, and then the graduate level ones have measure theory :P
@lirtosiast Cubix does not require topology to be Turing-complete. You can write any program the language can support on one side. It'll just need a few extra direction-controlling chars.
Well annoying you is a reason too. F*ck.
Please don't deliberately annoy another user
It's not particularly nice, and Stack Exchange's "be nice" policy applies network-wide, including in chat.
@AlexA. I'd never even dare to think of such a crude thing.
So cu guys.
Gonna shut down my computer before 12:00pm, other wise I'd have stay awake for another hour.
Cover your eyes, Alex is evolving into his final form!
2 mins ago, by flawr
Well annoying you is a reason too. F*ck.
I guess this was your alter ego ;P
@flawr That's interesting logic. :P Goodnight!
@AlexA. Isn't this the same for everyone?
@AlexA. julia escape for backspace? the destructive one.
@EasterlyIrk Backslash?
Not \b.
Slashback, the desctructive one.
Could be a film title or so.
@AlexA. yeah...
I think \b is the nondestructive one.
er wiat
julia> print("1\b")
julia> print("1\b2")
\b \b
As long as it isn't a regular expression string, i.e. r"1\b2", that should work as expected.
Yeah, but "1\b" doesn't give "".
That is what I want.
Should Gogh use single or double quotes for string literals? I was thinking doubles, but I don't have any definitive logic behind the choice
wait string literals or char.
Eschew the cursed chat literals.
Personal preference is double. I despise it when language allow both.
Yeah, I don't want both
Going through all the stages of grief here.
rages at computer
gives up
@EasterlyIrk idk julia,but i know python, "\b "
> chat literals
replaces it with a space which is invisible
@Maltysen Same, but I want the julia one.
@ETHproductions oops
@flawr ಠ_ಠ
@Maltysen What does "1\b" give in Python?
\b is ctrl-H in python
i'm guessing same in julia, it moves the cursor back one but doesn't change the text until you write over the text with something else @AlexA.
@AlexA. 1.
Looks like \b always wants something to the right of it
Wrong link.
@AlexA. are rem and mod the same?
@EasterlyIrk again idk juila, but i'm guessing its different for negatives
A: What's the difference between “mod” and “remainder”?

David SchwartzThere is a difference between modulus and remainder. For example: -21 mod 4 is 3 because -21 + 4 x 6 is 3. But -21 divided by 4 gives -5 with a remainder of -1. For positive values, there is no difference.

okay cool.
@ETHproductions That's too bad. I'd post a 500 point bounty on a cube-related question if it were. Maybe I still will.
@lirtosiast Why would that stop you from posting the bounty? The program will still be much shorter if you use multiple faces, since you have to pad it with no-ops until it reaches the proper side length.
Say you have an array [10 20 30 40] and an indexing array [1 0 2] (0-indexing). In CJam, how does one index the first with the second to get [20 10 30]? I only found how to use a single number as index, not how to use an array as index
@DonMuesli implicit map?
in cjam is indexing done by an operator?
@Maltysen Indexing operator is = . So [10 20 30 40]2= gives 30. To allow that 2 to be an array I thought of .= (vectorize). But it doesn't work because it applies to each element of the first array, not the whole first array. Map with extra parameter doesn't work either
TIL Singapore doesn't like people who modify nerf guns in the US and ship them to Singapore.

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