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Hello, World:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

lirtosiastDyadic Transpose code-golf array-manipulation APL's ⍉ symbol, when called monadically, causes the dimensions of an array to be reversed: the outermost dimension becomes the innermost dimension. However, its dyadic function is more interesting: the dimensions of an array are permuted according t...

A: "Hello, World!"

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴFlummery v3, 166 bytes Flummery is a BF derivative, but not in the usual sense. It's a meta BF, if you will. There is a pointer, and there is a tape. [ < > + - ] ^ The > command moves the pointer right one, < moves the pointer left one, . is ., , is ,, and any other character is a no-op. Af...

Why does having Atom open make my code run faster?
....that's so weird.
@Dennis Gremlins.
@Dennis Because Electron is 2fast4u
It's perfectly reproducible. Closing Atom before I run my program slows it down by 33%.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ಠ_ಠ
Your code wants to compete with Atom for resources so it makes itself faster to outperform Atom.
There's no incentive for it to perform well if it doesn't have to compete for resources.
your code is jealous of atom; it's trying to impress you and win your heart <33
@Dennis Maybe it's trying to use swap and that is somehow faster
I don't have swap.
@Dennis ಠ_ಠ
what is swap
Virtual memory.
@EasterlyIrk like pagefiles
@EasterlyIrk pages to disk instead of memory
@tac Why ಠ_ಠ? Why would I need swap?
*nix calls pagefiles swap; in Windows it's PAGEFILE.SYS in C:\
ಠ _ ಠ
you need swap 4 life
Swap isn't that important on desktops if you don't do memory intensive things
@Dennis Huh that's weird. I have something like that: when committing to a Github repo with Github Pages, the updates take effect more quickly on FF than Chrome.
It happens every time.
or if you have 32gb of ram, in which case you're just too awesome
Just another gig you could use for something important
@MamaFunRoll blame caching
@tac Oh right. Forgot about that.
The worst thing about swap is if you have a misbehaving application that is eating all your memory. Instead of simply getting killed by the OOM, the kernel starts paging to disk, slowing everything down to a crawl.
Ain't Misbehavin'
unless you have an SSD that's faster than your RAM
That's not possible.
Oh hey, it's @MickyT! Haven't seen you around in a while. :)
SSDs are overrated.
Even SSDs that use actual RAM are still a lot slower, since the interface cannot keep up with the "direct line" between CPU and RAM.
My SSD's cache likes to pretend it's faster than my RAM, because asking memory hogs to page always causes speedup
Just lurking lately. Not enough head space to do much else
How do stack-based languages deal with doubles? Can the value of a stack be a non-integer?
@ANerd-I yes? You mean like forth, specifically?
Forth has special Floating Point words because it's... old
Wooh tornado sirens
@AquaTart I wouldn't go that far. All my computers have them, and they really do make a difference.
Is it possible to get decimals from, say, Brainfuck?
But other more modern ones like Factor and Blacklight have them natively, and floats are just Bignums as opposed to Fixnums
@MickyT I know the feeling.
@ANerd-I BF isn't "stack-based" per se. But you could write a program to simulate the bits of a double.
@ANerd-I That depends on the implementation. The "stack" is usually a heterogeneous list of some sort. Most of PPCG's common stack-based languages have Doubles.
Ok, thanks
I guess doubles in Arcturus will have to be un-representable on the robot grid. Sadness
@ANerd-I innovate!
The golfing language I'm inevitably going to give up developing soon
Arcturus is an avant-garde metal band formed in Norway in 1991. They named it Arcturus (meaning Bear Guardian), after the Behenian fixed star Arcturus. == Biography == The band has released five official full-length albums. Arcturus has experimented throughout their career, extracting influences and incorporating elements from all over the musical spectrum including black metal and classical music, but the band was rooted as a metal outfit. === Early days === The original line-up was changed when bassist/vocalist Marius Vold (ex-Thorns) was taken out of the band. The band soon became la...
Also the name of a star in the constellation Boötes
You're writing Arcturus in Brainfuck?
@tac ?
No, I'm trying to make decimal numbers visualize-able with high precision and little effort
@ANerd-I is it a graphical representation ?
@Dennis haha amazing
As a metaphor for what the development of this language will be, I just spent 10 minutes debugging a 50 line program that had the following problem: else() {
@AlexA. Also an oddly accurate description of most couples I know.
Most? :/
That's too bad
Hey, dysfunctional people have dysfunctional friends.
You're not dysfunctional. You're golfunctional.
that comic is too accurate :c
@AlexA. now i'm imagining you comforting all the odd little golfing languages with that
"there, there, cjam, you're just golfunctional"
Vote seems oddly inappropriate for that.
I suddenly feel alone.
dafuq strawpoll isn't loading for me
Fun fact: If you say the g-word out loud in South America, you might spook people.
@Dennis Gallifrey?
Oh golf, what have I started!
Did you say "golf"? #triggered
@AlexA. the hug never arrived
@Maltysen :)
@Maltysen D:
That's nice.
@Dennis Gratuitous garbage
@ANerd-I Gifted gamer's goods
Idea: Let's all not use the letter G until 2017.
Oh no, this will be like the lipo*ramming thing
Good idea. oops
@Dennis I've had enouh of this liporamming stuff, thank you very much
dammit ninja'd
@AlexA. censors only one of the three gs
@Doorknob hahaha I didn't even notice that
Prorammin Puzzles and Code Olf
@Dennis Alrity!
@Dennis I'm sorry Dennis, but I cannot do that.
@El'endiaStarman Oh plz don't
Don't what? Be Hal?
@AlexA. Just don't.
Projammin' Puzzles and Code Putt-Putt
Just Don't: Nike's failed advertising slogan
just a note, there wasn't a 0x67 there.
@AlexA. caption: Code Review moderator comforting PPCG moderator after CR graduation
@Doorknob -1 Too many 0x67's
So, PPCG -> bird, CR -> monkey?
Seems about right.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Is no one lipoԌramminԌ anymore?
Gnot gme
You started to cheat, so it kinda became pointless.
Standard loophole abuse
@Dennis we're not held down by the rules of gravity(style guidelines)
@Doorknob Ohhh because I'm a bird and rolfl's a monkey?
@Maltysen I dunno, monkeys can do some pretty nifty things with trees
@AlexA. Nah, just usinԌ the unicode table to my advantaԌe.
@AlexA. yes >_>
@Doorknob <_< okay
@Doorknob You mean liek binary treez?
Who's rolfl? ^_^
A guy with a name that's part rolf, part rofl.
Also a CR mod
And apprently not great at puns ( ^ ͜ʖ^)
@AlexA. are you kidding his puns were amazing :P
All I know is that they weren't universally appreciated. I unfortunately wasn't able to experience them firsthand.
They should totally have a chatbot that Ԍenerates a random letter that you can't use for the rest of the conversation with the chatbot; otherwise, it will destroy your browser/computer.
Or somethinԌ like that.
It's called IE.
#CXRLE Pos=-10,-14
x = 24, y = 18, rule = B3/S23
@zyabin101theHated Another glider bomb.
Did you fall asleep on your keyboard?
@Dennis No, I actually played the piano on it. I'm practicing trill exercises.
With variations.
guava juice is rarely acidic
Is that so I do not recall ever ingesting guava squeezings
@AlexA. wait, you haven't? :O
@El'endiaStarman hmmm?
@Doorknob Not that I recall
it's one of my favorite drinks, but sadly there isn't much of it around here
@AlexA. guava juice is the best
@Maltysen Was the current time, and a reference to Monsters Inc.
@AlexA. s/juice/juic/g
@Doorknob I'll have to try it. Can you not get it in the grocery store there?
I dimly recall having guava juice before
@Maltysen s/the best/try for thirtee minut and no/g
@Doorknob DST.
@AlexA. well, it's probably somewhere, but it's just not that easy to find
@Doorknob You should come visit then.
@Maltysen brb juicin amazan.coom
@AlexA. the link I gave you was a $60 for 12 packs, so just warning you, you prolly want to buy in smaller quantities
no i'mma drunkin all thee juicies
60 dollars for guava juice? They literally grow on trees.
@MamaFunRoll Noted, will look later.
@Dennis its for more than 3 gallons of it
How much is that in normal people's units? 12 liters?
OK, 5 dollars per liter isn't that bad. I'd still rather pick them from the tree in my yard though.
@El'endiaStarman It 6:19 GMT+3 time.
@Dennis amazon says 15¢ / ounce
Each of them appears to hold exactly 1 liter.
> ingredients: pear juice, guava puree
it tastes really good? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It can solve the halting problem for all I care. Still not "guava juice".
oooh I love me some guava juice
I had it in Canada, but its hard to find here in Utah
That's odd. You could probably grow them in Utah, but definitely not in Canada.
hey, are processor registers made out of the same stuff that RAM is?
(and the only difference between the two is the length of cable between them)?
or, asked another way: If I was a quadrillionaire, and I used RAM that stored everything using registers, would my computer be faster?
@NathanMerrill ram is farther away from the processor
per my second line
ah k
I'm pretty sure registers are slower to I/O than RAM
There are memory-mapped registers, so they can't be that different.
@Maltysen Loading something in a register takes a third of a clock cycle on modern CPUs.
@Dennis >_< flip that sentence
I'm pretty sure RAM are slower to I/O than registers
Ah, that makes more sense. :)
actually, it might be possible that memory is faster, considering bus size
@NathanMerrill Well, yes. The slowest part of most operations is loading the input into the registers, and write the output elsewhere.
@Dennis I'm not saying to get rid of the "loading" sequences, nor the distance between the CPU and RAM. My question is more of "if I had specialized RAM that was made in the same way that registers was made, would my computer be faster"
@NathanMerrill yeah
dram is a lot simpler than registers, but are slower to I/O
A register file is an array of processor registers in a central processing unit (CPU). Modern integrated circuit-based register files are usually implemented by way of fast static RAMs with multiple ports. Such RAMs are distinguished by having dedicated read and write ports, whereas ordinary multiported SRAMs will usually read and write through the same ports. The instruction set architecture of a CPU will almost always define a set of registers which are used to stage data between memory and the functional units on the chip. In simpler CPUs, these architectural registers correspond one-for-one...
@NathanMerrill No, it would not. The slow connection between the CPU and the RAM is a limiting factor, which would pretty much negate any speed increase.
I was just thinking, what if there was a language that had no arithmetic operators but had bitwise logical operations instead? There will still be numbers and functions and all that stuff, but since you can basically simulate adding (and everything else falls into place basically), that would pretty much eliminate the need for +-*/.
Now that I'm thinking of it more, that would be awesome!
@MamaFunRoll I don't see the point of that :/
@Vihan Why not?
because it would be a pain to do basic arithmetic?
Not really, it would be a bit harder.
(See what I did there?)
yeah :l
this should give you ideas
I imagine it would be implemented like f=(a,b)=>b?f(a^b,(a&b)<<1):a
but with division it probably becomes more difficult
@Vihan Geezus, you wrote the same code I had but less golfy!
Same vars and all, too!
It would make more sense to not have bitwise operators and only arithmetic operators
Well, division isn't actually that much harder; there's just some more edge cases.
if you're making a language please make & the logical and operator and && the bitwise and. no one uses & in everyday code anyway, I think
@Vihan I'll keep logical operators out of this. Besides, & is necessary for addition, so...
2 mins ago, by Vihan
It would make more sense to not have bitwise operators and only arithmetic operators
@Vihan But you can simulate arithmetic ops with bitwise ops and loops/recursion!
I guess I'm going ahead with a dialect of DUP that doesn't have arithmetic operators then...
why would you remove arithmetic operators :(
@Vihan Er... except when you're trying to write well-optimised code or just for bit-hacks?
actually: ¯\_( ͡ಠ ͜ʖ ͡ಠ) _/¯
> everyday code
I don't see why that doesn't count as everyday code :/
I use && (logical and) waaaaaaaaaaaay more than & (bitwise and)
@Vihan That's because you don't use DUP.
I like JavaScript which is apparently a bad language so maybe I just have bad tastes
@Sp3000: What do you think of using & for logical and and \bitAnd (which is infix) for bitwise and?
That's fine - I was just refuting the idea that no one uses & in everyday code (Mathematica uses BitAnd, so \bitAnd is fine)
Awesome, I'll do that then.
> Thinks!!!!
Amusing misspelling of "thanks" spotted in a question thread on a website
@AlexA. where?
Can't recall, already closed the tab
takes history clock icon
What should Gogh's behavior be for integer - array?
Map integer - element to each element in the array
Great idea! Thanks
No problem
@ZachGates or it could generate a range from [5, ...array]. and array - integer does the subtraction
Wow amazon, thanks for telling me this game changing information. What would I've done without it....
Time shenanigans?
@zyabin101theHated Erm... nope. No one. No.
@MamaFunRoll This glider bomb stabilised in 181 generations. I expected such a short period for a small bomb.
#N Stable pattern of glider bomb
x = 69, y = 89, rule = B3/S23
@MamaFunRoll This one stabilised in 2374 generations and has a population of 822. Also it has a bounding box of a whopping 1044 by 1058. >_<
#N Stable pattern of glider bomb
x = 1044, y = 1058, rule = B3/S23
@zyabin101theHated Running the bot in the 19th byte or something?
@MarsUltor No. It's actually me.
@AlexA. Ctrl+Shift+T
@MarsUltor Or history.
@zyabin101theHated Ctrl+Shift+T saves a lot of time if he had just closed it
@Dennis Liter != normal people's units - litres = normal people's units
@Dennis @Mego @AandN and other Git users: Upgrade your Git.
@zyabin101theHated ?
@MarsUltor Shift and Enter are easily confused.
It has flexible git bisect terms.
And other changes and fixes.
@zyabin101theHated BTW, everyone uses Git
@zyabin101theHated Except for aditsu, who uses Hg IIRC
Good thing that Git deletes my current version when I upgrade.
   _       _ _(_)_     |  A fresh approach to technical computing
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |  Documentation: docs.julialang.org
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "help()" for help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.11 (2015-07-27 06:18 UTC)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official julialang.org release
|__/                   |  i686-w64-mingw32

Here's looking at you, @Alex! I installed Julia!
@MarsUltor sourceforge users can't be trusted :P
> di.fc.ul.pt
difficult XD
1 hour later…
The last message was posted 1 nanosecond ago.
The last message was posted 10 years ago.
Thanks anonymous bold text
You're welcome...
2 hours later…
This message was sent in 2 hours.
I used up my thanks to it...
Monking Monknoon @Quill!
hey there
I don't know which thing to program for the zyabinVI organization. Rarely organizations only consist of a website.
Q: Happy Rounded Pi Day

jmasterxTo celebrate Rounded Pi Day, you must take advantage of today's date to make a program that takes in a circle's diameter and outputs its circumference by multiplying the diameter by 3.1416, where 3.1416 must be obtained using today's date. Input 3 Output 9.4248 etc. Shortest code wins!

I just saw the JSFuck question and was pretty amazed!
This stuff is pretty interesting to see here!
maybe I"m behind the times, but ELL has a pretty new theme
Regex Golf! Trust me, this one is easy. That's why it's named Warmup.
@MarsUltor In most cases, I do not care (specialise vs specialize). In others, AE makes me shudder (aluminum). But ˈliːtər has an e before the r, not after it.
Am I the only person here that distinguishes between a (live-action) theatre and a (movie) theater?
It's not a word that comes up frequently in my conversations though.
insert generic "uncultured swine" insult
Ahem, I don't live in an English-speaking country. When I talk about any kind of theater, it's in Spanish.
@TimmyD you're not alone :)
I come from France, so Theatre (Théatre) makes me think of a play instantly, while theater makes me think of movies :)
@Dennis Well, then you've already got cine versus teatro, right? So, you have different words anyway, yes?
Or am I getting you confused for another person?
Dangit, now I'm second-guessing myself. You live somewhere in South America, right?
Yes, that's right, because we argued about Americanos previously. Yay, I vaguely remembered where someone lived! :D
@TimmyD If his native language is spanish, it could be Mexico, Argentina, Spain (Europe :p). ^^
@Katenkyo No, I want to say it was like ... Paraguay.
I think.
@TimmyD I won't be the one to help you there ^^'
Jan 18 at 15:40, by Dennis
@LuisMendo Both. I was born in Germany, but I live in Paraguay.
Guilty as charged.
Wow. I didn't realize it was a crime to live in Paraguay ... TIL.
@TimmyD Yes. In Spanish, it's teatro and cine. In German, it's Theater and Kino.
It's Théatre and Cinéma in french, wonder where the root Cine comes from as there's something close in German (which isn't latin)
I don't hear movie theater very often anyway. Simply saying the movies seems rather common.
Seems like no one here in America (evilgrin) calls movie theaters "Cinemas" anyway ... except maybe for Benny Benassi ... "Movies" or "Theater" or the like seems way more common. Unless they're explicitly searching for the name of a cinema chain, like Regal Cinema.
I've started having nightmares that test requested a build and nobody gave them a build.
And the customer is upgrading from versions we never released
@Rainbolt When your code start giving you nightmares, it's time to rewrite it properly ^^'
@Katenkyo I could write the most beautiful code in the world. If testing doesn't get a build, then they'll never be able to test my beautiful code.
@EasterlyIrk EST (Oh, wait, now it's EDT)
Stupid DST, this morning I woke up at 8:30 instead of 7:30
DST is the devil.
Do we even need it anymore?
We go forward then we go backward by the same amount. Seems useless to me.
It was helpful back in the days before modern technology, when farmers needed sunlight to do their work. But now...
Time change will be in 1 week in France
@ETHproductions Reference? I highly doubt farmers give a damn about what time of day the clock says it is.
@Rainbolt I was talking about nightmares of code in general :). But yes, otherwise, I agree with you :)
@ETHproductions Actually, it existed to do some economy on candles
The time shift is here to allow people having 1 more hour of sun-light at in the evening, to prevent them from using to much candles/oil/whatever they used
Now that we use electricity for everything, it's kinda pointless.
If I remember right, there was a study in Indiana that showed an increase in utilization as a result of DST.
Indiana only implemented DST practices in like 2005 or 2006 or something.
@Rainbolt I bet they do. Farmers can always farm when it's light but they have to conduct business during normal business hours like everyone else (for their suppliers, distributors, or just the local bank). Having those hours closer to their waking hours probably helps.
> Our main finding is that—contrary to the policy's intent—DST increases residential electricity demand.
Became ignorant of yet another random person, who isn't even a participant of PPCG.
> We estimate a cost of increased electricity bills to Indiana households of $9 million per year. We also estimate social costs of increased pollution emissions that range from $1.7 to $5.5 million per year.
@HelkaHomba I think they do care too, but that wasn't the purpose of the DST ^^
@TimmyD Wow, and that's not by a little... That's weird, wonder what have gone the wrong way
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ f is date expansion right
In there a word or name associated with cubes/grids/twisty puzzles that sounds like "Langton"?
I smell a challenge involving Langton's Ant
@HelkaHomba Mangton?
Nevermind actually
oh come on... maybe the newest question (codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/75508/3808) should be closed, but if so, the reason is not "missing an objective winning criterion"
perhaps "missing an objective voting criterion," but can we stop telling people that popcon is a winning criterion and then voting to close their posts as missing one when they use it
unclear would be better actually (unclear as to how voters should judge answers)
@Doorknob If so, say: [tag:vtc-plz] http://path.to/question with the url substituted for the actual link to the question.
@Doorknob Actually voted for unclear as I don't know what my program should do while I write these piode...
yeah, that too
That's what the community gets for causing a fuss over the difference between voting criteria and winning criteria.
Without presicion on that, I could write a piode in brainfuck, composed of no-ops only and that would do the job...
@Rainbolt if we're going to have a specific reason for "objective winning criterion," we may as well use it correctly
Maybe make it less specific? Like "This challenge is not objective" instead of "This specific part of the challenge is not objective"
yeah that's a possibility

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