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Wow. There are some pretty interesting answers coming through for my programmers question that I'd never considered. O.o
@El'endiaStarman I asked you a few days ago, I think the draft is ready for review=)
@SuperJedi224 Jack Sparrow in da House?
Once played this as part of a compilation of PotC music in an orchestra. Was quite nice=)
Why is there the condition 4A^3+27B^2 ≠ 0? Just seems kinda odd to me.
> lets you add and substract points on the curve
If that is not the case you get singularities, which are inconvenient.
ahhh, okay
Should I add this?
I think so. It's just a little sentence.
Ok, noted , thanks=)
> The line will intersect (this is not always true and will be explained below) the curve in a third point
I think it'd be better to say it like "The line will usually intersect the curve in a third point".
Oh yes, taht is way better.
Oh hey, I could edit it myself.
You could=)
@CoolestVeto May I have a link to that question?
Never mind, I've found it
TIL changing your username on one part of SE does not necessarily change it on other parts of SE
@flawr: Are you currently editing your sandbox post?
Just want to make sure I don't clobber anything you were working on. Alright cool.
Okay, there's something I'm confused about. To do P+Q, you find the third intersection point, R, of the line through P and Q with the curve. But their sum is not on the line, but rather, it's on the other half of the curve (mirrored over the x-axis). I get why, it's because P+Q+R = 0, because a line through those three points on the curve doesn't intersect again and goes off to infinity, which is the additive identity, therefore P+Q = -R.
And so my watch begins...
I'm confused, though, because the math and graphics aren't matching up conceptually like I want them to. :P
@CoolestVeto (blue blocks in Eclipse are "TODO" blocks)
@El'endiaStarman Well you did understand it perfectly=)
What graphics are you referring to?
Oh ok, I see now.
I'm trying to figure out a better way to order the concepts of the "How does the Addition work?" section.
I just didn't find any better graphics online.
The graphics in the post are fine.
It's that the addition of two points is not on the line. It works out mathematically, but makes no sense. :P
I'm trying to figure out how to make it make sense. :P
@El'endiaStarman Well if you would not mirror the last point, you would lose associativity.
Okay, a point at infinity is the additive identity because the result of adding 2 points is the same regardless of whether you add the point at infinity or not.
(The "infinity" comes from the fact that in the challenge, we looke at the curve in an affine plane, but you would usually consider elliptic curves in the projective plane. That is where you get the "infinity" from.)
ah-huh, that makes sense
Yay! My first usecase for my new golfing lang! codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/75377/36670
Should I add coments like those? Or would they only result in a bigger confusion?
PS: I found what I think is a better versoin of those images, don't oyu think?
TIL - "chipotle" is "dried jalapeño"
@flawr Yeah, that's better.
Are you editing right now or can I add those?
@flawr If you don't mind, I'm just going to rewrite the "How to add" section.
I'll add it.
Ok, great, thanks!
@TimmyD Really? Interesting, I had no idea.
Oh hi alex=)
Book recommendation for you, @flawr: Ray Bradbury's Frost and Fire.
@flawr Holy shit this is amazing
A: Besides raisins, what other dried fruits and vegetables have their own names?

Sven YargsA number of Spanish names for chili peppers have migrated into English (at least in parts of the western and southwestern United States, where many types of chilies are sold in fruit and vegetable markets). Three varieties of these peppers have different names when fresh and when dry: poblano c...

@TimmyD whoa
I learned so much
Still don't know that one
:( still searching or someone who knows that one
@Optimizer I'm quite sure it is 0,1 or 4.
C'mon, it's 5.
doesn't help
It's five.
Q: Write a program that makes 2 + 2 = 5

qwrWrite a program that seemingly adds the numbers 2 and 2 and outputs 5. This is an underhanded contest. Your program cannot output any errors. Watch out for memory holes! Input is optional. Redefining 2+2 as 5 is not very creative! Don't doublethink it, try something else.

@Optimizer ಠ_ಠ
I think you're missing a ba at the beginning.
@AlexA. dude! you dont know the batman song?
Banana man
@Optimizer Of course I do, I was kidding.
@El'endiaStarman Still editing?
@NathanMerrill Do zeros weigh less than ones?
@flawr Yep, almost done because I have to leave quite soon.
@flawr I consider myself a math geek and I'm lost :P Though, to be fair, I haven't attempted learning elliptic curves
@TimmyD not sure. But spaces weigh less than tabs for sure
shots fired
0x20 > 0x09
Just sayin'.
@Optimizer \o/
@ETHproductions that's ASCII code. not weight
@Optimizer How do you weigh an ASCII char?
I suppose 0b00100000 is more eco-friendly than 0b00001001
Okay, done @flawr.
@ETHproductions throw them in water, the one which drowns first, is heavier
@El'endiaStarman Thank you very much!
So much better now!
@Optimizer I'd rather not try that. I like my computer.
So you think I should include some explanations e.g. why 4A^3+27B^2 ≠ 0 is so important, and what happens for p=2,3 e.t.c?
So, I have a new esoteric language that's like a 2D language, but the source code is wrapped around the outside of a cube.
I'm trying to think of a good name so I can create a GitHub repository for it. Suggestions?
cube twister
@Maltysen Martin said he wanted to make a language like mine, but based on a Rubik's cube so the code can be twisted at runtime. So I'll let him use that name if he wants
@ETHproductions Cubert
@Maltysen Maybe
@AlexA. haha, that's good
@TimmyD that's pretty nice
@crayzeedude It was 9:30, I got up late. Homeschool has benefits.
But now its chem... :((
@EasterlyIrk You are at home at a school?
@EasterlyIrk ahhhhh
@flawr Yes.
But the converse is also true.
You are a school at a home?
@TimmyD Interesting...
@EasterlyIrk So how does taht work, do your parents teach you? Do you have some kind of private teacher?
Cubode, maybe?
Not as catchy
Short and simple
I like it
@TimmyD Reminds me of this cutie-pie:
The Eurocopter X³ (X-Cubed) is an experimental high-speed compound helicopter developed by Eurocopter (now Airbus Helicopters). A technology demonstration platform for Eurocopter "high-speed, long-range hybrid helicopter" or H³ concept, the X³ achieved 255 knots (472 km/h; 293 mph) in level flight on 7 June 2013, setting an unofficial helicopter speed record. == Design and development == === Technology === The X³ demonstrator is based on the Eurocopter AS365 Dauphin helicopter, with the addition of short span wings each fitted with a tractor propeller, having different pitch to counter the torque...
@ETHproductions is it going to support Rubik's Cube permutations? :P
@flawr people who are homeschooled are usually taught by their parent(s)
or sometimes by a private tutor
@MartinBüttner Not planning on it
Oh just saw your message about that.
I don't think I'll be doing that any time soon.
Feel free to take it if you want.
OK, I'll think about it.
@flawr That's an interesting design.
My language is currently crazy enough as it is, but maybe there's room for rotations like that.
So, Cubed it is! (Unless anyone has a better idea)
well, if you don't make them necessary then it might not be a problem
e.g. you can use Labyrinth perfectly fine without the (similarly confusing) grid rotations
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

CyoceParse default arguments code-golf Many languages have the concept of default/variable arguments. It basically means you can have a function that when given too few arguments, will fill in the missing arguments with specified values. For example, you can do the following in Python: WARNING: THE...

But the grid rotations is what makes it neat.
Confusing, yes, but neat.
god, i can smell butter while watching that video
@Optimizer wow that was a pretty creative ending to the video
@ETHproductions Cubert
@AlexA. Q*bert
That's what I was intending to reference :)
Can I -1 "Cubagony"?
I'd also like to -1 Cubagony
damn, ninja'd
translate: Würfel
(from German) Cube
@MartinBüttner If you could, yes
translate ja: Cube
(from English) キューブ
I'll just say that Cubagony has a score of -2
translate: Würfel
(from German) Dice
@ETHproductions Technically 0 because it has +2 in the poll and -2 in here
So Cubert is the only name with a positive review
(from English) WÜRFELSPRACHE
Bing ftw
Is this translate thingy automatic?
translate: kubus
mods only :P
It's a mod power
If only.
@AlexA. "Würfelsprache" just means "Cube/dice language" and is as made-up as the English phrase
@ETHproductions Looks like you're stuck with Cubert. ;)
Or in dependence on Brotli / Zopfli, why not Wurfeli
@MartinBüttner Oh, okay.
translate: Würfel sprache
(from German) Cube language
If I were going to make a language called Cubert, I'd rather it be more similar to the game Q*bert. But maybe I'm the only one who thinks like that.
It's more catchy, anyway
That feeling when it recently rained hard and your deck is covered in tree shit so you sweep it off then it starts to rain again ._.
Woop woop. Sub-1500 in the Dyalog 2016 challenge.
@CoolestVeto Waffle sprack
@CoolestVeto I was just gonna say...
@CoolestVeto and the others in this one strawpoll.me/7054543
@TimmyD Oh, how'd I miss that this was a name suggestion? :P
> Your mom is so classless she's a marxist utopia
@CoolestVeto? More like rektest vesto.
> Your mom is so classless she's C
@ETHproductions :D
@flawr I'd post some ASCII art of the beard that joke has, but it would be too long for the character limit.
@Cool Are you making another poll, or shall I?
@ETHproductions Go ahead. :P
@flawr or python?
@Optimizer I thought python has classes?
I'm sure python is supposed to be OOP
its very oop
everything is an object
A fun thing: denote the rational number 2^a 3^b 5^c 7^d ... by its list of (positive or negative) prime exponents [a, b, c, d...]. Then consider functions f : ℤⁿ → ℤ for which f(0, ..., 0) = 0. Then define f* : ℚⁿ → ℚ by f([a₁, b₁, c₁, ...], ..., [aₙ, bₙ, cₙ, ...]) = [f(a₁, ..., aₙ), f(b₁, ..., bₙ), f(c₁, ..., c₂), ...]
Essentially, take a function and vectorize it over prime exponent lists.
+* is multiplication. min* is gcd, and max* is lcm.
@Maltysen You might even say it's Pure OOP.
For the record, I'm probably not going to go with Würfelsprache or キューブ because I want it to be short and memorable, mainly to English speakers
@ETHproductions what does "Würfelsprache" mean?
@Vihan Cube language
@AlexA. ಠ_ಠ
11 mins ago, by Alex A.
(from English) WÜRFELSPRACHE
@AlexA. I am getting "dice language" from google translate
cube and dice are both "Würfel" in German
Those last two assume you limit it to non-negative exponents, I suppose
Martin says waffle is cube, flawr says waffle is dice
@Lynn Nice thing you noticed=)
(as is "cubes" and "die")
> waffle
But I think it is quite well known in number theory=)
Why don't you call it DieWaffleDie?
or just waffle
@ETHproductions you could call it Cubix
@flawr You can prove some things about that operator in general, and then gcd(a, b) * lcm(a, b) = ab is as clear as min(a, b) + max(a, b) = a + b.
@AlexA. Walfisch
translate: walfisch
(from German) Whale
Any more votes? You can pick more than one if you want. strawpoll.me/7054681
Is it based on a language?
@Vihan Another interesting idea
@TimmyD what is?
@ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ
This cube language we're discussing.
It's based on cubes and languages
And waffles
Like how Pyth is kinda based on Python.
Why don't you call it [0,1]^3?
@TimmyD It's not really based on anything, although it was half-inspired by Hexagony
I'm making it in JS because I don't know anything else :P
@ETHproductions Well if it is halfway inspired, then it should be Triagony.
And also JS lends itself nicely to online interpreters.
@flawr Does it have a name, in general? I know the gcd/lcm thing isn’t novel – “min/max on the exponents” is a quite common definition of those. But perhaps you can extend it to some other functions and get interesting results.
@Lynn what's median of three? :)
@flawr Martin started one called Triptych based on triangles, IIRC
I do not think so, but you can find it quite often in arithmetic functiosn.
Hexagony -> Tripity
@ETHproductions s/I don't know anything else/it's the best/
> "If you put a million monkeys at a million keyboards, one of them will eventually write a Java program.

The rest of them will all write Perl programs."
@MartinBüttner lcm(gcd(a, b), gcd(lcm(a, b), c)), I’d guess
By the way, the other day I was thinking about what 0-operand operators should be called, when I came across this revelation:
4 -> quadnary
3 ->  trinary
2 ->   binary
1 ->    unary
0 ->     nary
yeah, except they are called nullary
(which I'm not a huge fan of though)
oh bother
That step latter is neat though
However, I’ve never heard quadnary
but nary would probably be confused with n-ary
@Lynn I've only heard it recently
@MartinBüttner true
@ETHproductions nary might be confused with n-ary
yeah, that should be quaternary I think
So you're saying there's ...
( •_•)
( •_•)>⌐■-■
nary an operator.
> Yo momma so fat that the recursive function to calculate her weight causes a stack overflow.
Alright, I'm going back to working on Würfelsprache now
@flawr ...
@Lynn This is fantastic. Wonder what the Euler totient function and the Carmichael function would look like?
If you wanna make yo momma jokes, at least make funny ones.
> yo momma so stupid, she rotates the square in Tetris
@MartinBüttner And this is the part where the other person says "I didn't make it up, I found it on yo momma's website"
Another really good one: you can sort of cheat and do it a function ℕ → (ℕ, ℕ) as well!
Yo momma so fat, LIGO can detect gravitational waves when she moves around
hey, at least that's a new one.
yo momma so slow, even time travel doesn't help.
yo momma's so fat that she lives in 5 different zip codes
> Yo momma so fat ... she should go to a doctor because we are all concerned about her health.
Timmy wins
I'm sure your moms are quite nice.
what a joke
Then, vectorizing x → divmod(x, 2) over prime exponents gets you the “square root simplification” function.
@flawr ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That is, decomposition into (the square root of) a square and a square-free number.
(It maps 162 → (9, 2) because 162 = 9√2.)
@MartinBüttner I've heard nary a peep of nullary :P
> yo momma so fat that time bends for her, which compensates for how slow she is
> For a good time call ... your mom. She is a nice lady and worries about you. She wants to make sure you're safe.
This mentions a ‘coreₙ’ function that corresponds to my (x → x mod n)*
Yo momma so fat, she perturbs Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus in their orbits, and every time she moves an arm, it takes weeks for astronomers to compensate for it.
> yo momma so harsh and fat that she owns uranus
Yo mamma so sweet, she made cookies the last time I came over.
@flawr Mom and math tutor who I go through geometry and precalc.
@AlexA. You like cookie baking mommas.
@AlexA. No diabetes jokes?
@EasterlyIrk what happened to algebra II?
@EasterlyIrk Do you like it that way?
@EasterlyIrk Idk, I like my mom and she makes cookies. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@flawr haha
@Maltysen Skipped.
The algebra 1 I took covered most, and precalc covers the rest.
@AlexA. same.
@flawr yes.
Oh, it's almost π day, which means it's almost time to rewatching Pi.
ಠ_ಠ to the capital pi.
Have we had a repeating digit base-conversion question? I can't seem to find one. ... Meaning like how 55 repeats digits in base 10, but 90 repeats digits in base 14 (66) ... Challenge would be to find a base in which input x has repeat digits, or output a falsey value.
@AlexA. brownies are better.
Aren't brownies ⊂ cookies?
@MartinBüttner When my brother started making stop motion videos, I showed my family your happiness film, they loved it. :P
Glad to hear that, thanks :)
@EasterlyIrk link 404ing
now it works
@EasterlyIrk Did he ever stop making start motion videos?
That one was lame I know.
That was Optimizer quality.
@flawr Who? Martin or my brother?
@Maltysen yah i fix
My brother hasn't really started and Martin stopped.

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