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Whoops, you're right. You have to work backwards.
@El'endiaStarman Don't think you can do that either, all you did was link output digit to output code
@MarsUltor I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying.
Well, given the first row = 0 (A) 0 (B) 0(C) 0(D), then the answer to that equation would be: 6(0)+4(0)+(0)-2(0) = 0.
Let's say we have the input 5, which means ABCD is 0101. How does one get 5 from summing some subset of {6,4,1,-2}? Simple: 4+1 = 5. Therefore, WXYZ are 0110 because 0*6 + 1*4 + 1*1 + 0*-2 = 5. The corresponding decimal digit is 6.
@El'endiaStarman It doesn't look like it's possible to work backwards from what you got, that only gets the output digits from output variables - it doesn't relate input to output.
You don't have outputs at first though, so you can't get the decimal digit for binary code
@DemCodeLines Yes, that's correct.
@El'endiaStarman But the image says output is 0 1 1 0
@MarsUltor That's actually the last thing you get. I know, it's weird.
@MarsUltor Different code.
I don't see anything that relates input to output. The first to last row, yes. But nothing from the inputs.
This problem, at its core, is about converting between binary representations with different weightings. Binary is normally weighted like 8, 4, 2, 1. The filled-in table has the weighting 7, 5, -1, -3, and the problem table has the weighting 6, 4, 1, -2.
@El'endiaStarman Yeah
@El'endiaStarman We don't know how the filled in table relates input to output
Yes we do!
Okay, but in the 7,5,-1,-3 one, what does 4 have to do with ABCD 0,0,0,0 ? I see how it relates to VWXYZ, but we don't have either 4 or VWXYZ for the actual problem.
The filled-in table can be ignored, since that was a second sheet given to demonstrate the solutions to another problem.
@El'endiaStarman ^^
@DemCodeLines Yeah, but we need to know how it works first, by looking at the filled-in table
@MarsUltor Well, that's why I'm here too ;)
1 hour ago, by DemCodeLines
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A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Michael KleinOutput the points of this twisting fractal Challenge Output the points (in order) for the following fractal of size n: (The above example is for n = 4) We begin with the Binary Sierpinski Triangle, which can be generated recursively, by a number of cellular automata (including Rule 90), and...

That still doesn't tell us anything about ABCD that I can tell :/
@Geobits That's the table for getting the numeric output value from the output variables. @El'endiaStarman has already figured it out.
@MarsUltor Actually, Geobits is right.
I know that part. I'm trying to figure out how to relate it to the input.
@El'endiaStarman I know
@El'endiaStarman ABCD is input, I didn't mention input
The connection I spotted with the photograph I just quoted above doesn't exist in the table.
@El'endiaStarman Ignore that for a second. That might be outdated.
> Any cells marked with an X have died, and any cells with an O have been blocked. The object of the game is for the spread of X's to stop. The player inputs a point i.e. 1,5 and the computer places an O there. The Xs spread to all adjacent cells every 2 seconds.
@El'endiaStarman It does. It's between W, X, Y, Z and the first column.
if (FALSE) {
Found in production code
@MarsUltor Oh, yeah.
There's still no connection between input and output though, which is what Geobits was pointing out.
V is trivial
@AlexA. I hope it wasn't your code
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
FALSE is clearly meant to be a question: FALSE?
I prefer isFalse for this :P
#define FALSE does_it_halt()
#define FALSE true
Does that help?
Can anyone explain why the Python style guide is PEP8 and not PEP1?
@Geobits ...
@DemCodeLines The 7,5,-1,-3 isn't the only spec to that problem. It also says "Input code 1". \o/ (who cares about revealing IPs)
@Vihan because PEP1-7 aren't necessarily complete, let alone a style guide
And I thought I procrastinated >_>
@DemCodeLines Also interesting: Code 1 and Code 2 are one bit different in every case.
@Quill so why not make PEP8 -> PEP1. and PEP1-7 -> PEP2-8?
PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposal, meaning the proposals can be about things other than style
So you get the first column from the code table just posted, and you get the output VWXYZ from the first column.
PEP9: Make Python suck less
they should start by adding braces
PEPA: Add curly braces
PEP10: Remove all python haters
how can I submit a PEP?
@NathanMerrill ಠ_ಠ
@Vihan from __future__ import braces
@NathanMerrill We're not in the system yet.
@Quill Someone's already trolled me with that before
I got excited for a second
>>> from __future__ import braces
SyntaxError: not a chance
@DemCodeLines Should be simple then, look up input number, get reflected code <input code>. That will be your output code
PEP11: Add a Py2/Py3 converter.
@Vihan Probably @AlexA.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Those tools already exist.
And have existed for years now.
builtins as well
>>> from __future__ import braces
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: not a chance
>>> damn you python
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    damn you python
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Moral of the story: get to know Python better before you rip on it.
@MarsUltor What's the "input number"?
@El'endiaStarman sowee
@Vihan Wait, so it doesn't think anything until the u is invalid? So it would accept damn yo.
BTW, any language without a builtin/common way to clear the REPL is absolute garbage.
@DemCodeLines Second column of table
I once tried to work with python but then it bit me okay, bad joke :/
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Ctrl+F6 in IDLE.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Cmd+K on mac
1 min ago, by El'endia Starman
Moral of the story: get to know Python better before you rip on it.
@El'endiaStarman That doesn't work for me.
Don't be so snarky ;)
>>> x = 5
>>> x
=============================== RESTART: Shell ===============================
>>> x
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
@Vihan It's actually Shift-Cmd-Q
I meant the contents.
Like cls in BATCH
@Quill ಠ_ಠ
@Vihan I never said python was absolute trash...
or os.system('clear')
@MarsUltor Ok. So the first one is 0. Which reflected column do I look at? 1 or 2? 0110 or 0111?
Whatever the input code says
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ you don't have to say something for it to be true ;)
@DemCodeLines It should say on the problem's "input code".
@Vihan ಠ_ಠ
javascript hi-5
And then the Python people think JS is absolute trash
Yeah, JavaScript, the language where adding two lists returns a string.
Watching javascript vs python people is amusing :D
@Vihan Or is it "Hi es7"
@MarsUltor I actually don't.
I think JavaScript is just fine.
@El'endiaStarman How else should it cast them?
I honestly can't understand how somebody could consider JS superior to Python. Or any other language, really.
@El'endiaStarman It requires a different mindset >_>
@El'endiaStarman Well, most
Except for what-the-heck-were-you-thinking stuff like what I just mentioned. :P
@Dennis That's unfortunate.
@Vihan ....as a list?
@El'endiaStarman JSFuck
>>> [1,2]+[3,4]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
Then again, + isn't a list cat operator.
@El'endiaStarman well you can always use a custom babel thing which will transpile it to .concat
Why make the end users do more work?
@El'endiaStarman you can't directly concat non-primitives
@El'endiaStarman not really. It takes like a minute to install the babel plugin
during the concat process everything becomes a string
@Geobits So A, B, C and D? Considering they're all 0, then the decimal digit for the reflected code 0000 is 4?
@Quill And that makes sense because...?
I'd be less miffed if [1,2]+[3,4] gave an error or was undefined, but to cast to string, when they are nothing like lists (other than being a sequence of things), is just silly.
I don't know why, just how
@El'endiaStarman Why not include all python std. libraries without importing them?
'cuz it's a bad idea >_>
@DemCodeLines If you're using code 1 like the example is, yes. I don't know what the blank one uses, you didn't paste that line.
Automatic type casting is for golfing languages.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Technically, no built-ins are imported. You're thinking of the standard libraries.
And I agree. That's why you won't need to import math to get \log in Pytek.
@El'endiaStarman Yes. I don't think anyone would try and defend JS on that point.
@Geobits What example are you referring to? The table with 6, 4, 1, -2?
@El'endiaStarman Please include a function \car that prints \car.
.....? Why?
@DemCodeLines By example I mean the filled in one with 7,5,-1,-3. The 6,4,1,-2 is what I meant by the blank one. You need to see what input code it uses.
I'm looking to make sum(a**x for x in range(b)) faster
@El'endiaStarman I want to say I invented a command in Pytek if it catches on.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Ah, lol.
@Vihan El'endia's new lang


Discussion for this in-development language
@Geobits Oh right. The input code is 1.
so, for example, 7^5 + 7^4 + 7^3 + 7^2 + 7 +1
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ AquaTart is working on it too.
Oh, then yea, 0000 -> 4.
is there some way to do that in O(1) time?
@El'endiaStarman It's written in Python, right? Or is it written in LaTeX? :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Python, IIRC
No no no, that's Pytex
@MarsUltor danke
It's mainly based of Python and LaTeX
@RenderSettings I did consider naming it PyTeX... :P
Alright, you guys work on the Python compiler/whatever, and I'll work on one in LaTeX >_>
is LaTeX even a valid programmin language?
@Geobits Why did you need to know the input code (1) for that?
:28172917 Yex.
What if the input code was 2?
@NathanMerrill That's just a geometric series. 7^5 + 7^4 + 7^3 + 7^2 + 7 +1 = (7^6 - 1)/(7 - 1).
Then you'd use reflected code 2; the third column.
@MarsUltor ....sorta. Using \function[](){} was inspired by LaTeX, and I'll be taking a few things from Python. However, there's a lot more to the language that doesn't come from either. Some features will be copied from similar ones in Perl, Ruby, and Lisp.
ah, I knew there was a better way
thank you!
@El'endiaStarman Yeah, but I'm assuming it's still named after Python and LaTeX?
>still making programming languages with keywords
There is no 0000 in Reflected Code 2, though.
@MarsUltor Yes, in large part because I like those languages. :P
@DemCodeLines It's in the invalid part I think.
@RenderSettings Eh? Why wouldn't we make languages with keywords?
So if the value ABCD does not exist in the Reflected Code <input code>, then it's invalid?
@RenderSettings what else are you supposed to make a language with?
>Still using >
> Make > great again - Downgoat 2016
@DemCodeLines It explicitly lists the invalid ones in the chart you gave.
You're right. I am overthinking this.
@Vihan Symbols and control characters, obviously! Why use "function" when you can use "\"? that's like 7 bytes saved every time you need one!
@Vihan still better than trump
@RenderSettings That just means \ is the keyword :/
@Quill I think I'd prefer an upside down goat to Trump
@Geobits No? It's a token for syntax, but it's not a keyword.
@RenderSettings \ simply denotes that what follows is a function name. If we only ever used \ , we wouldn't be able to distinguish, say, \print and \log...
@RenderSettings I don't see the difference if you're just suggesting that it's a dropin replacement for function.
@Geobits Lastly, how about deriving WXYZ?
@DemCodeLines That's where you apply the weights given as El'endia was saying earlier. You'd apply them to the 4 in our example, so 0100 should work with weights 6,4,2,-1.
If a language doesn't have STDOUT, is a REPL return value allowed?
If a language doesn't have STDOUT, should you bother?
@Geobits Yes.
I disagree :P
@Geobits yes because it's JavaScript
That isn't going to make me agree...
@El'endiaStarman you there?
@Geobits Again, where did you get 0100 from?
18 mins ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
@Dennis That's unfortunate.
ABCD = 0000 when decimal digit is 4.
30 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
user image
Q: Does Facebook listen to you through your phone's microphone?

AustinThis is regarding a recent comment I came across on Reddit: wanna get really freaked out? If you have Facebook on your phone try closing all the programs, then leave your phone near a radio/tv that is broadcasting in a different language overnight. I dare you. The next day, all of your facebo...

*writes SO question*
*realizes how dumb my question is*
@DemCodeLines Right. To get 4 with the 6,4,2,-1 weights, you need the 4 bit set and none of the others. So, 0,1,0,0.
Ok, but what about when the binary is 3?
or 7?
For 3 you need the 4 and -1 bits set. For 7 you need the 6, 2, and -1.
So when the binary is 3, WXYZ would be 0101?
Should be. Well, when the first column (decimal) is 3.
Which would be ABCD 0001.
So you'd have 3 : 1 : 0001 : 10101 across that row.
Yup, exactly what I had. Perfect. Looks like I got it. At least this part.
> The pay-off for users in allowing Facebook to microphone-lurk is that the social giant will be able to add a little tag to their status update that says they’re watching an episode of Games of Thrones as they sound off on their happiness (or despair) about the rise in background sex on TV these days.
How is that a positive thing? o_O
> The general rule for addition in JavaScript is simple: You can only add numbers and strings, all other values will be converted to either one of those types.
This helps a lot, actually.
@Geobits lol
On to minterms, yay
mmmm, mint
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ sorry to hear that. :p But good comic.
What is with the pink dot though?
have any of you done google foobar?
@NathanMerrill google foobar?
...apparently not
What do you suggest? If we have Jeff and/or Joel come and personally TP the offender's house, it might actually make the problem worse. — Adam Davis Jun 15 '10 at 18:59
I was doing a google python search, and google had a little popup saying "hey you speak our language...take this test"
Yea, I had to google it to find out what it was. Interesting concept I guess.
Makes me wonder exactly what they look for in searches. I search code stuff all the damn time, as I assume most do.
I don't see any popup :(
lol, mine was literally "from future import braces"
I don't think it matters exactly what you search for, but your search habits, and luck
it's a recruitment tool
I guess @NathanMerrill is going to work at Google
I'd love it
but I doubt it
I'm only on level 2 and they are having me solve the activity selection problem
It says after level 3 they ask for credentials for a possible followup. You don't need to do past that (to 8), apparently.
And you do N problems on level N.
basically google python related things and hope for the best
Apparently except for level 8, in which you do 6
But then they'd probably want people who use python :P
Google has to hire me after all my productive python searching
The article mentions you can answer in python or java, so I'd assume java searches would also trigger it. Then again, google is my javadoc, so...
@Vihan downstars No python pickl
oh no
@Quill what have you done :P
Dammit @tac!
@Geobits yeah, I've been doing them all in python though
they have two files, and you can submit either one of them
you seriously downvoted
that's harsh
I didn't :/
+2 for spaces -1 for Code Review — Downgoat 58 secs ago
I'm not sure he counts as a convert, though. He's been a member of both sites for 4 months.
@Vihan Why no proper grammar? Here: this is what you may become one day:
And it isn't his first post there or anything.
TIL VSDiagnostics guy is on CR.SE
@Quill if you're talking about me I upvoted
@MarsUltor You know Jeroen?
He frequently jokes about having no userbase
@Vihan yeaaaaaaaaah, whoops
google better be giving me my job soon...
@Quill Kinda? I saw his GitHub link and thought his github username looked familiar.
> pls give job googl
I should spam this.
But, I don't use windows anymore.
google does talent scouting at my university. they have a hackathon day soon too actually
@MarsUltor yeah, he's one of our best C# reviewers.
@Quill they didn't do a hackathon, but they came to my school
I found VSDiagnostics on r/csharp - it's almost like a free version of R#
At least Marky hasn't changed:
in The Block, 22 mins ago, by Marky Markov
@Chatgoat i'm going to kill you.
What can I say? He likes the taste of goat. Or he just likes killing. Not sure which.
but I felt like it was more of a "look how cool Google is" than "find a job at Google", even though that was their purpose
I was disappointed I couldn't find any results on "how avocad jquer python"
yeah, I don't know whether it's one of those or a hackathon style thing. either way, they're giving away swag :D
@MarsUltor What's R#?
@AlexA. Resharper - C# code analysis/code cleanup tool
Oh okay
I know ReSharper, I just haven't seen it written as R#
somewhat expensive software that one
Well, the logo is R#
And I'm sure I've seen it written like that somewhere

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