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@DemCodeLines I can't figure it out either.
The phrase "code converter" seems like it could be significant. What is the code for, and/or why do you need to do a conversion?
@El'endiaStarman I am trying not to put the entire assignment up, otherwise they'll yell cheat
3 mins ago, by Mars Ultor
@DemCodeLines You haven't stated how the table was produced.
Ha, yeah, I understand that.
What's the gist, though?
@MarsUltor I think that's what they're asking about.
I don't think it's very easy to figure out what's happening from just that table, especially since it looks like there's no clear order.
@El'endiaStarman It looks like the assignment task states it before that though. (Or some relevant information)
The input and output look significant as well
@DemCodeLines How will they know though?
Putting the exact wording online would result in it being searchable by Google, which will bring them to this.
@DemCodeLines Use creenshots
@MarsUltor It's still not okay to cheat even if you won't be caught.
realises Australian schooling >>>> US schooling
This is US schooling though
Australian schooling is better because in Australia it's okay to cheat?
@Dennis Oh that is ingenious. I just now came to understand what/how it does haha amazing
In Australia, many schools don't enforce some rules, and most people get help on assignments
@AlexA. I have seen this
@AlexA. Well, apparently in Australia getting help (from tutors/teachers etc.) != cheating
@AlexA. haha. i wish
@MarsUltor in tests, or in general?
@Doorknob I remember you saying you aliased a typo to something. Figured you'd be interested in this. :P
@Quill Mostly assignments
@MarsUltor That's generally true of US schooling too. However, we are not his tutors/teachers.
@MarsUltor That's true here too. ^
@AlexA. I need that!
@Dennis :D
@AlexA. I don't think I said that
alias all your typos to print the output of rm -rf /
@Doorknob Oh. Maybe that was @Dennis then.
@El'endiaStarman 1) Don't some people post homework questions on SO? 2) What's the difference between us and tutors?
@MarsUltor Homework questions are closed as off-topic on SO.
Oct 24 '15 at 19:22, by Dennis
$ alias nnao=nano
@MarsUltor We're unpaid tutors
This is given as part of assignment.
@trichoplax So technically we can help @DemCodeLines ?
There's no problem with getting help as long as it's not just gimme answers. There's a huge difference.
@MarsUltor A tutor's job is to guide someone to the solution, without giving it to them.
@MarsUltor Even if you don't give me direct answers (I don't expect either), if you're able to help me realize where the heck these numbers are coming from, that will be enough.
@El'endiaStarman I know, but we don't have to give the solution
Unfortunately, I have no clue where those numbers are coming from :/
I wouldn't, but I don't know about you, or anyone else in this room.
@DemCodeLines How significant is the (7,5,-1,-3) part?
@El'endiaStarman We don't know the solution anyway, and the thinking process may be helpful for future questions
@MarsUltor Yeah, which is what we're doing now. If Dem put up a screenshot of the whole assignment, we could solve it ourselves.
@El'endiaStarman That doesn't mean we need to give Dem the answer
It's going to be hard to give advice without knowing at least some idea what they're looking for, though.
I don't know how to answer that. That table was given to me in the solution.
@Geobits IDK, looks like it may have something to do with hex
@DemCodeLines Solution?
Could we see the question?
@MarsUltor I don't think it has to do with hex. The ABCD are just labeled inputs as far as I can tell.
Some kind of modulo inverse or something
ABCD in decimal
@Dennis It was you! You should try The Fuck!
^ sorry, couldn't not star
I found the sequence
0000 0
0001 -
0010 -
0011 -
0100 5
0101 2
0110 4
0111 1
1000 7
1001 -
1010 6
1011 3
1100 -
1101 9
1110 -
1111 8
@El'endiaStarman You can map the rest to 10-15 or A-F
@El'endiaStarman Really?
9 = 1*7 + 1*5 + 0*-1 + 1*-3
@DemCodeLines: ^
@El'endiaStarman So that's what it means
The key was noticing that 1010 and 1011 were -3 units apart, which was the same as the last number in the "code" heading, (7,5,-1,-3).
Invalid inputs are ones where using the formula would produce a number >= 10 or < 0.
@DemCodeLines What do they mean by design?
@AlexA. alias fcuk=fuck
@MarsUltor Create a computer-model.
@Dennis I think I actually have that as an autocorrect rule in my phone.
I don't remember misspelling that one, but I honestly write nnao more often than nano.
In the actual table to be solved, I have to derive the first and last column:
@Dennis Oh, I just looked at my autocorrect things. I was thinking of ahit.
@Quill haha
Oh ahit!
@DemCodeLines So basically fill in the purple columns?
Yup, that's the easier way to say it haha
@AlexA. 0/10 use SwiftKey
I don't think SwiftKey is available for iOS.
@AlexA. It is, and it has been for at least a year now.
Eh. I'm change-averse when it comes to iOS.
help how does forwurd port i tri for thirtee minut and no forwur
@DemCodeLines Each binary digit is weighted by the code.
10 hours ago, by Dennis
Bah, I don't need a reason to hate an Apple product. Count me in.
@AlexA. But SwiftKey autocorrect > Apple autocorrect
I can access locally (which is forwarded to, but how do I make it accessible via my public IP? >_>
@Dennis The only reason I have is that most of their stuff is expensive.
(Trying to set up RPi as a server)
@Doorknob sudo
@Doorknob IDK if you need to set up port forwarding as well.
I already did
@Doorknob If it's forwarded, it should work.
port forward it through your router
@MarsUltor I hate the whole you must have hardware X to use software Y mindset. If I pay for it, let me use it wherevertf I want to.
I forwarded port 3456 to already
which allows me to access
@El'endiaStarman I didn't.
but I can't access <public IP>:3456 is your router, yes?
@Dennis But you are allowed to buy a Mac, then install Mac on two other devices IIRC (by creating a .iso system backup file)
I think my ISP is Comcast and the router is Linksys
@El'endiaStarman Could you expand on that just a little.
A  B  C  D
1  0  1  0
7  0 -1  0 = 6

1  0  1  1
7  0 -1 -3 = 3
@MarsUltor on two other Apple devices maybe. (I also don't think Mac is something you can install.)
The only thing you should have to do is forward from the router:3456 to local ip:3456 in the router settings. Unless you have some additional firewall on the pc side you need to open.
The inputs are weighted by the code (7,5,-1,-3). If the resulting sum is less than 0 or greater than 9, it's invalid (because it can't be represented by a single decimal digit).
@Dennis It is, wait a second
@MarsUltor Congratulations, they'll allow you to buy more apple products >_>
@Geobits Like that? ^^
Just like that.
@Geobits but... is not work :(
@Doorknob What do you mean?
is not work
It's gotta be something on the pc side, I'd think. Assuming those settings are saved in the router.
@MarsUltor I'm pretty sure Apple disagrees, considering all the hurdles they put in their installer to prevent this. In any case, I don't want to buy a Mac.
@Doorknob It doesn't work when accessing by external IP?
@Doorknob Try a restart.
already did that
@Doorknob Did you include :<port>?
@El'endiaStarman So what's the math behind the first row, that has 4 and 10110?
Gimme your ip, i'll try to ping it >_>
@DemCodeLines 7 * 1 + 5 * 0 + -1 * 1 + -3 * 1
you can ping by (host)name as well
@DemCodeLines On the left of each times is 7, 5, -1, -3, on the right is 1, 0, 1, 1
Giving a hostname is the same as giving ip imo.
@Optimizer You can find ip using hostname
@Geobits pun was intended
An IP is about as private as a license plate. I'm not sure what the secrecy is about.
@MarsUltor 7 * 1 + 5 * 0 + -1 * 1 + -3 * 1 = 3
@DemCodeLines First digit V is whether the code is valid or not. W X Y Z are the bits you have to flip such that the sum, after weighting, is the decimal equivalent of A B C D. The first column is the decimal digit corresponding to the binary code of W X Y Z.
@Dennis If you'll notice, I also haven't posted my license plate to strangers on the internet :P
ooh can I has it?
@Geobits Well, we're not strangers... ;)
What's so bad about giving your IP?
@Geobits All I have to do is onebox a self-hosted image, and I can get the IP's of all of you...
@Dennis you can also just go through mod tools directly :P
(although mumbles something about mod agreement)
Shh, I'm trying to make a point.
@Dennis Right. It's not meant to stop smart/dedicated people. It's meant to stop lazy people scraping by regex, or people that are just hitting the low hanging fruit.
@Doorknob IDK, works for me
what does?
I can host stuff and access it via external IP
@Geobits From doing what? There's literally nothing you can do with that information.
@El'endiaStarman I don't want to be annoying, but I still don't get it :|
@Dennis IP address? Eeh, I'm sure someone I've pissed off could find some use for it.
Unless your SSH password is Geobits, that is.
Uhhh... brb changing password.
If the first column is just the decimal representation of the WXYZ, then 4 is binary is 0100, but in the table above, it's 0110.
Can I spoof Geobits' IP then start researching how to rob a bank?
@DemCodeLines That's because 4 -> 0100 is based on the weighting code (8,4,2,1). You have the weighting code (7,5,-1,-3). Accordingly, 4 -> 0110. Incidentally, 4 -> 1001 also.
Where are you getting the weighted codes from?
@DemCodeLines The photo says (7, 5, -1, -3) code.
I mean, how did you derive 4 -> 0110?
@El'endiaStarman That's the thing that gets me... with the weighting like that it seems quite ambiguous.
5 + -1 = 4, and 7 + -3 = 4
@Geobits I think that's actually the only ambiguous one.
@El'endiaStarman But 1001 mapped to 13 (>10)
Is that really how you derive it?
@MarsUltor Yes, and thus, it's marked with INVALID.
@El'endiaStarman For that particular weighting maybe. I just mean it seems like a terrible idea, and a bad example to have homework for.
@El'endiaStarman But you just said it maps to 4
So how did the second row, 3, and 1011 (WXYZ) get derived?
@DemCodeLines 7 + 5*0 + -1 + -3 = 3, or 7 + 5 + -1 + -3 = 8 (five too much, so set the input for 5 to 0)
/me tests
@MarsUltor Oh, I didn't realize you said 1001. But anyway, where did you get 1001 -> 13 from? I don't see that I said that earlier, and it's not in either of the screenshots.
@MarsUltor Ok, so you basically multiplied 7, 5, -1 and -3 by 1011 and then added. Got it! But where did you get 1011 from then (considering that it's blank in the actual sheet)?
@Doorknob that's vaguely terrifying
@El'endiaStarman Well, IDK. But it can't be 4 for some reason.
@MarsUltor I'll bet a duplicate coding is simply marked as INVALID.
General question: Is a mostly polished challenge fit for for the sandbox or should I just touch op and post?
@DemCodeLines It's not blank in either of the pictures you posted.
*touch up
@DemCodeLines IDK how you would show working out. Maybe enumerate all different inputs, calculate, put what results in 0 to 9 in the respective things
@MichaelKlein Hard to say. People have a wide range on what they consider "mostly polished".
@MichaelKlein I would suggest that if you're not Helka or Doorknob, Sandbox it. I Sandbox all my challenges.
@El'endiaStarman The one I posted is the solution table, with the purple columns solved. In the actual table, they're blank.
I don't sandbox all of mine, but anything I have any questions about I do.
@MichaelKlein ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Geobits I've spent a good bit of time solving it myself, have worked examples and test-cases, etc
> touch op
@DemCodeLines Is there any reason you can't just copy the solution? I'm not saying "cheat" or anything, but how are the solution and actual tables different, other than the blank columns?
@El'endiaStarman Presumably the solution is an example
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

0zerocool0ACSII Cell Game The ASCII Cell Game is a simple game where the player has a grid (5x10) of cells (| |): _____________________ | | | |X| | | | | | | --------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------- | | | | | | | |X| | | --------------------- | | | |X| | | | | | | ---------------...

You still need to show working
> just copy the solution
> I'm not saying "cheat"
No, the solution is given.
@Quill Key word: "can't". You can't copy a solution to a different problem because it's not a solution.
@El'endiaStarman I might as well
@El'endiaStarman Well, the ones that I showed here were given as is. The numbers in the assignment are different: 6, 4, 1, -2
Ah, that's the important piece of info.
Again, I need to fill out "Decimal digit for Binary Code" and VWXYZ
on that IP topic: anyone who doesn't use a VPN deserves to lose their SSN and/or bank savings
I was hoping to figure out how the number got derived in solved table, then I would apply the same thinking to get the answers in the actual assignment. But...
Okay, for each input, calculate 6A+4B+C-2D.
V is if it's a valid decimal digit, and WXYZ are the corresponding binary digits.
@El'endiaStarman Doesn't work
@El'endiaStarman You did that for the outputs

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