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¯\_(do not let it concern you)_/¯
You know you wait for rawgit a lot when the first thing that pops up in your browser's address bar after typing "int" is rawgit.com/path/to/your/interpreter. :P
you are y( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡u)r own knob
@ETHproductions XD
@AlexA. At first I was concerned for you but then I remembered you live in Seattle
@Doorknob Today's puzzle of the day on lichess was interesting
@Mego You were concerned it wasn't raining enough where I am?
@AlexA. Yeah because that's the only stereotype about Seattle
also microsoft
Also Starbucks
@Mego As someone who's never lived outside of the Seattle area I don't actually know all that many Seattle stereotypes. I probably fit in well with a number of them.
Definitely nothing about certain pharmaceuticals
Bothell has a lot of pharmaceuticals and biotech
I feel like you're suggesting something in particular and it's going over my head
And by pharmaceuticals I mean substances whose proposed legalization is a big social issue currently
Yes, that's legal in Washington. Passed by a fairly slim margin, IIRC. Like 53% maybe.
And hence the stereotype :P
@AlexA. have you taken advantage of its legality? ;P
The same stereotype is more often applied to Colorado
@Maltysen Haha nah
I was off a bit on the numbers
> Final election returns showed I-502 passing with 55.7% of 3,095,444 votes.
Specifically in Colorado, Rocky Mountain High has a completely new meaning
Actually considering John Denver, it's probably the same meaning
Someone on Area 51 proposed a Marijuana.SE. Last I saw it had one follower: the guy who proposed it. :P
was that seriously the name?
No. I wish.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegoWrite a Semiquine quine polyglot metagolf code-golf Suppose you have 2 languages, A and B. A string s is a semiquine in A and B if it satisfies the following conditions: s is a quine in language A. s is a polyglot in A and B. The output of running s as a B program is a different string s', wh...

@NewSandboxedPosts Gross, quines
quines are yummy
¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
do they taste like chicken?
> chinken
@AlexA. You're gonna love the next challenge idea I have, then :)
@AlexA. what are you talking about? >_>
@Mego Quine a quine quine while you quine another quine?
What about equine quines?
@Maltysen I was dwelling on the past.
Golf You a Quine, Part 2: The Quinening
that reminds me, you really need to do electric vindaloo
I don't have a good idea for the actual challenge yet though :/
Quine you a golf for great good
@AlexA. how about finding the conductivity of various foods through some equations.
I'm not sure how that's actually be a challenge
Huh. I just realized I can overload ! and ? when directly preceded by a number literal (1-char or extended #num; form)
Question: what is the best tool for writing a paper with latex? Something where I can make similar things to this.
Tool as in editor?
Or tool as in package?
Oh no TeXShop is Mac only
You're on Windows, right @GamrCorps?
vim is cross-platform \o/
Ok thanks, to both of you, Ill check them out.
Don't use vim for LaTeX, that's silly
@Doorknob The vim plugin that I use
@AlexA. s/silly/an amazing and fantastic idea/
s/Don't u/U/
@Sp3000 Have you used TeXStudio? I like it better than TeXWorks.
@Mego I worked on Sage with the original author a bit in undergrad.
Just naming all I can think of off the top of my head
@GamrCorps I use ShareLaTeX
And Overleaf, though IMO ShareLaTeX is better
I still recommend vim :P
@AlexA. I also worked on Sage in college, but not with the original author.
@Mego Like contributing to it?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GamrCorpsWeekly Physics Golf #1: Net Gravitational Force code-golf math Introduction to the Series Every week I will be posting a physics challenge. My goal here is to design challenges that in the end, teach some people some physics. Overall, the challenges will be very basic with little information. A...

@AlexA. Yep. Mainly some stuff with numerical analysis of differential equations. I'm not sure if my work actually made it into Sage, though.
^^ I just sandboxed this question, any suggestions? I am planning to post it on Monday.
Ninja'd by the bot
@Mego That's awesome! :D \o/
@GamrCorps did you finally figure out your equation ;)
@GamrCorps Let us use Planck units for great golf good :P
Sage is really cool
@Doorknob Yes, thank the Lord. But that is for my other challenge, not this one.
@Mego Ill think about it, let me figure out what Planck units are first
G = 1 is a lot nicer and golfier than G = 6.67e-11
I like how @Dennis said nothing for hours, came in to post a disapproval face, then slinked back off into shadowy silence.
@GamrCorps Take your normal physics. Define c = h_bar = G = k_e = k_B = 1. Boom, Planck units, all the numbers are bigger but the equations are nicer to work with.
In physics, Planck units are physical units of measurement defined exclusively in terms of five universal physical constants listed below, in such a manner that these five physical constants take on the numerical value of 1 when expressed in terms of these units. Planck units have profound significance for theoretical physics since they elegantly simplify several recurring algebraic expressions of physical law by nondimensionalization. They are particularly relevant in research on unified theories such as quantum gravity. == Overview == Originally proposed in 1899 by German physicist Max Planck...
chat-poll: most superiour non-golfing language. Go.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Java
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Python. Any heretics will be forcibly reeducated.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Julia
Or R
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Brainfuck
Anyone who disagrees can (Brain)fuck off
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Why do you think Go is a superior language?
prepares the soft blankets and fluffy pillows for the Python Inquisition
Thanks, I really just needed a five-tone metronome.
@Mego Ok, Ill let you have your Planck units.
@GamrCorps Yay! \o/ They make physics soooo much simpler by not needing to drag around seemingly-arbitrary constants.
R > Julia > Brainfuck > Python > Java, imo.
@Mego One will be the *magnitude* of the net force in *your desired unit system (Newtonian, Planck, etc.)* sound good?
Not sure 'bout the last two.
Java loses, as usual
Julia > R > Python > Java > Brainfuck
Also @GamrCorps what was the equation you were having issues with?
I haven’t used R/Julia much
Python > Java > Brainfuck, not experienced enough with Julia/R to rank them
What’s all the fuss about?
2 mins ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
chat-poll: most superiour non-golfing language. Go.
Of course, Rust > Python > Java > BF
@GamrCorps Try One will be the *magnitude* of the net force, using your desired unit system (SI, Planck units, Imperial units, etc.)
Oh, I got that bit. But like, I don’t really “get” scientific languages. Never had a use for ’em
Alright, well, gotta go.
@Mego I figured it out, but it was the speed of a sound wave in terms of medium density.
I only get scientific languages.
@feersum: If I can clear anything up, I'm more than happy to.
Python > Swift > Java > All "sane" languages > All "insane" and "short" languages
@Mego thanks!
May 20 '15 at 0:10, by Alex A.
@sirpercival I disagree; I think science is best science the programming.
@ZachGates OK
Recently I’ve been partial toooooo... F#.
It's not a very restrictive restriction that the vertex has the maximum z value among the points.
.NET is so neat. ML is also so neat.
It's like barfy Microsoft Haskell
In SI units, it's Newtons. In Planck units, it's Planck forces or LM/T^2. In imperial units, it's pounds.
I believe there are still 9 DOFs that way.
@Lynn .NET is neat? o_O
(L, M, and T are Planck length, Planck mass, and Planck time, respectively)
@AlexA. Yes.
@mınxomaτ No.
@AlexA. CLI is neat.
@feersum I had to restrict it to one direction. Otherwise you would need 3 points to determine the others.
@Mego You're neat.
@ZachGates You need to tell us what this restriction is.
.NET is a pretty good platform! CLI is very neat.
I've heard F# is almost exactly like OCaml, which I've learned a bit
@AlexA. (ง ◕ั⌑◕ั)ว ⁾
@feersum There is only one way to find another point on the parabola: mirroring the first across the vertex. Since the parabola can only continue downwards along the Z axis, it can only be mirrored in one direction (across the XY plane).
Maybe I should use F# instead because OCaml's Windows support is terrible
@Mego Case in point
@AlexA. (ノ*゜▽゜*)
> You may assume that the parabola will always be vertical (continuing downwards).
@feersum Or you could swap Windows for a better platform on which to run your language of choice
@feersum You should give it a try. The language is actually pretty simple, and it grew on me very fast!
@ZachGates This sentence still means nothing to me.
@Lynn It's a decent platform if you only care about Windows. :P
Hey, well, Mono exists.
My challenge may have been better if I had allowed leading zeroes and trailing dots and stuff. Hmm, oh well
Oh, and if anyone can decipher the following and tell me the intended response, I will give them a cookie. «iΰ¬ΰΎΰΏΰ°ͺ₯₯΄»ί
For many programs I write, I do only care about Windows, though. :X
@Calvin'sHobbies Posted 2 minutes ago, you still have time to change it ;)
@ZachGates Also, your picture does not corresponding with the only possible unambigous interpretation of reflecting over a point.
@Lynn ಠ_ಠ
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ 0.0 Try it online!
@feersum If you get rid of the Y axis completely (leaving an XZ plane), the parabola is oriented so that it opens downward (as shown in the 2D graphs).
@AlexA. ehh
@ZachGates Your question makes no mention of the xz plane. You have to write these things down; I can't read your mind.
@Calvin'sHobbies ehh
People will upvote anything
Anything you post, at least
Q: All the numbers that fit in a string

Calvin's HobbiesWrite a program or function that takes in a positive integer N. Output a list of all the distinct decimal numbers that can be written in exactly N characters using digits (0123456789), decimal points (.), and negative signs (-). For example, some numbers that would be in the N = 4 output list ar...

@NewMainPosts -1 for restrictive output format
@NewMainPosts -1 because Calvin thinks people blindly upvote things :P
+1 because I need that gold badge. /s
@AlexA. What are you talking about? The output format is pretty loose.
@Mego It was yolk
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ } will close a function right
@Doorknob Time for you to FGITW some Pyth
@quartata Yes
Yeah I'm waiting for a response to my comment
@AlexA. ...in Jolf
Also preventing output of - is surprisingly annoying
@quartata I don't know
> The exception to the two last rules is zero itself, which should always be written as plain 0.
But is negative zero == zero?
0 < 0 == False, so 0 should not have a negative sign. Therefore -0 is invalid.
-0==0 processing... processing... true
The only time -0 != 0 is when you're using a signed one's complement representation, and then you have multiple problems.
@Doorknob Not in JavaScript
Everything is == to 0 in javascript :P
@AlexA. I'm just worried that people will simply loop over all floats in the range and include the ones of the right length. That might require a bit of finagling but would require more if leading zeroes were allowed
4 mins ago, by Alex A.
@Mego It was yolk
I love eggs
@AlexA. I prefer albumen thanks
@quartata Gross
Sounds racist >_>
Does it?
I don't know what "albumen" are.
If you only like the whites, then yes :D
Q: Can we have a different Put On Hold message?

CJ Dennis put on hold as unclear what you're asking by Xxx, Yyy, Zzz 1 hour ago Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying thi...

@Geobits ._.
@AlexA. Albumen is egg whites, aka the not-yolk stuff
@GamrCorps I use TexMaker.
1 min ago, by Alex A.
@quartata Gross
How does Seriously still not have combinations/permutations? I swear I implemented those like a month ago...
Seriously it doesn't?
That joke is seriously getting old.
I think I committed the changes on another machine and forgot to push them >_>
shots seriously fired
seriously got hit by one
I seriously don't think the joke was at any point new or funny
seriously dies
seriously, another seriously fight?
Does anyone know of a good JS base-conversion library? I need to use bases above 36
I think there are several for 64 specifically, or do you want something general?
This is the Humor Police. We have detected abnormally high levels of shitty Seriously puns in this chat room. Please stop this despicable behavior.
@Geobits specifically I'll be using base-64 and base-60
@quartata Geez. Humor Police take things waaaaay too seriously.
There's no us in humor.
Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
@quartata You don't like us being humorus
but there is a u in humour, two actually, so its twice as funny.
@Cyoce does it work?

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