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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Honestly, I got interested in programming on a whim. It was something I thought about infrequently as a curiosity for a long time. One day, I was reading some design goals a team had put forward for a game I liked, and there was a sentence that said something along the lines of "... we agreed on these [things] before we wrote the first line of code..." and I kind of looked at it and wondered but what is a line of code? And then I googled it.
:D What game was it?
I think it was this one: realmofthemadgod.com It's a silly little game that took up a lot of my time back then :D
That looks like it could be a good time. Are you interested in game programming or is that merely what piqued your interest in programming in general?
personally i think game programming is best programming, w/ scientific slightly behind :D
I'm interested in a supply of good problems. :D In the beginning, I was really interested in applying maths that I knew and making my computer do something. I started game programming 'cause it had both of those things and was a ton of fun.
@sirpercival I disagree; I think science is best science the programming.
@AlexA. trying to parse that sentence came close to giving me an aneurysm
@sirpercival I still haven't worked it out.
What, word is not words for brain ears?
I feel like Kirk in several Star Trek: TOS episodes, where he has to tell a computer illogical things until it explodes.
@Optimizer solid work!
1 hour later…
does anyone have a copy of Art of Problem Solving: Prealgebra that they don't want anymore?
...aren't you in grad school?
Not judging, just saying...
@AlexA. for my son, not me
How old is your son?
Your son is 5 and he wants to read prealgebra?!
I don't see anything wrong with this.
5 is like kindergarten age! Your son most be a genius!
well.... yeah? i mean, he knows a lot of the stuff in there already, but we want to make sure we don't leave too many gaps
he's profoundly gifted
Sounds like it!
You must be a very proud dad! :D
haha i am
i've started teaching him programming
It begins.
he's done a bunch of stuff with Scratch (well, a Scratch clone for the ipad called Hopscotch)
This sounds amazing. From my (totally unbiased) point of view, you're an awesome father.
haha thank you guys
What language are you teaching him?
BrainF**k, right?
and he got a raspberry pi for his birthday, so he's been exposed to python via minecraft pi
plus i've coded a couple games for him in python (a cryptogram thing, 4D tic tac toe, and a couple others)
Should I be on the lookout for a new user called Sir Percival, Jr. around here?
Wouldn't it just be Percival, Jr.? One assumes he has yet to be knighted...
haha that would be fun, but he doesn't get to go into chatrooms or use the internet unmonitored
^ good idea
he also types super slowly
Gah! You responsible people...
What?! 5 years old and not up to 90 WPM?
it's so frustrating to watch him type
He's 5.
It's incredible that he can type at all.
he can use the ipad and anything involving that kind of touch interaction super fast and intuitively
but watching him hunt and peck is torture, and his hands are too small to start touch typing effectively
Back in my day, we typed on typewriters, in the snow, uphill both ways...
remember mavis beacon?
@BrainSteel Given that you're younger than me, I am certain that is false.
i remember mavis beacon... from dos on a windows 3.1 machine
I suppose you wouldn't want Geobits to corrupt your son, so you can't let him in here...
Your son will think we're graduating in a week.
@AlexA. What?! You don't remember the typewriters? And the snow...?
I thought I remembered going uphill two ways, but then I realized I don't live in an Escher painting.
code challenge: how many times can you go uphill
All of them.
What do you know, now I'm the one with the aneurysm.
I can't graph hearts :(
I'm just using Apple's Grapher.app.
My equations don't look very good.
I love that app!!!
I forget, can you do parametric curves?
In theory, it's just one equation.
x = 16*sin(t)^3; y = 13*cos(t) - 5*cos(2*t) - 2*cos(3*t) - cos(4*t)
I was just using a couple of circles for the top half and a couple quartic polynomials for the bottom half. Unfortunately, it just don't look like a heart.
with polinomials + circles you will always have a bend/break at x=0
^ dafuq
@BrainSteel: How did you include your picture? I have one to share but I don't know how.
screenshot->upload->from my computer
I just used the upload button right over there :D -->
That's much better.
Uses the parametric equations I mentioned above.
t = 0..2pi
Very interesting...
I had forgotten how awesome Grapher.app is.
It does a pretty good (and free) job =D
Before I saw the light and became a Mac user, I used to play with Grapher on my girlfriend's computer.
Before that I plotted everything in Maple.
My ex girlfriend did the same thing on my computer.
yeah grapher is pretty great
@BrainSteel Is that why she's your ex?
I wish.
so does anyone have experience with kivy? or, alternatively, with python, bash, & c?
I've got 1/4!
I've got a little Python and a little Bash.
I have them in a box in my closet.
I have a really little amount of Python and a really little amount of Bash. Oh, and 2 cats.
Oooooooh kitties.
They are making noises.
i'm trying to compile my app with buildozer, which uses python-for-android. the problematic part is writing a recipe so that p4a will compile my cython code
Enter PhiNotPi
"Every once and a while, something impossible doesn't happen. That time is right now."
That's deep.
Oh god, it's happening right now!
it doesn't stop from keeping happening
i warned you about stairs bro
I told you dog
i told you man
i TOLD you about stairs
I should start making more of these inspirational quotes.
While I generally dislike Homestuck, I do enjoy Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.
that's an interesting dichotomy
Before my girlfriend bought her own car, we shared mine. Whenever she would need the car but I'd be out somewhere with it, she would ask if I had taken it. I would response simply with this:
But anyway, regarding your Python Android whatever dilemma: idk.
I haven't used any of the things you mentioned :(
no worries
i can't get my app to build, and it's a matter of a bash script that i don't know how to construct properly
All I remember about Bash is that if ends with fi.
and do - od
Does anyone here have anything nice to say about PHP?
Does I don't know much about it count as "nice?"
Eh. Nah.
I've not been given the opportunity to hate PHP.
That's nice, right?
Dang it.
ooh ooh i know
This is like that 5th grade assignment where we had to compliment our classmates all over again...
its name is a palindrome
that's a nice thing
The teacher wrote "that's not actually nice" all over my paper.
I feel like if - fi is literally asking for typos.
no, it's iffiguratively asking for them
get it straight
Could you imagine a world where people talked like that? dluoC
not i, ton
some of the answers don't show up in the leaderboard snippet for isomorphs -- why is that?
Maybe the way they are doing their headers.
# Python 3, 85 bytes looks fine
oh, there's <!-- language-all: lang-python --> above it
Using = underneath the line to bold it might not work, either.
Yeah, there must not be any language tags. They mess up stuff.
I started writing an answer to that challenge & gave up
fixed it, thanks
@KyleKanos Story of my life.
@PhiNotPi Language tags are fine as long as they come after the header.
@PhiNotPi Using Martin's code, it has to use # rather than = in the headers for the snippet to recognize them.
@PhiNotPi Why do I keep tagging you?
@AlexA. I don't know.
@AlexA. You could always not tag
@AlexA. me if you wanted to.
@PhiNotPi Can I just tag you in all of my messages from now on?
@AlexA. no
@PhiNotPi Ok
@PhiNotPi Last one
And now I'm done.
I'm glad that this issue has resolved itself.
i'm not
Well that was fun.
int board[495][16] = {

#include "Board.txt"

Ah, the uses of #include
anyone good at working with large databases?
like, really sizable? (10^9 records)
(or more)
Define "working with"
i have a huge dataset split up into a lot of files
i want to combine everything
into one databse
i don't know sql though
1B rows isn't that big
even if you've got 1kB in each row, and 100% index overhead, that's only 2TB of data.
we shall discuss this more tomorrow
night all
@Geobits By the way, thanks for mentioning Fifteen Puzzle. I set it up fairly quickly, and on my first few prototype test runs, the programs can fairly consistently solve puzzles that have been shuffled with about 5 moves after ~12 generations, with 10,000 individuals. Runs that far in ~15 seconds. Then it kinda gets stuck :/
2 hours later…
I just crossed 10,000 rep!
@isaacg congrats!! :)
I guess, the double knot is difficult than it looks...
I need at least a couple more double knots to rise to one of top HNQ positions
We have an owl!
hi @MartinBüttner
hi all
Since there are no comments I'm going to publish later in the day
2 hours later…
@MartinBüttner here, have another and be the leader :P
@isaacg congratulations! :D
@Optimizer I know I know, I was watching the users list for the past few days, but it's kind of a hard job to do while asleep :P
@Doorknob lame excuse
morning all
Wheee, first Great Question, finally :)
@Optimizer thanks ;)
@Lembik hi Lembik?
@MartinBüttner no
@MartinBüttner not tying a double knot ?
I'm not gonna beat Dennis anyway ;)
also if I do some non-trivial golfing today it's likely going to be my Fission "project"
so how about some trivial one ? :P
do you have another question coming up?
I'm considering sandboxing another diamond-tiling related question to scale up the tilings
(I did that for the RGoD in CJam, and it was actually quite fun)
Now I know that ASCII ART questions are not that hard to come up with :P
@MartinBüttner if you have time, why don't we work on the Kaos Pendulum question? :D
yeah I'll have a look at that later today
its fascinating how many answers the QuickGolf questions are getting
trivial questions seem to get more
Ah, I can make a series of these beautiful ascii arts.
ASCII ART of the Day #1 Flow Snake
@MartinBüttner how does the name sound ?
idea for a question: input= string, int
output= print the string with string, line width = int
string written with string*
done already
multiple variations
oh ok
word within word .. .something
and a couple more
@Optimizer not a fan of the all-caps "ART" :P
yeah, made it Art
(sandboxing right now)
feel free to use my snippet if you want to use the same kind of leaderboard across the series
@MartinBüttner gee thanks :)
I just wrote (non-golfed) CJam code that contained ****. they are multiply, repeat, string join, string join.
that is 4 asterics ?
@Optimizer finished sandboxing mine
your what ?
scaling up diamond tilings
I might move the different sizes to a pastebin, they take up a lot of space
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerScale up a Diamond Tiling code-golfascii-art Any regular hexagon can be tiled with diamonds, for instance like so: ______ /_/_/\_\ /_/\_\/\_\ /\_\/_/\/_/\ \/_/\_\/_/\/ \_\/_/\_\/ \_\_\/_/ We'll consider the above a tiling of size 1 (since the diamonds' sides are made of one / or \ e...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

OptimizerASCII Art of the Day Series My new found love for ASCII art has lead me to a lot of good (trivial and non-trivial) ideas for ASCII ART challenges. Here are the ideas : 1. Double Knot 2. Flow Snake I came across this really nice snow-flake like ASCII fractal by Michael Naylor [citation neede...

@Optimizer I'd just do the flow snake thing in the smaller size.
so 1 length edges .. ?
@MartinBüttner Used and added!
Trying to figure out a decent algorithm for Murder/Singles... The search space for the first example is huge
@Optimizer I'm not a huge fan of the random ants. It seems like it's essentially the same as the random snowman.
@MartinBüttner no, would won't get input string to parse and draw
you would get only an input N, depicting number of ants.
still have to decide on rest of the details.
For today, Flow Snake
by "first example", i mean
i'm obviously doing it wrong
Start by eliminating the 2 in the top right ;)
After that, have fun with it. I have that in a puzzle pack app on my phone and don't play it.
.... i understand how to solve it as a person. i am trying to figure out how to solve it as a computer
If no-one has any more comments for next couple of hours, I'll post it.
drat, saw that block of numbers and thought someone was trying my question
@trichoplax thanks :)
:) I thought it was clear enough that it wasn't worth a comment, so I just went ahead
I was tempted to put "+n" as the edit reason
honestly, I'm not even sure that was supposed to be "then"... it could have just been a stray word from rewriting the sentence... but "then" works :D
is Peter T away at the moment?
as in this week/month/etc?
apparently... I see him occasionally on main, but he hasn't been in chat for a while
he is active in meta
I guess he's just busy
(as compared to here or main)
he's been updating his answer to Lembik's challenge at least
he loves those
trying to reach 2
Updated to smaller sized flow snakes:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

OptimizerASCII Art of the Day Series My new found love for ASCII art has lead me to a lot of good (trivial and non-trivial) ideas for ASCII ART challenges. Here are the ideas : 1. Double Knot 2. Flow Snake I came across this really nice snow-flake like ASCII fractal by Michael Naylor [citation neede...

much nicer
@MartinBüttner not since I pointed out the bug :)
@Optimizer The zodiac signs challenge is pretty neat :D
I have to put the right credits in there, once I find them ..
Q: Stripping off extra spaces from a string

Cool GuyYou are given a string. Output the string with one space per words. Challenge Input will be a string (not null or empty), surrounded with quotes(") sent via the stdin. Remove leading and trailing spaces from it. Also, if there are more than one space between two words (or symbols or whatever), ...

T-40 for Flow Snakes
This been done before? v
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BrainSteelFormatting a Lisp-like Syntax I didn't see this posted anywhere, but I would not be surprised if this was a duplicate... code-golfsyntaxstring (Based on a true, heart-wrenching story) In my time, I've played around with Lisp and similar languages often. I've written with them, ran them, inter...

Starting to feel like I'm on an island. It pours down heavy rain exactly once a day for the last week for ten minutes. Then it stops and the sun comes out.
This is great weather for Texas
The cows are very happy I imagine
Green grass and full lakes
@Rainbolt Florida is similar during the summer, but it hasn't started quite yet here. By mid-June it should.
Normally sometime between 3-5pm.
@Rainbolt It's been the same here, except that it rains for 1-2 hours instead of just 10 minutes.
Where do you live?
That was weird...
I had scrolled up and saw the new meta post . thought it was posted right now only
@Rainbolt Northwest of you.
So that could be Seattle.
I guess it could be somewhere in Asia, too.
Yeah, if you circle around earth in that direction a couple of times, you could reach it.
@TheNumberOne I did not.
Profile only lists location. I don't know if your location is where you live ;)
@Optimizer That doesn't even make sense. You can't "circle around the earth while going Northwest the entire time."
You would eventually end up at the North pole, and you would be unable to move Northwest at all.
You stand at a point, see which direction North West is, and start going in that direction
straight line
If you mean due northwest, then no. But colloquially, any combination of north and west is "northwest".
"Northwest" != "The direction that is currently Northwest but might not be when I take a step"
Who has time to check where North West is at every single step ??
A self driving car, hopefully.
@Optimizer Riemann has time.
If you go northwest, would you ever actually converge on the North pole? Or would you just keep making infinitely tighter spirals?
@CharlesKoppelman got it.... now to shrink it.
@Rainbolt If your step size is large enough, you'd probably just overshoot it on every step and oscillate around it, changing direction each step.
1 2 3 0
5 6 8 4
9 10 7 11
13 14 15 12
I can now solve this puzzle.
I am a god.
@Geobits No step size. Just a continuous curve.
@BrainSteel The names makes sense, then. As a god, you should be able to breathe brains into steel.
@Rainbolt Well that's no fun. You might as well just walk halfway there in any given time interval.
I don't even know what the end result of that should be.
And I'm not entirely sure I want to know...
Q: ASCII Art of the Day #2 - Flow Snakes

OptimizerI came across this really nice snow-flake like ASCII fractal by Michael Naylor [citation needed but not found]. Just like a fractal, it grows exponentially in size with each order/iteration. Below are the details about the construction and a few examples for various orders: Order 1 Flow Snake: ...

^ Posted Flow Snakes. Have fun!
Screeps world mode has started.
@MartinBüttner i'm STILL working on voronoi map... having ideas for another method XD
nice, let me know if it leads anywhere :)
@Optimizer we could make the random diamond tilings count towards both series ;)
@MartinBüttner how...
@MartinBüttner but I like the idea.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

randomraCoin Tossing Time Travelers king-of-the-hill this question is a stub, contains mainly the mechanics In the future when time traveling (TT) will be common coin tossing will become a serious mind-sport. To prepare for the future we create a competition for programs where time traveling will be re...

@MartinBüttner if we can count the score of that in both, and some how merge the names
or .. we can do like Flash and Arrow do. Arrow comes in Flash, then Flash comes in Arrow :P
Random ASCII Art of the Day
counting it in both is no problem - just add the question ID to both snippets
yeah, thought so..
I can wait until you're at #5, so we don't have to include two different numbers ;)
@MartinBüttner I will be soon :P
I don't suppose my input is wanted here? :P
@Geobits So now you have to participate in that 1 RGOD AND the 4 other AAoD for completeness :D
Completeness in AAoD does not concern me, and will not happen ;)
@MartinBüttner We have to do more crossovers!
(for Geobits to start concerning about completeness in AAoD)
I'd rather hardcode an edit to your snippet that removed my name from the AAoD leaderboard on crossover entries. Then I'd be complete where I show up :P
@Geobits revert is always an option
unless I lock the post...
Rollback wars over my irrational dislike of ascii golfs? Sounds fun.
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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