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@orlp Some parents are really ridiculous too
@mınxomaτ I don't care about them
When it comes to being offended in the name of their children.
@orlp It's common sense. At this point you're just arguing for the sake of arguing.
@Mego no it's not, there are plenty of people who are getting turned away because of the PC bullshit and 'safe spaces' and SJW'ing
You're literally berating a group that raises a ton of money every year for charity for not being "good enough"
people mustn't forget that the vast majority of the audience of GDQ watchers is in the 20-35 age radius
Once you start raising $2+ million for charities annually, you can start criticizing them
@Mego don't even go there
guys chill
you can criticize just fine
this isnt something worth getting salty over
Just be glad that there's a group that has managed to create this huge following and do so much good for so many people
@Mego sorry for being critical, but $2m a year is a drop in the bucket when you think about the scale of the international gaming community
and sorry for being cynical about the charity choice, but I don't believe donating money to people with cancer in america is particularly ethical when that same money could save multiple orders of magnitude more people in africa who can't even reach the age where they could possibly even get cancer
@Dennis what does vectorized subtraction mean?
for the adjacent words challenge
@TanMath lambda a,b:[x-b for x in a]
vectorized subtraction usually means lambda a,b:[x-y for x,y in zip(a,b)]
Depends on if b is a scalar or a list
Here it's a list.
@TanMath For my answer, what orlp said.
RQotD: What's a good data structure for representing a Rubik's Cube? Looking for ease of transformations mainly.
@Geobits 3d matrix?
Hmm. That was my initial thought, but it seems so... simple. I can see how I might represent it, but I think there must be an easier way to keep track of not only which cublet is where, but the rotation of them as well.
@Mego That's what I was thinking, but the center and face blocks don't contribute to the structure.
Simplicity is elegance
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Thomas KwaSock Drawer Simulator code-golf random Socks are often kept in drawers, and when people wear socks they like the left and right socks to match [citation needed]. Challenge Given an array of the number of socks of each color, simulate the process of drawing socks, and output the color of the f...

@Geobits A 2d cross shaped matrix (with unused spaces in the corners) seems much easier to visualize to me, despite being less elegant
A: What's the Language?

DennisRetina, 100%, 75 71 70 68 67 64 59 53 51 bytes <.*?> (,| [-&(–5]| [0-7]\d)(?! W|...\)).* 2 |: This is essentially code golf now, so I had to switch languages. Try it online!1 Verification $ wget -q https://gist.githubusercontent.com/vihanb/1d99599b50c82d4a6d7f/raw/cd8225de96e9920db93613198b012749f9763e3c/testcases $ grep -Po '(?<= - ).*' < testcases > input $ grep -Po '^.*?(?= - )' < testcases > output $ mono retina/Retina.exe headers.ret < input | head -n -1 | diff -s - output Files - and output are identical How it works The code consists of three simple ...

@Dennis Why not bit.ly the URL?
@Calvin'sHobbies I think it would be easier to visualize, but I'm not sure how easy the rotation logic would end up.
@AlexA. The browser would still have to support it.
> Unable to shorten that link. It is not a valid url.
For the curious, I'm thinking of writing a basic breadth-first F2L solver.
goo.gl actually is fine with the 12 kB URL. I still think it wouldn't make a difference for IE though.
Nobody should be using IE anyway
What about all the users that visit PPCG from work? :P
I use Windows at work but I use Chrome on Windows. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No problems with Safari?
Any IE users around?
@Geobits Well you can get away with only one CW/CCW 90deg face turn algorithm, and rotate the entire cube appropriately to apply it to a particular face, then rotate back. (Or is that what you already meant?) I'm not sure if the cross matrix necessarily helps then though
I think I might just browse for open source solvers. Even if they don't have the particular feature I'm looking for, I can get an idea of how to implement it better.
In case a kind soul with a Windows computer sees this, goo.gl/8KBq6u should say Haskell on the last output line. Please confirm that it doesn't with IE.
@Dennis works
OK, thanks.
Now I'm curious. Does the URL in the answer also work?
There's really no reason why it shouldn't.
@Dennis Doesn't work. Nothing is in the input box if I paste in the proper long url but when I paste in the goo.gl url the output says:
TD HTML 2.0//EN">
<title>400 Bad Request</title>
<h1>Bad Request</h1>
<p>Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.<br />
Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.<br />
<address>Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at tryitonline.net Port 80</address>
(The above is from the google url)
I promise I'm not lying. (using IE 11.63.10586.0 on Windows 10)
@Calvin'sHobbies OK, that's just plain weird. The long part of the URL is a hash, which shouldn't even get sent to the server...
I'm not lying either. I just did that on a fresh Win7 VM.
@Calvin'sHobbies I don't know, it's pretty clear that you're lying.
IE can't be trusted. It's the same with the maximum number of redirects:
I couldn't find another machine with IE 9, but I discovered WebPagetest.org. The results are fairly strange: Only 10 redirects for IE 7 and 8, but 110 for IE 9 and 102 for IE 6. Also, IE 9 refreshes after every 10th redirect and IE 6 refreshes after the 100th. — Dennis Feb 22 '12 at 1:51
My version
Wait, it suddenly worked! (pasting the long url)
It even works in bloody netsurf.
A: What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers?

Paul DixonShort answer - de facto limit of 2000 characters If you keep URLs under 2000 characters, they'll work in virtually any combination of client and server software. Longer answer - first, the standards... RFC 2616 (Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1) section 3.2.1 says The HTTP protocol doe...

Yet I try to reload the page and this happens - I'm confused
@Calvin'sHobbies This seems to be a localized problem to your PC.
I just tested it again using goo.gl/8KBq6u on my Win10 laptop with Edge and IE and it works, too.
OK, great.
It also works in Opera, not that anyone cares.
@Calvin'sHobbies Why would the CSS suddenly fail to load?
idk, it did load once I hit enter in the url box rather than clicking the reload button..
Surely that shouldn't affect the resources...
Does anyone know if we have a simple image --> ascii art challenge? I recall seeing one in the past, but I can't find it now
I don't know of one exactly like that right off hand. Maybe you are thinking of the cubify challenge? codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/21041/14215
First of all you didn't follow their advice - they specifically said a musical artist, of which Bieber is neither. — AviD ♦ Jan 20 at 17:27
@Geobits No that wasn't it. I swear I saw one. Oh well, maybe I'll mock one up in the sandbox
That's usually a really good way to find duplicates ;)
@Geobits The Sandbox should be renamed The Peter Cycle.
How is having 88 commands a BF derivative?
1 hour later…
I think BF derivative = substitution leads to BF code
It seems americans do not like sneakers, slim fit jeans, think books, tiled wooden floor, stacked chairs, right hands etc.
Another operating system! And this time it writes a message thru the BIOS! Guess what it outputs!
The line breaks are so the message will fit in a smaller screen.
Check this and this for how to encode and decode it. Note that the decoder linked here does not support the golfed space!
Hello, World! it is. Excludes the iPXE ident.
Well, there's less to say than yesterday. I'll end here.
It's strange that in the above picture the message sticked to the ident.
@Dennis Thanks! Sorry for the two pulls in such a short time
Q: How far is the Sun?

insertusernamehereIntroduction tl;dr Continuously output the current distance from Earth to Sun. Simplified, the orbit of the Earth around the Sun is an ellipsis. So the actual distance between both is constantly changing. This distance can be calculated for any given day using this formula: The equation c...

@xnor you beat me to it... I was going to work on a Python answer for the remove the Nth-N question and just 2 min ago you answered!
Our only currently active chatter left the room. :(
So apparently I'm too bored sometimes. (Yes, that compiles as Java.)
@zyabin101 and he's back!
@flawr so true. i hate every one of those things to the bitter end
@Pietu1998 Compiler bomb? Or a new interpreter for O?
@Mego Compiler bomb.
Fun fact: It's Australia Day over here. Another fun fact: Nothing much happens.
That doesn't even distantly look like an interpreter.
@zyabin101 your avatar looks distantly like a squashed creeper
It's an identicon! Generate one here.
i have an icon which identifies me
it's a dog with a mustache
@quintopia Where to generate one?
@Mego Actually, it's just a valid Java program that likely only produces a stack overflow. It can't be run, since it has no main, but it makes three classes with three homoglyphs of o, with fields and methods that access each other to make it a mess.
Also any methods that work just return null as nothing is initialized
@quintopia It's an image editor.
@zyabin101 i used it to "generate" this image
chat mini-challenge: write a program which attaches a handlebar mustache to an arbitrary image, and correctly positions it whenever the image is a face
@zyabin101 no need to be precise. as long as a human looking at it would recognize the mustache is where it should be
@quintopia Mathematica probably: AddMustache[LoadImage[Input[]]]
@quintopia If all images were 256 by 256 and targets to put mustaches on are printed to stdout, JavaScript function golf, 14 bytes: p(128);p(128);
what does p do?
@Mego if mathematica does not contain this built-in, someone is lying down on the job
@quintopia The function p, in JavaScript function golf, prints the argument into the browser console. p(128); prints the number 128.
@quintopia Probably an alias for console.log(x), just like every other uninspired shortened-Javascript "language"
@Mego Ninja'd!
@zyabin101 not sure how a human would interpret the number 128 printed twice as an image with a correctly positioned mustache?
@quintopia He would put a mustache centered on the 128th x pixel and the 128th y pixel. That is, the center of a 256x256 image.
@zyabin101 So what if the face isn't centered?
i need image output man. not just the destination! take an image, add a mustache, output an image
@quintopia I have a problem, then.
actually, i wonder if this could be done as a test-battery challenge
@quintopia So basically Winter Bash all over again
it's just that a human would have to check which cases passed
and that's a lot of effort
@quintopia If the targets for mustaches were printed to stdout instead of outputting an image with the mustache, yes.
@Mego as i recall, the hats just went wherever the hat you were replacing went.
they didn't automatically figure out the best place to put them
@zyabin101 why so? i'm happy to pipe stdout to a file and open said file in an image editor
@quintopia I'm pretty sure they did. It tried really hard to put all the hats on top of my penguin's head, despite me always resizing and moving them.
@Mego that wasn't my experience. in any case, it seems like it'd be easier to place an image "on top of" an image, esp. when said image has a white background.
(or other solid background)
@quintopia Maybe it couldn't detect a face in your avatar, so it used a fallback method?
I could be wrong, but it seemed like it was detecting my penguin's face
Wow... I haven't posted one question or answer today, yet I've already received 105 rep O_o
@ETHproductions How's your progress on 10000 rep in 30 days going?
A: Remove every N-th N

Rainer P.awk, 10 bytes Input is expected on STDIN, one number per line. ++a[$1]%$1 Explanation Keeps a counter for each number in an associative array, prints only if the counter value modulo n is not zero. Printing is implicit. Long version: ++a[$1]%$1{print $0}

how does this work?
oh, awk '0' prints none of the lines and awk '1' prints all of them
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

J AtkinASCII Box rendering code-golf Task Your task is to write a program that will output ASCII boxes at the locations specified by the input. Input You will be given a list of numbers. The format here is a bit flexible, in that you can use any deliminator you want (e.g. 1,2,3,4, 1 2 3 4, [1,2,3,4]...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stewie GriffinCops and robbers, reveal as much as you dare The cops challenge is to write a code that outputs exactly 20 printable ASCII characters. The objective of the challenge is to write a code that can’t be cracked, while revealing as many characters as you dare. The winner will be the submission with t...

@feersum An AWK program consists of pattern{action} statements. In the absence of an action, it defaults to printing.
So it works more or less like grep.
Now, how often do you see AWK beating Pyth and J?
Q: What's wrong or unclear with my challenge?

insertusernamehereThis morning I posted a challenge (10k users only). It's back in the sandbox now, visible for anybody and for review. I had this challenge in the sandbox for 5 days before I posted it. With some help we worked out minor bugs. I missed one thing in my example calculation before going live, but tha...

> I wouldn't rush two conclusions just because two users clicked the downvote button.
Where did you read that? o_O
sigh... Some day I'll learn to wait out the grace period before pointing out funny typos.
Pro tip: If you mock in the comments, it automatically ends the grace period.
there's a grace period?
i thought you were eligible for disgrace the moment you posted
Comments get deleted for being obsolete. Chats don't (or shouldn't ;)
If you mock a mod, they might. ;)
I wasn't mocking you, oh wise and powerful moderator. I was honestly curious what other conclusion (besides the obvious one) the OP was rushing.
> pointing out funny typos
Oh, that was about something else. Totally unrelated >_>
To be fair, that could be construed as mocking the typos, not the author.
> 0th
What's wrong with that? How else would you ordinal 0?
Maybe I change them to 0nd?
"Zerund" ... sounds Germanic
Zeroeth inherently makes no sense. I mean, I understand what it means, but it's just wrong.
Just installed Web of Trust, registered as schastlilya. I rated this site good.
Q: Clock (card game)

Nathan MerrillClock is an interesting card game, as it requires no skill. It is a single player game, and the same card configuration always leads to a win or a loss. In this challenge, you need to figure out whether a given card configuration wins or loses. You can play the game here. The game is played a...

> Clock is an interesting card game, as it requires no skill.
Wait what?
I like playing "keep guessing the next card of the deck", which arguably has more skill because you can take a reasonable guess at what the last card is
@MartinBüttner bah, you found a bug in my test cases
I meant for the first card to be the top card
@Geobits Interesting in classification, boring in execution
@zyabin101 I'm not sure when I set that goal, but I think I was at 7k, and I'm almost to 8k now. So it's going pretty well.
@ETHproductions Detailed progress please.
I'm #6 in rep gained so far this year, behind only Martin, Dennis, Thomas, DT, and Doorknob, so that's a plus.
Just a sec, I'll get more details
Q: KOTH : Pandemic

ThraxIntroduction 2042, the world has become overpopulated. Globalization, overcrowding, new lifestyles and a global lack of hygiene has caused a new pandemic to spread. During those hard times, state leaders have to manage the situation. You can't let your population be decimated, but maybe you coul...

I have earned exactly 900 rep since I set that goal on Jan 15.
So in ~10 days. Seems on-track to me.
Curse you autocorrect
@zyabin101 ^^^
@Dennis Wow... that's intense
I'm sorry, autocorrect.
Disclaimer: Autocorrect is disabled on all my devices.
Sorry to bother you guys here. I only have one short question @Dennis regarding my deleted challenge: Should I undelete it with the updated version or should I repost a new one? What's the best way here on PPCG?
If possible, one should always edit instead of reposting.
Thanks I'll go with that. (y)
Brain fart ... suppose c=1; ++c ... what's the name of the ++ operator here?
@TimmyD which language it is?
Increment works -- thanks
@zyabin101 Any C-derivative
The only thing I was coming up with was "pre-additions" which was "Me English Good"-level
we should have a default runtime policy
(aka, by default, answers should finish in a minute or so)
er, maybe not
I believe that's the default... or maybe that's just the default for folks who put a time limit on their challenge.
@TimmyD Here technically it is called pre-increment
x++ is post-increment
@NathanMerrill For which input?
Quick question: How do you check how many consecutive days one has visited codegolf.se?
It's on your profile.
Thank you
I'm up to 50 consecutive
It's really interesting to see which categories on the "Best of PPCG 2015" are neck-and-neck, and which have one choice that's just dominating.
@TimmyD speaking of which, Peter finally pulled ahead of me
I visited the site every day since I registered, I think.
I'm up to 26 days.
@MartinBüttner when does the poll close
Yeah ... 25 to 24 isn't really that big of a difference, though.
Heck, I'd say the 14/12/11 on Rookie of the Year is still anyone's guess.
@quintopia 1 Feb
@MartinBüttner Are you keeping the nomination/voting questions for posterity?
People apparently really like Retina, though. And with good reason.
@TimmyD 14/12/11?
Also, @MartinBüttner - I just read your excellent response to FlagAsSpam's "complaint" on your Retina hexagon-movement answer
@quartata 14 first, 12 second, 11 third.
A: Cast your vote for "Best of PPCG 2015"!

Martin BüttnerRookie of the Year (challenge) Best challenge by a user who had not posted a challenge before 2015. Nominations: I'm not the language you're looking for! by MuddyFish Nominated by GamrCorps This is one of the coolest challenges that I've seen on the site. It encouraged users to think out...

Also what zyabin101 said.
@TimmyD is true, isn't it? :D
oh boy
user image
Basically, it seems that if the question involves geometry in the slightest, people clamor for a 2D-language answer. Or a whatever-D Hexagony is ;-)
@orlp TIL -- Black is not always black.
@TimmyD there's Sanford & Son and there's The Jeffersons. Choose the display you prefer.
@TimmyD it's more like if a challenge is tagged with people want a Hexagony answer :P
I don't understand voters here.
@quintopia Wow. I'm not sure what's worse. That you made that reference, or that I understood that reference.
why is the worst answer the highest voted?
@ThomasKwa I think people assume that higher score is better
@ThomasKwa It's been well established that vote count is inversely proportional to effort.
I think people just go "haha, funny, +1"
@Martin That reminds me, I'm raising my bounty for that Hexagony question.
@TimmyD (most of the time)
@ThomasKwa which one?
@TimmyD i started off trying to pick comparable modern black sitcoms, but I just don't watch enough TV to be able to pull it off
(for appropriately large values of 2)
fwiw I downvoted it. It's not as clever as people think.
@ThomasWeller I just took the mean of each channel. — LegionMammal978 19 hours ago
Q: Hexagonal maze time!

J AtkinTime for another maze challenge, but not as you know it. The rules for this challenge are a little different than most of this kind. The tile types are defined as follows: S: The location on the maze you start at E: The location you are trying to get to 0: Wall that you can't cross +: Floor th...

I probably shouldn't have, but I upvoted this. — PyRulez yesterday
I think I'll give 500. I'd really like to see an answer.
@ThomasKwa A Hexagony answer for this would be sweet
maybe some other time...
honestly, I'm convinced that a somewhat golfed Hexagony answer to that would not be the longest answer.
and I'm kinda itching to try out storing data on the grid in 2D ... I have an idea for how to do that but I've never tried... but I currently don't invest that kind of time.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

user1657355Parentheses, brackets, and braces, oh my! code-golf If you have a string consisting only of the six characters ()[]{}, we say that it's balanced iff we can match all of the parentheses, all of the brackets, and all of the braces, such that none of the matches create overlaps. good: ([{}({}[])(...

Unless other people seem to understand.
I don't understand it.
I think I do.
You're supposed to write a program that produces an infinite recursion with a non-periodic call stack.
The dividing your score part doesn't make sense though.
If the functions are A(), B(), C(), etc. then something like A(B(C(A(C(B(B(A(... which never repeats.
Can't you just make A(B(A(B(B(A(B(B(B(A(B(B(B(B(...?
But I'm not sure how we write our own functions ("Write a program, that given up to 10 different functions").
@ThomasKwa Yes
Q: Irrational Recursion

J_mie6Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers. But they can also be described as numbers that cannot be expressed as a recurring sequence of decimal places. Let's define an irrational recursion as a call stack inspected after infinitely many calls that cannot...

The dividing your score is kinda confusing, partly because of the "anyone that can" implying that it's difficult in some way, whereas I think it's pretty obvious to convert between the 2.
But at the same time, there's no indication of where the decimal point should go.
Also, why does my spellcheck convert "becuae" to "barbecue" instead of "because"?
@PhiNotPi Barbecue your phone is hungry.
Looks like mine is too.
@PhiNotPi because your phone has a poor dictionary. Afford the Google Keyboard, it should help with his rich dictionary.
Also, the Google Keyboard has listed becuae as because, be use, and 15 other words.
i wish there was a mobile keyboard that did everything
swiftkey does almost everything, but its gesture inference is pretty terrible compared to swype
Swiftkey still doesn't support macrons. Wonder how they deal with Chinese pinyin?
For the record, macrons are a flat bar above a letter, such as a, e, i, o, u, ü to ā, ē, ī, ō, ū, ǖ
TIL - the little dot above the i or j is called a "tittle"
A tittle or superscript dot is a small distinguishing mark, such as a diacritic or the dot on a lowercase i or j. The tittle is an integral part of the glyph of i and j, but diacritic dots can appear over other letters in various languages. In most languages, the tittle of i or j is omitted when a diacritic is placed in the tittle's usual position (as í or ĵ), but not when the diacritic appears elsewhere (as į, ɉ). The word tittle is rarely used. Its most prominent occurrence is in the Christian Bible at Matthew 5:18: "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle...
@zyabin101 Just wondering, why QtWeb? Seems like an interesting browser, and I'd like to know what your reasons are for chatting from there
@Sherlock9 Now I'm using Firefox, found in my computer's hard drives. I didn't need to install Firefox again.
Ah, you were having comp trouble. Ok thanks
Well, I was in school when it was posted
As we all know, time objectively passes according to my perceptions.
That's what Einstein said, anyway.
oh wow, I didn't realize all arrays in awk were associative
@ThomasKwa I was surprised too. Still waiting for a Jelly answer...
Funny that I found out about this on PPCG before Facebook. :P
which symbol should represent swapping two values?
@Cyoce ⇄
@Zgarb preferrably a 1-byte character
specifically printable ASCII
Ok, then I'd suggest \
:27093037 I'm not sure if that's even possible in my paradigm
Wait did you mean as an operator?
for Detour
Also X for "eXchange"
new language
it's 2D
are you swapping top stack values? Or is it something else you're swapping
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Darrel HoffmanSemaphore Decoder You are to write a program which can decode ASCII semaphores. Each semaphore fits in a 3x2 grid, with the flagger's head represented by a o (which is always in the upper middle square), and his flags represented by _ | / \. Each block is separated by one blank column. Text m...

The "swap" operation takes (x,y) and pushes (y,x)
@Cyoce I would also recommend a (a, b, c) to (c, a, b) command
@Cyoce For that, I'd do ~
that makes so much sense
but I already have it mapped to filter
How about $?
I haven't used @#%&|. all letters are open except SPRrxme
I have s as swap
I think I'm going to add a neuroscience minor to my "life goals."
It's kind of a weird minor program, though. There is an application process for it.
Hmm... there's also a "Design Your Own Major" program...
but looking at the actual requirements, I would have to be literally insane to try that.
you should be the first person with a degree in code golf
Maybe "Esoteric Programming"?
There's an annual scientific conference on "Unconventional Computation": ucnc2016.org
Q: Remove duplicate words from a sentence

DoᴡɴɢᴏᴀᴛIn this challenge, you will remove duplicate words from each sentence. Examples Hello Hello, World! Hello, World! Code Code! Golf Code Code! Golf Code Hello hello World Hello World Programming Golf Programming! Programming Golf! Specification A sentence is defined as anything until ...

Yay! I now have a reduce right function. It's faster than reduce left because it can use lazy evaluation.
Ooo, time for a Hexagony answer, @MartinBüttner ... ;-)
Q: Draw and label an ASCII hexagonal grid

DoorknobIn my previous challenge, I drew the first diagram mostly by hand (with the help of vim's visual block mode). But surely there must be a better way... Given an input of two dimensions, a width and a height, output a hexagonal grid with those dimensions in ASCII art. Here's the diagram referen...

He's not pingable in chat, but happy 20k edc!
@TimmyD I shall deliberately answer all hexagonal grid challenges in Labyrinth, Retina and Brian & Chuck.
@Doorknob I think he has a chat account, so I think a superping would be warranted. ;)
Actually, of all your languages, I think Labyrinth is the most interesting.
@edc65 ^ Congrats on reaching 20,000! \o/
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LukeTranspose quine In this quine variant, your program must output its source code transposed across the diagonal from the top left to the bottom right. For example: your code on three lines becomes yot onh u r r e e c o l d i e n e s The whitespace in the output is not arbitrary. Spa...

@TimmyD I'm very glad to hear that. :) (I think @Sp3000 would agree with you. ^^)
Q: Draw and label an ASCII hexagonal grid

DoorknobIn my previous challenge, I drew the first diagram mostly by hand (with the help of vim's visual block mode). But surely there must be a better way... Given an input of two dimensions, a width and a height, output a hexagonal grid with those dimensions in ASCII art. Here's the diagram referen...

anyway... speaking of hex grids... I golfed another 12 bytes off yesterday's challenge and added an explanation for anyone who's not afraid of walls of text:
A: Motion on a hexagonal grid

Martin BüttnerRetina, 353 339 178 175 150 130 129 117 bytes R 5$*r T`aq\we\ds`so`r.+ )`r(.*) $1 ^ : a sq e wd +`(.+)q w$1 +`(.+)d s$1 +`sw (.*)(\1w?): $0$2 +`sw|ws w+ -$0 \w 1 Output is in unary, separated by a colon. That means you won't really see zeroes in the output (although the presence of a colon w...

@NewMainPosts yeah I don't think I'll tackle that in any of my languages :D
I promise this is my last hex-grid related challenge queued up, so you'll stop being inundated with comments/jokes about Hexagony after this. :P

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