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@zyabin101 occasionally. I'm planning to do 9 instalments in total
One, take the hard core idea of length of program is a Mersenne prime and disallow no ops.
Two, take the easier but hard idea of length of program is a prime but still disallow no ops.
The "disallow no ops" is so you can't pad programs.
@zyabin101 considering that primes are more frequent at lower numbers, you would need to make the challenge difficult
afaik there is no good way to "disallow no ops" or else, code bowling would work
long var names, comments, whitespace, code that doesn't run, code that runs but does nothing
But this challenge is code golf... Never mind.
@NathanMerrill I think if you were able to tell whether an arbitrary piece of code is an no-op, you'd have solved the halting problem.
What is a no-op, if I may ask?
@MartinBüttner right, but if you can tell me if an arbitrary piece of code sorts a list, then you've solved the halting problem
@flawr in this case, code that does nothing
a piece of code that doesn't affect any/the relevant state of the program
when determining "what code does", we have always used human judgement
I think the difference is that we normally ask for code that does fulfil a certain property, so it's in the interest of the participants to make it provable that the code has that property. you're trying to impose a restriction where it's in the interest of the participant to make such a prove very difficult.
there's also the thing where you encode the entire program in a unary number to blow up its size.
So that is just part of a code that you can remove and the whole program still behaves exactly the same?
@flawr sort of
That sounds like it is way more complicated=)
I don't know how narrow a definition Nathan and zyabin have in mind.
@MartinBüttner then effectively any "restrictions" we place (as pertains to program properties) is impossible to define
I can't place a restriction of "It can't sort" without human judgement
do we have a good challenge where someone did that?
I don't think so :P
although, we have had challenges that prevent certain operations
that's a syntactical restriction though
not a semantic one
I totally agree
defining no-ops in 2D languages is also tricky
I'm trying to see if a broad rule of "Restrictions on program functionality are off-topic" works
I think if you phrase it that broadly, all challenges are off topic, because the challenge objective is a form of restriction on program functionality
it's a provable one though.
@MartinBüttner no, but it would be faster and hardly be longer to implement than trial division
@quintopia why would anyone care about faster in a code golf?
I care about speed in code golf. I try to make it as slow as possible.
@MartinBüttner if two solutions are the same length, why not pick the faster one? (no, i haven't proved they would be the same length). in any case, he was asking for suggestions for improvement. one such suggestion would be "code must run in under very small time x"
I never got this straight: if you can solve the halting problem for an arbitrary piece of code in language X, then language X is turing-incomplete?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ true
Oh, cool!
So, removing <> from BF yields a turing-incomplete language?
is it possible to determine the Big-O of a function (without solving the halting problem)?
one interesting problem along those lines that lacks a solid answer (or even definition): what's the most comprehensive class of problems that can be solved using a computational model for which halting is solvable?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ sure because then you only have finite memory
or did you mean []?
then yes, without any form of loop, you can't have a TC language either.
This stuff is really cool
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ unless you replace it with @ (which swaps between cells 1 and 2) and make those cells unbounded
@quintopia Oh, yeah, BF minimization.
@NathanMerrill if it's a specific function, yes. you can't do it for an arbitrary function.
@MartinBüttner what do you mean?
there is no algorithm which decides for all functions f the asymptotic running time of that function
say I'm an IDE. I have a purely functional function that accepts an array, and returns a number
given a specific piece of code, I might be able to solve the halting problem for that piece of code. but you can't solve it automatically for every program.
can the IDE determine Big-O for that function?
@NathanMerrill you can't do it automatically.
(unless the language is sub-TC of course)
(and you can sure do very interesting things in sub-TC languages)
@quintopia I think such a class doesn't exist for most reasonable definitions of "computational model", "problem", "solve" and "halt".
@quintopia which is why SQL optimization is a thing
maybe we should simply all use sub-TC languages
@Zgarb I have yet to hear of reasonable definitions of those things, so I couldn't say for sure. I'm interested how you came to this conclusion though
@Zgarb I suppose regular expressions regex can do some fun stuff.
@quintopia .NET regular expressions always halt (unless there's a bug in the implementation that I haven't found yet), which is pretty much the only thing stopping them from being TC.
@MartinBüttner have there been any problems on ppcg that could not be solved, in theory, by them?
> Shrewd brainfuckers will have noticed that the aforegiven artistry has seemingly run afoul with recent perl incarnations. Versions 5.20+ exhibit severe indigestion upon encountering this following construct:
like "shortest infinite loop without producing output"? :P
@quintopia Well, suppose you have a model M for which halting is decidable. It solves some class of problems C, which doesn't contain all computable problems (otherwise M would be Turing complete). Take a computable problem P that's not in C, and make a new model M2 that contains all programs in M, plus a special program that solves P and always halts. Then you have a more powerful model for which halting is also decidable.
well many problems as posed on PPCG can't be solved by them directly, because the computational model is a bit restrictive
I may have misunderstood your question though.
e.g. I can't return 0 or 1 conditionally from a regex substitution unless both of those appear in the input string
@MartinBüttner and truth-machine. yeah. i suppose that any problem which does not halt is out of the question. and so...there is surely a language that theoretically exists which does more than .NET regex and yet still has decidable halting
Do we have a challenge for interpreting basic regular expressions?
@quintopia I think as soon as you allow .NET regex to backtrack through an empty match arbitrarily often (which would allow infinite loops), it becomes TC
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'm pretty sure we do
we definitely have the opposite of "basic": codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/1118/8478
@Zgarb this works, but it is not a very interesting answer, since the description of your model grows just as fast as the list of problems it can solve
I tried looking for a regular basic regular expression interpreter here but I couldn't find one
I wanted to do a "generate the shortest regex that matches A, but not B"
until I found that somebody already made a program that does it
@NathanMerrill provably shortest?
i'm referring to the program not the challenge
Q: How do we handle edits that change the code in an answer?

J AtkinSorry if this is a duplicate, I haven't seen a post that covers this topic before. I have seen many edits recently that edit the original answers code in an attempt to help golf it. I saw somewhere (sorry, don't remember where) that you shouldn't edit the code in other peoples posts. How are we ...

oh, nevermind
how often would BF with two tapes and a pointer on each tape outgolf BF?
it would never lose to BF
but the original question is unanswerable
I'm pretty sure it would for any non-trivial problem.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You'd need to assume a distribution on all bf programs.
I need to... what?
@MartinBüttner That's what I was thinking.
A probability distribution.
depends on what you do to loops though
do they only depend on the first tape?
on a combination of both tapes?
are there two kinds of loops?
You can switch tapes
in that case it might not win as often
~ to switch tapes and preserve pointers, * to switch tapes and copy the pointer location
because switching tapes is as expensive as moving to the next cell
also, BF can be compressed to 3 bits for each symbol
it will still win for sufficiently non-trivial problems, but I think the threshold is a bit higher this way
But who uses compressed BF? :P
but with two tapes (even with separate symbols for each tape), you need at least 4 bits
so you could jump to an arbitrary distance on the same tape with ~* (assuming the appropriate setup)
Also, } and { move N spots right/left on the tape, based on the current cell's value
...Yet Another BrainFuck Derivative
Yeah, but whatever.
I like it because a range is rather elegant.
it would be nice to be able to do array index in general
but adding things to BF pretty much misses the point of it :P
Yeah, there's a very fine line
Adding another tape doesn't really make it easier to program in, just more interesting.
IMO, of course
Argh. I'm manually entering publication data into a university database. After every text box and drop-down menu (and there are dozens), it flashes a "Processing..." animation for over 5 seconds. >:(
Man, that sounds annoying. Aggravating, even.
Newmainposts plz
Q: Implement a URL shortener

BlockCoder1392URLs are getting too long. So, you must implement an algorithm to shorten an URL. i. The Structure of an URL An URL has 2 main parts: a domain and a path. A domain is the part of the URL before the first slash. You may assume that the URL does not include a protocol. The path is everything el...

Oh um ninjad
.....ninja'd by a bot!! :P
"An error occurred while processing your request! Sorry for the inconvenience."
Well, I saved everything just before that, but still.
S9meone plz answer
@all answer plz
say @a plz answer
@BlockCoder1392 It's only been 4 minutes.
@BlockCoder1392 How do you make math.stackexchange.com to ms.ta?
"M" + "s" +"." + "ta"
M is first letter of math
S is first letter of stackexchange
And ta is 2nd, 3rd
Hmmm, okay
Looks like a nice challenge :)
Btw I saw the URL compression challenge but this is different
Ttoibt tjid on ohone w left Hand
I received a Intel-C/++ compiler license. Let's see if it has the mystical powers everyone claims it has.
visul studio
That's not a compiler.
What I use for c++ thoug/
You mean the MSVC compiler. I already use that. But IC++ is way more optimized. (Although GCC (TDM flavor) already beats MSVC speedwise for most of my applications).
ICC gains you anywhere from 20ish% to 200% performance improvement on numerical heavy code over gcc -Os. (BTW: -Os will be faster or equal to -O2 and will be faster than -O3 in 99% of use cases unless you run on a server architecture with huge L-caches on the CPUs to fit the enormous unrolled loops -O3 generates. Consumer machines don't like that.).
@RikerW "<pet> moves, but only reluctantly"
@NewMainPosts Enough with the taunting, please.
Are you looking for a challenge?!
(Internet cookie to anyone who gets the reference)
Hover image, it says stinkoman, ???, profit.
Exactly what I did, but since I didn't spend extra time putting my conclusion into meme form, I got it faster.
Of course, he did say that anyone who gets the reference gets a cookie, not just the first one, so we both get a cookie.
I'll give you mine. I don't like cookies.
Thanks, but I'm on a diet. I'll give both of these cookies to @Neil, since he has been afk in the room longer than anyone.
@quartata Okay.
I've lost 9 lbs since January 1st XD
I also noticed that my heart rate increases more when I talk to specific people at work.
@MartinBüttner What do you think of a "group slicing" operator for Retina which would parenthesize the pattern: `a#b*c#d == (a)(b*c)(d)`
I think it could often save bytes and you have some extra chars now that you are in the ISO charset.
It saves a char even if you need to capture only 1 group at the start or the end of the pattern. Although that could be solved with implicit opening/closing of the parens.
Q: The Rien Number

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴThe Champernowne constant is a number that is constructed by concatenating the first n numbers, with n tending to infinity. It looks something like this: 0.123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930... Now, I will describe to you the Rien number. It can be thought of as a minimization...

Almost at 30 o_O
This could be done as a preprocessing of the pattern.
@Rainbolt @mınxomaτ It's from a Strongbad Email cartoon from Homestar Runner. The character is indeed "Stinkoman," so you're kinda correct.
Wait, wasn't stinkoman a scrolling shooter?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ now I have a sudden urge to downvote :D
@randomra ಠ_ಠ
I don't care about the rep, just the number :P
rep is a number whistles
My rep number sucks :P 6104
@TimmyD Yeah
I'm confusing different things, but I knew there was some kind of game.
Yeah. The Brothers Chaps, along with Sluggy Freelance, really paved the way for independent, Internet-only media
@quartata this will happen to you if you keep being a tourist:
bah, I've been overcounting my bytes
@RikerW That beep. I had my vol at 90 percent >.<
`${f}`.length is actually a byte longer than I expected
@mınxomaτ lol
@Neil overcounting then? You mean undercounting?
@RikerW No, I mean that if I write (say) f=x=>x then `${f}`.length is 5
Adjective: oaky ‎(comparative oakier, superlative oakiest)
  1. Describing the taste of wine that has been aged in oak and acquired tannins from the wood.
Yeah, I know.
Grandma looves wine.
Verb: fuck ‎(third-person singular simple present fucks, present participle fucking, simple past and past participle fucked)
  1. (vulgar, colloquial, often obscene) To have sexual intercourse, to copulate.
  2. (vulgar, colloquial, often obscene) To insert one’s penis, a dildo or other phallic object, into a specified orifice or cleft.
  3. (vulgar, colloquial) To put in an extremely difficult or impossible situation.
  4. (vulgar, colloquial, usually followed by “up”) To break; to destroy.
  5. (vulgar, colloquial) To defraud or otherwise treat badly.
(3 more not shown…)
Noun: fuck ‎(plural fucks)
  1. (vulgar, colloquial) An act of sexual intercourse.
  2. 2001, Thomas Kelly, The Rackets, MysteriousPress.com (2012), ISBN 9781453247341, unnumbered page:
  3. 2012, Heather Rutman, The Girl's Guide to Depravity: How to Get Laid Without Getting Screwed, Running Press (2012), ISBN 9780762445356, unnumbered page:
  4. (vulgar, colloquial) A sexual partner, especially a casual one.
  5. 2005, Jaid Black, Strictly Taboo, Berkley Sensations (2005), ISBN 9780425202456, unnumbered page:
(5 more not shown…)
Interjection: fuck
  1. (vulgar, colloquial) Expressing dismay or discontent.
Adverb: fuck ‎(not comparable)
  1. Used as an intensifier for the words "yes" and "no".
  2. Do you say it out loud and proud?
@flawr Why?
Why not?
Oneboxes can get quite big=)
Maybe un-onebox pls?
I like teasing americans that have such an issue with swear words=)
I hate you.
No, just annoying.
@randomra I don't wanna use the ISO set more than necessary, because it's a pain to type.
I actually mainly dislike oneboxes.
Hey, more messages means more scroll down?
Yeah, it does.
Sorry @flawr.
@randomra I do want to make leading and trailing parentheses optional though
so you could do a)(b*c)(d at least.
@flawr Where are you from? UK, AU, Mars...
Mars, yeah. No for real: Yurop.
but any of those changes will require tokenising the regex, which I want to put off for a bit longer, because it's gonna be a pain.
@flawr Okay.
English-speaking or newtonian-speaking?
Einsteinian would be most accurate I think.
It's a blind worm
slow worm
So you are german?
Aaaaaaaah, I leave for two minutes and then get back to snakes and wormes?!
@mınxomaτ Trust me, the above was worse.
@RikerW Nope.
@flawr My bet is Swiss.
@RikerW newts are not reptiles.
@MartinBüttner IDK whether that was a reptile though.
it has scales. it's a reptile.
(unless it's a fish, which it isn't.)
@MartinBüttner Or a bird...
Go chicken legs!!
what bird has scales?
> Pangolins have large, protective keratin scales covering their skin; they are the only known mammals with this adaptation.
Aaaand mammals. :P
Pangolins are birds?
No, mammals.
@MartinBüttner Bird_anatomy#Scales
oh, cool.
@RikerW and yeah, mammals try to get a foot in the door everywhere for some reason...
Well it is obviously not a mammal and not a bird=)
No, I'm pretty sure it's a bird.
> A caecilian's skin has a large number of transverse folds and in some species contains tiny embedded dermal scales.
Beat that.
I just read about those, but read that caecilian's scales are different from fish/reptile scales, plus their underneath actual skin.
I guess those are the "tiny embedded dermal scales"
I knew that, I was hoping you didn't....
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ BTW opinion on evolution?

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