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@zyabin101 meh
So much support for my comment, so few close votes. Vote, people!
@Dennis I'll vote to keep the question open. I like it. (Which question was it?)
@Dennis, explain this to me. You created an image in GIMP that is exactly 1024 bytes large. The spec says "You will write a program that takes no input and loads no files, and outputs an image file". How do you intend to satisfy this particular sentence in the spec with your GIMP created image?
Also the reference image is really spooky:
@Rainbolt cat?
@Rainbolt PHP
or that
Just output the file with PHP.
How do you output a file that you have not loaded?
The file is the PHP program.
@Rainbolt In all seriousness, if there was the option to have your suggested layout for larger screens, and the right-panel only for smaller screens, that would be great. It sounds like they don't have the budget for more than one layout/context sensitive layouts yet, but hopefully they'll do this eventually
With no PHP tag <? it'll just output the code to STDOUT.
So images count as programs?
> outputs an image file
It's an image that happens to be a PHP program.
running PHP on a file without PHP directives simply outputs the file
It outputs the image to STDOUT.
also, cough Bubblegum cough
@Doorknob Bubblegum could LZMA it but it couldn't do BB96
So it wouldn't be that good of a compression
Still though
doesn't it do gzip/DEFLATE as well?
I really think you guys are just wordsmithing this challenge into submission. It's clear to me that the challenge is to write an actual program (i.e., code) that draws an image and outputs it.
@Rainbolt PHP is a programming language
I heard that the first two times.
@Rainbolt It's worse than you might think. The rules are so non-existent that I could submit a picture of an apple
If you want, compressing the image to 1022 with GIMP and sticking it inside quotes in CJam would also work
Given that it's a pop contest, if you submit a picture of an apple I assume you would get very few votes
(well, escaping stuff, but ya know)
He's relying on the voters to do all the scoring and rules which is not how popularity contests should work, ever.
There should be rules that make that invalid.
@quartata I think there's more than enough in the rules to justify deleting an apple answer as not an answer or shows no effort
In this case a picture of an apple is valid, which is my point.
Except the spec says "reproduce the Mona Lisa "
In other image pop cons they have actual rules that would make it not valid
@Doorknob I'm surprised by this, but LZMA actually compresses the image to 931 bytes. That means I can make a better looking one from Bubblegum.
@Dennis heh, nice
@Rainbolt It doesn't say exactly what your Mona Lisa should look like, just suggestions.
@Rainbolt Which is not at all objective. Did you see the reference implementation?
I call it "the Apple Lisa!" Wait, they already did that.
When was the last successful pop con? o_o
So, the criteria upon which all pop contests are voted on must be objective? Has that changed recently?
Take Image of All Colors. That says clearly "it has to be an image consisting of all 15-bit colors"
@quartata I think the first rule covers that:
> Resemblance of the output image to da Vinci's masterpiece, in terms of colour, composition, details etc.
@Rainbolt That's how it has always been.
No, it isn't
> Voters are expected to judge answers according to the following criteria
hi all
Q: Paint by Numbers (using programming, not numbers)

OliverGriffinYour task is to create a program which takes a black-and-white outlined image (example images are below) and fills it in with colour. It is up to you how you section off each region and which colour to fill it with (you could even use an RNG). For example: As you can see I am clearly an artis...

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Paint by Numbers
@Rainbolt Yes, it has. We close things that don't have objective winning criteria.
@quartata Seriously? The Mona Lisa looks like the Mona Lisa. There is only one Mona Lisa and that is what it looks like.
It's a close reason for a reason.
@Rainbolt "looks like" is subjective
@Doorknob Incorrect, @TimmyD ninja'd you.
@Rainbolt My point is, the only "criteria" is what the voters like.
@Rainbolt We don't even have an objective validity criterion here.
if I take the Mona Lisa and gradually distort it, at what point does it stop looking like the Mona Lisa?
The winning criteria is "most votes" which is objective. The voting criteria is subjective, which is the case with a large portion of pop contests
at what point is twisted-Mona no longer a valid submission?
and who gets to decide this?
@Rainbolt That's not true. A popularity contest has an objective criteria that can only be best determined by a human.
Again, I ask when that changed
@El'endiaStarman ^
@quartata By this definition, Calvin's wall-fractals question should have been closed.
my voronoi code with 3000 sample points applied to the borderless rainbow maze fill
@TimmyD Link?
Pop cons are all subtly different from each other. Using a rule from one as evidence of what a pop con is doesn't work
@orlp There's no @El'endiaStarman here. :/ :)
> Gives a specific requirement.
There are no requirements here, just suggestions.
@zyabin101 hrm?
why does that matter?
Q: Computer Generated Textured Wall Paint

Calvin's HobbiesThe paint on the walls in my room has a random, almost fractal-like, 3-dimensional texture: In this challenge you will write a program that generates random images that look like they could be part of my walls. Below I've collected 10 images of different spots on my walls. All have roughly th...

Quartata said it has always been the case, so calling "broken window" isn't an excuse this time.
@quartata Would you be satisfied if the last three voting criteria were removed? I think the first criterion definitely qualifies as "an objective criterion which is best determined by a human"
@quintopia That would make it even worse
@TimmyD I agree that is too broad, actually.
@quartata 1024 bytes or less is pretty specific
@trichoplax That doesn't specify what those bytes should be
If my Apple Lisa is completely valid, you know something is wrong.
If you made no attempt to make your apple look like a mona lisa, I would vote to delete it.
Sure. I'd expect that.
I'd vote to delete it myself.
@quartata I really don't understand your objection. Why does a challlenge with a yardstick as objective as "extent to which it resembles a fixed image" need a validity criterion?
So you expect that the spec is just fine then?
But my point is that nothing in the challenge makes my Apple Lisa completely invalid.
@quartata Then why do you expect close votes?
If you truly felt your answer was valid, wouldn't you expect no close votes?
Because people wouldn't like it.
Golf challenges don't put a requirement on number of bytes, just "get as low as you can" but we'd still vote to delete something that put no effort in
That's the only thing that seems to be determining the validity of answers here
People don't delete vote because they don't like an answer. They downvote.
I'm speaking from theory, not practice. Anyone who votes to delete simply because they don't like an answer is out of line.
@Rainbolt Honestly not true.
This is practice right now.
@cat and it's worse! there were vastly more up and down votes in 2015 than in 2016! we are driving into the ground!
I downvote if I don't like an answer. I delete vote/flag if the answer is invalid or makes no effort
@quintopia >:^(
@quartata So you want to close the question because some people vote improperly in practice?
@Rainbolt no, that's why in general should be closed.
No, not at all.
I want to close it because the apple lisa shouldn't be valid
Your apple lisa isn't valid
@Rainbolt I love popcon as much as the next golfer but they just don't really work with the site's rules
you could ask on meta for a change to the rules to make an exception for popcon
@Doorknob Those Bubblegum bytes really make a difference:
@quartata What if it had the sentence "An image which doesn't resemble the Mona Lisa at all is invalid."? Is that still too subjective for you?
That's just repeating what the challenge already says. It already says that the image must look like the mona lisa. It doesn't need to state the contrapositive.
This kinda seems like one of those "I know it when I see it" things, and we won't be able to reach a consensus...
@quartata I don't see a reason for mentioning in the question every type of answer that is already obviously invalid
@trichoplax Right. That is indicating a bad question
@TimmyD But people do know it when they see it. This is why I don't understand quartata's objection
It's like those restricted-source questions we get.
Having to patch holes every second on a ship means that something is wrong with the ship
@TimmyD That's precisely why pop con is the appropriate winning criterion
@TimmyD But I don't expect he'll ever break it down to more fundamental, consequentialist terms. So I'll just have to remain in the dark.
@quintopia People can know it when they see it, but in a popcon like this they should never have to see it.
@quartata I don't see any holes with this one that are not obviously contrived
@quartata Wha...?
@trichoplax The fact that technically any image is valid is contrived?
@quartata thanks for just confusing me more :/
In other image popcons this isn't the case...
I disagree that an image is valid, since the spec specifically disallows loading images
@quartata I do agree that there are two fundamentally different ways of specifying a pop con. I don't see why one is the "correct" way
@Rainbolt An image may be a valid Bubblegum program, as I understand it.
@quintopia Do you have to load a Bubblegum program to run a Bubblegum program?
What was @MartinBüttner referring to here?
@Rainbolt OK, how about the Circle Lisa?
I may be wrong though
@quartata Did you make some attempt to make your circle looks like a mona lisa?
import graph;
@cat He was attempting to pre-emptively prevent useless clutter of "Thanks, New Main Posts!" and the like
Outputs an EPS
@quartata I don't believe you tried at all, so I delete vote
I don't see a problem with languages that can use an image as a program, as long as that image is 1024 bytes or less. That's just like entering a kolmorogov complexity challenge with hardcoded output. If that turns out to be competitive, it's a problem with the question
@cat The annoying habit of thanking the feedbots for every post they make
@quartata Hmm, doesn't seem to match the Mona Lisa in terms of color, composition, OR details. Didn't even try. Vote to delete.
What delete criteria would you use? Curious.
Also my apple lisa was theoretical.
Stop trying to use technical reasons to get around my point @Rainbolt
@quartata Even if such answers are not deleted, they will drop below answers that are more interesting, so I don't see this as a problem with the question
@quartata What reasons am I allowed to use, then?
@trichoplax The fact that they can exist means that there are too many possible answers, the close reason for too broad
A: Definitive policy about answers not meeting the challenge specification

DennisScope As I see it, there are five types of invalid answers: Answers that produce incorrect results. This is the most common type, and usually an accident. Answers that produce correct results, but break a rule of the challenge, ignore parts of the spec or violate a loophole. For example, ans...

@Rainbolt Reasons other than "how would you load/display the image," a minor technical detail.
@TimmyD Specifically "5. Answers that aren't actually answers. This includes anything but code that is intended to solve the challenge."
@Rainbolt It solves the challenge, as it is right now.
That's my point.
The Apple Lisa complies with the spec.
I disagree. That's my point.
I'm going to delete vote your answer if I feel it wasn't intended to solve the challenge.
@quartata That reason is from the Q&A sites, not something tailored to PPCG. There are a vast number of possible answers for every strictly specified golf challenge. Too broad here makes more sense for challenges that leave the requirements open ended. This one seems more restrictive that other pop cons, so I definitely don't see it as too broad
Tell me what part of the spec disallows me from posting my Apple Lisa
@quartata so let's address that question: should we ever close ANY popcon for being too broad, as long as there is an objective criterion that would ensure better entries rise to the top? If so, why?
@quartata Sorry, but when did "intended to solve" become "disallowed from posting"?
@quintopia There isn't an objective criteria. Mona Lisa is subjective
@Rainbolt Allow me to rephrase.
You can argue against any delete vote if you rephrase the delete vote reason to fit your interpretation of it.
Post without it being mod-deleted as not an answer.
The Apple Lisa is low quality, sure.
But it is an answer.
@quartata Whether or not you can post an apple seems in no way relevant to whether the question is too broad
@quartata The first criterion is objective as you can get. Anyone can look at an image side-by-side with the Mona Lisa and rank its resemblance.
A mod probably wouldn't delete it unless they were absolutely positive that your apple was not intended to be a mona lisa.
@quartata But again, I'm not talking about this challenge anymore
@quintopia All of the criteria are listed as suggestions for the voters as far as I can telll
@quartata There are going to be answers that fall into a gray area between apple and mona lisa. I get that. I wouldn't delete those because I can't really tell if they intended for it to look like a mona lisa or not. I would delete answers that definitely didn't try, and I think I would be right in doing so.
@quartata Fine, fine, but suppose you have a popcon where the voters are told exactly how to rank a submission in step-by-step detail (including many steps which are too complicated to describe to a computer and many parts which are left a small amount of subjective leeway in a voter's judgment), but there are no rules specifying what is and is not a valid submission, and so many different types of answers are possible. Would you close as too broad?
@quintopia No.
@Rainbolt And voting is your prerogative. That's fine.
The only broadness I see is that some people may focus on getting the fine detail of the mona lisa precise, at the expense of correct colours, while others may focus on getting the colours perfect at the expense of correct shape/detail. Which is best is subjective, and I don't see that as a problem. Posting an apple seems entirely irrelevant to the narrowness of the question as it is obviously not an attempt at a solution, but an attempt at trolling the question
My point is that it isn't inherently invalid to the point that a mod would delete it on sight.
Also, two mods agreed that this is too broad. Maybe my ethos isn't strong enough with you, but I'd like to think you would at least value their opinion.
@quartata In that case, since we agree that something like this could be made a reasonable popcon challenge, what would you suggest to change the current challenge into one that you would be okay with without modifying it beyond recognizability?
I bet any reasonable reasonable mod on the site would delete a circle if it were submitted. Any mod care to disagree?
@quintopia I think personally it is a better fit for a with some sort of distance score from the Mona Lisa
If it had to be a , I'd figure a way to crudely define the Mona Lisa geometrically and make it so that images would have to at minimum fit that. That's how most of the flag popcons worked.
@quartata I very much value (and respect) their opinions, and was interested to discuss it. While I disagree with them on whether this question is on topic, I'm almost certain that they would agree that an apple is not a valid attempt, and would delete it on sight.
Do we have a challenge to, given 2/3 of the sides of a right triangle,find the other side?
Or is that a subset of @El'endiaStarman's problem.
@quartata I suspect that would change it beyond recognizability. It would rule out certain types of "artistic" submissions. But more importantly, it would make it not a popcon. How would you keep it a popcon with the same underlying purpose?
@quintopia See my other message.
@quartata That would be an excellent first approximation to guide answerers who are uncertain whether their output meets the spec. In this case it's unnecessary because all answerers will already be fully aware of whether their output resembles the mona lisa
Yeah I just saw it
@trichoplax But the burden of judging answers should not rest purely on the voters.
The spec should do some of that work for them.
In this case it absolutely doesn't.
It just tells the voters to "follow their instincts," essentially.
@quartata Would it be sufficient to specify the size of the output image and that its euclidean distance from a specific reference image has to be less than some reasonably large value?
@quintopia Sure.
I think a geometric "blueprint" would be a bit better though.
Make it a little easier for the answerers.
@quartata Not sure how you would do that. Maybe the program that output the current "reference implementation" qualifies as such a blueprint?
@quartata Since we've come to a point where we disagree completely on a single objective statement "the spec provides sufficient guidance", there doesn't seem much point in discussing it further unless one side comes up with something new. I can't guess how the voters will judge this question, and it seems there are lots of people on both sides - it's surprisingly divisive...
@quintopia Possibly.
It's a little... crude though. :P
@quintopia The current reference implementation is only marginally better than an apple.
@quartata I don't see how you could give a precise geometric description of the Mona Lisa without basically describing every single pixel.
@trichoplax The blue dress / white dress of PPCG.
@Dennis I think a neural network trained on mona lisa pictures would disagree. I suspect such a classifier would call it MUCH CLOSER THAN AN APPLE
@TimmyD :)
@quintopia An ellipse of some size for the face, special curves for the hands, etc...
Like I said, it wouldn't be easy.
But the flag popcons have done this
So I know it is possible
I have a code-golf idea.. please comment
it's simply this.... write code to iterate over all Lyndon words of length n
and why am I not in this list? :) data.stackexchange.com/codegolf/query/422513/…
@Lembik Which alphabet?
@Lembik Looks you're not in the best 200 code golfers sanctioned by PPCG. You need more reputation. :(
@trichoplax +-1
@zyabin101 boooo :(
@Lembik Would it be easier with 0,1?
@trichoplax that is unclear to me.. you can map one to the other right?
so I am not sure why it would be easier
@quartata What if the OP provides a perceptron classifier which was trained on a variety of images that the OP thought resembled the Mona Lisa. If your output is considered valid by that classifier, you're valid. (I think this is much easier to implement than a geometric description and could be used in future in lots of graphic popcons.)
@Lembik The question rep increase should help with that though ;)
@trichoplax Is that really going to happen?
@Lembik I just meant for input/output and people who want to process it as a text string
Could it be "any two characters of your choice"?
@trichoplax oh I see.. well ok
there is input
@Lembik The meta question is now a so we'll just have to wait and see...
@Lembik don't feel sad. I'm not in it either.
@Lembik To calculate the result for yourself (or any one user), use query <https://data.stackexchange.com/codegolf/query/418330/calculations-n-stuff> (by the same author).
the real question is if one should insist it is fast. That is the time is proportional to the length of the output
@Lembik That sounds like an asymptotic behaviour limit - it could still be aritrarily slow :P
hmm. what is my user id?
@trichoplax is it still interesting if it is arbitrarily slow
I mean you can do something really stupid :)
9206 on main
@Lembik I think it could be interesting either way - I just mean you need to decide if you're requesting "fast" or "O(n)"
my rep would go up by 6686 apparently :)
@trichoplax I have found that O(n) restrictions kill code-golf questions
@Lembik I don't think that's right though
well I don't get the math.. it says actual rep 1140, estimated rep 3366 and estimated rep w/10 etc. 6686
what is estimated rep?
Your rep surely can't more than double from doubling just the question scores. The only exception would be if you had put a phenomenal amount of rep into bounties...
@Lembik How would your rep more than double?
@trichoplax that is exactly what I have done
@TimmyD I give almost all of it away in bounties
Ah - maybe the estimate is your income and doesn't take into account your vast outgoings...
My rep is also somewhat lower that it would have been without the bounties...
@quintopia That would be amazing
I would upvote a challenge that did that just for that
But it would be a lot of work
Maybe there's some pre-existing software
Would a general meta question on this be OK?
@quartata If in doubt, start a meta discussion :)
Q: The line between art and programming

trichoplaxI really like this question but I know there are complaints of it being more about art than programming. I'd like to hear both sides of this and see what is in the best interest of the community and the site's public beta. I'm posting my own view as an answer so that the votes will show where it...

@quartata I see it as redundant for this particular challenge as the ones that would be excluded would not be highly voted anyway. If someone starts getting huge amounts of upvotes for a funny cat picture, I don't think we need an automated method for deciding whether to delete it
This one is much more general.
@quartata You mean a discussion on the limits of popcons in general?
Yes, more or less.
In light of the controversy sparked by this question, I think we need to create a general "rule of thumb" policy on how objective a popularity-contest needs to be in order to be on-topic.

The main issue, as I see it, is that people are not in agreement over whether an objective specification should be able to determine the validity of an answer independently of the voters. I think we need to figure out some sort of compromise on what exactly makes a popularity-contest specification objective.
damn SE butchered the markdown
There's a couple links in there.
@AlexA. Honestly, I'm totally unsurprised. I actually thought you did so quite a long time ago. I haven't been even trying to earn the last ~3000 rep.
@quartata That sounds like a worthwhile meta question. There's a definite line between the two sides and plenty of opinions on both sides that need somewhere to be expressed
All righty.
Let's see how slow the meta bot is
It has a couple of upvotes already so hopefully it'll make it into the hot meta posts box soon
Yeah. I wouldn't want to eat cold meat.
Wow feed bot is slooooow today.
@quartata Eat hot vegetables instead
I think I shall.
Let's see.... peas, carrots, corn, brussel sprouts... hmm
I think I'll have some broccoli.
Have you ever made roasted brussels sprouts?
They were good
Yeah. That shit's amazing.
Not sure where they get their bad rep from
Q: What makes a popularity contest objective?

quartataIn light of the controversy sparked by this question, I think we need to create a general "rule of thumb" policy on how objective a popularity-contest needs to be in order to be on-topic. The main issue, as I see it, is that people are not in agreement over whether an objective specification sh...

Thank you meat posts
@quartata People who haven't had them cooked in an appetizing way, like my mom who grew up with boiled brussels sprouts.
I don't want to close hammer this but it has 3 close votes and my vote in spirit, making 4.
@AlexA. It also has Doorknob's and Dennis's votes in spirit.
So that makes 6.
See transcript for flame war
and apples
apples are my favorite fruit
Flame war and apples?
Flame war about apples primarily
They're jealous of my apple lisa.
Oh really? Apples are awesome. Favorite variety?
Mine is probably tango.
Honeycrisp are awesome as well
Tango's a cross between Honeycrisp and something else right?
If you live in Washington you're pretty much obligated to enjoy apples.
@AlexA. Heh
@quartata Honeycrisp and Zestar, apparently (which I've never heard of)
I also really like jazz apples. And pink ladies, occasionally.
The latter can be a little tart for me.
user image
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

J AtkinSolve the problem code-golf Sometimes it is useful to run a math problem with multiple inputs. The goal of this challenge is to make a program that eases this task. You will take a math expression with numbers replaced with number generators. Number-generating expressions You must support 3 t...

I told you this wasn't some average apple
2nd attempt - not the same as the original.
Terrifyingly enough, people are actually selling modern/ancient/whatever art apples
That's one of them
Wouldn't the apples rot?
Maybe they coat them in formaldehyde or something
Or maybe they just eat them before they go bad.
haw du iu du?
ai du gud haw du iu du?
ai du gud dhu!
nais uedder!
This continues further down the page, but I can't zoom out any farther.
hi @flawr
@flawr I doh nu
Q: What makes a popularity contest objective?

quartataIn light of the controversy sparked by this question, I think we need to create a general "rule of thumb" policy on how objective a popularity-contest needs to be in order to be on-topic. The main issue, as I see it, is that people are not in agreement over whether an objective specification sh...

@flawr I tried the Lyndon word idea but I am not sure I believe the answer :)
I saw you updated something but I was not yet able to read what you posted.
Drawing some more attention to that meta thing
@AlexA. One per SE?
@flawr I can tell you what I did. I used the observation that for circulant matrices you can test if the matrix is orthogonal by just comparing every row with the first
@flawr then I wrote a very simple piece of python to do that and it is in lead :)
@flawr No, there can be only one Alex who uses "Alex <Last Initial>" as their username in the world.
@Lembik That might very well be true, as both other approaches construct the whole matrix.
@AlexA. @AlexC.
I thought that this could then be improved by only looking at Lyndon words for the first row and I have that implemented (copying some code from the net) but I am not sure I know how to give the true number from what you get
@flawr the real saving is only have to do a linear number of comparisons per matrix
@flawr and also stopping early
Q: Fractal Smoke Squence

flawrIntroduction A229037 has a quite intriguing plot (at least for the first few terms): There is the conjecture, that it might indeed have some kind of fractal property. How is this sequence constructed? Define a(1) = 1, a(2) = 1 then for each n>2 find a minimal positive integer a(n) such that...

@AlexA. @AlexΔ.
@AlexA. There's, like, ten.
@quartata I know, that image is from the list of moderators network-wide.
> Squence
Why does this have 2 reopen votes? ಠ_ಠ
@AlexA. Don't you know the difference between a Sequence and a Squence???
@flawr No! Tell me the difference!
The difference lies in their characters!
Oh. T_T
Jon Ericson on January 12, 2016
2015 was a banner year for Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network.
No mention of PPCG! >:O
We should change that.
I tried to leave a comment but I gave up trying to remember my Disqus password.
Quick brainstorming: What can we do in order to still make it into that blog post??
Furthermore, the fact that there is no 'objective validity criterion' is not relevant IMO for popularity contests. Voters may evaluate the technique for producing the image rather than the images themselves. — dieter 15 mins ago
Q: Silly Stock Market

geokavelGiven a string with a multiple people's investment data, find out how much profit/loss they recorded. The string only contains capital and lowercase letters, like this: AABaBbba Each letter represents a person, a capital letter means buy, a lowercase letter means sell. The price of the stock...

@quartata You said what I was about to say. Upvoted your comment.
Man I just looked at how much rep people would get from the question upvote change
Now I'm not so sure we should make that change :P
What did just happen here?
A: Regex that only matches itself

jimmy23013PCRE flavor, 261 289 210 181 127 109 71 53 bytes Yes, it is possible! /(\QE)?^\/\(\\Q(?1)\\(?1)$/D\E)?^\/\(\\Q(?1)\\(?1)$/D Try it here. Original version, 181 bytes Thanks to Martin Büttner for golfing off about 100 bytes! /^(?=.{168}\Q\2\)){2}.{12}$/D\E$)((?=(.2.|))\2\/\2\^\2\(\2\?=\2\.\2...

@Dennis Really, really extreme golfing.

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