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@NathanMerrill Wow - I thought you hadn't commented on that answer yet...
(it decodes the integer as base 115, converts each integer to a character and evaluates the resulting string)
@trichoplax I think he's referring to your comment on the question.
@MartinBüttner I don't know CJam, but I don't think I would want to disallow such a neat program. How does it work?
sorry, I have a life, can't instantly respond :D
> (it decodes the integer as base 115, converts each integer to a character and evaluates the resulting string)
when I say "decode", I really just mean "it gets the base-115 digits of that number"
I feel like there should be some one true code restriction that would make atomic-code-golf work in the maximal, most general fashion (even if it isn't as simple as your preferred scheme) according to my above definition. For instance, just disallowing operating on code as if it were data.
I don't know if that would be well-defined enough
It's not.
The only way atomic code golf works is with a toy language
I tried wrestling with these problems a while back
There's no satisfying solution it seems
@quintopia I think there are languages where there is no distinction between code and data.
think SMBF
Like GolfScript
@NathanMerrill Ah I see - no I knew you'd get a ping for the comment on the question. I was just letting you know that I made a comment on the answer too, which won't ping you since you aren't in that comment conversation
Blocks are specialized strings essentially
@flawr Not really. I just know that do{}while(); does something while the bit in the while is true. Past the syntactical difference, I have no clue of the difference.
gotcha :P
(no rush to respond - just letting you know I made a comment you might find relevant)
@FlagAsSpam do{}while() executes the body once before ever checking the condition. while(){} already checks the condition before the first loop iteration.
@MartinBüttner And Purple. Nonetheless, the one writing the program would know if they were operating on code as if it were data. For instance, because they know that eventually that data will be evaluated as if it were code.
@MartinBüttner Okay, that's cool.
(If it is never evaluated as code, it's not a problem.)
@quintopia restrictions on the semantics of a program usually run into Rice's theorem at some point.
@MartinBüttner Rice's Theorem says there is no automated way to check whether any given program does some certain thing without regard to how it actually functions. It doesn't really apply here, since we have humans here to explain what their code does.
an explanation is no formal proof though
and I don't think you want to require that from your participants
(starting with a formal definition of "code" and "data")
"don't submit a program that you can't prove doesn't eventually execute code it created itself in the process of running" problem solved
There also comes the point where you have so many rules that no one wants to participate in the challenge
The problem with humans
I'm trying to come up with only one rule
@quartata Have you seen the rules for Magic: the Gathering?
@quintopia "use this language" :P
@Rainbolt But usually you don't need to know them all
(except for judges)
@quintopia What's your definition of a token for this?
Q: How many rules does Magic have?

RainboltMore specifically, how many subrules exist in the September 25, 2014 revision of the Comprehensive Rules, located here? 1 Game Concepts Not a rule. This is a header. 100 General Also not a rule. This is a subheader. Just to clarify, CR 100.1 and CR 100.1a are two different subrules. ...

One of the most downvoted questions on BCG
@MartinBüttner That sounds far more complicated than mine, as it requires participants to read and understand the language you have defined.
Whoops, sorry. It is not one of the most downvoted, it isthe most downvoted question lol
I deserve a badge for that
@quintopia Could be something existing like GolfCPU
@quartata would that not discourage people from participating because they have to learn GolfCPU?
@quartata ah, wait. it can be compiled from C?
wooo, Hexagony won a challenge :) (in a tie, but hey!)
@quintopia okay, let me ask a different question: what's your goal in using atomic scoring in the first place?
hey hey hey
oscars nominees are out
@ETHproductions s/31/26, I miscounted the original
@MartinBüttner How the devil was I a computer science student for >5 years and this is the first I've encountered Rice's Theorem?
@ETHproductions s/26/55, I golfed off another 29 bytes
132 -> 77
@MartinBüttner Perhaps to have an eventual scoring method where the optimal python program and the optimal pyth program have roughly the same score. I had no immediate intent to use such a thing (as I'm not dissatisfied with bytes), but I do enjoy exploring ideas.
@quintopia Pyth will still win, because in Python you've got parentheses, and brackets, and delimiters, and fewer built-ins.
Atomic code golf might reduce the range of scores, but it will very rarely do much about the the advantage golfing languages have.
@MartinBüttner I made the posts community wiki, so people could edit them with their specific rationals
Q: Irrational Short Code Rationals

Nathan MerrillMany questions nowadays include a ridiculous rational as to why the code needs to be as short as possible. The frequency of these rationals apparently is starting to annoy some people (although, I am personally unbothered). After a discussion in chat, and on this question, I decided that a meta...

@NathanMerrill Right, but will they?
I thought that was typical
"oh there's already an answer with my opinion, voting, moving on"
I can remove them
don't mind :P
@MartinBüttner hence the "roughly". a multiple of 2 is close enough to be interesting.
as opposed to "hey, I disagree with this, let me make a case for the opposite side!"
@quintopia is it? o.O how do the actual numbers matter if the ordering stays the same? you could take the square (or cube) root of code golf scores, if that's what you're after.
@ETHproductions s/77/67
@MartinBüttner The number will be a better estimate of the complexity of the program than an arbitrary function applied to its length. Cyclomatic complexity would be better for seeing that, but it is very hard to compute. It'd be nice to have some single simple thing that still manages to yield estimates of the same order as cyclomatic complexity.
I have now golfed 49% off of my old answer. O_o
Looks like Polyiamonds is a very difficult question. How does one coax Ell out of hiding?
@quintopia pray.
@quintopia but that means you're not even interested in an actual implementation. you want to score an algorithm. then why get the score from the source code in an arbitrary language? defining a toy language still seems like the cleanest way to achieve that goal.
are people actually annoyed by the silly rationales?
@quintopia Some are, some aren't.
@MartinBüttner I don't know how I gave the impression that I'm not interested in implementation...
@quintopia I was considering implementing it in Mathematica, but it wouldn't have been a very interesting solution, because I would have just converted the thing to a graph with the appropriate edges for adjacent triangles and then called some built-in to check whether the graph is connected.
@quintopia you're trying to make the score independent of whether it's implemented in Pyth or in Python.
@MartinBüttner ah, I see. I didn't mean to imply that.
@MartinBüttner I'd probably end up doing it the same way, although that is insufficient of course. You need also to check for holes.
@MartinBüttner I'm trying to make the score independent of whether the tokens are 1 byte or 5.
@quintopia good point. in that case, two rounds of flood fill might be easier.
@quintopia Yes.
Short-code rationales were better in the past (and rarer).
challenge posted!
hi @El'endiaStarman
@MartinBüttner doesn't flood fill depend on having an "area" to fill through?
@NathanMerrill I thought your meta question was going to be more about discussing which types of rationales are funny and which are not. Phrasing it as a blanket "What should we do about these?" does sound very similar to the original meta question, so I can see why it isn't popular. Is there a way to phrase a question to encourage people to talk about good and bad points rather than just what to do with rationales that are bad?
@quintopia you first fill the surrounding area. then you fill once more one of the remaining cells touching the filled part. if you're left with anything unfilled, you had either an unconnected component or a hole.
(alternatively, in Mathematica, I could create two graphs, one for the figure and one for the ground, and check if both of them are connected)
@El'endiaStarman hi!
@MartinBüttner Clever.
Q: Count the number orthogonal matrices

LembikCount the number orthogonal matrices Call a matrix with all rows orthogonal an orthogonal matrix. We well only be interested in matrices where the entries are either -1 or 1. A circulant matrix is one where each row vector is rotated one element to the right relative to the preceding row vector...

I'm reading and understanding (at least somewhat) the GIF format so I can generate gifs easily of any oscillators or whatever in Variations of Life.
It's...actually not quite as complicated as I thought.
@Lembik the definition of an orthogonal matrix might be clearer if you said that all rows have to be pairwise orthogonal.
a row can't be orthogonal on its own
Is that the only problem concerning the Harshad Numbers?
Is there a way to say "Things that are no longer funny in questions" without reference to humour? Perhaps the title of the meta question would be better phrased in terms of things frowned upon as humour is not always relevant to why something is undesirable in a question.
Why not "Things that are no longer desirable in questions"?
@El'endiaStarman I prefer that, but I'm still uncomfortable with "no longer"
"Things to avoid in questions"?
Better still
we don't ask questions here (well we occasionally do, but those are not what this post is about)
This was meant to be the question version of the answer loopholes discussion, so I made a mistake mentioning humour and referencing time
So, we need someone to thank bots as I'm opting out of that.
@zyabin101 No one will complain if the post remains vacant
It's great to have no one thanking bots.
The bots get paid enough that they don't need thanking
"Things to avoid when writing challenges"
contrasts with
"Things to edit out of other people's challenges"
"Things to downvote other people's challenges for"
"Things which, if added to a challenge, are likely to cause the author to be slapped with a large trout"
"Things that summon Cthulhu in challenges"
Instead of writing all this stuff on PPCG, why not insert stick into ass directly?
Both perfect
Not that though
@El'endiaStarman So ... Perl?
@TimmyD Or parsing HTML with regex.
But in all seriousness, another possible phrasing might be "Things that are detrimental to the quality of a challenge"?
That one's a bit wordy, though.
A bit wordy, but that's a nice angle
@Lembik "The number of circulant matrices you have found. Your code should also be able to output the matrices themselves." I think that part could be clarified. Do you mean there should be a switch in the program such that it can print all of them instead of counting them? Or should it actually print them in 2 minutes, because then I'm pretty sure programs will be dominated by I/O.
I want to get across that the thread is for people who are viewing someone else's challenge, but actually this is just as relevant for people writing challenges
y u no work bounty bot
y u so impatent
There's a bounty bot??
@Dennis It's a Monday ... does anyone work?
@Dennis bots be slow
@trichoplax Yes, but it doesn't do anything.
@TimmyD I wish I was working...
'cause then I'd be earning money...
@Dennis it's only been 15 minutes. give it another 15.
@El'endiaStarman How are you accessing PPCG if not from work?
HUZZAH! Another alignment of the ends of lines! :D
@trichoplax .....uh.....
@trichoplax The sad truth about this community :D
@Dennis I would've been surprised if it did.
For my part, I'm accessing PPCG from my lodging near the university
@MartinBüttner :) I know it's true of SO too but it's easier to justify there...
you guys ever heard of broadband at home?
I have a semester of essentially one class (just my research) that lasts until March
@trichoplax When I visit SO during work hours that usually improves my productivity.
Martin, I'm bummed out
I don't work in an office so I have to access PPCG at home :( :(
Your Sierpinski triangle problem is giving me headaches
@Sherlock9 My last year of college, I took one class fall semester and two classes spring semester.
@Sherlock9 Have you tried ibuprofen?
I say headaches, but it's mostly making me galau, an Indonesian term with many connotations, but mostly means sad
Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory - good for swelling but not for pointy corners
@El'endiaStarman Sounds like most senior years. I, however, am in sophomore year
Q: Base Conversion With Strings

Mwr247Introduction We've have a few base conversion challenges here in the past, but I was surprised to find that we haven't had one designed to tackle arbitrary length numbers. That is to say, numbers that are long enough that they overflow the integer datatype. Challenge Write a program or functio...

Q: Find ranges of True values in a list

Michael KleinChallenge: Write a function or program that accepts a list of boolean values and returns all of the ranges of True's. Test Cases: f [F] = [] f [T] = [[0,0]] f [T,T,F,T] = [[0,1],[3,3]] f [F,T,T,F,F,T,T,T] ...

Whoa, there...
@trichoplax good for the swelling caused by bumping one's head on a pointy corner
@Sherlock9 Actually, I think that's pretty rare for a senior year. That happened for me because I entered college with a year's worth of credit from AP exams.
@El'endiaStarman In case it wasn't obvious, that was a joke because our activity increases during the working week
@MartinBüttner You got any ideas for making my Ruby answer better. I don't want to just copy Ell's answer, but I can't get my idea golfed far enough
@trichoplax Oh, I know. :D
@MartinBüttner I meant the switch. Good point
Wasn't that in the memes thread on Meta?
@El'endiaStarman I suspected you would, but then I doubted myself...
@MartinBüttner thanks for your edits!
@El'endiaStarman Well, our faculty has a large portion of our classes planned out till the end, and there aren't that many classes in the end, though maybe not as few as you had.
A: The Many Memes of PPCG

Beta DecayMeme: Abandon all work ye who enter here Origin: aditsu Cultural Height: Since the dawn of Stack Overflow Background: It's long been a fact of PPCG that this site is more active during the week, while people are working. For that reason, it felt fitting that the Nineteenth Byte should have a d...

@El'endiaStarman I wonder if we could increase sandbox usage by listing it as a meme on that thread
@Sherlock9 I haven't had time to look at it in detail yet.
How to Code Golf: pastebin.com/m20e4SXb
Now if only I could draw and turn this into a comic.
@quartata Step 9 is the best.
@quartata XD I'm going to wake my friends up with my laughing
@Sherlock9 Plus, I'm guessing we live in vastly different parts of the world, and correspondingly, the institutions are different.
@quartata This is ambigious since Alex made ???.
@trichoplax I'm not sure I understand what you are sayiong
what did you imagine the meta post would be asking?
@quartata Thanks for that, I've had a lousy evening and I needed the laugh
@NathanMerrill I was saying that I thought it would be about where to draw the line between funny and unfunny
@Sherlock9 No problem.
@mınxomaτ Rats
I better add an attribution then
@MartinBüttner Alright, let me know if you come up with anything. I can also send you a pastebin of several versions I went through while writing that code, if that helps at all. And thanks for the question. It's great
@NewMainPosts :26755549 PRChase RIDICULOUSLY RARE LINE! PRChase Two @NewMainPosts in a row! That's what I like - happy surprises!
@El'endiaStarman Oh. My. GOLF. IT'S SOOOOO MUCH!
That was the "post a ton of high-quality challenges at once" day. :P
Somehow, two of them are by Calvin'sHobbies
@trichoplax Keep scrolling. I posted another one and so did he.
Q: Pythagoras' Other Leg

El'endia StarmanPythagoras had his leg blown up in the war. It had to be amputated, and though he nearly died, he pulled through and made a full recovery. Now, after a year of walking with crutches, he gets the privilege of getting a prosthetic leg! Thing is, though, there are several that fit, but which ones? ...

This one right?
That was the first of two. The other one was "When Bullets Collide".
@El'endiaStarman Wow - not in the same announcement but still only minutes apart...
@El'endiaStarman ah
Both questions had already been in the Sandbox for a while, so I just posted them from there.
@orlp hello :)
@orlp "runs log(n)" . Do you mean runs in O(log(n)) time?
To those people who are good with design: am I justified setting the HTML font to monospace if the webpage is a command prompt?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Isn't Consolas Windows exclusive?
Just use the default monospace CSS or it'll mess up all sorts of rendering in some browsers.
You completely changed your question.
Yes, I did, sorry.
In regards to your updated question, why not? I did it here, still looks good imo: minxomat.github.io/Recall
Beautiful 10/10 thank you
@El'endiaStarman That's for the Variations of Life thing
Is it too early to make a feature request? (a reset to starting configuration button)
@El'endiaStarman In Variations of Life, I created a rule B3/S23, and another rule B36/S23. B3/S23 is active by default. How to use the other rule?
^ use "rule pick"
@PhiNotPi Thanks. Also, where're the Variations?
@PhiNotPi I mean, where're the Variations of Life?
You might need to rephrase that a few more times
"Variations of Life" is just the title, meaning that it runs "life-like" CAs, since each rule is of the form B/S.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ BS?
I call shenanigans.
@PhiNotPi That actually was originally part of the plan, but it was easier to change it to "clear".
I need a way to set the starting configuration.
@MartinBüttner Anything involving recursive algorithms and heavy string manipulation
@El'endiaStarman load from file?
Really it's better to list Seriously's strengths: numeric manipulation
Also Seriously has no file I/O
@trichoplax Wat. In all seriousness, how would that help?
...pun not intended. :P
@MartinBüttner Image manipulation
@El'endiaStarman You could write your starting configuration in ASCII art
I assume you are representing the sates of the cell by an array of some sort?
And save to resume later
@PhiNotPi Yes.
I could put in "Set state" and "Reload state" buttons.
If generation == 0 && user pressed "start"{
  make a copy and call it saved state
If user pressed "reload" {
 state = saved state
Suppose you want to start from a later state.
Like if you happen upon an oscillator.
Keep in mind that I'll be doing permalinks.
^ a new programming language called "Phinglish"
@PhiNotPi write it
The interpreter is PhiNotPi himself.
Could you save the previous N states (for some small N) so you can pause and rewind to save an interesting state you just saw go by?
So I had an idea for a kolmogrov challenge. Similar to Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, Technologic also has some interesting properties that would lead to more interesting answers than simply decompressing a compressed version.
@trichoplax I kinda like that idea. [adds to to-do list at the bottom]
It's a bit of a bummer that CAs are generally not reversible.
Cool that some are though...
Do you know of one?
No but I've heard there are some:
A reversible cellular automaton is a cellular automaton in which every configuration has a unique predecessor. That is, it is a regular grid of cells, each containing a state drawn from a finite set of states, with a rule for updating all cells simultaneously based on the states of their neighbors, such that the previous state of any cell before an update can be determined uniquely from the updated states of all the cells. The time-reversed dynamics of a reversible cellular automaton can always be described by another cellular automaton rule, possibly on a much larger neighborhood. Several methods...
@feersum Well, that's trivial.
@isaacg How about working with graphs?
Something I'm also considering is multiple states, so you could do Wireworld.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ did you see my code golf guide?
The input would be a bit more complicated, though.
I think you'll find it helpful
@quartata Where?
38 mins ago, by quartata
How to Code Golf: http://pastebin.com/m20e4SXb
@Lembik yes
@MartinBüttner Is this for the "triathlon"
@feersum Everything's a still life! Yay!
@orlp ok
@quartata XD
Or maybe a better term is "relay race"
That's why we have so many new users.
@PhiNotPi yes (except I hope I can make it such that the individual stages won't be so clearly separated)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ That's our new Help Center
@MartinBüttner No builtins there either, but graphs are general more combinatoric, so easier to work with manually.
@quartata Constructive!
@isaacg Oh is the triathlon going to have graphical output components?
Damn, I better get cracking on Asp.
Oh wait I misread this
Idea: "relay race" based on relay switches.
So, there will be a graph theory question?
That'll be cool we don't have a lot of those
@El'endiaStarman While we're on the topic of CAs. Something I've been thinking about lately: "bitwise" or "1.5d" CAs. Essentially, you've got a 2D CA with a 5-point stencil (nearest neighbour), but the interpretation is that each column of the grid represents an arbitrary-precision integer. The bottom would be a dead boundary. The question is, can we find rules that compute useful functions?
I have no clue if this has been studied.
@quartata I don't know yet. Currently I'm just trying to figure out the weaknesses of the golfing languages to make it as unlikely as possible that a Pyth-only answer can beat a solution using multiple languages.
Oh also Seriously has no support for regex yet
@MartinBüttner So something similar to "smoothlife on a grid"?
@MartinBüttner You know, my Grocery Store challenge might actually fit. It'll need really heavy string manipulation (heavy enough that I'm not sure if Pyth could do it feasibly)
@PhiNotPi I don't know how smoothlife works.
Aside from that graph theory is a weakness for sure
@MartinBüttner Hmm. I don't quite get what you mean. You're saying that column 1 corresponds to 1, column 2 to 2, and so forth? And what do you mean by "5-point stencil"? The cell + its four edge-adjacent neighbors?
If you do make a component that'll force people to use at minimum Pyth and something else
I'm currently thinking something like "read data off some ASCII art, do some computation on it that is most easily solved using graph theory, and visualise the result with some graphical output"
In cellular automata, the von Neumann neighborhood comprises the four cells orthogonally surrounding a central cell on a two-dimensional square lattice. The neighborhood is named after John von Neumann, who used it to define the von Neumann cellular automaton and the von Neumann universal constructor within it. It is one of the two most commonly used neighborhood types for two-dimensional cellular automata, the other one being the 8-cell Moore neighborhood. It is similar to the notion of 4-connected pixels in computer graphics. The concept can be extended to higher dimensions, for example forming...
^ that shape?
@quartata graphical output can always be written as a PPM or svg file to STDOUT
@PhiNotPi yes
@MartinBüttner It won't be as short as Pyth + another lang though.
@El'endiaStarman no, each column is interpreted as the bits of a number
so if your grid was:
And that wouldn't work for something animated
then that would represent [6, 3, 5]
@MartinBüttner I had something like that in mind for an image of all colors submission but I did chunks of 4x4 instead of columns
Okay, this wouldn't be like smoothlife.
it's basically an attempt to define a 1D CA with an infinite number of states, by reducing it to a 2D binary CA
So, for addition, we'd have to have...
carrying is giving me a headache...
000   001
100 > 100
110 > 110
010   011
well I don't care what happens to the first two columns
one of them could hold the result afterwards
Smoothlife operates by dividing space into lots of "points" and the state of each point is is determined by the percentage of alive/dead within a given radius.
Basically thinking make a random soup, run it with some rule string, take the ashes, split them into 4x4 chunks and unwrap them into a binary string, take pairs of binary strings, convert them to integers and swap the colors at those indexes. I never implemented it though so I have no idea what it looks like :P
but if you can find a rule that guarantees you to have the result after a certain number of generations, for some input of a specified format, that would be pretty cool
Maybe you could turn that into a . :P
Except it's not coding that's the hard part.
if I was sure there was a solution...
with only 2^32 rules it might be sort of brute-forcible
Must there be only two states?
of course you can define it for any base
@MartinBüttner Maybe if you got super computer time at your university :P
If you allow 3, it can be done.
Or if you really felt like not using your computer for a while
I don't see any problem with posting a challenge without knowing whether it has a solution, if you make that clear.
@feersum If there isn't a solution, the winning criteria isn't objective (technically)
@quartata Sure it is. The only winning move is to not play.
@quartata I disagree. If there is no solution, then every winning criterion is objective.
Any criterion guarantees a total ordering of the empty set.
@El'endiaStarman it would be nicer with 2, of course.
@MartinBüttner: Also, are we allowed to specify which cells to poll? I.e., instead of birthing a cell if there are three live neighbors, birth a cell if there's a cell to the south and west?
yes, it's not a totalistic rule
hence 2^32 rules
We don't have a too narrow close reason...
ah-ha, okay
So I suppose you're right @feersum
I don't think Martin wants to torture us with a potentially unsolvable problem though
Well, if you want to do binary numbers, and you allow 3 states, you can implement addition directly.
@quartata I'm not even sure it's a programming challenge. Seems more like a question for math.SE or something...
Or CompSci.SE.
@El'endiaStarman yeah but that seems inelegant.
Q: Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life

Joe Z.Here is a theoretical question - one that doesn't afford an easy answer in any case, not even the trivial one. In Conway's Game of Life, there exist constructs such as the metapixel which allow the Game of Life to simulate any other Game-of-Life rule system as well. In addition, it is known that...

We didn't close this so
@MartinBüttner I'll give you that.
that is a programming challenge
there, you're programming Game of Life. my question asks for a single number in a fairly small range.
well, heading off for now... I'll think a bit more about this.
Oh, I was under the impression the challenge was going to be "recreate a function using this style of CA"
Or something similar.
but there are only 2^32 possible rules for "this style of CA". there isn't really anything to program.
"only" 2^32. :P
that's like brute-forcing all 4-byte gs2 programs :P
I don't think gs2 uses all byte values yet
@MartinBüttner: I've submitted a PR to the Hexagony repository to make the interpreter executable ..
Dang, Peter Taylor closed that arbitrary base conversion question as a duplicate as I was typing up my answer. Dang

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