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@AlexA. the correct status is [status-wontfix] Kappa
Alright then.
@AlexA. Dam, I was a few seconds ago late!
I have a tricky problem I'm not sure how to solve: Given a DAG, topologically sort it in such a way that when the graph is embedded by mapping the nodes to the number line at their position in the sorted list, the total length of all edges is minimized.
@undergroundmonorail How does this view not make you crazy?
The floating heads
that's what it's supposed to look like when someone says Kappa
it feels right to me
@undergroundmonorail [citation-needed]
If I say appaK will he look the other way?
BibleThump MingLee EleGiggle FrankerZ HeyGuys KAPOW PJSalt SMOrc WutFace
i had to look most of those up i don't use twitch enough to remember them off the top of my head
oh, weird, BibleThump didn't work.
How do you do it?
Is this some kind of userscript you have installed or something?
it's a chrome extension
Moving from phone to desktop soon, see ya in a minute!
Hello, I'm now on desktop!
@undergroundmonorail Oh no, I have Firefox.
What happens on Jan 20? I was going to mark my calendar but now I completely forget...
@quintopia There's no emote appaK. At least Twitch Emotes give a 404.
@zyabin101 addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/globaltwitchemotes i don't know how well this works because i've never used it, but it exists
Oh, wow, it works!
@Calvin'sHobbies Something's happening on the 20th?
on the 20th i'm going to be listening to the panic! album that come out five days previous
That band still exists?
it's basically just brendon urie at this point though
everyone else has left the band and been replaced by....
i don't know
they're just touring members though basically
brendon is panic!
@Calvin'sHobbies You mean Jimmy23013?
@quintopia My guess: look at the degrees of the nodes, both for outward and inward.
Since it's acyclic, at least one node has only outward edges (and likewise, at least one node has only inward edges).
The proof of that I will leave to you, but it's pretty elegant.
thanks fermat
@AlexA. Yes. Jimmy23013 forms all the backup members of Panic! at the Disco.
I knew it.
Jimmy! at the Disco.
Is it true that if you were to transpose an image as you would a matrix, the resulting image would be rotated 90 degrees to the left?
It'd also be flipped.
Oh right
Okay. Thanks!
The next JS function golf update will feature Math! That way function golf can have another dimension of golfing!
@Calvin'sHobbies Both are implemented!
Can you link to the page again?
@El'endiaStarman what to do with those degrees? Of more importance here is the sizes of cuts in the embedding I should think. The solution which minimizes the average cut size is probably the one we want.
Are the edges weighted?
Well, yes, as I said, we want to minimize their total length. So their weight is that distance. (But when I said cut size a moment ago, I meant the number of edges in the cut)
Well, I've been awake a long time, with little sleep, and I've had only a little formal training in graph theory. I can't really think of the solution to your problem.
Plus, I'm working on the Variations of Life thing, so...
Q: Surrounded Countries

SisyphusCountries own a series of territories on a 1D world. Each country is uniquely identified by a number. Ownership of the territories can be represented by a list as follows: 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 4 We define a country's edgemost territories as the two territories closest to either edge. If the above l...

@NewMainPosts Thank you!
@NewMainPosts This is a nice first post by a new user. :)
@Sisyphus you must be the one @Alex forced to roll @Geobits up a hill for eternity
Looks like Sisyphus has insufficient rep to talk in chat.
not for long
Or is it 100, not 20?
It's 20
@AlexA. Plus a profile refresh I guess
Yep, that did it.
Hello, @Sisyphus!
Hello, @AlexA.!
Nice first challenge!
Agreed, and welcome! :)
Welcome to Programming Puzzles and Code Golf, @Sisyphus! Current weather: +2 Celsius, wind 3.6 kmph. Cloudy.
Oh jeez, it's cold where you are.
-5 shrugs
To review the rules, say "help, handsome". To review our best golfers, say "let's meet the best".
@AlexA. It is colder than it seems.
To make people like you, say [tag:alex-is-wrong]
Done. Now wait 128 years until it comes. Kappa
(Well, people besides Alex)
runs away
@AlexA. And there's the well-known and oft-used disapproval face...
-8, but it's also 2 in the morning
And it's -10 degrees C here....WAIT WHAT?!
@El'endiaStarman Congratulations, you've surpassed Russia in coldness...!
It's been a really warm winter thus far too...
Some of the trees started budding.
In January?!
December, at least.
tfw when you need to correct your algorithm is and the result is worse than the algorithm you basically copied off another answer facedesk
Am I right in thinking that these capitalized vowel combos do often appear in normal english words and the uncapitalized ones don't?
aa ae AI ao AU
IA IE ii IO iu
ua UE UI uo uu
You're probably right.
How'd you come up with this?
I'm not sure if OE or UE really occur inside words. But they appear at the end, like doe, hue
I think many verbs ending in -o will have a similar...uh, what's the word? Not declension.
@Calvin'sHobbies Ah, neat.
Archaeology is a word with ae in it.
ao seems like it should be common
@El'endiaStarman true, hmm
squushes is a word apparently
@Sherlock9 Correct emote: FailFish
@Calvin'sHobbies I've not seen it.
Thank you @zyabin101 FailFish indeed
By the way, I've opened up my 200-page in-progress novel to aid in my search. :P :D
Oh, that's a good one.
Every instance of "ao" was in either chaos/chaotic or extraordinary.
quota and quantum
I can probably think of words for most of the pairs you have there, but whether the pairs are common is arguable
@Sp3000 Yeah. Let's say common = exists in a four or less letter word
quote and quotation
@Sherlock9 So uo, sure
Then dual
quality and quantity
(I'd argue ua's pretty common, generally)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

user81655Create a CleverBot! Tags: code-golf string natural-language CleverBot is a conversational AI that fundamentally works by repeating responses from real humans it has heard previously. It starts off pretty dumb, but once the database becomes (a lot) larger it begins sounding more like an actual p...

@NewSandboxedPosts Thank you!
Though since I'm making this a golfing challenge, I don't want to force these things to be hardcoded. If there was some symmetry I might, but I'm leaning towards allowing all combinations
Consonant blends are more random anyhow
Well at least one word exists for all combinations, so I guess?
Mini-no-code-challenge: What's the longest one syllable word you can think of without looking it up? (iirc the longest is 9 letters)
Welp. He got that one quick as a flash. :P
Does looking it up 2 years ago count? :P
Oh, wait longest is 10 (I think)
[/not legit]
@Sp3000 Nice though. Theres schlepped for 9 also
slurred - 7 letters
What's longest for 2 syllables?
@Sp3000 :P think puffy tailed animal
squirrel? I use 2 for that :(
It's also only 8 letters.
Woot, my first image I/O submission in quite a while.
@Sp3000 Well some page I read weeks ago had "squirreled" as the longest. (two? :o)
Well, the -ed does kinda draw it out for me, so there isn't a clear distinction between syllables.
I do remember reading something like that. The red part is separate for me
fire is also either one or two syllables, depending on how you say it.
@Sp3000 Hmm, strengthened -> 12. Surely not the max
faia or faiya?
Strengthen is two syllables for me :/
@El'endiaStarman How can that be one? firr..
[returns to Variations of Life]
@Calvin'sHobbies Think of an army commander screaming the word.
Oh, I misspelt squirreled en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
Both are listed
No idea what the top word there is though
> compressed American pronunciation of a word which in British RP always has two syllables
Sp3000, you're from Australia, right?
> broughamed
^ That just became my favorite word.
Yeah, Aus
American pronunciation is something like "skwerld" and British pronunciation is something like "skwi-ruld"
@Sp3000 scratchbrushed perhaps? (though I cheated)
Yeah, Australian English is much closer to British English than American English.
I have no idea what scratchbrushed is o_O
When you get scratchbrushed, you'll know
But yeah Aus definitely closer to British, but we seem to do a bit of mix and matching
From the Merriam-Webster website: "Definition of scratchbrush: a stiff wire brush for cleaning metal (such as iron castings)".
Oh that thing
I think the example was capsicum?
It's the brush thing that's like steel wool on a handle
Ah k
@Sp3000 How do you pronounce your name? ess-pee-three-thou-sand? spree-thou-sand? ess-pee-three-o-o-o? :P
I'd say it like the first one.
First one, yeah
How about superior-programmer-three-thousand
@Geobits big-toes
You know what they say about people with, umm, big, uh, toes...
"sp3000" is pronounced the same as "speak" because "sp3k"
i almost said "speck" but i bailed at the last second because it felt mean
All leet-3s are pronounced with the long e, so it works.
Or something like that.
It's actually speck too :P
@Geobits big toenails? aye
And now switching topics to: Calvin's username would make a good password.
@Sp3000 Nope Kappa
@Sp3000 if sites allowed spaces in passwords (do they? I have a feeling that they don't but idk)
@zyabin101 Kappa is a worse password
ideally sites would accept an arbitrary sequence of bytes
Depends where you go - some allow special characters (in which case the umlaut in Martin's would be a nice distraction)
I kinda get no leading/trailing spaces
if someone wants to do that for their password, they're not the kind of user you have to worry about their password
i've heard of people who just hit keys at random and copy it into the "confirm" box, and every time they wanted to use the site they clicked "forgot password"
that seems like a huge pain in the ass
I've heard the same, but sub "forgot password" with "tried to hit forgot password, forgot their email, and reregistered"
Does Python allow literal tabs in strings? (@xnor)
@Sp3000 nope, they need escaping
What sort of error does it give?
actually, it works in 2
fails in 3
...I really need to add a gif-maker utility to Variations of Life.
wait, i'm dumb, tabs work in both
newlines don't though
Hmm I had the impression they worked but wasn't sure
@xnor Yeah, works for me in both
hmm, i feel like i remember escaping them in some answer, guess that was a wasted byte
tabs are fussy on SE though :/
Apart from Elevator?
(which is why I'm asking)
oh, ha, i was thinking of another one where a bytestring happened to hit the tab ord value
yeah, that should save on elevator
btw xnor your Pyth 6 is 7
heh, you won me a byte and lost me a byte :-)
@xnor Who won?
fyi you have the same as Peter
@PhiNotPi - the capability to recreate your wires exists, and I'll add click-and-drag, resizing, permalinks, and color pickers tomorrow. Enjoy. :)
btw @xnor, how much longer is separating into two lambdas?
@Sp3000 you mean for the python?
the alternative i give is the same length
is that what you were thinking of?
Oh, right. Yes.
(Line wrapping on mobile made me think you had the same thing twice)
i was thinking there might be an approach with a list comp, like lambda l:[sorted(l,key=l[::-b].index)[::-b]for b in-1,1], if you can say the elts are unequal within 8 chars
Mini-challenge: Given an nonnegative integer with only even digits (0 2 4 6 8), halve it without using any division or multiplication operators anywhere in the code. Addition and subtraction are allowed, so are string operations. 242886 -> 121443, 4 -> 2, 0 -> 0
f=lambda n,i=0:i if i+i==n else f(n,i+1)
lambda n:n>>1
First one could do with an or :)
(Somehow. Surely)
f=lambda n:n and 1+f(n-2)
f=lambda n:n and-~f(n-2)
^^ that sounds good
if I'm gonna recurse, best not iterate
@xnor Well, let's say no bitshifts either :p
..\n. <-- typical Retina unary abuse
@xnor Nice (though exceeds normal recursion depth for large inputs :/)
@Sp3000 unary with only even digits has got to be an oxymoron ;)
some language should just be able to halve and shift the char values
Is there already a challenge for drawing Koch snowflakes?
Q: Koch Snowflake - codegolf

gnibblerThe Koch snowflake (also known as the Koch star and Koch island) is a mathematical curve and one of the earliest fractal curves to have been described. It is based on the Koch curve, which appeared in a 1904 paper titled "On a continuous curve without tangents, constructible from elementary geome...

Q: Graphical Representation of Koch Snowflake

Hosch250Generate a Koch Snowflake A Koch snowflake is a triangle that for each n, another equilateral point is added in the middle of each side: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koch_snowflake#Properties We already had a kolmogrov-complexity Koch Snowflake challenge for n=4. The new challenge is to draw ...

I searched for "Koch" and no results came up ^_^
Oh wow I just searched again and now I see all the results.
Yeah my Internet derped or something
Thanks guys
Q: Convert Salesforce 15-character ID to 18-character

Trang OulIn Salesforce CRM, every object has 15-character alphanumeric ID, which is case-sensitive. If anyone's curious, actually it's base-62 number. However, tools used for data migration and integration may or may not support case sensitivity. To overcome that, IDs can be safely converted to 18-charact...

@NewMainPosts Thank you!
And thank you @Calvin'sHobbies.
@NewMainPosts Good, now convert the case-sensitive ID back to the Salesforce ID.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FlagAsSpamSurrounding Countries code-golfkolmogorov-complexity Ever wonder what countries surround another? I do too, sometimes, and, well, here's the challenge for it. Here is a list of countries that you must recognize (look in the lefthandmost corner). You need to create a full program that outputs (...

@zyabin101 Convert the non-case-sensitive to Salesforce, you mean/
^^ Hmm, that's interesting. I totally want to upvote this and consider it a good challenge. :)
@FlagAsSpam Yes, but the challenge can seem trivial as you can just remove the checksum if the starting case and the target case match. However, we need to convert IDs which have a starting case that differs from the target case.
For example, if we need id00330000000xEft, cs00330000000xEftMGH can be shortened to id00330000000xEft, which is just fine.
But for the same target, cs00330000000xeftMGH won't work in the same way as it corresponds to id00330000000xeft, which is not what we want.
We only have cs00330000000xeftMGH, which must be converted in a special way.
@NewSandboxedPosts Oh, thank you!
@zyabin101 I was talking about my question. xD
Why is everyone sleeping?
they're losers
Over 9000!
<BUMP>: Why no one logs out when they are inactive in chat?
@flawr heh, congrats! Only a short while to 10k now
A229037 is so freakin cool:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

J_F_B_MCount the ones! code-golf [Sandbox-note: Is this really still code-golf?] my-descriptive-tags [Sandbox note: Need to find descriptive tags] Void Corp needs you! Thanks to extreme advancements in a technology called null-space we are able to compress any number of 0-bits into just one memory b...

Hey, anybody know if there's any advantage in java to use do{}while(); over while(){} in non-golfing purposes?
Continue prompting for input until they enter something correct
That's one thing
@flawr that is amazing
@FlagAsSpam Do you understan the difference between those two?=)
@isaacg What kind of challenge(s) is Pyth worst at?
@Mego ^ same question for Seriously.
@ETHproductions ^ same question for Japt
@MartinBüttner There are even way better plots (more terms of the sequence):
user image
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ^^^ same question for Jolf (What kind of challenge(s) is Jolf worst at?)
@flawr the self-similarity is very nice, too. I wonder if that breaks down if you go up by another order of magnitude or two.
(and if it doesn't, can it be formalised?)
I do wonder that too=)
> The graph (up to n = 100000) appears to have a fractal structure. The dense areas are not random but seem to repeat, approximately doubling in width and height each time. - Daniel Forgues, Jan 21 2014
yeah, I saw that, but he seems to have just looked at the same graph and made that observation for all I know :P
But his statment is in OEIS, so that is way more scientific=P
is there an efficient way to compute the sequence?
in any case, you should definitely make that a challenge right away
import time
file = open('A229037.txt','w')
start = time.time();
A229037_list = []
for n in range(100000):
    i, j, b = 1, 1, set()
    while n-2*i >= 0:
        i += 1
        while j in b:
            j += 1
for item in A229037_list:
     file.write("%s\n" % item)
it's a great sequence and I think it's an interesting computation
Yes, me too=)
As code-golf or as algoirthm challenge?
code golf
Ok, let me sandbox it then=)

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