Infinitely displays random hexadecimal values, with some of them highlighted to make it feel like you are performing a complicated search in raw data.
while true; do head -c200 /dev/urandom | od -An -w50 -x | grep -E --color "([[:alpha:]][[:digit:]]){2}"; sleep 0.5; done
Öctävë, 63 bytes
I know it is longer than the Matlab solution (which would work in Octave too), but it is particularly evil. I am making an anonymous function (evil) using cell array (evil) literals (evil) containing function handles dependent on a callback function (itself, thus recursive, evil...
You are given a still of a series of balls falling in 2d in a grid. This grid is surrounded by immutable and unbreakable walls so all the action in contained within them. Your task is to determine what will the state of the scenario be after gravity does all it's work.
Elements inside...
In this challenge you will need to determine whether it's Pi Day, Pi Minute, or Pi Second.
No input is provided, I've just added it for clarity
March 14, 2016 0:00:00
Pi Day
December 25, 2015 3:14:45
Pi Minute
December 29, 2015 0:03:14
Pi Second
January 1, 2016 0:00:00
<No Output>
"No Pi Time→Str1
If min({Ans(2),Ans(3)}={3,14
"Pi Day→Str1
If Ans(2)=14 and max(Ans(1)={3,14
If min({Ans(2),Ans(3)}={3,14
Disp Str1
It's Not 2015 Anymore!
The Rules
Each submission must be a full program.
The program must take all instances of the string 2015 from the input (1 string), replace it with <s>2015</s> and put an asterisk to the right of it. At the end, if there has been at least one 2015 in the string, you must...
@BlockCoder1392 The challenge is not very interesting. It is entirely solvable in regex. If a challenge is trivial in every language but esolangs, chances are it is too easy.