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@MartinBüttner I mean each entrant submits a solution privately to each hole and each working solution is worth a point. One week per challenge and the person with most correct entries for the course wins. Ties broken by time of submission.
Afterwards all entries are publicly posted.
@NewMainPosts This is a nice first question!
@quintopia I don't see how that could possibly work on SE.
@MartinBüttner It would obviously not run entirely on SE. (It's a nice Schelling point for coding enthusiasts, but so limiting
@FaxMachine Hi! Welcome to chat!
Thank you :)
You should send @FaxMachine longer messages. Its a wastevof paper to send such short ones.
@quintopia I believe that is how Anarchy Golf works.
That the solutions are private
@mınxomaτ Watching it and just got to the point where Stefik mentions that it's not really that clear whether exceptions are all that useful in programming languages.
As a matter of fact, I hardly ever used exceptions in Python until earlier this year. Which would mean that I went without them for about six years.
Imho they are horrible, and should be avoided like the plague. But I still use them.
Yeah, I use them mostly only when I have to.
Or where it's just a lot more convenient.
@quartata but they are never made public so no one can learn
@quintopia If you want to test some central processing code for any challenge, I provide free resources and hosting in a reasonable scope for anything PPCG related at codegolf.xyz.
@NewMainPosts It appears Mathematica doesn't have a built-in for this. I'm surprised.
@quartata Me too
Does have this
But not quite the same
Does pl have a builtin for it?
Why would it?
It has very few built-ins, actually.
One could say that it is almost completely useless currently.
Just like its implementation language :P
You take that back
@quartata pl is almost completely useless currently
@quintopia This is true.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ A language that'll be good one day
@quartata I've seen it once. Why the choice of weird sybols?
A: Catalan Numbers

quartatapl, 4 bytes ☼ç▲÷ Try it online. Explanation In pl, functions take their arguments off the stack and push the result back onto the stack. Normally when there are not enough arguments on the stack, the function simply fails silently. However, something special happens when the amount of argume...

that's where
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Well, it's just CP437.
I don't recall that symbol
Code point 0x0F
The reason why I use CP437 at all is so that I can save the ASCII chars for dumb stuff like this:
A: "Hello, World!"

quartatapl, 13 bytes Hello, World! Yes, it works. Try it online. Explanation In pl, all printable ASCII chars (between 0x20 and 0x7E in CP437) are reserved for variable names. Normally, these chars push the contents of that variable onto the argument stack. BUT, if the variable doesn't actually exis...

I wish making a good golfing language wasn't so hard.
I have so much junk to implement
> quartata! Stay determined.
i no u can do it
I guess the question I have to ask myself is do I really care about beating Pyth at everything
I can do that but it'll come at the cost of me becoming completely obsessed with PPCG
@quartata You aren't already?
I like to think that I'm about 80% there
I'm about 200% past obsession
@Adnan Good job !
@AlexA. rly
Rumor has it that you have a life.
Good job, publishing medical articles, making lentil soup...
@quartata Why told you this nonsense
That sounds like a life to me.
@AlexA. 100% for you, and 100% for your sock.
:26454060 !
> Why told you
Also, AlexA has mentioned his girlfriend numerous times...
@El'endiaStarman LIFE CONFIRMED
@El'endiaStarman Which is probably also a sock. Ohhhhhhh
But seriously. Confess. You have a life.
Admit it.
I sort of do. But I spend way too much time on PPCG for it to constitute a healthy hobby. :P
Good enough.
@El'endiaStarman WHY TOLD YOU THIS
@quartata "Good" job. It's fine but I don't really like it. The article was started in 2011, and all of the writing and analysis I did for it was finished in 2012, long before I joined SE. (There are a couple of other articles, but all before SE.) The lentil soup was when I still lived in Seattle. So I used to have a life. It's since decayed into a hollow shell.
I see.
@quartata HOW TOLD YOU
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Haha, thank you :)
Well, welcome to no-lifes anonymous SE
@Adnan My pleasure!
> lifes
I guess I have to crack your submission now ;P
@AlexA. It says no-lifes but you can't see the dash
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Hahaha, if you succeed, I'll give you a 100 rep bounty
--- - ---
@quartata Oh I get it now
Nope. Can't strike out a lone dash.
@El'endiaStarman Crossed out dash is still regular dash ;(
Wut. I think I just did it.
I know what I'm doing tonight
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I didn't even know that t was 10 haha
Yeah, poor docs on my part :P
I was messing around with *+91+91 to get 100
It was quite fun though
@mınxomaτ This talk is making me seriously consider using words like "loop" and "repeat" instead of "for" and "while", or something similar, in PyAcidic.
@Adnan :D
@AlexA. what is the <!-- --> thing to make a code block it display in javascript?
<!-- language: lang-js -->
A: Printing ascending ASCII, Cops

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴJavaScript ES6, 134 characters Huh boy, that was fun. Good luck! _=_=_____l____.______.________(___}__;___=______ru____"_____+_[________]______!____]__[_________e________.__U_________)__________\_____

1 min ago, by El'endia Starman
<!-- language: lang-js -->
@AlexA. Why, thank you, Alex sir!
I never knew. No thanks to that star fellow, of course :P
It's my pleasure. Surely the star person is of no help at all in these matters.
Haha. Struck-out underscore.
I thought it was an underlined em dash
God do I hate java. Is there a good transpiler to a more sensible language yet?
@mınxomaτ Err... what's wrong with Java?
Like, what issue do you have with it?
Because there are other JVM based languages you can use
If you have a specific issue with syntax
@El'endiaStarman Watch this: - (upside-down dash!)
@quartata e.g. Scala and Groovy, as well as languages that have been ported to the JVM
@AlexA. Yeah that's my point
I know
Clojure too.
If you like LISP
I replied to link with your post but it was intended for minxobro
@quartata I don't actually hate Java, I just hate to download additional files to run something. Java is probably fine, I just don't use it.
I googled for lolz and got this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Java :D
@mınxomaτ Windows doesn't come with Java by default?
Or give you an option to install it?
@quartata Why should it? It already has another quite powerful runtime. Also Oracle is a bitch about licensing.
Pi... ಠ_ಠ
@mınxomaτ Ew .NET no
Do people actually legitimately use Tau in scholarly articles and stuff?
@quartata At least .NET has a permissive license (MIT & Apache dual). I like it. Mono need to improve though.
@mınxomaτ It does? I thought it had the "no fun allowed" license model
@quartata I've seen it a few times.
@quartata It completely open-source.
@mınxomaτ So is Java though
I guess my main grudge against .NET is that it really only works on Windows.
It takes non cross-platform stuff to an extreme level
They make this beautiful architecture that could be ported
And then they don't port it
@quartata Well except for some ultra-specifi features everything works in Mono.
Right, but Mono shouldn't have to be around, nor should it have to be in constant fear of getting nuked by Microsoft
@quartata Microsoft did not invent the CLR, not even IL. It's an open standard. And both GNU and Mono have implementations.
Why would it be in fear of getting nuked?
@quartata nor should it have to be in constant fear of getting nuked by Microsoft why would they?
Because Mono reverese engineered some Windows API junk that's proprietary in order to work well
Or at least I'm under that impression
@quartata No, it didn't.
It's open-source for god's sake! And again, licensed under MIT.
> open.source
Last one
I thought ASP.NET and Windows Forms were not covered by the ECMA standard
Are those implemented by Mono?
@quartata Windows Forms is not open source. But then again, it is Windows Forms, not really made with linux in mind. Linux already has easier tools for that.
So it would be re-inventing the wheel.
Right but it needs it to run any .NET GUI applications
In order for a .NET GUI application to be cross-platform it either has to require Windows users to install GTK or Linux/Mac users to use a shady part of Mono
Either way it's nasty.
With Java, you can just use Swing/JavaFX.
I thought Swing was considered old school
@quartata Which is not available on Windows and has to be downloaded. There goes your crossplatform.
@mınxomaτ It comes with Java though.
@quartata Java doesn't come with Windows.
Swing at least.
@mınxomaτ Mono doesn't come with Linux.
So I guess we're at an impasse.
But, once the user does have Java it works fine
Plus there are ways to bundle Java into an executable
Exactly. So none of those languages are crossplatform. At least in C++ you can truly be crossplatform.
@mınxomaτ #ifdef WIN32 hmm
If your definition of cross platform is "works on any platform without having to install anything else" then you are more or less limited to rudimentary C console applications that don't use anything POSIX-related
@AlexA. oh god what is that
Nightmare fuel
I'm scared to click on it
I was enjoying it but my girlfriend made me turn it off.
Sounds like she has common sense
On the topic of Java, ... wtf.
It's pretty catchy, actually
@mınxomaτ Oh god I've seen that
@mınxomaτ Unsurprisingly, J++ and J# were pretty much dead on arrival AFAIK.
Oh also
A# is a port of the Ada programming language to the Microsoft .NET platform. A# is freely distributed by the Department of Computer Science at the United States Air Force Academy as a service to the Ada community under the terms of the GNU General Public License. AdaCore has taken over this development, and announced "GNAT for .NET", which is a fully supported .NET product with all of the features of A# and more. == References == == External links == A# for .NET Ada Sharp .NET Programming environment...
P# is a Prolog interpreter written for the Common Language Infrastructure. Features: Languages extensions allow concurrency in Prolog. Prolog programs can create any .NET object. Compatible with Microsoft .NET Framework and Mono. == See also == List of CLI languages == External links == P# home page relationship to Prolog Cafe Prolog Cafe author P# manual PDF file...
F# is still a thing though.
They really scraped the bottom of the barrel for languages here
Ada, Prolog, OCaml?
F# is pretty good though from what I've heard.
Yeah, I've heard decent things about F#. Personally I dislike its Haskell-like syntax though.
I like Haskell so I probably could tolerate it
Well, huge chunk of people use Haskell nowadays. So with F# they can join a bigger .NET project, even if it is a c# or vb codebase. Expands employ-ability I guess.
Which is always good.
No one should be using VB at all, much less in production.
VB is the only .NET language I actually legitimately like
I wouldn't use C# unless I was forced to, and I only admire F# because it's really just OCaml
But VB... that's cool.
I don't care, as long as the dev teams give me working things. All .NET langs are interoperable (VB-C# can even be search-replace).
Yeah, it all compiles to one thingy anyways
JVM languages work like that too.
The selection isn't quite as diverse, but it means that people who like scripting languages better can write junk in Groovy and people who like Java better can write junk in Java
And people who like LISP can write junk in Clojure for about 5 seconds before being lynched by their coworkers
@quartata lel
@quartata Why only C# if you were forced to? I find nothing objectionable about it. I'm pretty neutral.
I swear, I've seen it happen. LISP programmers are almost extinct in the wild because of this
Anymore you can only find Lisp progammmers in zoos
@AlexA. Because if I find myself writing something in C# I might as well just write it in Java
Plus I don't like Microsoft that much and I can't help but feel like they took Java and exposed it to radioactive material, turning it into this steaming C++/Java mutation thing
Unless you need to target Windows
I've written Java applications targeting Windows before
awkward silence
What's your favorite kind of bread?
@AlexA. Potato Bread.
@mınxomaτ I love potato bread too
@quartata What is that
Closely followed by olive baguette.
@AlexA. Pumpernickel/Whole Wheat hybrid
Sounds unholy
I don't know exactly how they make it but it tastes gudddddd
@mınxomaτ Also good
Challah is great too but it's not that good for you :/
@mınxomaτ Rosemary and olive A+++
I love olives
@quartata Because every bite contains the equivalent of like 14 eggs?
@AlexA. Yes, sadly.
I love eggs (esp. poached).
I love poached eggs.
I used to like eggs when I was younger but I stopped eating them a long time ago.
Good idea.
Run while you can. My arteries are already forfeit.
Have any of you ever made your own bread?
Banana bread count? :P
Not what I meant, but sure. :P Banana bread is boss.
Then yes I have made my own bread.
I have made bread in science class. :P
I made Irish soda bread once. It was dense. Very dense.
I didn't. Cause I live above a bakery and I'm lazy.
@Doorknob冰 Sounds like a delicious lesson
It was indeed
@Doorknob冰 Are you sure that was a science class? Sometimes I used to misread "Home Economics" as "Science"
@mınxomaτ I'm both jealous and not jealous. I love bread so if I lived above a bakery I'd die.
@quartata ...are you dyslexic?
@AlexA. No. That was a joke.
@AlexA. we burned Cheetos in chemistry a couple days ago
@Maltysen wat
and then we ate the leftovers
That's ... not good?
@Doorknob冰 What kind of bread and how good was it scale of 1-10
Oh sorry I thought you meant you ate the Cheeto ashes
Our chem teacher used to eat the blackboard chalk.
@quartata Haha, yes. This year, actually; Biology
@Doorknob冰 Ah. So it was a lesson on yeast?
@AlexA. We made them into breadsticks. It was bread/10.
No, weast
@mınxomaτ I thought I had some weird professors
@quartata yup, and fermentation and stuff
@Doorknob冰 Oh shit
sticks/10 it's ok
@Doorknob冰 Obviously you should have made beer to learn about fermentation
Dammit I was just about to make that joke but with scotch whiskey instead
It was no joke, son.
@AlexA. We had a course for wine making.
But they couldn't drink the beer afterwards which ruins it
@mınxomaτ Jealous
@mınxomaτ Damn
That's cool
Homebrewing beer is an annoying process, especially since I have yet to make any that was actually good.
@AlexA. We also had our own wineyard.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nathan MerrillUsing Symbols for Letters Input: A single word as a string (matches [a-zA-Z]+) Output: The NATO pronunciation of the word. Print out a space separated list of the NATO word that matches each letter of the input word. Trailing white space is acceptable. Restrictions: Your source code mus...

@mınxomaτ :O
I assume you mean vineyard?
@AlexA. Big school.
@AlexA. Yes.
Q: What song is playing?

DJ McMayhemInspired by this xkcd You work for Shazam and they have a project for you. Some customers are complaining about their app taking up too much space on their phone, so they want you to code a lite version of the app. Unfortunately, your existing code can only understand the word "na", and you ha...

+6 is the highest I've seen NMP post at
@AlexA. That was my school.
Looks fancy!
You can tell we were nuts, because the website is available in latin.
Can you only wear one hat at a time?
@quartata You and alex look the same now
quartata = pixelated alex
alexelated pixel
@Calvin'sHobbies Where are our challenges? We need challenges. ;-;
oh I still have those 12 challenges waiting to be posted
but I wanna decide on a "schedule" first
I still have that damn grocery store challenge
@AlexA. They made large seasonal-cultural food items in your home state, where's your corrsponding challenge?
@Doorknob冰 Schedule(challenges) = Post one now + Schedule(challenges[-1])
@AlexA. ... so post all 12 right now? -_-
Post 1 now, figure out the other 11 later
@Calvin'sHobbies wtaf
or write all 12 of them up and post them with a script to post them at the exact same time
I've already written all 12
I have them in a file called stuff.md :P
Post one every day. Get's you closer to socratic
But I don't think I'll be able to consistently do 1 challenge/day
@Doorknob冰 y
@AlexA. z
@Doorknob冰 write a cronjob and run it on some server
@Maltysen No, I mean once I run out of these 12 I can't write 1/day
Then write 12 more before you run out
ugh I want to do a challenge based on recent news but all news.google.com has is shootings and natural disasters and stuff :/
@AlexA. Teeny-challenge: x*(x+1) in base x+2, x = 0 to 8
@Doorknob冰 Do local news in some podunk town
@Calvin'sHobbies Julia, 27 bytes: [base(x+2,(x+1)x)for x=0:8]
@Calvin'sHobbies Like for a given input?
Or just range between 0:8?
@quartata either. Print all 9 outputs space/newline separated or take in x and give one output
I just passed a review audit... on Puzzling.SE...
ri:TT)*T2+b 11 bytes CJam
@Doorknob冰 Congratulations...?
Takes in x
I fail to see the need to audit moderators
Julia, 19 bytes: x->base(x+2,(x+1)x), takes input
@Doorknob冰 Oh, yes. You could ask on Meta.SE if it isn't
Just you wait until pl gets base conversion
@quartata I can't wait
I found a meta question. Hilariously, I have a downvote on it for some reason. I do not recall this.
That's it in pl assuming is base convert
6 bytes
That reversed the character heights for me o.O
_ input var ▲ increment last used var • multiply ▲increment _ input var ■ base convert
@Doorknob冰 What's the vote breakdown on Shog's answer?
And Emil's?
The question?
+9/-16, +19/-0, +42/-11
Do yourself a favor and go find the "show vote counts everywhere" userscript on Stack Apps :P
Why would I do that when I have you? :P
Wait there is a userscript for that?
@quartata pl = pumpkin looks?
@Calvin'sHobbies pl = Almost, but not quite, entirely unlike Perl
@quartata yes
That's the official motto now
@Calvin'sHobbies pomp & lircumstance
@quartata Share & Enjoy
Tell your friends
Stranger danger
A: Choose your own swag - the craziest contest idea ever! What were we thinking?

FlagAsSpamAll I Want for Swagmas is to be Non-Beta So, I attend the wonderful site called PPCG: Programming Puzzles and Code Golf, although, to be fair, we're much more than that. We're a community that supports clever uses (and exploitations) of programming languages. Some of us have even MADE programmin...

^ everyone go upvote that
Unfortunately that's not something I can give you. :P — animuson ♦ 8 hours ago
@FlagAsSpam ;(
Even if he specifically can't do it... it might raise awareness.
@Calvin'sHobbies בb+2 in Jelly if the output can be a list. Else, בb+2Ḍ. jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=w5figJhiKzI&input=&args=OA
Make it so that output can't be a list please

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