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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@Doorknob冰 because you can have linear chains. a complete binary tree has each node filled before attaching children to them
@LegionMammal978 Nice try :P
@LegionMammal978 I'd say nice try, but people will star it eventually.
@quintopia no it doesn't
In computer science, a binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children, which are referred to as the left child and the right child. A recursive definition using just set theory notions is that a (non-empty) binary tree is a triple (L, S, R), where L and R are binary trees or the empty set and S is a singleton set. Some authors allow the binary tree to be the empty set as well. From a graph theory perspective, binary (and K-ary) trees as defined here are actually arborescences. A binary tree may thus be also called a bifurcating arborescence—a term which actually...
(dammit Alex)
@Dennis Hi
Or do you mean, you can have chains of multiple 1-node thingies in a row?
Like 011111?
Oh okay
it's still a binary tree though, by the loosest def
anyway, has anything similar bindun
> bifurcating arborescence
Meta-mini-challenge: Write a program that makes mini-challenges
are there any sequences that RLE as themselves besides 2 2
@Dennis Did you see my message?
no that has to be the only doesn't it
@LegionMammal978 print("Mini-challenge: Print 1")
18 mins ago, by Dennis
This is perl 5, version 18, subversion 2 (v5.18.2) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
(with 41 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
@Dennis Well that's just downright weird.
how about other sequences that return themselves after TWO applications of RLE?
That... is also the version I'm running.
Oh you know what
@quartata Do you have a permalink that should be working?
Yeah one second
I think I know the problem though.
any and all are part of List::Util 1.33 which might not come by default with all perl versions
Looks like that's the case.
Yep that's it.
Since product is part of 1.35
I'm not sure why my version of Perl has those when yours does not
@LegionMammal978 why j00 looking at ALPACA
At any rate you should be able to install the latest via CPAN
cpan List::Util
@quartata Perl and its modules are provided by different packages.
@quartata That doesn't work for me. The VPS seems to be lacking the required RAM to build CPAN...
@Dennis List::Util comes with Perl by default as of some version.
The question is which version of it comes
@Dennis :/
I can remove the any all product stuff and replace them with appropriate reduce calls
One second
@quintopia What about ALPACA?
@quartata I found any and all in List::MoreUtils. No such luck with product though.
@Dennis Don't bother I'll edit pl to not need them
Edited to use List::MoreUtils for any and all and my own method for product.
@quartata 2/10 everything works now
@AlexA. print("Mini-challenge: Print \"Mini-challenge: Print \\\"Mini-challenge: Print \\\\\\\"Mini-challenge: Print \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Mini-challenge: Print \\\\\...
Thanks for helping me out with that
@quartata You're welcome
@AlexA. Was this your "help"?
2 hours ago, by Alex A.
@quartata He has the bad version. Oh sorry, that's all the versions of Perl.
Helping quartatoes with his Perl problems brings me so much goddamn joy
Very helpful 10/10
8/10 very dennis
Very dennis, such quartata, much alex?
denni                                                                                           s
ono where did x
Dennis Ale?
@quartata I don't mind programming, but that's not for me.
@quartata As my band always said, "Join the white side!!!"
awww that was funny
A little offensive :P
Q: Secret Santa's Sandbox

Digital TraumaAKA: The Regifting of the White Elephants Note - I'm not sure this is on-topic or not on meta, but it seems to be as good a place as any. Comment if you disagree. I have a few challenges that I have posted to the sandbox and then more-or-less forgotten. Some of these challenges are OK; some n...

@El'endiaStarman I think the code is broken again. The first code input does not seem to load. That, or botVars is not being successfully passed to the second function.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Okay.
Does that hold true for you?
Well, I just got on today, so I'm gonna check that out.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ How could I reproduce this? EdgeCase vs OrbitBot seems to be working fine.
@El'endiaStarman For the userbot section
Okay, what code should I paste in?
botVars = {
 d:function(x1,y1,x2,y2){return Math.sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2))},
 enemyDist:function(g){return b.d(g[b.c+"_x"],g[b.c+"_y"],g[b.C+"_x"],g[b.C+"_y"]);},
 hS:function(g){return b.d(g.sun_x,g.sun_y,g[b.c+"_x"],g[b.c+"_y"])<50},
  // get closest missile
  var r = g.missiles.reduce(function(p,c){return Math.min(b.d(c.x,c.y,g[b.c+"_x"],g[b.c+"_y"]),p)},Infinity);
  return r<20;
  var a = Math.degrees(Math.atan2(g[b.C+"_y"]-g[b.c+"_y"],g[b.C+"_x"]-g[b.c+"_x"]));
Q: Mask an IP address and give its broadcast

Digital TraumaBackground Inspired by this Unix.SE question (and of course my own answer). When an IP address is specified for an interface, it is often given in this dotted-decimal form: a.b.c.d e.f.g.h where a.b.c.d is the actual address and e.f.g.h is the netmask. The netmask, when represented in binar...

that's the code I'm using
I would just try manually setting botVars
I'm at about 300 bytes so far for my solution to this challenge and it doesn't even work yet. .__. whyyy
Uncaught ReferenceError: b is not defined
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ: So I replaced all instances of b.whatever with botVars.whatever and now I get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null.
oh, just omit that line
I added an element to the page locally
Okay, now I get no errors, just a lot of hyperspacing. :P
Oh, I saw a missile!
Yeah, it's a hyperspace bot
can you give me the fixed code?
botVars = {
 d:function(x1,y1,x2,y2){return Math.sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2))},
 enemyDist:function(g){return botVars.d(g[botVars.c+"_x"],g[botVars.c+"_y"],g[botVars.C+"_x"],g[botVars.C+"_y"]);},
 hS:function(g){return botVars.d(g.sun_x,g.sun_y,g[botVars.c+"_x"],g[botVars.c+"_y"])<50},
  // get closest missile
  var r = g.missiles.reduce(function(p,c){return Math.min(botVars.d(c.x,c.y,g[botVars.c+"_x"],g[botVars.c+"_y"]),p)},Infinity);
Huh, I like OrbitBot.
It's fun to pit Kamikaze against OrbitBot. :P
Except that Kamikaze has no sun avoidance routines.
Also, @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ, thanks for adding those bots. :)
@LegionMammal978 you were editing the page. what took you there?
@El'endiaStarman my pleasure! :D
Dang it!!
I started typing up a whole problem in the Sandbox, but then I looked for which tags to give it, and found the exact same problem was already posted by Calvin's Hobbies.
@AlexA. "It has come to my attention that the amount of reputation awarded for questions can be adjusted on a per-site basis" All of the posts I read made it sound like StackApps was an exception. How did you learn this new info?
did SE contact you as a mod?
@El'endiaStarman TypeError: botVars.hS is not a function
main.js line 264 > Function:6:4
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ There's no botVars.hS anywhere in my code. That would be a bug in your code.
botVars = {
 d:function(x1,y1,x2,y2){return Math.sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2))},
 enemyDist:function(g){return botVars.d(g[botVars.c+"_x"],g[botVars.c+"_y"],g[botVars.C+"_x"],g[botVars.C+"_y"]);},
 hS:function(g){return botVars.d(g.sun_x,g.sun_y,g[botVars.c+"_x"],g[botVars.c+"_y"])<50},
I tried copy-pasting that and I don't see an error.
This is line 264 of main.js:
window["userbot_getActions"] = new Function("gameInfo", "botVars", "var actions = [];\n"+jQuery("#userbot-getactions").val()+"\nreturn actions;");
> jQuery
Yeah, I included Prototype as well, which basically overwrote $.
it's working now?
wait nevermind
it's working now. I give up on logic.
Caching, maybe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
blame doorknob
@quintopia The "Random page" button
@Doorknob冰 I like how quartata didn't ping you and yet you still noticed. :P
(That is an unrelated converastion)
@El'endiaStarman I see all
@quintopia Also, how did you know that I edited it?
@El'endiaStarman is sun a global var?
@Maltysen Technically, it is...
oh its an array of points
I was naming my variable sun
I guess sn works just as well...
oh, heh
Should I put a list of variable/function names not to use in the question?
@Maltysen I saw you lurking around in the pl chatroom earlier
the OP says not to access or alter any of the global vars, but can I just for convenience?
What do you think its chances against Pyth are?
like instead of writing a full polygon intersection function, using the point arrays
@Maltysen Well, I could add sun to the list of vars you can access.
and both ships?
I'm also considering making the collision checking functions accessible.
Well, I want to avoid any possibility of cheating.
If I let you use window["red"] (which you technically can access), you may accidentally or deliberately change one of its variables.
I mean, you can include copies
Yeah, I think I could do something like that.
Have a global variable redShip that is a copy of red?
@Doorknob冰 Glory to the all-seeing knob
... and this is why one should avoid globals as much as possible
no pass it in gameInfo
and can you put the entire code in a closure so we can't access it
@El'endiaStarman Why don't you create a single global __spacewar or whatever, and put all your private stuff in there and tell people not to touch it?
Then you could make a public Spacewar API available, or something
Spacewar.colliding(a,b), etc
A: King of the Hill - Spacewar!

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴEngineer Likes to use hyperspace when in danger. To see it's true power, open up your browser's console and type overideHyperspace = 0;. If you forget the semicolon, you'll get ASI for Christmas. function Engineer_setup(t){return {c:t,C:"red0blue".split(0)[+(t=="red")],d:function(x1,y1,x2,y2){r...

@NathanMerrill I spoke with a developer and they said there is the possibility to set it to a different value on each site.
wait it isn't workign >_<)FMDSv
The thing with JavaScript is that it's very easy to modify. So I'm not really concerned with preventing variable usage/access/alteration in a technical sense.
@Doorknob冰 Would that not require a lot of rewriting of code?
Regex find/replace?
@El'endiaStarman just wrap it in a closure
Or, of course, you could wrap everything in a (function(){})()
yeah that
ahhh, okay, hmm
And then, like I mentioned earlier, expose specific read-only pieces of information in a single global var like Spacewar
Hmm. But main.js calls functions in gameEngine.js.
You could always "compile" them into a single file wrapped in an IIFE, which is then used for "production" so to speak
Immediately invoked function expression
2 mins ago, by Doorknob 冰
Or, of course, you could wrap everything in a (function(){})()
ah, gotcha
Why did you re-close this?? @AlexA.
Because it's a duplicate
A: King of the Hill - Spacewar!

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴEngineer Likes to use hyperspace when in danger. To see it's true power, open up your browser's console and type overideHyperspace = 0;. If you forget the semicolon, you'll get ASI for Christmas. function Engineer_setup(t){ botVars = { c:t, C:"red0blue".split(0)[+(t=="red")]...

alright it's good now
@AlexA. we all know the real reason is because you wanted a hat (kidding of course :P)
@LegionMammal978 HackEgo told me. (It reports all edits to the wiki.)
@AlexA. It was voted back open..
@ZachGates That doesn't make it not a duplicate
What if Dennis closes a question that he believes is a duplicate, but you disagree?
I talk to Dennis in the super secret room that totally doesn't exist
In that case one of them would probably ping Martin and me in either here or the mod chatroom
I mean, in here. There's no other chatroom. glaces around innocently
in js, does push push a copy?
@Maltysen no
@Maltysen no
Well, no for objects, yes for primitives
@AlexA. ಠ_ಠ
@Doorknob冰 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ while !universe.heatDeath() { print("?") }
@Doorknob冰 What could that be? >__>
@AlexA. What language is that? No parens for a while loop, yet still has braces!?
The syntax is valid Rust
Except it's print! not print
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Cᴏɴᴏʀ-Lang
And there's a missing semicolon too
Other than that (if universe were an actual thing), it would actually be valid Rust
This is solid proof that @AlexA. is abandoning Julia for the superior language that is Rust
def return_value(value)
  return value
... very poorly written Ruby? :P
No man, I got that code from a guy with years of experience.
I... see
(El'endia posted this same article a day or two ago)
> Don't really see the issue here. The function name is descriptive of what it does, the code is easy to read and works exactly as designed. That's more than you can say for most enterprise software.
^ comment on that article
sub returnValue{
Haskell :P
Next post help Bernie Sanders write an identity function
We do need more Bernie Sanders challenges.
Q: ...And Mexico Will Pay For It

geokavelDonald Trump is very impressed with the work of the people on this site. He saw how amazing of a job you did helping Ben Carson, so he even hired you to build his wall. He thinks you're terrific. Now he needs your help again. While he has successfully built his wall, now he needs the Mexican gove...

(I'm sorry @Doorknob冰)
ಠ_ಠ o_o O_O O_o o_O
(there is no proper singular emoticon to precisely describe my reaction to this)
I still have to wait at slightly over 3 hours for christmaas day :/
@AlexA. ಠ_ಠ
You know something's wrong when you have two Trump-based challenges on the active page.
@Doorknob冰 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I think we need a tag at this rate
In other news I noticed that we only have one person with the Research Assistant badge
Is that what you were doing earlier with all your tag nonsense? Badge farming?
I can see right through your lies
I felt like making our tag wikis not suck
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ This is interesting to play against. First game, 4-3. Second game, 8-2. I figured out the best way to beat it is to wait it out, basically.
But also avoid dying from it... :P
We don't even have wikis for some really important tags
@quartata I think so far the only wiki that's actually helpful and thoroughly informative is the one for code golf. But nobody reads tag wikis.
Engineer vs Engineer...that sounds amusing. :P
@AlexA. Jelly has a function like that.
	'¹': attrdict(
		arity = 1,
		depth = -1,
		call = lambda z: z
@Dennis Why
Hey, Dennis' pinned message about hats went away!
@AlexA. To make a hook from a monadic fork. I cannot use the equivalent to APL's tacks, since they're dyadic.
Hooks, forks, tacks...what an odd collection of objects.
Trains too...
The creator of APL was a model train enthusiast
He named things after items in his train building set
That actually kinda sounds plausible.
Well, tack is just the name of the character. The rest is actually J syntax, I think.
⊢ <- right tack
Granted, Ken Iverson made both APL and J. So the model train enthusiast theory is still plausible.
Stupid internet. The tack never made it...
Rest in peace, tack.
I wonder what stories will attempt to justify me naming parts of the Jelly language chains and joints.
Your stint in the county jail for drug possession
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I think your bot actually revealed a bug. It's possible for a ship to be hit in the same frame that the command to go to hyperspace is given, so sometimes the ship disappears and then fragments appear.
Also, I've pitted Engineer against Engineer three times now, and every time, Blue has won by a significant margin. Interesting.
4/4 now.
Can someone else try Engineer vs Engineer here and see if they also get Blue beating Red by a margin of ~50% fairly consistently?
Hmm. Red often fails to hyperspace when in danger of hitting the sun, and when Blue hyperspaces because of the sun, so does Red...
@Dennis I do not understand APL, J, or Jelly. I lack a mental (physical, intuitionistic) model of this computation model
It takes a little time to get used to it. I believe Jelly should be easier to learn that J/APL, since it does not overload operators with a monadic and a dyadic function.
can you not provide a metaphor that would make it make sense, or explain what it has in common with some other language i do understand
Jelly is to fish as APL is to burger
That pretty much nailed it.
I'll try to update the docs to explain at least how Jelly's chains work in the next few days.
@AlexA. ಠ_ಠ
Chains are a core part of every Jelly program.
are they like dataflow specifiers, lazily building functions which are eventually applied to the arguments?
They're like a school of goldfish, gently adrift in a sea of nightmares.
I'm not sure what a dataflow specifier is, but building functions which are eventually applied to the arguments sounds about right.
Anyway, it's time to got to bed. Good night, everybody.
Good night!
Man, I have a lot of SE tabs open
look at that, my Christmas gift :P
@JoeZ. Looks like you need to downvote an answer to get you to an even 9k. :P
Welp, I think I messed up this Ruby function "b=->n{v=1;(1..n).each do{|i|v^=2*v};p v}"
This is for the binary Sierpinski challenge
Never mind. Got it to work
@Sherlock9 how many languages are you learning?
Well, I learned Ruby some time ago, but there's large chunks that I forgot since I don't use Ruby very often
And I'm not currently learning any languages. At least, not actively. I'm taking a break from that
As for languages I know... A bunch of Python 3, some Python 2, some Ruby, a little Golfscript, a little Pyth, a little CJam, and some C and C++
Q: Why isn't there default code formatting like on Stack Overflow?

JojodmoI was going through Code Golf, and I noticed that there is no default Google code prettify like there is on Stack Overflow. Is there any particular reason for this? I recently updated one of my submissions to be syntax highlighted. I think we can all agree it looks much nicer than the non-highli...

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ my bot beat engineer-bot ;P
I have actually seen multiple missile strikes on Engineer bots. They all happen when the firing ship is really close, so the missile crosses the distance in an instant.
My bot also used hyperspace, so it was more of a who can trigger more hyperspaces and get that 25% battle
haha, yeah
I think the most successful bot probably will use hyperspace, because it's a maybe death versus a certain death.
I'm gonna try and make my bot aware of the field being a toroid
it seems like it would help a lot
I'm quite sure of that.
It's hard to pull off.
You could probably do something with quadrants.
Or just compute all four cross-boundary virtual positions of the enemy.
I'm going more of "is facing the guy normally or facing directly away have a shorter delta_angle"
and for dist calc, dist<100 || dist>900 :)
hooray for approximations
@El'endiaStarman whoa unrelated to the toroid (in fact this technique is failing only because of the toroid), I got a really good sun avoidance technique
If outside some "danger" radius where it flies straight out, it tries to fly perpendicular to the sun
very cool
Have you checked out OrbitBot? It's surprisingly good at getting into a nice circular orbit.
I saw one round where it was OrbitBot against...Engineer, I think, where the Engineer bot destroyed both wings of OrbitBot's bot, but because it was already in orbit, it just waited out the Engineer bot... :P
What is the user@computer c:/ $ thing in a shell called?
The prompt?
Yes, it’s called the prompt
OVER 8000!!!
Anyone here code Nim?
I don't but I could learn. Got a link to either the esolangs wiki page or a tutorial?
@El'endiaStarman Can I reuse some code from codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/67563/24877 ?
I like the simlicity of your code but I'd like to make some changes/add some features=)
@flawr Sure, go ahead. :)
I think one big improvement could be made by making the firing rate also dependent on the velocity.
...how so?
Also, 10 bots have already posted, so it's a bit late for that. Unless you mean the bots' behavior...
Well I just thought if you are close to the sun, but the velocity in direction of the sun is zero, there is no need for firing.
ahhh, gotcha
I thought you meant missiles.
Hello everyone!
Oh sorry for the confusion=)
Hi @isaacg
Well, I'm off to bed.
But before I go, a present: Radians and Degrees D3 applet. Merry Christmas everyone! :)
@El'endiaStarman Do you know GeoGebra?
I've used it a few times.
PS: I tried to change the behaviour of your bot by setting the critical angle to something other than 0
But nothing really changed=)
What about 180?
Then we get suicide bots
But if you'd type 45 or so, you'd expect the bots to somehow circle around the sun, don't you?
@flawr I think that should be 90 degrees for orbiting
No, what I'm seeing is that 45 degrees is functionally the same as 0 degrees.
I think that is strange isn't it? I mean that should result in a 45° angle between the line to the sun, and the direction the nose is pointing.
oh wait
-180 <= angDiff <= 180
What you really want to change is this line:
var ang1 = gameInfo[botVars["color"]+"_rot"]+90
This reads the angle of the bot, relative to the coordinate system, right?
basically, yeah
You can either do that or add another line:
angDiff = (angDiff + 90)%360
actually, no
var angDiff = ang2 - ang1 + 90;
If gameInfo[botVars["color"]+"_rot"] == 0, then the ship is pointing in positive x-direction, i assume?
No, actually, it's pointing in the positive y-direction. I think.
It's 5:40 AM here. I'm going to bed. [Obi-Wan voice] Use the console, flawr.
Ok, thanks=)
Good night=)
:) G'night!
Alex is a cyclops?
Cyclops are wrong???
1 hour later…
So I posted an answer to the quipu question a few hours ago, and it turns out that question a little more work than I thought it would be. Have a look. codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/67603/…
quipu is a real name?
Does anyone know how much bytes this is?
A: Is my name official?

mikeservgrep ~11-~23 chars (I'm new - how do switches count?) This is the pattern: [A-Z][a-z]+ If you use the -E and -x and -c switches grep will print a count of matching input lines. So if you give it one line you get a 1 or a 0. I think that's how this place works. The pattern is 11 chars, the w...

I'm not familiar with this
@Adnan I'd count it as 13 (11 bytes code + 2 bytes of flags: c, x), following these guidelines
@Optimizer A quipu is an Incan invention. It's how the Incans kept records of numbers and, with some supplemental symbols, words
My dang answer saved before I finished typing it ಠ_ಠ
Hi guys
Hello o/
@JAtkin I have beaten your Groovy answer MWAHAHAHAHA codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/67692/47581
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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