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Q: Chain reaction of bombs

AdnanIntroduction: Before the task, here is what every element does on the map: Plain land (X): This does nothing. Destroyed land (-): This is the same as plain land, but destroyed by a bomb. The active bomb (!): On a map, this will destroy everything in a 3x3 square: XXXXX ...

Yes. the last char of cp437 is "chain reaction of bombs." Thanks bot
quartata pls
@MartinBüttner I missed that one
@Adnan pls
@MartinBüttner Are you doing anything than iterating through all 5^10 possibilities?
@Adnan yes?
@quartata Hi
@NathanMerrill I'm generating all of them, and then I sort them by each string's score, which isn't implemented in a particularly efficient manner.
hmm, there must be some problem with my code then
python is faster than CJam, yes?
@NathanMerrill Python is faster than nothing
@AlexA. Don't you mean Nothing is faster than Python?
No, I do not mean that.
Oh. I actually thought that an interpreted language might be faster than optimised assembly. :-(
No. It was a joke.
123456789 987654321
Alex A.
In binary:
1 1
@ಠ_ಠ Hello, my love.
How did you just do that? I'm so confused.
AlexTha ship confirmed
@quartata So many things about this sentence confuse me
@wizzwizz4 Do what?
My cutting edge memes are wasted on you.
@wizzwizz4 Something has been copyrighted by a triangle?
Is that pl code
@AlexA. No...
It is valid pl code.
▲ ▲ ▲
The disapproving triforce
All seeing eye?
or christmas tree
Oh, Illuminati. Isn't that an Italian sports car brand?
@quartata You have discovered the truth
Whatever it is, I hear it's been confirmed.
@AlexA. And you have just obscured it.
Albeit through strange, seemingly irrelevant means.
@wizzwizz4 hmmwhat
Hey @Sherlock9, I missed the browser/OS flame war. Want to hear my opinion? :P
AlexA. 6 chars. A hexagon has six sides. Hexagon divided by 6 makes ▲. Confirmed.
@AlexA. No! You'll start it again!
nice meme
Don't do it!
@wizzwizz4 "Alex A." has 7 characters.
AlexA. has 6.
But that's not my display name
The truth of the illuminati.
Read it and weep at truth
Although, you need to read more than a few posts to actually understand it.
To start with, they tried to put down the truth
But then they lost that fight
The Illuminati has been confirmed for years. We're all just too lazy go do anything about it
Seriously, READ IT!!!.
> GOOGLE is big crap !!!! are you wonder? if you have billion of billion dollar from idiot like you you will be care about him? Sure not .
> they do crap job with the purpose.
> They are looking how to suck money from your pocket no to help you Mister!!!
Below that.
That was just a rant.
No evidence.
But evidence comes later on.
But they do crap job with the purpose.
What more evidence do you need?
What actually is good about the browser?
Q: Analyse your Chair

wizzwizz4This challenge is based on Downgoat's Adjust your chair. Challenge You just adjusted your new chair! It fits you perfectly. However, the wheel is squeaky and you know the repair people will change the adjustment. Problem is, you don't have a ruler, so you'll have to write a program to measure i...

Or, you could try eating your chair...
What is good about Chrome that other browsers fail at?
@wizzwizz4 It's faster than any other browser I've used. It has nice bookmark management. It's very configurable and has a lot of available extensions.
That said, I'm not currently using it at home.
*It's faster*
It speeds up your processor to do so, heating it up and using more power, reducing the wait between cycles.
Um, okay. Who cares
Everyone who likes the warranty, and likes being told when their CPU is being overclocked.
Or even, shock horror, being asked first.
We should move this to another room.
If you have enough RAM, it's a very good browser
And if it's throttled, it just opens another process.
^ The potato looks like a physician with headlamp.
I once set Process Tamer on Chrome, and it opened 17 processes for one tab.
Is that a good browser?
We really need to move this argument to another chat room.
Maybe a dedicated one.
Which browser do you want to use then
I'm not interested in arguing about it. You like what you like and that's fine.
IE does not sniff glue.
It's not sniffing it, it's eating it. :P
And Firefox could burn Chrome any day.
Firefox is IMHO getting worse as they are continuously remove customization options... (Still using it tough.)
Sweet Saint Ambrose, it's starting again
I use Safari because it works well on my Mac and I don't care
@wizzwizz4 Alex has already said he doesn't want to discuss it. Don't pick fights
We need a new chat room for this debate! It's clogging up the 19th byte.
Shut up, toilet seat!
@wizzwizz4 Why would we do that?
@flawr Haha what?
I've never heard "toilet seat" used as an insult.
@Sherlock9 I was trying to make a joke about the image, where Chrome is grabbing Firefox's fire.
His avatar icon is a toilet seat.
It is not an insult, just a fact.
No it's not. It's a beard on a Gravatar "no image" thing.
@Sherlock9 Do you investigate things, Sherlock? Are you the nineth of your kind?
@wizzwizz4 not the comment on the image. I mean much of the stuff before it
Literally, what my username is, is my favorite character and one of my favorite numbers
@flawr Toilet Volkswagen?
I try to investigate stuff, but it never works out as well as Sherlock Holmes
@Sherlock9 What do you like to investigate?
For one thing, I'm not very observant
This year? Code mostly :)
Just use a screen recorder.
That's all the stuff you'll ever need to observe.
I find that I miss large chunks of IRL events
Just drop events out of my head
@flawr What a glorious instrument!
But I like to investigate writing. And math.
Look at the size of that tool!
Are you a student?
Are you?
Yep. Second year of uni
Nice! What's your major?
@Adnan Who
Computer Science!
@AlexA. The Doctor
@Sherlock9 Good choice. :) I wish I had taken computer science in school. I think I would have enjoyed it.
I think I'm the youngest person here.
I was actually in Communications for a semester because there was some emphasis on writing in the promotional material. That semester bored me out of my mind. Moved to Computer Science soon after
@wizzwizz4 I'll be honest. That does not surprise me
@wizzwizz4 Maybe in the room right now, but probably not among all active 19th Byte chatters.
@wizzwizz4 What age?
@AlexA. It's alright so far. Teaching is in the execution, not as much the material, and the execution has been up and down
@Adnan I won't be specific, but very close to 13.
So... 13?
very close to 13
Could be 14.
The limit of 13 is 13
Or, 100. I never said how close.
@Sherlock9 I'm guessing you're 18 or 19?
Or 20
@wizzwizz4 Per the Stack Exchange terms of service, 13 is the minimum age at which one can have an account. Are you under 13?
Get rekt
Took a gap year and ended up teaching
If I were, I wouldn't be using the site. :-D
@Sherlock9 Teaching math?
And physics, oddly enough
For high school students, oddly enough
Well, I say high school, but I'm lumping 7-12
@wizzwizz4 That's good. Granted, we have had users who admitted to being under 13.
They were... taken care of.
Math 8, Physics 10 and 11
@Adnan What age are you?
I don't really like physics
@AlexA. I didn't notice a requirement to put your real name in the TOS though.
I also don't like physics. Well, I like it in theory but not in practice.
I do to an extent, but I discovered that I should probably learn a lot more about it before I teach it again
I like abstract stuff like puzzles. It's why I'm in this chat and not Code Review, for example
@wizzwizz4 Uh, okay. No one said you had to put your real name...
Same with math, really
I don't really like the theory, but I do like experiments etc.
I do like math
I hope those poor 8th graders have forgiven me for that year :'(
I worked in a physics lab doing optics stuff for a while.
That was kind of neat but not really what I wanted to be doing.
Simulations were fun though :D
... Well they're in 10th grade now, so they probably have
Math is lots of fun
@Sherlock9 Their grudge runs deep. You'll get angry mail from them in about 40 years.
@flawr hahaha was the original spelling on purpose? XD
@AlexA. I have the same about math
@AlexA Oh good, I have till 2055 before I should really start running
I really like math, but I don't think that is what I want to be doing
@AlexA. I woud never do anything like that on purpose.
Suuuuuuure :P
I'll be 60 at that point, so running will be tough
Math, not even once
Oh heck, it's almost 3
Goodnight and Merry Christmas everyone
Merry Christmas to you as well!
@flawr That looks like APL code :D
@flawr That should be ==2U, I think
At least in Julia, = is assignment, == is equality, === is same
==== is syntax error
I know there's something about ===== . =====
But I don't know what
@flawr Super syntax error
Very not assignment
Cryptic syntax error
> ERROR: syntax: "++" is not a unary operator
Cryptic because ++ isn't any other kind of operator either
@El'endiaStarman ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@AlexA. lolwat
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ++ isn't a thing in Julia
Incrementing is done explicitly with i += 1
If language X has no dedicated symbol for increment, I will avoid language X if at all possible >_<
R doesn't either. In R it's even worse because there's no modified assignment either. You have to do i <- i + 1
(or i=i+1 if you're golfing)
Matlab too.
ಠ_ಠ to R and Matlab
Octave <3
In Mathematica it's probably something like IncrementVariableByAmount[i,1]
xi overline overbar underline divided by itself
The upper is first overlined, and then underlined, in contrast to the under one.
meh. close enough
@ Wrong - How is this a copy? I saw you did mark it so.
You need at least 3 characters of a name to ping
It's the traveling salesman problem, which has already been done
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ This pinged me
@Ampora This did not
But it has an additional part, a stop at int points.
It is correct here...
Oh here we have the beauty=)
Also @FlagAsSpam If you want to discuss why you did want to mark it as a copy, I wouldn't mind knowing why.
Duplicate is not the same as copy
@AlexA. Why was that question marked as a duplicate?
@Ampora That is an ambigram.
hey look it's @Ampora/@EEEEEEridan's sock!
if this rep changes is going to happen, it'll dramatically change my rep score
@NathanMerrill to what?
Q: Parenthesize an expression

DowngoatRecently I've been writing a new language, to avoid needing to handle order of operations, I simply parenthesize each expression properly to avoid this entirely. Because they are only 10 numbers in base-10, your code will need to be as short as possible. Examples 1+2*3 (1+(2*3)) 2*(3+4) (2...

not completely sure
as I haven't counted all of the down/up votes
but I have 44 answer votes
and 467 net score on my questions
meaning that about 80% of my rep comes from questions
isn't there a data query to calculate this?
probably, I was just running some JQuery on pages to sum up my scores
"the real war on Christmas is being led by Santa"; I've known this for years. — PyRulez yesterday
@NathanMerrill jQuery.... ಠ_ಠ
its easily the quickest way for me to get the data I want
SO's SQL queries are great, but it takes a bit of time to get them working
You can replace most jQuery constructs with builtin DOM requests.
$("#...") is the same as document.getElementById("...")
but jquery is shorter
$("exp exp exp") is the same as document.querySelector("exp exp exp")
@Maltysen ಠ_ಠ that's lazy programming.
document.querySelector is 22 characters!
do you know how much typing that is?
@Maltysen Increase you WPM.
Or use a text editor which autocompletes it for you.
Or copy-paste it, if you must, as you most likely did with the script to include jQuery ಠ_ಠ
laziness is seriously the only reason I actually use jquery. Once I reach the point in a project that I have to use DOM functions more than once, I inlcude jquery
jQuery should not be used for mere shortening of code. It is too slow for that!
@Maltysen ಠ_ಠ
@wizzwizz4 Thank you!
Whenever somebody posts a jQuery solution to a sane JavaScript question on Stack Overflow, I just think of "Too much jQuery".
By the way, does anyone have a link to Too much jQuery?
Q: Add two variables using jquery

X10nDvar a = 1; var b = 2; var c = a+b; c will show as 12; but I need 3 How do I do it using jQuery?

@flawr That's not the one I mean. I mean the one where somebody asks something like "how do I add 2 numbers together" and there were 3 answers.
1. `Use jQuery for that`
2. `You can do that using [...]` some jQuery command
3. `Use the + operator for that`

This last one was downvoted a lot and had 2 comments, one of which was
`-1 not enough jQuery`
It's an image. I believe the question no longer exists in that state.
It never did.
@Dennis That wasn't a real question?!?
The question was real, but the image is doctored.
Thanks @Dennis. That one never fails to make me laugh.
Do you know who made it?
I think it was Jeff Atwood.
We should make a new one.
Just something even more stupid.
Maybe we could create a challenge for that!
Just... no... more... jQuery.
Resurrections happen this time of the year.
except not until easter
Religious itch.
> flag this message as spam, inappropriate, or offensive
We are safe, El'endiaStarman is not here.
Well ya got me.
Better now?=)
Q: Numerology Calculator

F. HauriThe goal of this is to compute one kind of numerology digit from strings containing characters and numbers. The input may be submited as you want (standard input, arguments, separated file). The input may contain near any writable chars, but only alphabetical (26 letters from a to z) and number...

> but only just.
Because it was basically a multistage of the same question. :P
Merry Christmas Eve & Merry Christmas :)
merry Christmas!
Merry Hatmas!
A: The Complement Cat

SeadrusJavaScript ES5 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if we're splitting hairs at versions... alert((q='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')+q['to'+eval('\'\\x'+'aaaaa'.length+'aaaaa'.length+'\'')+'pper'+eval('\'\\x'+'abcd'.length+'efg'.length+'\'')+'ase']()+'\t<>;{}\'.,!~'+''.constructor['from~har~ode'.replace(/~/g,eval('\'\\x'+'...

two days until this wins
@MartinBüttner Reverse character classes would be useful for example, rd would expand to 9876543210
(For retina transliteration mode)
@Downgoat -1 for using jQuery. +1 for answering the question.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'm pretty sure that's a loophole
@BlockCoder1392 o_o I must be tired. Of course it's a loophole.
I am tired, I have no idea
@MartinBüttner @Dennis @AlexA. Is JavaScript ES6 different from JavaScript ES5?
@TheNumberOne oh, that's a neat idea
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ It's a different version, but it's the same language.
@Dennis okay ,thanks
@TheNumberOne would you mind commenting with that on the github issue?
In es6 there is fat arrow funtion
eg a=function(){alert("foo bar baz quux")} becomes a=()=>{alert("foo bar baz quux")}
and also "hello!" + hellow + "." can become `hello${hellow}.`

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