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Aaand that game was 3-3.
Q: Is the number divisible by 7?

JojodmoGiven an integer input, write a program that prints a truthy value to STDOUT or equivalent if the input is divisible by seven. Sounds simple enough, right? There's a catch - you can only use subtraction and multiplication. No other operators or built-in math functions are allowed. Hint there is...

This question has easily gotten the most downvotes I've seen in a long time
@El'endiaStarman Wheres the challenge? I want to post my randbot
@BlockCoder1392 I think I'll be posting it soon.
boring challenge + arbitrary restricted source to cover up "loopholes" = recipe for disaster. Always
I've seen it too many times. People will find a way around it, and the challenge becomes boring again.
Not to mention the restricted source doesn't add anything interesting anyways
What about a task where given a natural number that encodes a vector of integers in [encoding to be finalized], you need to generate said vector?
I'm thinking maybe I should add a "disclaimer" about this to the tag wiki
It would likely wind up including prime factorization of arbitrarily large numbers as a subset of the task
I've been seeing more challenges like this lately.
@quartata Yeah. I'm actually pretty impressed. Haha
I've seen worse though
That palindrome hello world challenge had about -14
@quartata My two least favorite tags are and .
Do I need to add a winning condition for the Spacewar! KotH?
@quartata It's at 9
@El'endiaStarman Yes or else it's off topic
How should I deal with rock-paper-scissors situations?
@BlockCoder1392 It USED to.
Q: Is my name official?

AdnanIntroduction As ToonAlfrink says: "Me thinks there aren't enough easy questions on here that beginners can attempt!". So the task is very simple. Given a string, output a truthy or falsy value whether the name is official or not. When is a name official? If the first letter is capitalized (no...

That's better.
I forgot tag wikis were a thing :P
I killed chat again. Oops.
@quintopia did you figure out the associativity thing?
@Doorknob冰 Look, I did a thing!
@AlexA. eek Julia
@quartata ಠ_ಠ
The "thing" of which I speak is related to vim (specifically Neovim, which @Doorknob冰 needs to try), not Julia.
@isaacg how do you define associativity for functions that aren't closed over the domain? (Like the addition over 0..2 example)
I can compute (0+2)+2 from the table, but not 0+(2+2)
I thought about this some more earlier and came to the conclusion that associativity requires closure, and closure + commutativity implies associativity, but seeing that example I'm not so sure.
Are there any standard/sensible ways to compare/order normal distributions?
Ways that utilize both mean and standard deviation, that is.
I want to reward both quality and consistency.
Uh, sort descending by mean, ascending variance?
That's what I thought first too.
I meant the opposite of what I said
Largest mean, smallest variance first
Unless big mean is a bad thing
Then ascending both
That's what I meant. :P
Big mean is good, small variance is good.
I guess that's good enough.
mean minus a constant times stdev
mean minus a constant times stdev
mean minus a constant times stdev
Let me break the combo before it goes any further...
stdev times constant a minus mean
that was weird
I guess, really, my main concern is that a bot have only a slightly higher mean but huge variance, and that would beat a bot with a slightly lower mean but little variance.
@xnor Looks like you BearMonkey'd yourself
I guess I can just say "subject to tweaking", but I'm not sure people would like that.
@El'endiaStarman Instant -12!
just now eek
I hope not...
I don't think you'll have to worry about that ;)
@AlexA. Yeah yeah I get it you like Neovim :P
> For every bot, the ratios (wins+1)/(losses+1) will be calculated, then the mean and standard deviation of these ratios will be calculated. A higher mean will have priority, and in case means are within 1 unit of each other, the lower variance will have priority.
@Doorknob冰 (look at what I wrote though--I API'd you, and look at what's behind the background)
I think that should do.
@El'endiaStarman yas
@AlexA. Surely you mean the opposite of opaque?
Not transparent, either
I would probably have said translucent
When in doubt, no adjective at all
Er... this is embarrassing... but
A: "Hello, World!"

DennisDeadfish~, 1 byte w Hooray for built-ins.

I don't think this qualifies as a programming language...
I don't see how you could add two numbers or do a primality test with just one accumulator.
In fact
Congratulations! -- I'm afraid this answer might be invalid. With a single accumulator, I don't see how addition (let alone primality testing) could be implemented in Deadfish~. — Dennis ♦ Sep 7 at 16:54
(from TPLQ)
I left a comment
I guess Dennis is human after all. What a disappointment.
@AlexA. /me is cloning neovim/neovim
@Doorknob冰 :D
/you is will like it
CRLFs? Yeccchhh.
What is this, Windows chat? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Get those filthy CRLFs outta here.
@BlockCoder1392 ew
I forgot CRLF was even a thing
Three days ago the hotel wifi had 2mbps. Now I'm cloning neovim at 150kbps -_-
@Doorknob冰 wer r u
Y'know, free WiFi at the hotel is a pretty recent thing.
Is your family on a vacation without inviting me? D:
@Doorknob冰 Jeez and I thought my internet was bad
@AlexA. Somewhere in the Caribbean
@quartata My internet at home is pretty consistently around 200kbps (download, at least).
@Doorknob冰 That sounds wonderful. Sure wish I would have been notified like I usually am.
@Doorknob冰 when did your vacation start? Today was our last day of school
@Doorknob冰 Me too. :/
@AlexA. It's okay just fly over here. That's how birds work, right?
Yes it is
@Maltysen Last exam was last Thursday
3000+ miles is a bit of a distance to fly.
Though some birds do do that. Alex is not one of them.
10/10 bird anatomy
@El'endiaStarman How do you know?
Birds can also ride in airplanes, you know. :P
> right
You uttered that word forbidden to you. o_o
@El'endiaStarman Depends on if he's an African or European swallow.
@Doorknob冰 I thought that was all about weight, not distance.
@El'endiaStarman "How do you know so much about swallows?" :P
@El'endiaStarman it's hard to type with wings
@Doorknob冰 i am not swallow
@AlexA. I see now why that's a good idea - I'm going to attempt to change the challenge so it actually make sense, which will most likely invalidate most (if not all) questions... Most of them are invalid anyways, though — Jojodmo 7 mins ago
@AlexA. ono how dus eatz
@AlexA. Why bother
@Doorknob冰 poot ma food in ma mowf
> [1,2] + [3,4]
> "1,23,4"
....JavaScript, why.
I have no idea how this happened, but somehow build-essential got uninstalled on my system (taking g++, etc. with it)
So now I need to reinstall build-essential over a very slow connection
before I can make NeoVim
@El'endiaStarman implementing it still looks like a beast
A: Should answers to fixed-output challenges be written in a programming language?

Ilmari KaronenI don't think we should generally disallow solutions written in non-programming languages: They are only an issue for a minor subset of challenges (mainly kolmogorov-complexity or quine challenges). Challenge authors can already exclude such solutions, if they don't want them. Individual voter...

@NathanMerrill Oh, heh, it was a bit more involved than I expected. But not terrible!
@El'endiaStarman Have you seen "wat"? If not, you should :P
@Doorknob冰 Yes, I have. :D
Several times.
@Doorknob冰 is thas a falm
@Dennis oic
make[4]: libtool: Command not found
what in the...
What happened to your system? :O
So apropos.
@El'endiaStarman Spacewar is live? :D :D
Okay, so apparently build-essential and a few other packages died in a dist-upgrade accident about 4 days ago
@Doorknob冰 Rest in peace
@Doorknob冰 Yes, it is! :D
Q: King of the Hill - Spacewar!

El'endia StarmanIf you've ever played Spacewar!, you know it was a fun game. If you haven't, know this: it was (and is) one of the very first and most important computer games. And it's still fun! The clone I grew up on is this one, which is, apparently and unfortunately, Windows only. So I recreated it! The Ko...

@BlockCoder1392 It has now been posted!
autoconf and automake also seem to have perished somewhere
Might as well wipe your harddrive and start over
Never fear, apt/history.log is here

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