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I'm interested in hearing feedback on how else it could be improved before reopening
tfw accidentally close tab with query
I'm not sure there's much value in requiring same-user submissions be more than an hour apart.
@Mego i don't think this change helps anything
the last person to post can get the highest score
Err... should queries normally take this long? I mean, I know there's a lot of answers and all.
@xnor How do you figure?
But it's been... a while.
Q: ASCII clock with dot & comma time markers

KrzysiuThis is my first time here :) There were many CG with clock, but I hope this one is not a duplicate. Input Current time represented as intminutes since midnight. Expected results Imagine that line of chars is in fact two rows. Upper row - dots - represents hours (24 hour system), while low...

@quartata No, usually queries take seconds at most.
@El'endiaStarman Hrmph
@Mego I'm still imagining there to be a ridiculous number of languages that can output a number literal
maybe it would turn into a contest of finding more and more obscure ones
SELECT * FROM Posts WHERE Body LIKE '<h%byte%';
Any idea why this would take so long?
@Mego more generally, if some languages output 52 in 2 bytes, then by the time it gets to 62, it will be really easy to output that in 11 bytes and beat it
it reminds me of the silly "be the last to post" forum game
@quartata Perhaps returning all of the answers...
Try doing a COUNT.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Posts WHERE Body LIKE '<h%byte%' OR Body LIKE '<h%char%';
Oh, no wonder.
This is all the answers that HAVE that.
I want the opposite...
I'm stupid.
@xnor I don't see why that's such an issue. It incentivizes people to continue to post answers.
38578? That still seems high....
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Posts WHERE Body NOT LIKE '<h%byte%' AND Body NOT LIKE '<h%char%';
Well, the format we have now was certainly not around from the beginning.
@Mego Yeah, that's what I'm using.
There's only 48985 posts on PPCG so I don't understand what's happening
And now I just did that query again and only got 23913
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Posts WHERE Body NOT LIKE '<h%byte%' AND Body NOT LIKE '<h%char%' AND PostTypeId = 2;
Gives me 19393
Can't be right.
Maybe it isn't in HTML.
@NewMainPosts that was really great actually :)
SELECT * FROM Posts WHERE Id=67447;
returns nothing
This is when I know I'm getting trolled.
Perhaps part of the issue is that Posts doesn't just refer to questions and answers.
fan-hat-ics for everyone!
I'm only a few days from the Fanatic badge on PPCG...
I had to break my >400 day streak this summer... I stopped bothering then :D
@El'endiaStarman Me too.
I'll get it on Christmas
@El'endiaStarman I have 26 days to go :(
Q: Help Trump build the wall!

J AtkinTrump needs the wall constructed and you are going to do it! To most efficiently build my wall I have created a simple, repeatable pattern for you to use: __ __ | |_| | ___| |___ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ——————————————— I will tell you how many wa...

@SuperJedi224 I have 26 to go on computer graphics.
A: "Hello, World!"

F. HauriLinux - shell 85 This work on all GNU/Linux distribution I've tried (Debian, Ubuntu, Centos, Fedora) zgrep vivs /usr/sh*/man/*/dhcp-o*s.5.gz|sed 'yywyWy;s/ /, /g;s/^.*"\(.*\)".*$/\1/p;d'

what is this
Very likely not golfed
It's the weirdest thing I have ever seen
@quartata not a "duplicate answer," that's for sure
@Doorknob冰 But we already have a shell answer
Either way it's something weird. I really don't understand it
@quartata So?
So generally on these catalogs we shouldn't have longer answers in already done languages
Especially ones that seem to do very strange things
Oh, it's a catalog
Yeah. It's Hello, World!
Well, /usr/sh*/man/*/dhcp-o*s.5.gz expands to /usr/share/man/man5/dhcp-options.5.gz
@quartata The only differences between a catalog Q and a regular Q are that no answer is accepted, and any language can be used (so long as it meets our requirements)
And then,
llama@llama:~$ zgrep vivs /usr/share/man/man5/dhcp-options.5.gz
.B option \fBvivso\fR \fIstring\fR\fB;\fR
The \fBvivso\fR option can contain multiple separate options, one for
option vivso
option vendor.ISC code 2495 = encapsulate vivso-sample;
option vivso-sample.sample "Hello world!";
I'm assuming the sed magic extracts that Hello world! string
So it does the wrong spelling.
^ that is an issue
Either way I'm scared to run it
It changes it to the right spelling
It does?
OK I'll give him this
Look at the sed command
ex. s/ /, /
It's the strangest Hello World I've ever seen
It does all the necessary changes
I ran it, and it works, and this is actually amazing
OK I feel bad for downvoting
What should we do with it?
There is an obfuscated Hello, World challenge
Maybe it's good for that challenge
Can mods move answers?
I think this may just have been my favourite golf this month:
A: ASCII clock with dot & comma time markers

Martin BüttnerCJam, 22 20 19 bytes Takes input from STDIN: ri60md]',`.*:.{;K+} Test it here. Explanation ri e# Read input and convert to integer. 60md e# Divmod 60, pushes hours H and minutes M on the stack. ] e# Wrap in an array. ',` e# Push the string representation of the comma character...

@quartata no, only devs can
mods can only merge questions entirely.
Where is everyone?
I don't really hate Comic Sans, I only wished it never existed
WAT. D: D:
lol wat
lol u mad?
No, what makes you think that?
@isaacg bye
Hi again
I proudly present to you:
A: "Hello, World!"

Adnan05AB1E, 14 bytes I proudly present to you, 05AB1E "Hello, World! This looks a lot like Pyth, however, this is some kind of bug(?). I'll just keep it in, until it causes some real problems :).

TIL Grace Note (SE community manager) plays NetHack
Don't tell Doorknob
@Adnan That sounds like hating it..
@quartata Yeah I do haha
Mostly because it's overused
You hurt his feelings
You're gonna have a bad time
"hello" is dominating te starboard
Real talk here: stop starring random shit please
It has lost all humor value. Sorry :/
lol u mad
the deed is done
@Adnan fite me
u wot m8
Nah dawg that be how we spell in da hood yo
Spelling gud
@quartata *in the onion game-of-life hood
Krts type blinfgolfrf
(Lets type blindfolded)
Lol that substring "golf"
I had a solution for the Catalan challenge
but I lost it
@quartata Why shouldn't we tell @Doorknob冰 that Grace Note plays his all-time favorite game?
<automated response> What?
(turning my bot off)
Rip good flag streak
@quartata That is not an appropriate reaction to having a declined flag
@AlexA. Because then he'll go crazy and start spamming her with nethack junk, which will result in her suspending Doorknob and nuking PPCG
@AlexA. What can I say I found it on the profile of someone on Meta SE
@RikerW Do you realize that since my username is not "Wrong" (and I have no intention of changing it to that), pings like this won't actually get to me?
On a similar note, Martin won't receive that ping because you put a space after the @.
@quartata I do not think this will happen. But just in case, let's find out.
Hey @Doorknob冰, Grace Note plays Nethack!
@AlexA. no it's too risky
Maybe I should be doing the opposite: Telling Grace Note that @Doorknob冰 plays Nethack.
I haven't even been trying to get hats how in the world do I have 14 of them
I've got 14 now as well
@AlexA. I know
@Doorknob冰 @quartata HE KNOWS
@NewMainPosts The second Trump themed challenge.
I'm offensive and I find this Trump
@AlexA. oh noes
Oh nose
Anatomically, a nose is a protuberance in vertebrates that houses the nostrils, or nares, which admit and expel air for respiration in conjunction with the mouth. Behind the nose are the olfactory mucosa and the sinuses. Behind the nasal cavity, air next passes through the pharynx, shared with the digestive system, and then into the rest of the respiratory system. In humans, the nose is located centrally on the face and serves as an alternative respiratory passage especially during suckling for infants. On most other mammals, it is located on the upper tip of the snout. == Air conditioning == The...
@quartata Oh good, I wasn't sure what a nose is
By the way, does anyone here know how to suppress Perl's experimental feature messages?
You can easily suppress the messages by not using experimental features. Even better: don't use Perl.
I can't remember and I am too lazy to read the manpage
woohoo tied for 2nd in hats network-wide
@Doorknob冰 :O
Who is first?
Also nice work!
Quill (duh)
I am 1 hat behind
Why duh? I had no idea
How many hats does have?
because he literally changed his username to "HAT MANIAC" :P
Well yeah but who cares about him? He's from Code Review.
CR Scrubs
Anyway, I would have 007 but someone on Stack Overflow decided to ruin it by commenting on the question before the script to award me the hat was run
I am also somehow tied for 4th on Meta Stack Exchange without even trying
@AlexA. wat
@Doorknob冰 First Google Images result for cr scrubs
... okay
I have 8 challenges fully written, ready to post. Watdo?
... all at once?
Be our Calvin
Since @Calvin'sHobbies isn't giving us 10 Q/day as promised.
I should write two more and then singlehandedly graduate PPCG :P
@Doorknob冰 Do that
@Doorknob冰 Don't! Wait until the first.
More reasonably, I could use these 8 challenges as a "buffer" and then commit to posting 3-4 challenges a week or so
48 secs ago, by Alex A.
@Doorknob冰 Do that
I wonder how long that could last
I'm going to go write a question.
Do we have a challenge for iterated quines?
3 mins ago, by Alex A.
@Doorknob冰 Do that
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Presumably several. not sure about polyglots though.
@quintopia \o/ cool!
Q: Golf a mutual quine

dan04Using two languages of your choice, write the smallest “mutual quine” you can. That is, write a program P in language A that outputs the source code for a program Q in language B, such that the output of program Q is identical to the source code for P. Empty files don't count, nor do "read the ...

that's for a cycle of two
i'm planning on posting one soon with a cycle of 12
Cycle of N FTW
oh darn
I was looking for "highest N" :(
Am I the only one who thinks quines just aren't that interesting?
Only interesting in a restricted source
Restricted source is the other tag I don't like :P
Brainf*** quines are interesting. JavaScript ones are not.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ... I'm not sure how you combine something uninteresting with something even more uninteresting and somehow manage to make it interesting
Finding a quine is interesting.
Quine-related challenges usually aren't.
They're usually trivial adaptations from the shortest quine.
Now there are so many carets I have no idea who's agreeing with what
i think iterated quine challenges can be interesting
@AlexA. and this is why SE chat needs up/downvotes
or just use stars
@quintopia stars don't serve the same purpose
also don't forget we had a challenge that turns a transcript into votes based on carets
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴIterated Quine Polyglot quine polyglot code-challenge http://esolangs.org/wiki/Iterating_quine For our purposes, an iterated quine polyglot is a series of prgorms P1, P2, ... PN made so that running program PK results in the source code of PK+1, for all 1 ≤ K < N. All programs must be a valid ...

so pick any response to that and run it on the current chat if you get confused
> star this message as useful / interesting for the transcript
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ lal as if that's what people use stars for in here :P
@AlexA. An example of a message I would use the upvote button on
(but not star)
Anyone else get a ton of flags?
I only saw two chat flags just now.
I got 8
FanHATtic is mine.
@isaacg Well look at you, Mr. Flaggy Pants. :P
Nah. It just means that I'm in the room.

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