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Should one use quotes with echo when the message won't contain anything weird?
It's always good to assume the message will contain something weird
So technically the maximum-safety method is printf '%s\n' "$str" but that's probably overkill
@AlexA. echo without quotes might not preserve anything in IFS as you'd like it to.
I don't know what IFS is
dennis-home:~$ a=$'four    spaces and a\n newline'
dennis-home:~$ echo "$a"
four    spaces and a
dennis-home:~$ echo $a
four spaces and a newline
@AlexA. input field separator
Oh, okay
@AlexA. The internal field separator. By default, ASCII whitespace
Happened to get something very close to the Orion constellation! :D
wow, such helpfulness, very moderate, amaze.
@El'endiaStarman 10/10
For comparison:
@phase Offsets in what sense? Are sprite animations not simply put into one strip/image?
@El'endiaStarman They are stored uncompressed in the ROM as numbers which correspond with that number in the palette for that sprite.
I also just discovered a "jog" animation which lasts for 1 frame and is between standing still and running.
What's the post length limit? 30k?
@Doorknob冰 Äye
sadly sits here with 400k bytes of data that I want to use in a challenge
Did you try golfing it?
A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

Rohit// somedev1 - 6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Login screen // somedev2 - 5/22/07 Temporary my ass

@mınxomaτ Hahahahaha
@mınxomaτ Ah, I actually LOL'd the first time I read that. Too bad I was supposed to be working...
@Dennis If you can't lol at work, you work at the wrong place :)
Not a true story. Right question, wrong answer.
@Dennis Hah, I did that multiple times yesterday.
Ah, the joys of coding in C:
A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

John Chuckran// If this comment is removed the program will blow up

A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

sharkin// I dedicate all this code, all my work, to my wife, Darlene, who will // have to support me and our three children and the dog once it gets // released into the public.

Why will the dog be released to the public? — Nosredna Jun 11 '09 at 18:53
That comment had me laughing so hard at work I disrupted my coworkers in our shared office
A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

Sergey Kornilov// sometimes I believe compiler ignores all my comments

My other favorite
I do wonder if this is actually true:
A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

ealfFrom the 2004 Windows leak, __inline BOOL SearchOneDirectory( IN LPSTR Directory, IN LPSTR FileToFind, IN LPSTR SourceFullName, IN LPSTR SourceFilePart, OUT PBOOL FoundInTree ) { /...

I believe it :D
@quartata When do we get to see pl in action?
git problem here: I have Spacewar/static/Spacewar/*.js in my .gitignore, but I'm seeing stuff like Spacewar/static/Spacewar/main.js when I do git status.
Had you git added them before you put them in the .gitignore?
They're in the untracked files section.
I'm... not sure.
Excluding specific files in that sub-sub-sub-directory doesn't seem to work either.
Is it possible for two .gitignores to interfere with each other?
I do have one in that sub*3-directory.
With these two lines:
I haven't seen multiple .gitignores in a single project (not to say it can't or shouldn't be done, I just haven't personally seen it)
is Spacewar the base directory?
Play is, actually.
So it's Play/Spaceware/static/...?
Play is the central Django project, Spacewar is a Django app.
I have a git repo in Play to push changes in any sub directories to the Webfaction server.
And the .gitignore you mentioned is in Play?
The inner git repo is for pushing JS files to the corresponding GitHub repo.
Is Play a repo?
So you have nested projects?
Are the nested ones git submodules?
Probably not since I don't know what those are.
> A submodule allows you to keep another Git repository in a subdirectory of your repository. The other repository has its own history, which does not interfere with the history of the current repository. This can be used to have external dependencies such as third party libraries for example.
I should probably do that.
I would think so, otherwise I don't know how Git would be able to differentiate between the nested projects
Well, looks like submodules really should be added at the beginning...
Also, I can't seem to find anything that actually directly pertains to my situation.
What's the deal with needing to use URLs when the git repo is on my computer?
git is scary.
<link to xkcd about git>
(you've all seen it and I don't care enough to go find it)
"Fixed" it by ignoring the directory and un-ignoring one file.
Huh. Okay
Anyway, there are now visual indicators of what actions are being performed.
So you can really see how truly spastic RighthandedSpasms is. :P
vim users: The vimux plugin seems to do nothing for me. Does it work for anyone else?
Eh. Looks like it has to be a vim instance within tmux. Nevermind. :/
MMKOTH idea: have spaceships like Spacewar!, but where the only method of attack is ramming the other ships from the side or from behind. I.e., using the same ship-vs-ship collision system. It'd be like every ship is both prey and predator.
Hey guys! Blue is now the userbot, and you can edit its code!
....shoot. You can't add newlines because the enter key is gobbled by the game...
All fixed! :D
@Doorknob冰 haha thanks :D
Q: Permutations of Input

Codefun64Myself and a friend were in the cafeteria of a community college we went to, trying to figure out a word puzzle. The puzzle on his mobile device asked that he find a three-letter word that used only five letters that we were given. Certainly there were multiple three-letter words, but we had to f...

How many negative users are there?
There's @Community and @NewMainPosts...
IIRC all feed bots are negative users. So I think NewSandboxPosts should be another one.
@El'endiaStarman But do they only exist on chat.stackexchange.com or do they exist on, say, codegolf.stackexchange.com
I don't know.
Aaand at 4 AM, I really ought to get to bed...
At 9 AM, I really ought to get out of bed...
You can always make a joke out of time boundaries.
Or whatever they're called...
Time zones.
Okay, g'night! (Or g'morning, if you prefer...)
Q: Map a random number to pi

Stewie GriffinThe first 50 digits of pi are: 31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 Now, a double precision representation can only guarantee an accuracy of 15 decimal places, thus pi is approximated as: 3.141592653589793 You can see that the digit 3 is in positions 1, 10, 16, the digit 1 is ...

Q: How long was I here again?

EumelThis is my first challenge, please go easy on me. I am a member here for a bit over a month now and I would have expected for the date to wrap to 1 month. But it doesn´t so now its your job to impment this. Rules: starting with hours from the joining date to now. first wrapping happens when y...

I just got the hat Odinson, which is secret. Anyone know how I got it?
did u check the secret hat page?
you know these are not that secret at all
Well, what they're saying there doesn't line up with what I saw. They said that closing the question as a duplicate with the gold badge shouldn't have been enough on its own - it also requires someone else to flag it or vote to close. But that doesn't line up with what happened.
@isaacg I think one theory was also to be close vote (without gold) before someone dupe hammers it.
I just got a new secret hat o.O
as did two others
@aditsu multiset difference would also be a useful operator
Ooh, are we doing CJam requests?
mf for negative numbers to include -1 and the prime factors of the absolute value.
I suppose we could just open some tickets
I might still have my SF password written down somewhere.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

xnorJuggling without collisions code-golf Determine if a siteswap juggling pattern is valid, meaning that no two balls land on the same beat. Fewest bytes wins. Input: A non-empty list of positive integers. Output: A consistent Truthy value for valid or Falsey value for invalid. Siteswap is a n...

@aditsu sorry for the flood of tickets... the ideas have been piling up a bit ^^
@xnor you juggle? :)
kind-of, i used to
got stuck at learning 5 balls
i take it you juggle from your challenge?
about the same as you apparently :D
I only juggle very rarely these days, but it's not like you really unlearn it.
did you learn any weird siteswaps?
I also got stuck on 5 ball cascade and 4 ball mill's mess. (I could do about 10-20 catches on a good day for each of them, but never got beyond that)
i haven't seen 4 ball mills mess, lemme look it up
@xnor I did some learn some weird patterns, but I don't think there were any particularly weird siteswaps. I never figured out how to do 531 for example.
yeah likewise
I also did some passing with friends every now and then. we did some fairly weird patterns there.
wow, four-ball mills mess looks nifty, that might motivate to pick up juggling again to learn it
do you know 3-ball MM?
the 4-ball pattern is a nice illusion, it really feels like the balls change hands
yeah, it's exactly the same hand movement, but the siteswap is that of a 4-ball fountain.
Why am I not surprised people on this site are jugglers :)
@xnor other things I never figured out properly were 3 in one hand and 4-ball shower.
(or counter-clockwise shower)
same for me
i had tried doing 3 balls in one hand for a while to try to get the speed needed for 5 balls, but didn't have the consistency
and 4 ball shower was just too fast
@MartinBüttner Could you enter Room 27364 (esolangs) please?
I'm in there (pretty much always)
Could you open the page?
what page?
The Chat page
It says you are in the chat room but not currently active.
@wizzwizz4 it's just because I haven't talked in a while. in fact, even if I'm not in that room, if you ping me in there (like you did) I'll get a notification.
@xnor do you need a reference implementation to generate test cases for the bacteria? goo.gl/wugWEJ
1 hour later…
I seem to be having some trouble with exec and eval in Python 3.5.1
def summing(n):
    total=num=0;exec('total+=num;num+=1;'*n);return total,num
It always returns (0, 0) and I have no idea why
Replace exec with eval and I get a SyntaxError
Is it IDLE? Should I stop using IDLE?
eval is for a single expression apparently
A: What's the difference between eval, exec, and compile in Python?

Antti HaapalaThe short answer, or TL;DR eval and exec have 2 differences: eval returns the value that is returned by the evaluated byte code / the resulting value of the evaluated expression. exec ignores the return value and always returns None (in Python 2 it is a statement and cannot be used as an expr...

@Sherlock9 A better algorithm is:
def summing(n):
    return (n*(n+1)/2),n
I was making a test function because the last I asked this question, it was about my dang golfed Bernoulli numbers answer
But thanks for your input @wizzwizz4
@MartinBüttner And thank you very much. That cleared up a bunch of stuff
One day I will learn how to write scientific/mathematical code in the same maintainable and debuggable way I write any other ccode.
Today is not that day.
Mathematicians don't generally write papers that are easily debugged :P
By the way, how do you cram code into a single comment?
@wizzwizz4 Question closed as too broad :P
@wizzwizz4 if it doesn't fit, put it in a pastebin
(or permalink of the relevant interpreter, if that exists)
Oh that's what you mean
Pardon my sarcasm
I mean in chat.
@Sherlock9 I don't know... when I have some complicated number-crunching to do, the only option I see is to type out the entire algorithm, hope it works, and if it doesn't, painstakingly scrutinise every single detail. because often the intermediate results don't have any meaning such that you could validate them. and if there is no reference implementation to compare with...
@wizzwizz4 shift-enter for a linebreak, then ctrl+k when you're done for monospacing
@MartinBüttner :-D
Shift-enter, not Ctrl-enter!
@MartinBüttner That's how I feel in most math tests :D
I don't really have an answer for you, not even after years as a math geek
And thanks for the ctrl-k tip. Didn't know that till now
I wrote 300 lines of code yesterday where no part on its own produced anything meaningful... of course it didn't work at first... after 2 hours of staring it down, it turned out I had swapped a single >= for <=...
@MartinBüttner XD Again, that's how I feel in most math tests, but also in math-related code XD
Bernoulli numbers and my own question about the Kronecker symbol were a pain, but two of the answers I most enjoyed golfing
Hilbert curve from the other day is up there as well
@Sherlock9 d:-D
@wizzwizz4 And I thank you once again. A long time ago, I thought about mapping plaintext to a Hilbert curve for scrambling purposes, but I forgot about it. It's good to see a good fractal question on here tips hat
@Sherlock9 you know, I also still have a fractal question that has only one answer ;)
(the Sierpinski thing from last week)
@MartinBüttner Yes, but I'm still confused by that one
For one thing, that's going at least slightly into graph traversal and I have not dedicated the brainpower to figuring how in the heck that works
With the Hilbert question, I can at least hack it together with a Lindenmayer system and a 2D array
...On the other hand... Let me think
I just saw a firetruck with its lights on pass another firetruck with its lights on going the opposite direction
That seems like poor planning
@Rainbolt That sounds like a code challenge.
Help them plot a sensible route
However, they need to fit as much water in as possible, so make your code small.
I thought firetrucks always used a fire hydrant and didn't carry any water, but Wikipedia says that some do and some don't
@Rainbolt Let's just pretend they always carry water.
Or... we could make that part of the challenge.
Some trucks carry water, and some don't.
But some places have fire hydrants, and some don't.
D'ya think it would make a good question?
Essentially a variation of traveling salesman.
I've got Flip Flop, a secret hat!
yeah, I was excited about that too until I realised that pretty much everyone gets one today ;)
I finally got a hat that is hard to get so I'm sticking with it
Hard for me anyway
how many known secret hats?
@Optimizer I think you just need to vote on anything
like upvote anything?
or down
13 hats (14 if you count flipflop twice)
why twice?
up and down has two different?
it exists in blue/black and white/gold
but it's not clear whether the assignment is random or based on whether you vote up/down on question/answer...
so.. I did .. how long is the wait..
~10 minutes or so
depending on when the cronjob runs
Hi :)
@MartinBüttner ...What I wouldn't do with the Stack Exchange engine...
@Rainbolt But I could! Really! uncrosses fingers
Wikipedia's advertisement campaign is very "in-your-face" this year
@Rainbolt Yes... I am torn between donating my life's savings and making a bookmarklet to replace it with a troll face.
Very dapper.
Somehow I just earned the Flip Flop hat. I really have no clue what I did....
You voted on a thing
A: Winter Bash 2015 Secret Hats

hg8Flip Flop EDIT: I just got it on meta.stackexchange.com too.

Hmm... Well I did upvote this
A: Crossword Compulsions!

HowardGolfScript, 154 characters :^,,{.^=46<{;-1}*)}%[.^n?)/zip[0]*]{1,%{,1>},}%:H"AD"1/]zip{~`{1$0=H{{0=}/}%.&$?)\+[\]}+/}%(2/\{0=)[\~\]}$+[]{1${1=1$&},.!{;1$1<}*1<:F~~@|@F-\1$}do;;]','* Input has to be provided on STDIN. The examples yield the following results (check online): 1A,1D,2D,3D,4A,5A,6...

Q: Cats go Meow, Cows go Moo

Sonic AtomEveryone knows that cats go meow, but what many don't realise is that caaaats go meeeeoooow. In fact, the length of the vowel sounds that the cat makes are dependant on the length of the vowel with which you address it. In the same way, cows go moo, but coooows go moooooooo Challenge You are t...

A: Catalan Numbers

quartatapl, 4 bytes ☼ç▲÷ Try it online. Explanation In pl, functions take their arguments off the stack and push the result back onto the stack. Normally when there are not enough arguments on the stack, the function simply fails silently. However, something special happens when the amount of argume...

I love my cat's expressions when there is suddenly a tree in the living room.
My question now has 1008 views and no upvotes.
Q: Installing Ubuntu 14.04 on Sony XPERIA Model C5303

FlagAsSpamSo, I read somewhere recently (I read it here) that you can install Linux (in my case, Ubuntu) onto an Android running phone by rooting the device and overriding the software. I'm going back and forth on whether this would be something I'd like to do, as I have a Sony XPERIA Model C5303 that is b...

@FlagAsSpam As no one upvoted already, no one will upvote from now ^^. Sheeps are sheeps, they don't initiate the movement
Dammit. xD
A: "Hello, World!"

quartatapl, 13 bytes Hello, World! Yes, it works. Try it online. Explanation In pl, all printable ASCII chars (between 0x20 and 0x7E in CP437) are reserved for variable names. Normally, these chars push the contents of that variable onto the argument stack. BUT, if the variable doesn't actually exis...

@FlagAsSpam I've read something explaining this type of behavior. The more there's people that could possibly judge your act, even if you're anonymous, the less you will feel like moving first because you're scared of others thinking you're doing it wrong
A: Is this number a prime?

quartatapl, 1 byte ≡ Try it online. At the moment, pl uses a lazy trial division builtin. I'll replace it with something that doesn't suck later.

So even if it is a good post, if no one has upvoted it, the more and more it has views without upvotes, the less someone will want to upvote it because they will fear how others could be looking down on them if they shouldn't have
@Dennis There
Wow no one is paying any attention to pl's glorious birth.
Ah well.
@quartata It has born, the divine language
Let's all sing its advent
It's come to save you from Jelly.
@quartata I never vote at posts someone bumps in chat. It's just an unwanted plug.
exec is kicking my ass. 10/10 would drill holes in my brain again.
On the plus side, from what I have learned, I can golf my code some more
@mınxomaτ I was actually doing so because Dennis asked me when I was going to post the first answer.
But OK.
@quartata There are three oneboxes from you in the recent chat history.
Gentlemen, have fun, I'm leaving you there ;)
11 hours ago, by Dennis
@quartata When do we get to see pl in action?
Is that what that's called? A onebox?
@quartata A glorious upvote for you, comrade
I actually don't care about upvotes on the answers, I just know that some people were curious about pl when I was talking about it earlier and I wanted to announce its arrival
@Sherlock9 But thanks :3
@quartata So? It's still three. One would have been sufficient. And I was trying to make a more general point. Also directed at FlagAsSpam above.
@mınxomaτ One would not have been sufficient...
I also wanted to show that the more nasty features worked just fine on TIO.
19 hours ago, by Dennis
@quartata http://pl.tryitonline.net/ I have no code to test it with, so please tell me if there are any issues.
@quartata Oh now come on. The first two oneboxes where adressed a no one whatsoever. Only the third was followed by a ping to Dennis. All I'm saying is there is nor reason to use three oneboxes. They take up a large amount of space and distract from ongoing conversations (not in this case, but again, this is about a general issue).
I didn't want to type @Dennis in front of each message :/
I'll convert the oneboxes into just links
ack too old to edit
Don't worry.
@quartata 2/10 Very clever!
@Dennis :P
It's actually very similar to how the Jelly answer works.
And same byte count too :P
At any rate, I'm happy that the TIO thingy works. Thanks for that :3
Huh. I just got the flip-flop hat.
Adding new languages is really easy.
Wait, pl has ninety-five variable names?
@Dennis Yes.
That's a lot of variable names...
May sound like a lot, but I suspect that being able to use all of those as variables will come in handy when mixed with bareword strings
Plus I still have ~160 chars left over for commands so :P
They're giving out flip flops like candy...
I know, right?
I think it is literally just doing anything on the 21st.
Not a very interesting secret...
I need to implement blocks now for Three-Fruit Pies
Why are people starring so many things I say? -->
translate: Why are people starring so many things I say? -->
(from Subliminal Message) STAR THIS
Hm. Interesting.
When you complain about stars, you get stars. When you call somebody out for complaining about stars to get stars, you get stars. Stars a weird.
Sometimes going through "new posts to old challenges" gets you some things that need to be nuked:
A: Produce the number 2014 without any numbers in your source code

username.akCJam, 2 bytes By default, variables A..K are initialized to 10..20 KE

I'm surprised that answer was there for 7 days
@quartata Congratulations on your 4000th reputation point!
but only that one. the other 3999 were lame.
@MartinBüttner Truly
I'm ashamed, really.
The other 4006...
Also @MartinBüttner can you nuke that answer please?
It's funny going through the deleted answers and seeing how many duplicate CJam answers there were
How does anyone outside of PPCG even know CJam?
@Rainbolt Just google "Types of jam". It's sure to come up with CJam!
noooooo, Pyth beats Retina after all :(
Q: Which finite abelian group is this?

MaurisTask description Write a function f(m, G) that accepts as its arguments a mapping m, and a set/list of distinct, non-negative integers G. m should map pairs of integers in G to new integers in G. (G, m) is guaranteed to form a finite abelian group, but any element of G may be the identity. The...

I should go to Oxford and visit the comma. See what the hype is about.
Does anyone feel like helping to implement an esolang in any language of your choice AND getting precious reputation?
@wizzwizz4 What esolang?
What precious reputation?
@NewMainPosts flags-as-close with reason "Hurts my brain."
@SuperJedi224 An unfinished language with a working draft for specs, called SuperMarioLANG.
MartinBüttner and I are working on it.
@Optimizer Well, part of the implementation made a pretty good codegolf! So...
@MartinBüttner oh no
What challenge?
Q: Map string to Hilbert curve

wizzwizz4Let's map some strings to 2d space, fractal style. Your task is to compute a Hilbert curve and lay a string along it. Task The task is to take the single-line input string, and lay it out along a Hilbert curve big enough to contain it, but no bigger. Try to make the byte count as low as possi...

I was asking Martin about the Retina thing :P
Although I did see that challenge and really liked it
@quartata meow/moo
what do
@quintopia "what do" ?
What "what do" do?
does secret hat mean you aren't allowed to know why you got it?
@quintopia Right, or else Archimedes hat would be meaningless.
@phase o_o you madman
yeah i have no idea what the precise flip flop criterion is
@quintopia Which color did you get?
white. the guess that it's random makes sense I guess.
@Dennis Retina's master branch has a small new update, but I'll wait until I implement at least one or two more issues before calling it 0.7.2.
any known instances of a user having both flip flops?
(on the same site)
I don't even think there's a known instance of having both hats on different sites.
@MartinBüttner Pulled.
@Dennis in case you're interested you can now suppress trailing linefeeds with the new \ option (cc @DigitalTrauma)
@TimmyD when I read that, my brain did the silly thing where you swap the first letters of two words to see if you get something funny, and I immediately regretted it...
Q: Busy bee in the garden

Sonic AtomA bee flies from his beehive to visit all the flowers in the garden before returning to the hive. For example... ------------------------------------------------- | v v v | | v v v v | | v ...

Q: Maximizing output from minimal input

NBZObviously, code golfing is all about making the most of the least code. Who really cares what the actual output is? While we have had a challenge for highest input-to-output ratio, this is a call for most output with given code lengths. Ironically, this challenge is then not code-golf. Rules: ...

I want to post this, do you guys think it's ready?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴcode-golf {{Meta: a double enclosure {{...}} means a meta comment.}} The cosmic number! There is an old comic strip that relates to this challenge. I've written a blog post on it, as well. So, your task is to print the steps to get to the cosmic number. To get there, one simply counts the numb...

Q: Shorten an already short mathematical expression

NBZFor once, I was doing some real work, updating old code, and bumped into an expression that is equivalent to what would be written as πx + ex in good old-fashioned math. I thought it would be possible to write it shorter than it was written in the language I work with (APL), and therefore present...

\o/ got flip flop
tears of joy.
What is it with @NBZ and @NewMainPosts?
wait flip flop is easy to get. /o\
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

quintopiaCompute the Binary Sierpinski Triangle sequence The Binary Sierpinski Triangle sequence is the sequence of numbers whose binary representations give the rows of the Binary Sierpinski Triangle, which is given by starting with a 1 in an infinite row of zeroes, then repeatedly replacing every pair ...

Q: Remove letters while keeping strings unique

NBZInspired by this wonderful (based on the number of views and votes) challenge, which, in my humble opinion, has way too few answers. Given (by any means) a list of strings, return (by any means) a set of letters that, when removed from the given strings, leaves the total length of (what remains ...

Q: Parrot User’s Delay

NBZA simple code golf challenge similar to an already existing, but more complex one: Wait for user to press enter. Wait for user to press enter again. Print the elapsed time between the 1. and 2. Wait an equal amount of time Print the actual elapsed time of 4. Order of 3. and 4. is not importan...

A spoonerism is an error in speech or deliberate play on words in which corresponding consonants, vowels, or morphemes are switched (see metathesis) between two words in a phrase. An example is saying "The Lord is a shoving leopard" instead of "The Lord is a loving shepherd." While spoonerisms are commonly heard as slips of the tongue resulting from unintentionally getting one's words in a tangle, they can also be used intentionally as a play on words. == EtymologyEdit == It is named after the Reverend William Archibald Spooner (1844–1930), Warden of New College, Oxford, who was notoriously prone...

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