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@PeterTaylor ಠ_ಠ
Why do people keep making owl faces at me?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I don't think Peter was making a jQuery joke.
@PeterTaylor Hoot hoot.
@PeterTaylor It's the look of disapproval.
@grc Hello
According to the linked page, it was "a silly little face" before that, and that still seems to be the top-rated definition on UrbanDictionary.
So in future, rather than interpreting it as "I'm an owl", I shall interpret it as "I am silly".
Seems reasonable enough.
> In OS X, the emoticon can be summoned using the shortcut of Option + 0CA0
Doesn't actually work. I've been trying that for the last ten minutes.
you use OS X?
Yes, I am one of the seemingly few Mac users on this site.
As should be the case.
@AlexA. There is a reason for that. reloads shotgun
Oh jeez
What are you reloading it for?!
Is that not obvious?
One reloads after firing...
...for science.
@El'endiaStarman That's why there are few Mac users
Well, now that I think about it, he might've set his sights on jQuery users too...
@El'endiaStarman They are too... powerful.
And too numerous.
Oh good, I'm safe. :P
....AlexA. just left the room.
@El'endiaStarman reloads shotgun
aw shoot
These idiomatic expressions will be the death of me someday...
I don't use jQuery as often as I used to.
Though I did use a bit of jQuery in my bot script
@SuperJedi224 Maybe no one will notice.
@BlockCoder1392 Hi
I'm ev3commander
I just changed my icon
and username
just now
Oh, okay.
@phase from what?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ The ground shadow was solid, then I erased a bunch and BAM!
I'll make a better example in a minute
@SuperJedi224 add 1/998001
I may add that later
@wizzwizz4 fixed the leaderboard
@BlockCoder1392 ftfy ;)
@BlockCoder1392 Gee, I feel like I've seen this number before.
Like...on a YouTube channel about loving numbers...
@wizzwizz4 Is there any reason you reinserted an e into the test case I suggested? the idea of removing it was to have an empty line inside the output.
And I'm guessing @MartinBüttner follows it too if he fixed it. :P
no I don't, I just fixed the formatting
I guess I should've looked at the history.
Well, source:
:26328711 I've been making a tool (in Java) to do it.
@MartinBüttner I'm talking about rule changes that were only mentioned in the comments
@Doorknob冰 What is a kajigger? o_o
a thingy
@PranavRastogi Hello
What is the blinky thing as you type called?
I thought it was a cursor
It isn't?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Googling gives the wrong results
hi @SuperJedi224
I think "cursor" more generally refers to your mouse pointer
Thus my question
I'm not sure what else the blinky thing would be called that though
Oh nevermind found it as "cursor"
It is called a "Blinking text cursor"
@phase That's awesome.
It is called "random weird blinking black vertical line big pipe char int double long long unsigned int float long long short byte boolean string enum "
@El'endiaStarman Working on something waaaaay cooler
I'm very naughty :)
does anyone of u know where to start learning about coding a bootloader?
JQuery's very naughty :O
"random weird blinking black vertical line big pipe char int double long long unsigned int float long long short byte boolean string enum" is very very naughty
@phase I literally cannot wait.
Q: What is a character?

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴTL;DR Look at this: 😀. It's an emote. Found most commonly in it's natural enviroment the iPhone, it looks to be a harmless character. Until you realize the dastardly thing is really two characters: \ud83d\ude00. Uh-oh. But try to select it. On any sane browser, it is treated as a single chara...

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Too bad. You will literally have to wait.
@NewMetaPosts Lol, way late.
60% [21 cpp-5 6,534 kB/29.7 MB 22%]                              2,132 kB/s 13s
@NewMetaPosts Damn, 30 minutes is a new record.
The wifi at this hotel is over 10x faster than my wifi at home
@Doorknob冰 Wifi at my house is faster than the wifi at my house ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@El'endiaStarman That's precisely why I'm doing an apt-get dist-upgrade right now :P
Bye guys
@SuperJedi224 bye
Why were 3 of my posts starred ._.
I need seven more to get to 7777 green points
works in chrome? check. works in firefox? check. works in IE? don't care.
@BlockCoder1392 if(has_said_something("BlockCoder1392")) { star_abusement += 1; }
@Adnan I'd down-star
@Adnan star.abuse() is a method in chat API.
@FlagAsSpam huh wat
You can just call star.abuse() instead of manually changing the value of star_abusement.
I am not familiar with the chat API
Really, 7/10 posts on the starboard are mine, and if stickied ones don't count, it's 7/9...
happy to help
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerForgotten Realms date calculator code-golfdatekolmogorov-complexity In an effort to level the playing field between languages with built-in date libraries and those without, let's work with a fictional calendar. The Forgotten Realms are a (the?) campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons. Of cours...

Your creation?
@El'endiaStarman A random sprite I found online
The colors are a little wonky because of the palette, but the majority of this one frame of the idle animation looks decent.
I'd try harder, but I didn't realize that the image is too big to fit in the sprite sheet
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ voila ^^^^^^^
@phase o_o
that is so amazing
I'll try a smaller sprite and see how good I get it.
or just a huge one.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ but the big sprites don't fit O.o
Trying Tails Doll o.o
Oh gosh, that thing.
Ever played Sonic R?
@El'endiaStarman I've seen a ton of it, hoping to get the Sonic Gems Collection (on GameCube) for Christmas
it has that and Sonic the Fighters

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