@mınxomaτ I live in the United States but my internet connection is though my phone, which, in turn is prepaid & thus if I use too much, I get charged ;((((
> (If this is merely a challenge, then stack-overflow is the wrong place. Checkout codegolf.stackexchange.com) If this is not a challenge for the community, is this per-chance a homework assignment?
Some primitive network solutions, such as the MIDI Ring solution in MIDI Maze (the precursor to Faceball 2000) utilize something known as a ring network: each node has one input and one output, and the inputs and outputs are linked to create a ring.
Now let's say that I have multiple ring networ...
(Literally: "Does this follow/realize the gismu-form?")
The language Lojban is a constructed language, meaning in part that all of its words have been created rather than allowed to develop naturally. The semantic base of Lojban are its gismu, or root words, which were synthesized by co...
Whenever Mouse and CJam (eg, me and dennis) both answer a question, I'm always only 2 or 3 bytes behind and that makes me happy because Mouse is NOT designed for golfing
@AlexA. Well, idk. I've always considered writing questions far easier and certainly less tedious than writing answers. So I'm not sure I agree with the idea.
@AlexA. the syntax makes me want to barf (you say whitespace indentation is bad but ruby relies entirely on whitespace for things like if while def etc! there's no : syntax or similar and it annoys me.) Ruby is IMO a worse-than-py approach to oop. I could rant about it for a while, I think.