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Oh? (If I'm wrong, I'm blaming my primary school teachers D:)
I think I would actually respect Cameron more if he broke more drinking records. >.> Did more with life and less with government.
/me is very Jeffersonian in mindset. :D
@FlagAsSpam Jeffersonian?
OK, bye!
Small, local government with a focus on the small group agreement over a federal strong arm dictating over all.
A: N Slab Slanted Slash Cake

El'endia StarmanMinkolang 0.14, 46 bytes I'm sure this could be golfed, but it's 4 am here and I need to go to bed. n$z"/\"z$D$OlOz[" /"zi-$Dlr$d"\"zi1+-3&5$X$O]. Try it here. Explanation n$z Take number from input (n) and store it in the register (z) "/\" Push these characters (...

Much of the code there was actually sitting in my browser for most of last week. :P
Sometimes I just feel too eh to golf.
Side note: I wonder who just cloned Vitsy today...
Third clone. :P I'm okay with this, actually.
@FlagAsSpam They wanna implement 4D stacks ^^
And what is stacksnippets.net?
@Katenkyo ಠ_ಠ tell me that when you see how I do stacks.
@FlagAsSpam Click the number next to "Fork"?
No, not fork - clone.
Oh, nevermind.
I need to go to bed.
Past 4 am, been up since 9 am.
@El'endiaStarman "0 if 1, 1 otherwise" - can otherwise be 0?
/me claps.
(Yes, I'm trying to keep you up)
@FlagAsSpam haha, I can't think of anything but this emoji !
@Sp3000 Yup.
1=, pops n, pushes n == 1, then <not>s that.
How would someone have accessed Vitsy through stacksnippets.net?
What values can otherwise be?
Is that just a leaderboard?
@Sp3000 Everything other than 1.
Even negative?
@FlagAsSpam Did you know you can link to specific lines?
:o Dam son, I didn't.
I see.
Okay, seriously, I'm closing down my computer now.
Fine :P
Feel free to leave your questions here. I'll answer them tomorrow. :P
What's a starman?
@El'endiaStarman 'Night
Could you reduce the size of that switch case by using exadecimal values isntead of these cases between 0 and F ? ^^
...I'm not interested in golfing my interpreter.
If I was, I'd make a method for stacks.
Interpreter golfing aside, think about the time saved every time you scroll pass that section of code :P
@FlagAsSpam It's not for golfing purpose, but for readability ^^.
ಠ_ಠ I'm not reworking my entire interpreter.'
^^ and that
Although I might make Flasp.
Ditto with the trig functions
Actually, I'm definitely going to make a procedural language called Flasp next.
haha, I love this mentality !
"It's dirty, but it works, let it as it is !"
Hey, anything to reduce method calls, amirite?
It (theoretically, but totally unnoticeably) makes it quicker!
@FlagAsSpam Yeah, it's 2 instructions per calls, but you're writing in java boy :)
The more you repeat things, the worst it is :D
> this isn't python, Dorothy
@FlagAsSpam everything's python if you're brave enough :D
Not if you have your Ruby slippers on
^ I was hoping someone would say that. :D
I was hoping to use that on the previous comment, but my joke timing was a little Rust-y
Side note: many people from various communities are just joining the room every once in a while.
On that note: hi guys!
Hi! ;D I spied you.
@Sp3000 I can't find a nice pun to go along with yours, even if I'm Seriously trying
well spied
points all around
@overactor hi :)
@Katenkyo Can't think of any that Go with it either.
@Katenkyo Did you really just play the Seriously card? shakes head It's too early for no java, I'm outie.
Do people really still refer to coffee as java?
Or is that outdated now?
I thought Java was just a type of coffee?
@FlagAsSpam Ook!-ey, it was an easy one, but didn't have any idea :/
@Sp3000 java = coffee, coffee = java.
@overactor answer
@overactor close vote
anyone around interested in esolang design and not working on several at the moment already?
What is resoling?
@feersum comment
Esolang, he means.
Typical autocorrect for Macs.
"resoling" is in their dictionary?
@FlagAsSpam ^
@overactor I'm only working on one right now, and I'm fading it out. About to start work on Flasp.
i'm not used to being on mac, any way to turn off the aggressive autocorrect?
@overactor Goto PC
(One more pun using an esolang :D)
Yes - Edit > Spelling and Grammar > uncheck everything.
But I agree it can be quite a burden, especially when not writing in your native language
typoes are bettr than randon unrelaetd words rihgt gusy?
@overactor bairn can reognize wrods if the frist adn lsat lettres dind't mvoed
@FlagAsSpam So how many more do you have room for, 5-ish?
Meh. Flasp is gonna be a biggie.
Semi-stack procedural.
@Katenkyo Lkie and srahe if you can raed tihs wtoiuht pborelm!
@FlagAsSpam Will this be a golfing language? ^^
@Katenkyo Flasp, yes.
-1 thos sntncs r'nt glfd engh
@overactor I can't read it without problem, don't speak english fluently enough :p
@overactor What did you have in mind?
the way you misspell keywords adds different semantics to them
@FlagAsSpam Wow, a golfing language not entirely stack-based?\o/
See: pyth.
funciton 2: haskell boogaloo
I don't do Haskell. :P I'd be willing to discuss design, though.
After APCS. ;)
@FlagAsSpam isn't pyth stack-based?
I'll illustrate with an example snippet
Nope - pyth is procedural.
wait, I don't know how to make funciton boxes in ascii
@FlagAsSpam didn't noticed that x)
@Sp3000 You can shorten this more with Irish dialect. "tos" vs. "thos"
"engh" can be shortened to "enf"
@FlagAsSpam using scotish can be quite helpful too ^^
You don't need the apostrophe in "r'nt"
PPCG : The first website where even english sentences are golfed
See: english language SE
@FlagAsSpam It's not an english golfing site, it doesn't count :p
rnt (-1 byte thanks for @FlagAsSpam)
(I don't agree with the rest though :P)
I hate SQL :'(
It tends to be shorter for "find the Nth..." to nest the g loop inside a {}*. There's also nothing wrong with adding all Hilbert numbers to L instead of just the primes. 5ri{_L+:L;{4+_Lf%0&}g}*Martin Büttner ♦ 10 mins ago
^^ There we go, CJam back on track again
Oh boy, this'll take a while
Does anyone know of a good online editor for nice ascii box art?
Q: Plzz answer this code

MemaThe question is One of our agents recently caught a young hacker with the code name !$criptkiddie. He hid the below piece of javascript on a page which calculates a value but doesn't output the final result. It's also embedded on this page - can you find the result? I need the code please.. va...

@NewMainPosts Ho, he tried to gold his title... But only the first word :/. Could save One byte by using Pls
Okay, I'm on a pc now
     ┌─┐ ┌─┐
     ║2║ ║3║
     └┬┘ └┬┘
╔═══┐ │   │
That's a function call
     ┌─┐ ┌─┐
     ║2║ ║3║
     └┬┘ └┬┘
╔═══┐ │   │   ╔════╗
╚═══┘         ╚════╝
That's assigning the result to a new function 'five'
╔═══┐ │  ╔═════╗
╚═══┘    ╚═════╝
║      ┌─┐ │
╠─────┐║2║ │
║╔═══┐│└┬┘ │ ╔═════╗
║╚═══┘     │ ╚═════╝
anonymous function and assigning it
Personally, I wouldn't use a language that required me to painstakingly paste so many of these box characters.
║      ┌─┐ │┌─┐
╠─────┐║2║ │║3║
║╔═══┐│└┬┘ │└┬┘╔════╗
║╚═══┘     │   ╚════╝
using an anonymous function straight away
@feersum fair enough
@feersum I kinda agree with you
I wouldn't either really
I still think it can be cool though
It would need a dev-friendly GUI to be used easily
@Katenkyo yeah, that would help enormously, a good editor
I'd imagine a temporary measure could be to just use some other char and search/replace
Hallelujah, I finally got around to posting my Sevens question
@overactor A good editor would include basic boxes, drag'n'drop, and easy way to connect these links, it's a lot of work ^^'
Am I getting the idea of the language accross by the way?
@Katenkyo does funciton have one?
@overactor don't know, never used funciton ^^
bitbucket.org/Timwi/esoteric-ide <-- incomplete, apparently
timwi is the creator of funciton, no?
Q: The game of Sevens! Who said what?

Sherlock9The game of Sevens is played as follows: n players sit in a circle, and start counting up from 1, passing to the left (or from player A to player B). When a number p that has a 7 in it OR is divisible by 7 is reached, then the player who spoke the number p-1, after the next player says p, must s...

Earlier I made an automated tester for this question... now I'm hoping someone else will answer so I can break it :P
Heh, you should do that or even more questions
(note the use of "even more" rather than "more")
Best way to defeat automated testing: use a very inefficient algorithm.
This is indeed very time-consuming
║  ╔═╗┌═┐ │
║  ╚═╝└═┘ │ ╔═══╗
╠─────┐   │ ╚═══╝
║╔═══┐│   │
║║pre├┴┐  │
║╚═══┘ │  │
║ ╔═══┐│  │
║ ║fac├┴──┤
║ ╚═══┘   │
pattern matching and recusive function
@feersum Funny you mention that, because on any other golfing site that'd mean a timeout :P
pre is like (-1)
wait I forgot to to times the argument
Q: Generating Simple Вrаinfuсk NOPs

Pietu1998Sometimes when writing brainfuck code, you feel the need to make it longer than needed to encourage debugging. You could do it by just plopping a >< in there, but what fun is that? You'll need something longer and less NOPey to confuse anybody reading your code. A brainfuck NOP is a sequence of ...

║  ╔═╗┌═┐ │
║  ╚═╝└═┘ │ ╔═══╗
╠──────┐  │ ╚═══╝
║║pre├┴┐ ││
║╚═══┘ │ ││
║ ╔═══┐│ ││
║ ║fac├┴┐││
║ ╚═══┘ │││
║╚═════┘  │
There we go
factorial function
@overactor were the "times" block is the multiply?
@Katenkyo yup
It necessite some concentration to read it x)
would be nicer with some more spacing I bet :)
Nah, with less vertical spaces
@Katenkyo yeah, that too, it looks gorgeous in n++
But you could n't do anything for that there ^^
@overactor Thinking a piece of ascii art is gorgeous isn't really sane you know ? ^^
@Katenkyo point taken
@overactor But it makes me think of a challenge which could be funny
Does anyone have any interest in the language? I've got a lot of ideas for it, but I don't want to bore you guys with them if you're not interested
"Your source code must be an ascii art representing X according to what it is doing"
@overactor Actually I find it interesting to see ^^
If anyone is interested, join me is the languages chat

 Esoteric Programming Languages

A room for discussing, creating, using, golfing and discoverin...
@Katenkyo I could write you some more functions if you wanted me to :)
Actually, I will leave to eat within 15 minutes :p
But if you want some fun, why not try to create a function answering to this challenge :D
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Sherlock9Bacon's cipher This little piggy went to market, this little piggy wrote some code... Ah wait, we're not talking about that bacon, we're talking about Sir Francis Bacon! Specifically, the cipher Bacon devised in 1605. The cipher works by concealing the message in the presentation of text, rat...

bronze badges not found :(
404: clever response not found :(
404: Martin's free time not found
@Sp3000 Are you kidding me, I can see right there exactly where his free time goes
Maybe I should be a little more explicit: Get back to modding and give us all a chance to catch up, Martin!
(Hmm interesting, CH has more bronzes than Dennis)
> Popular question: 125, Nice question: 177
@Sp3000 beating CH in badges is hard work
@AlexA. I did the thing
I considered that, but the actual notes aren't important in this specific challenge.
(All it is is parsing the markings and jumping around.)
@Doorknob the concepts are based on music notation though, so I think that's fine
Alright, I'll add it
I don't suggest adding after all ;)
Anyway, now we're at 15 questions per day, Stack Exchange team... >:D
16 in the past 24 hours now...
ninja'd (kinda)
15 in this UTC day.
@Doorknob Challenges like this makes me regret not knowing a golfing language, should definitely push myself into it
Q: Unfold musical jumps

DoorknobThe Dal Segno and Da Capo are two very commonly used musical terms. They mean "from the sign" (𝄋) and "from the beginning" respectively. There is also the idea of the coda (𝄌), which is the very end of a piece of music. It's what's played after the "main section" of the piece. A D.S. al coda ...

@Katenkyo Sometimes golfing in "conventional" languages can be even more fun to squeeze down in byte count :)
It's also more fun to torture your favourite language until even you have no idea what it does any more
@Doorknob My favs are Java and C, but didn't touch C since a long time ago, and no JDK where I work so... :p
But may give it a try with Java on some challenge when I'll have some free time :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerConverging Sums of a Fractal Sequence code-golf number sequence number-theory fractal Background I've been looking into some fractal sequences recently. Those are integer sequences which contain themselves as proper subsequences. Commonly, you can remove the first occurrence of every integer a...

Well, I'll post my Bacon question UTC tomorrow so we can add that to our 10 then
But before I do that, is there any problems with it?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Sherlock9Bacon's cipher This little piggy went to market, this little piggy wrote some code... Ah wait, we're not talking about that bacon, we're talking about Sir Francis Bacon! Specifically, the cipher Bacon devised in the late 1500s. The cipher works by concealing the message in the presentation of...

@Sherlock9 Looks fine to me, it isn't hard to understand, and seems funny to do :)
Darn, looked away from chat before I could edit "is there any problems" to "are"
@Katenkyo Alright, I'll post it UTC tomorrow then
Just to let others look it over
@Sherlock9 Love how you always precise UTC when speaking of dates :)
@feersum don't know why it doesn't work for that. i'll step through it.
@quintopia Let me know when you've hacked around that case, and I'll generate you another one :P
@feersum thx m8. i've done it.
@quintopia It doesn't even pass the cases in the question now.
@Katenkyo Nah, I am just aware of timezones since I live in an odd timezone, myself
oh it Trues on [0,0]
@Sherlock9 One of those different-by-half-hour zones?
Q: Who is smarter Puzzle

Prashast MehraWrite a programs that reads the file Smart.txt & outputs the order from Most Smart to Least smart. --Smart.txt Sam John John Michael Taylor Sam In the above text file the person on the left is smarter than the person on the right. So we have to finally print the output as follows: Taylor Sam ...

Q: Bowling Script using Unix Ksh

ArunMannuruCan any one help me in below script if player hits strike script wants to display the X if spare / such that the consecutive frame score should be increased based on the bowling game rules.for this script it will just appends the consecutive frame scores(with out following the game rules). re...

@Sherlock9 Living in GMT+11? ^^
@TimmyD Nah, just on the other side of the planet from America
I wasn't that far !
Where do you live? India?
India is GMT+4.30
It's OK, we have some weird ones here, too. Like parts of Indiana and Arizona don't follow Daylight Saving Time rules, so for half the year part of the state is on a different time than the rest of the state.
I'm in Indonesia
It's also the timezone for the rest of the Southeast Asia
@feersum break it again pls
Was thinking India was much further that that Oo.
Well, at least it's cool to see people from everywhere here ^^
@quintopia It still doesn't pass the test cases given in the question.
Please don't post without at least trying the given test cases.
@Katenkyo I concur. Didn't realize that India was that "close" to GMT
@TimmyD Yeah, 4h sounds like nothing compared to how "far" i imagine it ^^
Oops GMT+5.30
@Sherlock9 GMT+17h30 xD
This typo killed me ^^
Well, I almost got it right :)
Yeah :). So I was really close to +7:00 with India :p
Yep. Most Middle Eastern countries are either GMT+2 or 3, I forget
And awkwardly, France is +1 ...
GMT are sometimes pretty illogic as they follow borders / affinity between countries ^^'
Paris to Tehran is ~3200 miles by auto ... Bangor, Maine to Los Angeles, California is also about 3200 miles by auto
Apparently, even though Indonesia is all islands, you can drive to Tehran from the capital city of Jakarta
Interesting how I've "known" that the United States is large, but I didn't know that the United States is large
@TimmyD Distance aren't really relevent
And then the continent of Africa is several times the size of the United States
As europe is more "North" than NA, shorter horizontal distances leads to the same GMT intervals
^^^^^ You need a few ferries to get to the mainland, but from there, there's highways through India towards the Middle East
Let me find the Wikipedia article about it
@Katenkyo Sure, but still, 3200 miles is 3200 miles
It's just one of those things that messes with my head
The Asian Highway (AH) project, also known as the Great Asian Highway, is a cooperative project among countries in Asia and Europe and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), to improve the highway systems in Asia. It is one of the three pillars of the Asian Land Transport Infrastructure Development (ALTID) project, endorsed by the ESCAP commission at its 48th session in 1992, comprising Asian Highway, Trans-Asian Railway (TAR) and facilitation of land transport projects. Agreements have been signed by 32 countries to allow the highway to cross th...
@TimmyD how much is it in metric system? like 4k5 km right?
Back in a moment
Like the fact that Anne Frank and Martin Luther King, Jr. were born in the same year, but my brain somehow interprets them as two completely different time periods.
@Katenkyo 3200 mi = 5120 km ish
@feersum which one
3 200 miles
They named a committee for social and economic improvement ESCAP?
@Sherlock9 ninja'd
@Geobits Name of the Year Award goes to... xD
@Sherlock9 oh, that's huge Oo
@TimmyD Well, I'm just using 1 mi to 1.6 km. You're probably more accurate
@Sherlock9 www.wolframalpha.com ;-)
@TimmyD XD
1 hour later…
drops a pin
intercepts it
I see I missed a bunch of new challenges or something
@quartata I recommend Sevens, but I am heinously biased :D
Q: The game of Sevens! Who said what?

Sherlock9The game of Sevens is played as follows: n players sit in a circle, and start counting up from 1, passing to the left (or from player A to player B). When a number p that has a 7 in it OR is divisible by 7 is reached, then the player who spoke the number p-1, after the next player says p, must s...

@Zgarb I've heard you know your way around functional programming, would you be willing to discuss a functional esolang I want to design over at the esolang chatroom?
@overactor Sure!
@AlexA. ey b0ss can i haz graduate pls
@Geobits totally lied to us about graduation. But is that a surprise, really?
@anOKsquirrel What you did there, I see it.
@TimmyD /r/notinteresting
Aug 17 at 3:38, by Alex A.
He rides the underground monorail to Dongsmash, New Jersey.
this is a good quote
I went back and read the transcript ... and it doesn't make any more sense in context.
I think it makes a little more sense in context.
@feersum I just tried it with 2,3,6 and it worked. Why you say it not work?
oh wait 2,3,6 is falsy
i didn't realize three bullets could collide
time to start over
If I want to make a catalog question, does it matter if it is a duplicate/near duplicate of some non-catalog question?
probably, yeah
i'd ask martin though
he knows catalogs in and out
upside down and backwards
@Stefnotch catalog questions need to be basic questions, so I would highly recommend posting it in the sandbox for peer review
@undergroundmonorail Like this: ><>
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

StefnotchDigit Sum of a Number Write a program that calculates the digit sum of a non-negative integer, in as few bytes as possible. Digit sum means the sum of every single digit. Test cases: Input: 10 Output: 1 Input: 3701 Output: 11 Rules: Your program must log to STDOUT or an acceptabl...

@undergroundmonorail So you're saying that Martin is the catalog of catalogs?
That's the question...
@MartinBüttner Dear catalog of catalogs (your new title, blame TimmyD!), is my catalog question a decent catalog question!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

quartataThe Catalan numbers are a sequence of natural numbers often appearing in combinatorics. The nth Catalan number (for n >= 0) is defined as: Challenge Write a full program that takes a natural number n via STDIN or an acceptable alternative, and outputs the nth Catalan number. You may assume th...

Oh boy witness the world's worst catalog spec
where ?
@Stefnotch I'll have another look later, but I'm starting to dislike calling them catalogues... it seems to be achieving the exact opposite of my original intention.
@MartinBüttner Well, what name would you suggest? What was your original intention?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

quartataThe Catalan numbers are a sequence of natural numbers often appearing in combinatorics. The nth Catalan number (for n >= 0) is defined as: Challenge Write a full program that takes a natural number n via STDIN or an acceptable alternative, and outputs the nth Catalan number. You may assume th...

Right there
why is it first catalog spec?
@Optimizer ?
@Stefnotch no name at all. just make it a code golf, don't accept answer and allow newer languages. my original intention was showing that a) simple tasks can make interesting challenges if they are properly specified and people try to answer them in languages where they are not all that simple and b) challenges still work if we lift the language-must-have-existed-before requirement and focus on competition within each language instead.
6 mins ago, by quartata
Oh boy witness the world's worst catalog spec
@Optimizer Yeah.
Anyways, I thought this would pair well with that old Fibonacci number challenge
but the general impression people get seems to be that all of that catalogues have some sort of special status, and that all of those things are only allowed (and only make sense) for a catalogue
@quartata I actually have Chris's permission to redo the Fibonacci challenge with a spec that is up to today's standards (and he would even manually migrate all answers that are still valid under the new rules), but because of all I've just said I've been a bit hesitant about that.
Oh, cool! So, I can call my question a "no name at all" question!!! :P

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