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you may make me increase x to 3 :)
but let's see
will you try this out?
I'm not going to go to the trouble of finding a suitable library if you haven't even posted it
@feersum this is circular for me!
I don't want to post it until it has been tested! :)
this is whole of the sandbox isn't it?
I guess you'd better test it yourself then.
(sympy isprime doesn't work for large numbers...)
@feersum this slightly contradicts the point of the sandbox :)
It does not.
The sandbox is not a place where you should expect other people to write reference implementations for any question you post.
@feersum I already wrote reference code!
I think that's a bit unfair
I even showed it to you
"Unfair" ?
It is according to you, that that implementation does not adequately test the question.
hmm.. I think gmpy2 might be the right tool but I can't get it to accept a large integer
@feersum It's not that.. it just doesn't implement your nice idea
2 hours later…
@IsmaelMiguel alert() and prompt() are both blocked already, I think.
Yes, yes they are. At least in Chrome.
I just added blocks for setting innerText and using query selectors
1 hour later…
@Linus thanks for that bug catch
1 hour later…
Quiet in here today...
1 hour later…
Sure is.
Hi @quintopia, I believe you were there today morning when I was trying to solve a elf file based challenge
Do you and @dennis have some free time now?
let S(x,y) be the sequence of non-negative integers that don't include any multiple of x or y
(so the fizz buzz sequence without the fizzes or buzzes)
let F(x,y) be the (x*y)th value of S(x,y)
Is there an implementation such that F(x,y) can be O(1)?
for example: if x was 4, and y is 7:
41 is the 28th item
so F(4,7) = 41
nvm, misunderstood the problem
I don't know if the chat has ever been this quiet o_o
Maybe Google is participating in a golfing competition, and seeks to buy us all out.
Whenever I'm on SO I miss being able to see vote breakouts :(
@Lembik using the current-best prime tables for Miller-Rabin, the upper bound on deterministic testing is not known, though it's at least 2^64
@Mego There is this userscript as a workaround :)
@ProgramFOX That's cheating though :P
Yes it is. :P
@NathanMerrill No problem. Just toying with vote records and getting odd results.
are you planning on more submissions?
@AGZuniverse Not much, unfortunately.
Nov 28 at 12:59, by Dennis
Most idiotic "privilege" ever, if you ask me. There's literally no reason to prevent anyone from seeing this.
Hey y'all, I have a question. Is this considered a real quine?
looks dodgy
I'd have to say no
and fails this definition meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/4878/8478 (although I don't think that's a perfect definition)
wait, how does CJam quine work?
nevermind, its on that page
Ah well... I'll put in the cheating quine section.
@Dennis Seeing the vote breakdown may influence others to suppress their upvotes if there are many downvotes.
I guess that could be a good thing if it causes people to vote more carefully
mini-challenge take an array as input and output a random element of it
Q: Finding the $(n*m)$th element in a sequence without multiples of $n$ or $m$

MrTiLet $S(x,y)$ be the sequence of positive integers without any multiples of $x$ or $y$. For example, $S(4,7)$ would be: 1,2,3,5,6,9,10,11,13,15,17... Now, let $F(x,y)$ be the $(x*y)$th element of the $S(x,y)$ sequence. Using the above example, $F(4,7)$ would be $41$. I'm looking for a formul...

hi all
some questions about meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/7673/9206 a) shall I exclude library primality testing.. b) shall I change 2 to 3 to make it a little harder :)
I think that answer to a) is yes
but I am not sure about b)
What should incrementing a string/array do? (operator overloading)
ruby actually finds you the lexicographically next string
that would be trickier for (nested) arrays
it should make the value, youtube link for rick rolling
@MartinBüttner huh. that's interesting.
It should print <array length> bottles of beer song
@feersum .__.
Whatever. Sure XD
doing arr++ should increase the size of the array by 1 and set it to null
*set it to "YOLO"
no comments so I will post :)
@feersum I hope you don't mind but I excluded library primality testers in the end
as I think it makes the challenge more interesting
hi @Optimizer
Q: Find the largest gap between good primes

LembikFollowing the fine tradition of questions such as Find the largest prime whose length, sum and product is prime , this is a variant on a largest prime challenge. Input Your code should not take any input. Definition We say a prime p is good if p-1 has exactly 2 distinct prime factors. Output...

@Lembik OK, I won't do it then since it's too boring to write one
@feersum :( shame
Instead of having file.min.extension, we should have file.golfed.extension
but that's not as golfed
we need a character that looks like golf hole
and use that as the extension
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ wait, you know K?
@ThomasKwa No, sorry ;-;
@feersum is that your downvote too?
same length as min
and shorter than golfed
and much more descriptive
@Lembik No, I haven't opened the question
@feersum ah ok
@NathanMerrill Good point
Hi guys
@feersum out of interest.. couldn't you just copy and paste a standard miller-rabin implementation?
@SuperJedi224 hey
@Lembik How is that different from using a library?
if I were to make an emoji based language, but only use 256 of them, would we allow the characters to be 1 byte each?
@feersum I was wondering the same thing! :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

EridanWhat shape is that polygon? Given an ASCII figure made of /, \, |, and _, write a program that determines (1) if the figure is a closed, non-self-intersecting polygon (meaning it has at least three sides that connect to form a loop), and if so, (2) how many sides the polygon has and (3) if the p...

@muddyfish are you about?
@muddyfish how is my question different from any other optimization problem or indeed codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/35441/… ?
@NathanMerrill If you can get the encoding to work in your interpreter.
in my interpreter, it would read them as the full 3-byte versions
Encodings that the interpreter can't actually use should not be allowed in answers.
@muddyfish This is an optimization problem at heart and there is no one optimal answer. You would have to go to a lot of effort to cheat here but running your code for more than 2 minutes and then rewriting your answer with that answer hard-coded in. I think you could do something similar for lots of questions on PPCG if you were so inclined.
so, I'd have to define the encoding (so I assign ⛳ to 00000000, and so on), and then read it in as that?
@NathanMerrill Yes
if somebody posts their solution, then all of the characters would come out in messed up ascii
rather than the pretty looking emoji
For convenience you could have an interpreter flag that reads the code as utf-8 instead
Jolf is almost 1000 lines \o/
and almost 20k characters \o/
s/\r\n/\n/g saved 900 characters XD
@Lembik I'm here now
I think I disagree with the concept that there is no full answer,
I think that it would be better (not necessarily for your question) if problems actually had an end
such as return first N good primes
(yes that downvote was mine, retracted it now)
@muddyfish I found another good person :D
Yah! I like people who retract their downvotes when the problem is fixed/better
You're number three :P
I think the only problem was that I didn't like the type of question being asked but it seems its ok in the community
So there wasn't really a problem in the first place ;)
(apart from me)
XD I see.
@muddyfish ah you prefer questions that have a single optimal answer?
@muddyfish thanks for retracting the downvote
apart from stuff like and other obvious tags like that
doesn't have to be a single answer, answers can get the same score in code golf
got to be equal to all winners
@muddyfish ok.. so I have posted a number of challenges like codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/26459/…
@muddyfish and also the linked question is like mine codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/35441/…
@muddyfish what's the important difference between doing a fixed number of things as fast as possible and doing as many things as possible in a fixed amount of time?
I'd use the fastest-code tag or something as a winning condition
then it's obvious the problem ends
(assuming thats how the tag works)
but doesn't a time limit of 2 minutes also supply an end?
your arguing with a person here. people are stupid sometimes
(even someone as wonderful as me)
I don't think anyone on PPCG is stupid!
my latest problem is the mathematica answer
which requires me to install mathematica :)
and is also a little cheeky
luckily the score isn't very high :)
so it won't win
@Lembik me thanks yous for yourz butiful complament
for the cake cutting contest, i rewrote the php answer to be in python so I didn't have to install php ;)
@muddyfish Most of my KotH entries are based of off TF2 :P
6 left
then you don't have to answer any more koth challenges
Soldier and Heavy would be pretty easy to fit in
Oh, yeah.
Erm... in a team KotH that would work.
Mafia/Werewolf if that one ever gets posted?
I really want to participate in that challenge, Werewolf is one of my favorite games to play (played a 40-50 player game at worldcon last year)
That sounds like it could make a good KotH if done right.
The forum game version is my favorite, but the original is also fun.
1.4 trillion total soups have been submitted for standard life
I didn't realize anyone could eat that much soup
I don't think I'm ever going to get a slice of that pie big enough to be visible
someones probably hungry
My contribution to that is probably around 7 million soups
That's about 1/200000, I think.
only 7 million? slacker.
I've submitted a few million extra for a couple of other rules, that's just my contribution for that specific rule
Ever wonder what your average score on a code golf answer is? Well now you can find out! data.stackexchange.com/codegolf/query/404502
And I'm about to add a couple million more
is lower better?
My average score is 3.1 .___.
It's the net score on a post, so upvotes - downvotes.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Mine's only 3.7 or so.
Mines only about 2.1
That makes me feel better :D
7.x for me :D
If you wouldn't mind, please star the query post for visibility
Not this one ^
The query. ._________.
Thank you :)
Wouldn't it be more visible it were pinned though?
mines 3.3ish
Yeah but pins are for important things. This is just for funsies.
I suppose so.
109 060 committed hauls containing 30 780 270 969 857 objects generated from 1 409 173 497 875 soups
Chris Jester-Young has an average of over 16. :O
That means the average haul size was about 14,000,000 soups
@Geobits Wow, nice! :D
Which is a lot for one haul
@SuperJedi224 That sounds difficult; soup is pretty heavy. I can't imagine carrying 14 million cans of it.
@AlexA. ...how.
not imaginative enough? ;)
@SuperJedi224 I wish I knew. ._.
I suppose my page-and-three-quarters of zero-point answers is probably dragging my average down.
Granted, he's been around since the very beginning.
I think CKY's user ID is 3.
No plane crashes, but some other "accidents": imgur.com/gallery/QnRTd
.....WELP. I rep-capped from my question and two-hours-later self answer on SO! o_o

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