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Coding in Chef makes me hungry.
@BetaDecay I don't like gs2 because it's conventionally represented in hex. If they wanted to use all eight bits in a byte, they should at least have come up with some awesome APL-like symbols
@Calvin'sHobbies Why time.sleep(20)?
Part of Sp's spec
Because I tried to cram 3 things Chef obviously couldn't do into one spec
39 mins ago, by Sp3000
@quartata Mini-challege: Fetch the PPCG main page 20 seconds after the user presses enter, and output as a screenshot image
Ohh I see.
o icy
@ThomasKwa Yeah. If I was going to make a golfing language I'd first make up my own encoding of 256 nifty symbols.
Turn that 90 degress clockwise and it looks like a guy firing a gun @Optimizer
I thought gs2 had a tokenisation but I'm not sure if I'm remembering incorrectly
@quartata you might want to make some space in Rotor for increment/decrement (I don't know if they'd be better than what you currently have—space is limited because you're not overloading—but Pyth certainly makes good use of h and t.
A: Loopholes that are forbidden by default

FUZxxlCompressing your source code Some language provide builtin facilities to compress data and execute the result as source code. I consider this to be a standard loophole, especially when the challenge is counted in characters instead of bytes.

y the downvotes?
btw speaking of mini-challenges, Calvin's one from yesterday: link
(trailing space though)
You needed uppercase A-Z as well
@BetaDecay I hope you saw the next one ;)
@TheDoctor -15?? Is that a Beta Decay Loophole?
Oh, that's right. Oops (fixed)
@TheDoctor Nope, there can only be one -15
Due to the voting patterns of the site, these chat mini-challenges would probably score better than most of the questions posted.
I see it as -16. o-o
One day we shall make a Calvin mini-challenge compilation
^I think the answer below it is more amusing
@TheDoctor For one thing, it's hard to define when someone is compressing things or not. Using something like 8*'c' for cccccccc in Python is not not that far from run length encoding, which might be considered invalid by that post.
@Calvin'sHobbies I'm more thinking of gzip and exec
ughh, I am trying to downvote these answers and wondering why its not working ..
all are deleted :|
@TheDoctor gzip and exec should be perfectly valid. It may not be a fun advantage, but it's certainly not a loophole.
You're asking me to prove why something isn't a loophole?
@TheDoctor What is someone uses a huffman coding built-in (something gzip does) but not the other parts of gzip? Where do you draw the line?
A: Who's that Pokémon?

slackweark (750+24 = 774) Doesn't use any built-in decompression however it does use a system call to acquire the data. {@[."\\gzip -dc x";x-1]} The data file is 750 bytes and is just the gzipped raw list, named x. There are 24 characters in the above function.

A: 12 Days of Golfmas

Paul GuyotErlang, 748 bytes A 7-bit clean version without gzip-9 is 748 bytes: f()->[maps:get(C,#{$N=>"ing",$x=>10,$q=>"th",$z=>" Christmas"},C)||C<-s(t(calendar:local_time()))]. t({{_,1,D},_})->D+7;t({{_,12,D},_})->D-24;t(_)->1. s(X)when X<1;X>12->L=" I wish it could bez every dayx","Well"++L++"When q...

The first one violates the rules in the question itself:
>You may not use any already made data decompression algorithms. This includes libraries and other programs.
A: Print This Question ↓

JasenLinux Shell 843 bytes #!/bin/sh base64 -d <<M|zcat H4sIAKBL5lUAA5WTQW/bMAyF7/kVHHppgyhOmgRtett2GHbYZQswDEEPtE3bQmzRlegk/vejZLTY etoAIw4s6fHxe9ShIcgx2AJsSQhcAcJRsH46cdtxzZ7PpuCub+lqZXyGosG2JVcT2ADC0HvrRM8E EuBB+kHAOhBVDQ17oSBQcElwKw0PdaMrKNAROutqaDBEQVUrwfHlbgk/ST+e408JHboxGlKxbgGV 5w6On9jrW4/Ddx...

I'd consider calling gzip pretty much built-in, too
A: Leap for Leap Seconds!

Stefgzip, 114 bytes Hexdump: 1f8b080853f9975502006c006dd04b0a80300c84e1bde01dbc40218fa6697aff8309e2a6fa6f3f86cc10adb426a3b95ce62b6a0d398f07d59aeb8e4ed80983701026e1242cc0a9307e1aa11306615211b59710527b3961270cba9994fc7fc944829092faeedc313e7803993cfafb20020000 Create a file with the bytes described a...

^ this one's just plain cheating
okay, why are you posting these?
@TheDoctor but it didn't win.
Dennis' CJam beat it by about 50 bytes.
Didn't win doesn't mean it's valid, but having said that there's a fine line between that answer and Bubblegum...
@Sp3000 My point was that the uncreative gzip answer, regardless of validity, doesn't make challenges less fun, because it most often doesn't win.
@ThomasKwa Agreed. It's an issue with the challenge if basic compression is a winning technique
@ThomasKwa Sounds like fun. Don't think I'll use it. Ever.
Well I guess if it does win it's more a fault of the question itself...
are we voting to close BubbleGum?
oh wait.. that was a reply to @VoteToClose .. -_-
\o/ I love this name even more than my Perl answer to my name!
VeryToughCookies is more poetic
Voracious Tactical Cryptographers
Velociraptor Tails Creak
Vermicelli Tastes Cweet
Cweet sounds icky.
@VoteToClose Names don't need to be nouns -_-
it can be Calty too..
@Calvin'sHobbies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Seeing so many VTC acronyms makes me think we're talking about VFD
Vat The Cuck?
@Sp3000 I thought this sequence was familiar. XD
:c I haven't got a flick of reputation today.
Veal Tastes Chicken-y
Very Tasty Chicken?
I saw that one coming. XD
well, I am a veg, so don't really know what to call it :P
Full vegan?
@VoteToClose Mind you I'm only assuming vegetarian was meant
@Calvin'sHobbies no, just veg
What do people prefer more? A cock or a chicken?
That's the same thing. o-o
You're looking for "hen", not chicken.
chicken is the kid, no?
@Optimizer Chicken is the unisex name
Chick is the young
This is why they say "hen party" and not "chicken party".
Oh dear XD
Stag party, is it called?
okay, I'll stop now.
Why are there no 3D languages?
Q: How to Pick a Winner in Some Situations

DopappThis question has come up recently in my mind as I have been looking through popularity-contest challenges and shortest-code-wins challenges. This question specifically is: How should I pick a winner when either (a) the number of bytes in a shortest-code-wins challenge is equal between the s...

@Calvin'sHobbies Gol D ><>
Nov 1 at 15:40, by Dennis
That would make it a 3D language.
@Calvin'sHobbies There are. There's a few on Esolangs, and also @El'endiaStarman would be sad if you didn't remember Minko :P
I've heard of Mink Tribe, but not minko
I thought Minkolang was 2d or something
My language is 1D, but it's 4D aware.
Minko's 3D, since space falls through to next layer
(in the next update.)
Nice save.
Time to make a 5D and outdo everyone
Nobody's going to ask about 4D aware? :c
@VoteToClose What do you mean by DDDD aware?
how many D can you make it?
@Calvin'sHobbies Nice try
The stacks that the instructions, the main program object, and then each object hold 2 dimensions, 2 dimensions, and 4 dimensions of information, respectively.
@Sp3000 Well I could do an uncountable number of dimensions >.>
3.5D. \o/
Not quite sure how...
@VoteToClose That's not the code being 4D though, right?
@Sp3000 1D language, 4D aware.
Still not getting it :/
the language is aware of its surroundings?
@VoteToClose Like it knows what commands are around it spatially and temporally?
the language is protesting against humans?
Basically, each object in the object array each holds a three dimensional stack. All objects can be accessed as parts of a different instruction set, meaning that each object, and therefore, the program, is 4th dimensionally aware, but things are only executed and known by the program in a 1 dimensional set.
That made no sense.
I'd have to draw a diagram.
APL is awesome
In 4 dimensions.
I think we mean languages where the instruction pointer moves in 4 spatial dimensions
like ><>²
Can you do super/subscripts in chat @Doorknob?
I do not think so.
Does anyone know how to factor polynomials over finite fields in maple?
@flawr Not me; sorry
@flawr hmm...it's a shame that maple has this weird alternative to SO
@flawr It should be simple
just making a maple.se would boost sales a lot I suspect :)
^ Vitsy awareness procedures.
@Lembik it says it just factorizes over the implied field
But I do not know how to imply a field=)
Oh, there is no maple.se?
Oh, there's no Vitsy.se?
No questions ever get detected by the bots before they're voted as duplicates.
Question: when proving Turing completeness through creating a BF interpreter, do you need to have the , covered?
Nah. You could assume things are already in memory.
IO capabilities are not a requirement for turing completeness
@VoteToClose And a game of life or rule 110 simulator might be an easier proof
Hi guys. It bothers be that this question was put on hold despite my attempt at clarifying it: codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/63307/5163. Five people have answered it, proof that at least some of us got it. Please consider re-opening.
@Calvin'sHobbies That depends on the language
@Calvin'sHobbies Can you describe these?
The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. The "game" is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input. One interacts with the Game of Life by creating an initial configuration and observing how it evolves or, for advanced players, by creating patterns with particular properties. == RulesEdit == The universe of the Game of Life is an infinite two-dimensional orthogonal grid of square cells, each of which is in one of two possible states, alive...
The Rule 110 cellular automaton (often simply Rule 110) is an elementary cellular automaton with interesting behavior on the boundary between stability and chaos. In this aspect it is similar to Conway's Game of Life. Also like Life, Rule 110 is known to be Turing complete. This implies that, in principle, any calculation or computer program can be simulated using this automaton. == Definition == In an elementary cellular automaton, a one-dimensional pattern of 0s and 1s evolves according to a simple set of rules. Whether a point in the pattern will be 0 or 1 in the new generation depends on its...
Both are turing complete
Nope. BF interpreter is easier for Vitsy. XD
@Calvin'sHobbies its like a drone production house
@Optimizer It's a glider gun. It is a very important structure (at least for doing cool stuff) in Game of Life.
@ThomasKwa Hmm
@quartata like shoot down your enimies?
a drone strike?
@Optimizer No.
It is the smallest infinite generator (in terms of grid size not cell count) of spaceships (infinitely moving structures).
Before you make fun of me knowing all this stuff Game of Life is Turing Complete, so it is pretty damn interesting.
I'm not just remembering this wrong, but BF can't have negative cells, right? XD I haven't used it in too long.
@VoteToClose It cannot.
- on an empty cell underflows
Standard BF has wrapping 8-bit cells
As in, it's position cannot be a negative index.
You could interpret it as a signed 8-bit integer if you want.
@quartata I hope you've seen this, my favorite PPCG question:
Q: Implement the Game of Life on Anything but a Regular Grid

Calvin's HobbiesConway's Game of Life is (almost) always played on a regular square grid, but it doesn't need to be. Write a program that implements the standard cell neighboring rules from Conway's Game of Life on a two-dimensional tiling of the Euclidean plane that is not a regular tiling of squares, triangle...

"There are other rooms, with 110 users currently talking in 52 rooms."
The tape only extends infinitely to the right.
^ That's what I wanted to know.
@feersum In some implemenentations, it's infinite both ways, though I believe that's non-standard.
I did say "standard".
@Calvin'sHobbies :D
I'm indexing my cells as stacks. XD
@Calvin'sHobbies That reminds me: should we have a new Game of Life challenge?
@flodel The author's intent may have been for positive differences to count only.
As in, each stack has one value that represents the cell.
The old one was popularity-contest; we don't have a code-golf.
Then t-r would not count and you would get his result of 3.
@VoteToClose Doesn't that result in a lot of overhead?
I think this was said somewhere, but I can't find it.
It would make more sense to use two stacks and a register
^ This is true.
It may be possible to use just two stacks, depending on the instruction set available
Just have the current cell position as the top value of the stack. :P One stack of cells.
You know, I thought of something.
Has anyone made a language where the checksum of the program is used as a seed which then generates a set of instructions that correspond to random GolfScript programs
Not random.
@VoteToClose I think you might have not gotten the idea.
MetaGolfScript is the checksum of the interpreter btw
Got it. XD I misread it. Never mind.
I don't know, I just feel like making something like Seed but more evil.
Don't you like evil?
Do you mean eval?
Somewhat ironically I was thinking of making this in GolfScript.
So it would use eval which makes it double evil.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NBZ1:N probability (Simple) code-golfprobability-theorylogic Because there are not enough simple code-golf challenges: Create a named program or function that, given (by any means) an integer N ≥ 1, outputs your language's TRUE value with a pseudo-random probability of 1:N, FALSE otherwise. Some...

Only 30 away from mortarboarding today
I'd say one more Chef answer will do it
Can you believe there's an x86 instruction to load the value of log10(2)?
@feersum Yes.
Also pi and euler.
If you didn't already know it.
I personally think they would make more sense as GPU instructions but meh.
@flawr could try SO or math.se maybe?
What do you mean 'euler'?
@feersum Euler's number
/me goes back in time to ask past Thomas, who hadn't heard the fact, if he believes it
@quartata I don't know which number you mean.
The number e is an important mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm. It is approximately equal to 2.71828, and is the limit of (1 + 1/n)n as n approaches infinity, an expression that arises in the study of compound interest. It can also be calculated as the sum of the infinite series The constant can be defined in many ways. For example, e can be defined as the unique positive number a such that the graph of the function y = ax has unit slope at x = 0. The function f(x) = ex is called the exponential function, and its inverse is the natural logarithm, or logarithm to base...
Napier's constant whatever
Usually it's known as 'e'.
Also sigma from n=0 to infinity of 1/(n!)
@feersum I've always called it Euler's number when referring to it outside of an actual equation.
Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
e is also exp(ln(20+pi)/pi)
lim n->infinity((1+1/n)^n)
Very gud number
e is also pi * cos(pi/6)
@ThomasKwa I don't think the two are quite equal.
@SuperJedi224 shh
in b4 xkcd
@feersum I already xkcd
I mean before someone oneboxes it.

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