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@ΚριτικσιΛίθος are you running a script or something?
randomra is in small caps here
Sᴍᴀʟʟ Cᴀᴘꜱ Fᴏʀ Tʜᴇ Wɪɴ!
@Optimizer What do you think?
well, I think that you are enjoying your thug life!
I think you mean small caps life :D
No, I meant Tʜᴜɢ Lɪғᴇ
I finally found a strong proof of @ ಠ_ಠ's original account:
^ a guy whose initials are AA
does xnor come here sometimes?
@xnor sorry about deleting the puzzling.se question.. I got worried it was broken. I posted another non-broken version
well, you should talk about puzzling questions on puzzling chat and not here
everything is on-topic here, but puzzling is strictly off-topic
Stack or register based?
just personal preponderance
Also - I golfed down my Vitsy variant of the code in @ಠ_ಠ's profile to '_ಠ'DOr\DZ - 12 bytes.
Hey, KptikoiAiOoc since your chat profile is for Puzzling, we're going to have to get a mod to chat ban you
I'm terribly sorry
@VoteToClose dedication to the max
@BetaDecay So many infinitives. o-o
@VoteToClose You want more? I give you more ;)
want to have* I have more to give*
Come at me, scrubloard, I'm ripped. o-o
Dost thou even hoist?
My brother?
user image
Bring it on fractal boy
Goddamn you VTC
Anyway it's a Sunday morning, shouldn't you people be in church or in bed?
you peeps are assuming a lot
Me peeps or they peeps?
1st assumption that its sunday morning :P
What just happened to me?
@Optimizer For everyone west of Germany it is
@VoteToClose Did you get chat banned?
if yes, how are you back so soon?
For like, three seconds, and then this happened/.
Hm the only mod here I see is Dennis
But he's been inactive for a while now
And one from Japanese.SE, and one from Bitcoin.SE. o-o
Your post was flagged as offensive, which is shown to all mods online in chat.
Oh! Alrighty then.
and all 10K+ rep users
I didn't think you really needed to be suspended for the image, so I undid the automatic suspension.
Do the 10K+ rep users have the ability to do anything with the flagged message?
I for one find pictures of people barfing into the mouth of another person not appropriate, so I approved the flag that the content will be removed. Apparently, you got banned from chat then.
@BetaDecay approve/decline/not sure
@Optimizer I see
and Snailboat undid the suspension
@Murch \o/ It was super milk man! But okie. Won't post it again.
I am not familiar with that meme, however, I was eating when it was shown me in queue. :p
Ew. Alright. Well. Sorry. XD
Anyway, you people have fun, just be aware that content might be seen by a lot more people than you directly intend to show it to here, and they might judge it differently when separated from the context. :)
^ I agree with the bit about "people judge it differently when separated from the context".
Oh yeah, we need one of you to ban @ΚριτικσιΛίθος while you're at it ;) (see the starboard)
Is there anyone else here whose reputation in PPCG is not their highest?
Whaddya mean?
Ya know how my chat profile is on Puzzling, is there anyone else in a similar situation?
he is asking for more fellow traitors.
A: Write a program that makes 2 + 2 = 5

VoteToCloseVitsy 22+3mN Since Vitsy is a stack language, it pushes 2 to the stack, then another 2, then adds them. Even so, it will do the following equation: 2+2=5 Output: 5

I used to be a SuperUser main profile, but I shifted because I was terrible at SU. :D
@VoteToClose How did you shift profiles?
Lemme find it, I'll send you a screenshot.
Q: Letters between two letters

ghosts_in_the_codeWrite a program that accepts a single lowercase word as input and outputs the number of pairs of letters that have the same number of letters between them in the word as in the alphabet. For example, in the word 'nature', we have 3 pairs, ae, tu and tr. Hence output should be 3.

@ΚριτικσιΛίθος Odd. I can't find the button. I know it's possible, though. I might just have way more rep here than other sites to a point where I don't see it.
Go to your chat profile and click change
That's where it is! Okay.
Yes! Now I'm no longer from Puzzling!
we know where you've been
we know where you were last summer
This ain't 1984 guys.
we still know what you did last summer
Is it not? O.O
^ 2006
We'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer
it's alright we know where you've been
> Because, you know, Java.
A: Reverse the truth

VoteToCloseJava, 162 bytes Because, you know, Java. class A{public static void main(String[]a){System.out.print(new StringBuilder(a[0].replaceAll("false","eurt")).reverse().toString().replaceAll("eurt","false"));}} Ungolfed Version: class A{ public static void main(String[]a){ System.out.pri...

Q: Typesetting multidimensional labels

NBZIn a steam-punk multidimensional world, our boss wants to affix printed index labels to each drawer in our conglomerate's multidimensional file cabinet. The boss wants to typeset the entire label sheet as a single form, using a font bought only for this purpose, so we have to order the sorts (me...

our visitors/day has increased a lot
Christmas graduation then? ;D
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NBZParrot User’s Delay keyboarddatetimecode-golf There are not enough simple code golf challenges. Wait for user to press enter. Wait for user to press enter again. Print the elapsed time between the 1. and 2. Wait an equal amount of time Print the actual elapsed time of 4. Order of 3. and 4. ...

can someone edit fix the letters between letters challenge ?
@Optimizer Letters challenge?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NBZNo strings (or numbers) attached code-golfnumberrestricted-sourcegeneration Make 12 snippets that result in the numbers 0 through 10, and 42 respectively, but without writing any numeric or string literals. All the snippets must be valid on the submitter’s computer at the time of submission (a...

Autocorrect is amazing sometimes.
@VoteToClose Is it on a tablet or phone?
Macbook Pro. :P
ಠ_ಠ Some dude just stole my method.
A: Reverse the truth

Daniel M.Java, 97 bytes Lambda expression that accepts and returns a string. s->new StringBuffer(s.replaceAll("false","eurt").replaceAll("true","eslaf")).reverse().toString()

See: 49 minutes ago vs. 13 minutes ago.
ಠ_ಠ This is the first time I've been rightfully pissed at something on PPCG. XD
At least he seems decent enough. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh no
@DanielM. I'm so sorry! X.X
I've earned 666 rep from code golf tagged answers and question D:
@DanielM. I changed my mind - reopen your answer, I'll delete mine - using the function gets a lot of bytes removed and you deserve it more for realizing that it was permitted. x.x
Ping him in the comments on your answer
I doubt that he'll be here any time soon
I feel like a terrible human. ಠ_ಠ @VoteToClose
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NBZRemove letters while keeping strings unique stringoptimized-outputset-partitionscode-golf Inspired by this. Given (by any means) a list of strings, return (by any means) a set of letters that, when removed from the given strings, leaves the total length of (what remains of) the strings as smal...

I wonder if this chat will be changed when we graduate.
Like, will people act differently?
sure, Geobits will stop making up things for one
-.- I meant "will the chat get more serious".
Hopefully not too much so.
It's fine, don't stress about it
Okay. :P I just had a moment of "well, crap, I suck".
@VoteToClose You put it on first, and as they say, the early bird gets the worm.
@BetaDecay I have 800 odd rep from it. :D
@DanielM. FGITW sometimes helps. Plus, time zones.
@VoteToClose You need to broaden your horizons a bit :D
@anOKsquirrel Hello little squiggle
@anOKsquirrel Hi!
@BetaDecay o-o Code golf is my jam, though.
@VoteToClose Not even a bit of pop con?
Cjam is my jam
imma do fastest code with cjam
@BetaDecay See: This, this and this.
Yeah, I should probably check to see if someone already posted the same answer before posting ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Why doesn't chat render the backslash
\ is an escape character. Use \\.
Autocorrect is getting better. :D
Dammit mac
@VoteToClose you are lying
this is not autocorrect
It is, actually. I edited my autocorrect options a bit.
but mac suggests autocorrect anywhere?
^ Yes.
i have used it, it was not suggesting me in normal text feilds
Except in protected fields.
What version @Optimizer?
not sure, but around 2 yrs back
@VoteToClose How did you do that?
I think it's 10.7 (lion) and up or something
You should add another one in there:
ಠ_ಠ -> AlexA.
Replace fiancé with fianc&eacute?
@VoteToClose Are you using Safari?
@BetaDecay I had to use it at one point a lot on a site that didn't support special chars, but did represent unicode text.
é = é
@VoteToClose good job
@VoteToClose Ohh I thought was like fiancécute
And you used it for chatting to your fiancé
No. :P
Pssshahaha, you think I could have a fiancé. Thanks for that.
Why the hell did you use the word fiancé so much then? :O
> I want a fiance. I want a fiance. I want a fiance. Please get me a fiance.
PCG is my jam, holmes.
@BetaDecay >.>
but that is strawberry
fake labels!
Therefore, alex ∈ strawberry
And, also therefore, depending on the situation,
Is that even possible?
Only for you
PCG -> Perl Code Golf -> Perl -> Strawberry Perl -> Strawberries -> Cherries -> Cherry Jam (CJam) -> Jam
... close enough
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is a parlour game based on the "six degrees of separation" concept, which posits that any two people on Earth are six or fewer acquaintance links apart. That idea eventually morphed into this parlour game wherein movie buffs challenge each other to find the shortest path between an arbitrary actor and prolific Hollywood character actor Kevin Bacon. It rests on the assumption that any individual involved in the Hollywood, California, film industry can be linked through his or her film roles to Kevin Bacon within six steps. The game requires a group of players to try to...
Also, I typed in the word "short" and the suggestion that came up was "short jokes for kids", which is horrifically ironic.
@VoteToClose Make that cherry and you have CJam
Oh dammit someone already made that joke
Maybe a Pearl Jam joke?
MINI-CHALLENGE: Take the police police police police (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_linguistic_example_sentences) construct, forming a sentence out of the idea that the police of the police (the police police) police the police with police policy level equivalent to the input. Example: 4
`Police police police police police`
`police police police police`.
Output must be in one sentence.
Working on a Chef answer to the halloween challenge just to try it out
This is actually kinda fun
@VoteToClose VTC as "unclear what you're asking"
Sp3000 just the person who can help me golf in Chef
Do I need to use a separate mixing bowl + liquify in order to make some ingredients output as chars and some as numbers
Oof, never tried that before, actually (and fyi I haven't done that much Chef golfing :P)
But I'd assume so
The tricky part is that the numbers kind of need to be mixed in with the chars
almost time for @ಠ_ಠ to show up...
So I'm not sure how to arrange the baking dishes
"The values in the mixing bowls and baking dishes also retain their dry or liquid designations." Hmm actually maybe not, but the sounds of things
It sounds like I'm talking about food.
Chef has done its job.
@Sp3000 Oh I get it now.
So if I change the ingredient from l to g
That'll make it output as a number
Although for one type you should be able to leave out the l/g (not sure which)
Is there any way to put an ingredient in twice (repeated letters)
Or do I have to have another ingredient
No need, pushing the same ingredient should work
Just looked and noticed that I unconsciously added a bunch of thes in front of mixing bowl.
Dammit English brain I'm coding not writing
I don't care about grammar
I found the interpreter I had was very liberal about "the"s, which I didn't know how to feel about (since the spec specifies which words are optional pretty clearly)
@Sp3000 I'm following the original spec.
:P k
Is there an online Chef interpreter?
I appear to not have <s>Ruby</s>Python on this computer
Dunno, don't think I saw one
@quartata Ask in a restaurant.
Guess I better try the Perl one.
@ΚριτικσιΛίθος hehe
ohhh, Calvin also logs in at the same time as @ಠ_ಠ logs in ? o.O
@ಠ_ಠ isn't on...
of course not today as I revealed it
but usually @ಠ_ಠ comes online at around this time only
@Optimizer I only have one sock and everyone knows who that is
@Calvin'sHobbies Who?
Geoborts (aka Chat Relay but I'll always remember him as Geoborts) obviously
Looking into it way too literally
(Used to be Geoborts)
chat relay was geoborts?
@Optimizer Yes.
@Optimizer Also, I've expressed my distaste of the ಠ_ಠ emoticon
all of it to build for case..
Bilbo Baggins and the Fellowship of the Ring -->Yolo Swaggins and the Gangstership of the Bling
@Optimizer I've never starred a message containing a ಠ and I don't think I've ever used ಠ_ಠ in its emoticon sense.
zzz I forgot how slow CPAN is
Ah there we go
@Sp3000 My chef program throws kind of a weird error... "Invalid recipe name specifier in paragraph no. 1. at /usr/local/bin/chef line 40"
Can you take a look at it please?
First line needs a trailing dot
Do we have a challenge about mapping strings with the form [a-z]* to non-negative integers? Surely we must have something like that but I'm not seeing it.
Rats, the Perl interpreter doesn't support Add dry ingredients to mixing bowl.
That would have saved ten bytes.
@Calvin'sHobbies To ASCII?
@VoteToClose The integers could be expressed in base 256 with ascii, sure. And the alphabet might not just be [a-z]*. The mapping I mean would be like 0 = [empty string], 1 = 'a', 2 = 'b', ..., 27 = 'aa', 28 = 'ab', ...
So... it's just base 26 with alphabetic notation only?
That's really strange.
My implementation of Chef seems to put spaces before numbers.
So the output looks like this: ` 2spooky 4me`
Push ASCII character 127. :P
A: Halloween Golf: The 2spooky4me Challenge!

quartataChef, 414 bytes S. Ingredients. g i 2 g t 115 l s 112 l p 111 l o 107 l k 121 l y 109 l m 101 l e Method. Take i from refrigerator.Put e into mixing bowl.Put m into mixing bowl.Put i into mixing bowl.Add t.Put y into mixing bowl.Put k into mixing bowl.Put o into mixing bowl.Put o into mixing b...

@VoteToClose I suppose. Maybe not that interesting actually
My very first Chef program. That was a lot of fun.
so many spaces
I don't think I'm ready to attempt World Big Dosa yet though.
@quartata Are there meant to be spaces between the last baking and dish?
@Calvin'sHobbies Nope just edited those out literally 10 seconds before you said that
@quartata Check your question's comment. ;D
Q: All your bijective base are belong to us

DennisBackground A bijective base b numeration, where b is a positive integer, is a bijective positional notation that makes use of b symbols with associated values of 1 to b. Unlike its non-bijective counterpart, no symbol has a value of 0. This way, each non-negative integer n has a unique represen...

@VoteToClose I saw
Twas very spooky indeed
@Sp3000 Thanks, I knew it had to exist
Wow. That was really fun. This is the most fun I've had coding in years.
I think I'll write everything in Chef now.
A: The World's Smallest Web Browser

ezrastRuby, 118 147 bytes source; 11 bytes '-lprsocket'; -40 bytes for looping. *_,h,p=$_.split'/',4 $_=(TCPSocket.new(h,80)<<"GET /#{p} HTTP/1.1 Host:#{h} Connection:close ").read.gsub(/((\A|<\/p>).*?)?(<p>|\Z)/mi,' ').strip Usage example: $ ruby -lprsocket wb.rb http://example.org/ This domain ...

Can any of you find anything wrong with this ^ ?
@TheDoctor It's Ruby.
You spelled "wrong" wrong
That's whats wrong :P
@quartata Mini-challege: Fetch the PPCG main page 20 seconds after the user presses enter, and output as a screenshot image
@Sp3000 I can't do that in Chef.
It has no way of fetching anything.
If everyone was only allowed floor(ppcg_rep/100) chat comments a day, who would be affected the most?
Now lemme use netcat and give me 3 weeks and I could do it maybe
Chat relay.
Oh darn :P
@Sp3000 i could do it with python opening a webbrowser and then java.Robot pressing shift-cmd-3
And here I thought I'd be fine
@TheDoctor Use Jython!
Jython? ಠ_ಠ
...OK seriously am I the only person who remembers Jython
Jython is an implementation of the Python programming language designed to run on the Java platform. It is the successor of JPython. == OverviewEdit == Jython programs can import and use any Java class. Except for some standard modules, Jython programs use Java classes instead of Python modules. Jython includes almost all of the modules in the standard Python programming language distribution, lacking only some of the modules implemented originally in C. For example, a user interface in Jython could be written with Swing, AWT or SWT. Jython compiles to Java bytecode (intermediate language) either...
You know, this thing?
@Optimizer Ah good. Someone remembers.
And IronPython too, right?
@Optimizer Ok now you are just making stuff up
@quartata Fe == Iron
^ he's right.
@quartata maybe i'll just stick to separate programs
@Optimizer I know.
so Iron Man technically is Female
@TheDoctor No this is a better solution
Don't mix stuff like that ever
@Optimizer Iron maiden is fefemale.
or Iron Iron Man
Yeah, but the Iron Maiden is actually a thing.
Iron Man is also a thing ಠ_ಠ
Quick question: given such a string +as[23+"AS@D"-@] replace all instances of @ between the [ and ] with the number right after the [ (in this case: 23). Please answer using JavaScript.
> 4. quartata Rotor 32
(This is from the FizzBuzz catalog)
And since I don't count either of the gs2 answers I'm really in second place.
gs2 is just stoopid
I used to like gs2
Its builtins are pretty unnecessary
Much more so than Mathematica or Pyth or CJam
At least those have practical applications
it has a builtin to add two numbers
@BetaDecay You think gs2 has unnecessary builtins
try Rotor lmao
The Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure (SSCLI), previously codenamed Rotor, is Microsoft's shared source implementation of the CLI, the core of .NET. Although the SSCLI is not suitable for commercial use due to its license, it does make it possible for programmers to examine the implementation details of many .NET libraries and to create modified CLI versions. Microsoft provides the Shared Source CLI as a reference CLI implementation suitable for educational use. == History == Beginning in 2001, Microsoft announced they would release part of the .NET framework infrastructure source code...
This rotor?
Although I didn't know that that was called Rotor originally
Funny considering I first started writing Rotor in C#
Quick question: given such a string +as[23+"AS@D"-@] replace all instances of @ between the [ and ] with the number right after the [ (in this case: 23). Please answer using JavaScript (a suggestion is using .replace()). I need the answer ASAP.
Sorry I don't JS well under pressure
Have you considered stackoverflow
@quartata lol interpreted in groovy...
@TheDoctor Groovy is awesome.
(A little slow but who cares)
@Sp3000 Python 2 with Selenium - 156 bytes
import time,selenium.webdriver as s
:P nice
@Calvin'sHobbies wow
Kinda nice how you can get the whole page, actually
I could save 5 bytes if I had the Ie driver but I seem to only have Firefox
Is there a Chrome driver?
That would be shorter.
not installed, but yeah

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