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You should try to find some different one-line programs before beginning the search for ^...\n> [program]
@feersum It's an advantage because the amortized time across all inputs is much better than incrementally. If the correct seed is 2^32-2, for example, the incremental version will require 2^32-2 iterations before it finds it. With randomly-generated seeds, on average, it will take 2^31 iterations for any input.
Is it, though? What if the correct seed is 2?
1000x1000 animation in progress...
(82/100 frames)
Any code that only searches 500 million programs in 18 hours must be very slow, so whatever.
@El'endiaStarman That would take even longer than just exhausting the seed space, since I would have to chain-run an interpreter.
And solve the halting problem
Stop it after 1 second, say.
If it produces more than 3 1s in that time, you're probably good.
@El'endiaStarman It is drastically more likely that the correct seed is in the range [2^31,2^32), meaning that randomly choosing seeds will be faster on average for most seeds
Q: Let's Make Music!

indeedLots of people like to play music for fun and entertainment. Unfortunately, music is pretty difficult sometimes. That is why you're here! Task It's your job to make reading music much easier for those struggling with it. You need to write a program or function that takes as input a musical staf...

Consider this: there is an equal probability that the seed is in [0,2^31) compared to [2^31,2^32)
How is that range better than [0, 2^31]?
@NewMainPosts That's not a duplicate?
Because, on average, it will take 2^31 iterations to choose a number in [0,2^32) when choosing randomly
The same's true whatever order you do it in.
Where it would take n iterations iteratively to reach n
That doesn't change your expected time for the search.
And solutions with a low seed are golfier, so you should try them first.
...yeah that's actually right, it comes out the same across all inputs
It makes me feel better, then :P
@feersum ...what? How do low seeds make shorter programs?
And low seeds are golfier, but there is no guarantee that a 32-bit seed exists that will spit out this program
@El'endiaStarman 7 2 is shorter than 7 245276612
@El'endiaStarman The source code is a seed and a length iirc
I think finding a Seed program is a great enough achievement that trying to golf it won't help. :P
What challenge is this for? Does it relate to the colorful smoke fractals @Doorknob was posting?
The fact that I got 4 characters correct in under a quarter of the seed space is reassuring though
@Calvin'sHobbies Truth Machine.
It means the odds aren't totally against me
@Mego You should not be reassured by that.
Since finding more is exponentially harder.
@feersum shush stop making me feel bad with math
I should put this version of the seed-finding program on Github
It also outputs the current # of seeds tried, to make keeping track of the progress easier
Y'know, I like the idea of just generating characters in a stream (after getting a ^) until you get \n>....
While @Mego has his Seed program in the oven I'm baking a Malbolge program
That's pretty much near-guaranteed to produce an appropriate program eventually.
What does it do? ... you'll see
(if it ever finishes)
@quartata Good luck with that
If someone finds a Malbolge program for Truth Machine, you can have all of my rep
@Mego That wouldn't be so bad probably.
And by all I mean like 200
This is just for a kolmogorov complexity challenge.
I know there's a decent bounty for a HW Seed program, but it's almost surely non-existant
Due to the 2^32 seed space
It's surely existent, but impossible to actually test.
Mini-math challenge: At what height would you have to draw a horizontal line in a unit semicircle such that the top and bottom portions have the same area?
The only way to find it is if you could mathematically find a way to search for a certain sequence in the Mersenne twister's byte stream.
And it would probably be so large that you could not actually generate those bytes.
This will probably finish in a hour or two
@El'endiaStarman The issue also with this suggestion is that you don't know how many bytes to take
But I'm too sleepy to wait around for it
imgur hates me for trying to upload huge GIFs, so I'm putting it on my webserver :P
Circle area integral is really long and gross iirc
@Doorknob I recommend imgup.
@Mego Doesn't matter. Just keep producing characters.
(that one was disappointing considering it took so long. I'm trying to get multithreading working now)
@phase Hey, Hexagony is on that list
I had no idea Hexagony was written in Mathematica
What? I thought Martin wrote it in Ruby...
He did.
But not according to GitHub.
@quartata so you at least went through 5 of the pages?
@TanMath Yes.
@Doorknob That's a huge file.
It is on page 7.
I was mostly looking for my own language on account of me being a narcissist
@El'endiaStarman yeah...
@Calvin'sHobbies h such that int [0,1] int[0,pi] r dthetha dr - int [0,1] h dx == 0.25
@Doorknob Finally loaded fully and wow, that's pretty.
Hey, supercollider is on that list too!
Though...yeah, not as impressive for the amount of effort/time that went into it...
So many languages I know that aren't mine
I cba to open up sage and calculate the answer
I saw Scala too
@quartata it says half of it was ruby, and the other half is mathematica...
@Mego You can't use polar coordinates to integrate over a rectangle.
@El'endiaStarman I think it's just bad luck with the random numbers :P
that's why I'm multithreading, so I can try more combinations
@TanMath The only thing in Mathematica was the plotting I think
Messed up my solution
h such that int [0,1] int[0,pi] (r-hsin(theta)) dthetha dr == 0.25*pi
@quartata yes, but the fact that it is 600-700 lines makes it seem half of the coding is Mathematica...
@feersum You're right, but I can use polar coordinates to integrate over a circle and subtract out the area of a rectangle
@TanMath lol
Oh crap
@Mego I would be really shocked if that formula worked.
@quartata see? I cracked the case!
That should work better
Works better to convert it all to polar and combine them
@Doorknob You should be combithreading, so you can try more multinations.
Crap my conversion is wrong
Oh I'm stupid.
I didn't understand how the fixed-length BOR generator worked.
Whatever. I'm not doing that for all n
Poorly golfed program coming up
@Mego What you want is h such that int[0,h] sqrt(1-x^2) dx = pi/4.
19892 llama     20   0   42412  37212   2020 R 100.0  0.6   0:24.64 fractal
19883 llama     20   0   54160  49032   2104 R  99.0  0.8   0:29.19 fractal
19890 llama     20   0   54160  49000   2068 R  98.7  0.8   0:26.55 fractal
19885 llama     20   0   54160  49124   2192 R  93.0  0.8   0:27.16 fractal
who cares about multithreading :P
(I decided to run four instances in parallel to produce four animations at once. The numbers in the fourth-to-last column are CPU usage.)
Hope you didn't have anything else you needed to do while it was running. :P
A: We're no strangers to code golf, you know the rules, and so do I

quartataMalbolge, 12735 bytes D'`N^?o!6}{FW1gSSR2PO)oo98[H('3}C#"?xwO*)L[Zp6WVlqpih.lkjihgI&^F\a`Y^W{[ZYX:Pt7SRQPOHGkK-CHA@d>C<;:9>=6Z:9876v43,+Op.',%*#G'&}$#"y?}_uts9qvo5sUTpong-NMib(fedFEa`_X|\[T<RQVOsSRQP2HlLKJCgAFE>=aA@">76;:9870Tu-2+*)Mn,+*#"!Efe{z!x>|utyxwpo5Vlqpih.fed*ba`&^c\[`Y}@\[TSXQuUTMLQPOHl...

@feersum yep
Probably suboptimal.
1/4*sqrt(-pi^2 + 16)
@quartata WHUT.
@El'endiaStarman Basically.
I could have made it better if I wanted to spend a week generating it
Or approximately phi-1
And yes it actually works.
@quartata Did you write the generator yourself or did you find one?
@feersum Found one and fiddled a bit with it
Everyone thinks Malbolge is so scary but it's a pretty easy to understand language
If you generated it using someone else's program you should credit that in your answer.
It's just... misunderstood
600 million seeds and counting
We'll see where it is in the morning
Night all
@quartata just looking at the hello wrold code in the wikipedia page makes me feel intimidated!
well this is taking a while
@feersum done
don't kill me please for using a generator I couldn't have done it by hand
You could have at least made a golfing generator :P
@feersum so picky
I did spend some effort on this
I like the consistent usage of 95%-100% CPU on all 4 cores... it makes typing in this textbox a wonderful experience
@Doorknob fractals are fun aren't they
Get more cores
get 7 more
so each of the 4 animations are at around frame 60
@Calvin'sHobbies Dude 11 cores would be sick
Okay, running the streaming Seed brute-forcer now.
@AlexA. -1 Not a multiple of two
Prime core counts are optimal due to Fibonacci sub-sequencing
It's got the first three needed characters so far out of 9.
@Calvin'sHobbies I don't know what this means but it sounds mathy enough to be correct.
Selling processors in non-power-of-2 multiples is a great business opportunity.
People would be really struck by the novelty of it.
It's true. I believe they would sell like hotcakes.
Q: Unique Sudoku Finder

Root InfinityChallenge: Given a Sudoku board on standard input, find the minimum number of numbers added to make the board unique. Specifics/Rules: The input is formatted as follows (all whitespace is significant) 516|827|943 278|394|615 349|615|872 ---+---+--- 98 |4 2|156 465|189|237 12 |5 6|489 ---+---...

This challenge is 4 years old and has no answers
@AlexA. mmm hotcakes
@AlexA. Just think about the proto-bayesian between neighboring cores. The corresponding Ruth-Gellar module shows that primes are optimal.
@Calvin'sHobbies Here's my money give me the cores
@quartata Who the hell calls pancakes "hotcakes"?
@AlexA. People who don't make their pancakes in pans.
They make them in... hot?
Over an open fire.
Flat circular cakes are hot more often that they are in pans.
jackfrosstttt nipping at your nose
Wow no one got the reference.
@Calvin'sHobbies Idk, mine get cold pretty quickly after removing them from the pan.
@quartata Correct
Just noticed that the last example that was "for good luck" on this: codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/63290/45151 is the SMB theme
Also just found this:
A: Average of a string

ಠ_ಠJulia, 41 bytes With help from @AlexA. a->Char(round(Int,mean([Int(i)for i=a]))) (Older version only worked in Julia 0.3.)

Very suspicious
@AlexA. I mean pancakes is a subset of hotcakes
I don't think that's true
And both are subsets of primecakes
By Wilson's Theorem for Primecakes, one should eat a lot of cakes.
Nothing better than 3 characters out of the first 103,983,757 for the seed 153.
@quartata It had a bunch of back and forth between ಠ_ಠ and me in comments that I nuked. I provided the 0.4 solution. I wouldn't post a 0.3 solution because I don't have it anymore; I upgraded.
@AlexA. Suspicious
You may suspect as much as you'd like
But it isn't true
Methinks he does protest too much
@AlexA. Precisely. (assuming Marshmallow-Francake et theory)
Medoesn't giveth a shit
the four GIFs are done but they're huge
@Calvin'sHobbies Btw, "hotcakes" gets redirected to "pancakes" on Wikipedia.
Methinks he does giveth a shit
Youthinks mine shit hath been given?
@AlexA. Maybe on your computer
Oh right, I have a different version of Wikipedia installed.
Somebody scammed you. They sold you the version where all instances of hot were changed to pan
@AlexA. Methinks you hath
It hurts. The failure.
Now that's a big dosa
What inspired you to make World Big Dosa anyways
The video linked in the challenge
I can't believe no one made a Chef answer for that
I gotta fix that
Somebody tried. He only got part way through (it's an overcomplicated challenge) and the code was already too long to fit in a post.
@AlexA. Seriously?
Maybe I'll have better luck...?
I really want to try for some reason.
Worth a try if you're that bored.
that one finally finished uploading
> Occasionally grudgingly use Java / PHP, only when necessary
> Always (never grudgingly) use Java / PHP, even when not necessary. All hail Java and PHP
@quartata It should be: "Occasionally begrudgingly use Java. Never, under any circumstances use PHP."
PHP and Perl are what keep the internet together stop hating on them
Can't stop how I feel
@Doorknob This finally finished loading for me. Impressive!
While that's loading, I'll just add this:
@AlexA. Fascinating
I want one
@Doorknob your gifs are killing my browser ;-;
@Calvin'sHobbies Fascinating, Captain
@phase sorry! I won't onebox the next two :P
I'll unonebox these as well
@AlexA. Can we get one of those for the minecraft server?
Are there pancakes in Minecraft?
I wonder if we could make an automatic cake maker.
@AlexA. No
@AlexA. No automatic crafting so no
Time to call in a favor from Notch
Notch no longer works for Mojang
You can make all the ingredients
@Calvin'sHobbies He's too busy enjoying his ouzo jacuzzi
haha these take forever to load
Twas a joke
Anywho I better be off. bai
Beer bread can be a simple quick bread or a yeast bread flavored with beer. Both beer and bread have a common creation process: yeast is used to turn sugars into carbon dioxide and alcohol. In the case of bread a great percentage of the alcohol evaporates during the baking process. Beer bread can be made with simply flour, beer, and sugar. Some bottled beers, especially craft beers may intentionally have visible live, but dormant, yeast sediment at the bottom of the bottle. However, many mass market beers have the live yeast filtered out. Without sufficient leavening from the beer, a loaf of beer...
Why didn't I know this exists.
It's okay, not the best @AlexA.
Oh you've had it?
Yeah, one Thanksgiving years ago @AlexA.
btw, how did @AlexA. help @ಠ_ಠ in the average string challenge without even interactibg once?
We interacted in the comments. I mod deleted them since they were obsolete.
aka incriminating
all lies
@ಠ_ಠ Would you like to join the PPCG Minecraft server?
I bet @ಠ_ಠ will live in @AlexA. 's house :P
My Minecraft house is too small for two.
@Calvin'sHobbies I actually don't know whether ಠ_ಠ's parent user plays Minecraft. It would be fun to have them if they do.
Hmm, why did VTC just join the room as I said that.
But no Octave or Julia answers
@Calvin'sHobbies Juila
Nobody said "Juila"
map(join, permutations("Julia"))
That's Julia code
Returns a 120-element array
Why isn't this a Skype group, if I may ask?
I don't think it's been suggested. We have a very inactive IRC channel: ##ppcg.
Not everyone has or wants other accounts.
And I don't think anyone wants to see anyone else's face.
This is how I look like.
Rather, no one wants anyone else to see their face.
Rather, none of us have faces.
if we are a skype group, we can solve the mystery of @ಠ_ಠ
(Alex is just a bird wearing a sock anyhow)
yes ^
@Calvin'sHobbies Birds don't wear socks
@AlexA. Birds do
@Calvin'sHobbies Birds != Birds?
Okay bye
ok, ok, I come out. @ಠ_ಠ is my sock.
And now that its revealed, please feel free to delete that account
GN @ಠ_ಠ
Bye_Bye Birdie
@AlexA. I don't have my face set as my skype pic... Is that normal?
Why use skype except for video (or at least audio) chat?
"Skype".split("").reverse().join("").toLowerCase() === "epyks"
@feersum created our 4th most common comment with This does not work correctly for the input falstrue. Just overtaking How does it work?. (data.stackexchange.com/codegolf/query/edit/387070)
from now on, I am gonna treat @ಠ_ಠ as @AlexA. itself wherever possible.
@ΚριτικσιΛίθος Why split and join?
A: How do you reverse a string in place in JavaScript?

belacquafunction reverse(s){ return s.split("").reverse().join(""); } Caveats : http://stackoverflow.com/a/16776621/1636522.

also, there is literally no real in place in JavaScript :P
@Optimizer What are the "..."?
What are the what?
can you please complete your question?
What does the ellipsis do?
:D :P
ES6 spread operator
look up
@randomra lol!
is code to solve chess puzzles on topic or is just coding the different piece moves too much effort for PPCG?
There might already be a chess problem out there @Lembik
I have seen some
to be precise, I want to pose a challenge that asks for the maximum number of pieces for black for which there is a mate in X for white
given the normal starting positions of all the pieces
but it involves coding some sort of chess engine
which might be hard to do in very short code
@Lembik would that be a golf or challenge problem?
Q: Multiple functions used for solving a question?

Glen OIf your solution for a question requires, say, two functions, that should be called one after another, is it acceptable to define the two functions, with it being expected that the user will invoke the two in sequence? That is, if you define two functions f(x) and g(x), with the intention being ...

@randomra challenge I think
@xnor hi
@ΚριτικσιΛίθος Salut
I'm loving the Universe challenge
It's almost as good as Calvin's star challenge

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