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@Mego But it uses the language's regex, and has very different output.
'(ab)*','abab' -> {'(ab)*':[{'a':'a','b':'b'},{'a':'a','b':'b'}]}
(using Python notation for lists and dicts)
@msh210 True, so it probably wouldn't get closed as a dupe. Just be prepared for a few close votes, regardless
@Mego To close as...?
What's the maximum image width in a post before it gets downscaled?
@msh210 Some people like to VTC as dupe even when it's just related and not actually a dupe
@mınxomaτ Probably something like 80-100% of the post container
Which is constant, so what's the max px size? :)
@Mego Huhwat?
@Mego Pfft. Well, if I do post it, I'll try and be very clear near the start of the post about how it's not a dupe. For those who don't read a whole post before voting to close it.
@msh210 I highly recommend you post your challenge in the Sandbox before posting it to main, so that you can get more feedback than just the people currently in chat
@VoteToClose Very funny
@Mego Thanks.
@mınxomaτ It's not constant - mobile posts will have a different width than desktop posts
Okay, I might post this in an hour unless anyone else has any problems with it
@mınxomaτ On desktop, it appears the post width is 660px, if that helps
@BetaDecay So Natrium and Kalium are the only 2 special cases?
Just to make sure I'm understanding this right
@Calvin'sHobbies I don't want to exclude new users, so I must agree with you here. There's no better way to gain experience than participating.
What about catalog challenges, then? Should we also encourage multiple answers in each language, as long as they aren't exact duplicates?
Does the Apache license let me distribute modified versions of source code?
Like the GPL?
This is my OCD. I can't decide on which to develop
@ThomasKwa I see no issue with this
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Spaces in file names? >:O
who keeps starring everything?
@Doorknob Yup. I use windows puts on sunglasses
@Mego That would be me. I got my votes back, as you can tell.
Well, thanks for your help, folks.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Ooh do I have more yet?
@msh210 Anytime :)
Nope, mine are still gone
And who freaking pinned that?
@Mego What a shame. holds a stack of about thirty stars
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ 20, minus the ones you've used
@Mego huh?
@Mego That was me, just as a joke. I've unpinned it.
oh I missed it :P
@msh210 Ahh, lol
@Mego O_O NOO MY STARZ I only have ten left then
The stars in here can get out of hand, in case you couldn't tell :P
@Doorknob It was "who keeps starring everything?"
(and I am one of the worst offenders)
Despite having been signed up for it since the very beginning I am not in the Overwatch beta
You can still watch over @Beta though :P
It's not the same dammit
When life gives you lemons...
make melons ;)
Make Beta lemonade
nope, no less strange than before
@Seadrus The room? This is pretty mild, all things considered.
Yeah I've seen it far weirder
oh god thats terifying
I can only see one starred message in the scrollbox right now, for instance.
*terrifying ಠ_ಠ
@Geobits Mobile device?
No, desktop. I don't mean the sidebar, but the main chat box.
@quartata print('ಠ'+'_'*int(input())+'ಠ')
@BetaDecay That was not one hour
My fault, I pinged him with a bad pun.
@Mego Lmao Python3
@quartata Python 2 input is bad
That's CJam, right?
@Mego Yes.
I should run that through seriously.py
@quartata At what width do those start looking like tank treads?
And see what happens
@Calvin'sHobbies 200 ish
But that requires booting up my Linux VM, because stupid Java and Cygwin and stuff
@quartata Did you golf that script down even more? It was longer last time I saw it :P
@Doorknob No it's just cold
@Mego oooor you could switch to a superior OS :D
It's 12 bytes now. I think that's as short as it can get in CJam.
@Doorknob Yes.
@Doorknob I use Windows-specific programs on this machine, and running them in wine or a VM is much more inconvenient
GolfScript would be shorter I suspect since you don't have to do ri
@Mego such as what?
@Doorknob I don't need to give you the whole list of programs I have installed
Ooooh, can I see the list? I promise I won't tell Doorknob.
so what programs do you have now that don't exist / don't have alternatives on not-Windows?
1 hour ago, by feersum
CockOS? Sounds legit.
@VoteToClose I uh what
There are lots of proprietary, in-house things for businesses that don't work right except on Windows, if it's used for work at all.
@Mego I can guarantee you that either there is a native Linux alternative for every program on that list or the program can run with Wine
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ What did you mean when you said "Mind if I use it?"
@Sp3000 The algorithm. Sorry, that was vague.
@quartata Perhaps, but it's not worth going through the effort to migrate everything over, install wine, debug wine, reinstall wine, and then use stuff
Calvin builds a witch farm on the PPCG server
Next day, Etho builds one
Calvin=Etho confirmed?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Er... okay? (It's the usual string build FizzBuzz algorithm, right?)
@Sp3000 No, not that I know of; I've always seen a third conditional. I guess I've never seen a golfed FizzBuzz algorithm before.
Q: Electron Configuration Diagrams

Beta DecayChallenge Given an element name and its charge, output its electron configuration. Input Your input will be the full name of each element (the range being from Hydrogen, 1, to Calcium, 20) with some exceptions - you should be able to account for the following inputs: Natrium - This is sodium ...

@VoteToClose Not yet. It's not a particularly interesting problem, so...
Current "Unusable language" schematic.
Input	i	Takes a numeric input and push to the first stack
Warp	~	Goes to the same instruction in other program and increment accumulator
Dup N	:N	Duplicates the top value of the Nth stack
Pop N	;N	Pops the top value of the Nth stack and puts it into the accumulator
Drop N	,N	Pops the top value of the Nth stack
Distr N	KN	Distributes the contents of the Nth stack across the stacks, starting with N and wrapping around.
Put N	PN	Puts the value of the accumulator on to the Nth stack
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ See top voted answer
@quartata Calvin = Helka Homba
@Sp3000 Oh, haha.
@Calvin'sHobbies Channel does not exist
@quartata Is this supposed to have the trailing backslash?
@Mego Damn it, my watch is playing up
@Calvin'sHobbies Here's a sub :D
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ carrot.gif
@Mego carrot.png
@Mego Yes
@quartata It's not playing nice with bash/python :/
@Mego Put it in a file.
This comment was useless. Ignore.
Then run it like cjam file
@quartata Our witch farm didn't require endless arrows at least. I did copy this, though I can see some room for improvement.
@quartata Durr. That's be easier than passing it on the command line. Though I was using my Seriously script, not cjam directly
@Calvin'sHobbies What resource pack do you use?
> $cat test | python seriously.py
> CJam
@Calvin'sHobbies Provided that we can use arrows from a skeleton farm, Etho's one would work perfectly fine.
@VoteToClose Should probably migrate this discussion over to the proper room :P
It was the only comment I was going to make. ;)
@VoteToClose But then we need a nearby skeleton spawner. (Or else two afkers and an item transport system from our current skelly farm.) Skellies spawning means fewer witches anyway.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Default normally but I think I used planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/codecrafted-texture-pack-125 in a video or two.
@Calvin'sHobbies Ah, cool! Thanks.
@Mego Yes. I don't remember exactly who though.
@Mego And he uses etho-teric languages.
24 secs ago, by SuperJedi224
Hi Alex.
That was fun:
A: The Combinatorics of Transistor

DennisCJam, 74 67 bytes q~4@:Mm*:$L|{:+W$\-M),&},f{0-:F1@@{_m!\I-:Nm!/I(m!/*N}fI;Fm!Fe=/}:+ I've verified all test cases on my desktop computer using the Java interpreter. This took 2.2 seconds for 1 ≤ M ≤ 8 and 3.5 minutes for M = 10. Try this fiddle in the CJam interpreter or verify the first 84 ...

I wonder if I'm missing something super-obvious that would let me cut my byte count in half...
@quartata It is in my in-progress novel! :P (One of the characters is named Rotor.)
@SuperJedi224 Hello!
@El'endiaStarman Reminds me of the craptastic movie R.O.T.O.R.
Never seen it.
It's mad old.
Well, not that old.
That's not that old.
2.3/10. Wow.
Highly recommend reading the user reviews for comedic gold.
You're right; it's 10 years younger than the first Star Wars.
I've never seen this movie but I remember it for its ridiculous title.
There are few movies with a lower rating
> My therapist thinks that a lot of my current problems stem back to this film
This is one
Birdemic has multiple sequels though ^^
Also, german youtubers managed to make the worst movie of all time (1.1/10): imdb.com/title/tt4404474
After looking through Kirk Cameron's imdb profile, I'm beginning to realize he's been in like 80% of bad American movies
@flawr Listening to it now. I like it so far. :)
I love waffles
Dammit I was thinking about doing this @Mego:
A: Seriously, GolfScript, CJam, or Pyth?

MegoPython 2, 404 * 0.6 * 0.8 = 193.92 import sys from subprocess import* from tempfile import* c=["CJam","java","-jar","cjam.jar"] p=["Pyth","./pyth.py"] g=["Golfscript","./golfscript.rb"] f=NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) s=sys.stdin.read() f.write(s) f.close() n=open('/dev/null','w+') for l in [...

But I thought it wouldn't be that accurate
Guess it got the bounty anyways
@quartata fastest interpreter-mashup in the west
@Mego pew pew pew
Alright serious time
I'm thinking about making a challenge
Any little things I should be aware of?
@quartata What about?
Fast code
I was thinking something about en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_space_partitioning
It might a better code-golf though
@quartata Favorite waffle toppings?
@AlexA. Fried eggs are nice.
Strawberries and blackberries are good too.
Earth Balance and maple syrup.
@AlexA. Ooh that's nice.
Maple syrup is kind of pricey; I have this brown sugar syrup I use instead
Tastes good on waffles and french toast mm
I've only made French toast a couple of times. I made pumpkin French toast most recently and that shit was delish.
I made pumpkin granola last Thanksgiving. Goes really good on pumpkin pie
When possible: Butter, syrup, whipped cream, and chocolate chips. Sometimes caramel sauce as well.
Otherwise, just butter and syrup.
Whipped cream, chocolate chips, and caramel sauce is too much. How do you savor the waffle flavor?
This was the recipe
@AlexA. Honestly I don't like putting too much sugary stuff on my waffles, especially if they are belgian waffles (what I normally get from my grocer).
They've already got that kind of vanilla flavor
The batter usually has a little vanilla extract.
@AlexA. Yeah
Why are we talking about food again
My sister found a recipe for beer waffles. They contain vanilla stout.
@quartata Because food is amazing.
@AlexA. Ah yes right.
Why did this get 48 upvotes anyways
A: The World's Smallest Web Browser

Digital TraumaPure Bash (no utilities), 200 bytes - 40 bonus = 160 while read u;do u=${u#*//} d=${u%%/*} exec 3<>/dev/tcp/$d/80 echo "GET /${u#*/} HTTP/1.1 host:$d Connection:close ">&3 mapfile -tu3 A a=${A[@]} a=${a#*<p>} a=${a%</p>*} echo "${a//<\/p>*<p>/" "}" done I think this is up to the spec, though o...

Why are all the avatars broken
@quartata I don't know.
@SuperJedi224 Why can't my super long answers get that kind of upvotage
I really don't know.
Given that @SuperJedi224's is the only one showing up, I blame him
@Mego Means something is blocking the avatar server most likely
They're all rendering right on my end.
Actually I just reloaded the page
They are broken for me too
Last fall I tried to make a pumpkin pie with fresh roasted sweet pumpkin. As it turns out, pumpkin is too heavy for starch-based binders (which is probably why they almost always contain egg). It was like a bowl of hot snot with a leather top. The crust was great though.
Looks like imgur is getting DDOS'ed
And cloudflare kicked in, which broke https
@Mego Seriously?
The avatars weren't loading for me so I left and came back. Not they mostly work except for xnor.
And hitting continue leads to a 403
@SuperJedi224's works because it's a gravatar
I think mine is.
Mine's hosted via google actually.
I'm fairly certain that mine is a Gravatar.
@AlexA. It's a Gravatar hosted by imgur
The image is hosted on stack.imgur.com
I remember resetting my Gravatar from my actual face to the bird because one day I signed on and it was showing my face rather than the bird that I had uploaded to SE.
@Mego Uh, okay.
Which is odd because the other stack.imgur.com images I'm looking at in another tab aren't running into that problem.
@SuperJedi224 Are you using HTTPS?
<Does some element inspecting> No
They're broken for me too
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GarethRuby on Rails I'm looking to dig out this long-buried question proposal (the number of upvotes suggests a few people are interested). A question for reviewers based on the old question: Keep the different direction tracks (- | / \) or use one character to represent track (. maybe)? ...

I can't believe this has been in the sandbox for 4 years and the author is still working on it
I haven't seen Gareth around in forever.
Last edited Jul 11 by him
That's not that long ago
Nope, still broken.
@quartata Right, I mean I haven't seen him post anything. Apparently he was "seen yesterday," according to his profile.
The last message was posted 1 hour ago.
Is a code golf challenge that combines a cg task and a classic riddle a valid challenge? This is my idea: h50.imgup.net/storytime9e8c.png
Why not post it in the sandbox?
A: Electron Configuration Diagrams

MegoPython 3, 617 bytes s=""" {18} {10}{14} {2}{6} {0}{1} {17}{9} %2s {3}{11} {13}{5} {7}{15} {8}{4} {16}{12} {19}""" t={'hydrogen':('H',1),'helium':('He',2),'lithium':('Li',3),'beryllium':('Be',4),'boron':('B',5),'carbon':('C',6),'nitrogen':('N',7),'oxygen':('O',8),...

first :P
Q: The Orphanage Story

mınxomaτ"First time I've been back here in over twenty years. Makes my blood turn cold just looking at the place." Jenny gripped Ron's hand tightly. He'd told her all about the miserable years he'd spent here as a child, about the abuse and the cruelty. She'd wanted to go to the police but he would have...

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