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@PhiNotPi Me!
I read every page intently several times.
Including the extension about computers.
Yeah, I have the computer extension too.
@PhiNotPi When were you in elementary school?
This would probably be a little over 10 years ago.
Then, I look to the right to see that my message has 5 stars, and realize I can die happy. XD
I'm back.
I see I missed Doorknob's plea for help
The APL programming language is distinctive in being symbolic rather than lexical: its primitives are denoted by symbols, not words. These symbols were originally devised as a mathematical notation. APL programmers often assign informal names when discussing functions and operators (for example, product for ×/) but the core functions and operators provided by the language are denoted by non-textual symbols. == Monadic and dyadic functionsEdit == Most symbols denote functions or operators. A monadic function takes as its argument the result of evaluating everything to its right. (Moderated in the...
So how exactly are you supposed to type APL symbols?
And what's the best current APL implementation? I'm going to try to learn a bit of it.
XD You copy them or use an APL keybaord it
I think I'll have more fun learning binary lambda calculus.
I want to learn APL, but if I can't type it then I'm not sure what to do.
Maybe I should make an APL compiler that compiles mnemonics into actual APL code.
In fact, I'm sure someone has done that...
question eligible for bounty in 33 minutes
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
@quartata what question?
RTTTL Obfuscation
That will be interesting
It's very interesting.
Too bad it doesn't have very many answers.
Honestly, I was kinda hoping to get quite a few answers. It would have been neat to see a lot of different obfuscation techniques.
Yeah, the problem is that most languages just can't work
Plus pop-con really works the best with lots of answers :P
@DanielM. Yeah, sadly.
I thought maybe it would be somewhat easier due to the sharp notes, which are comments in most languages.
I have a sudden, overwhelming urge to make a challenge involving Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters.
I have no idea what it would be about, just that it needs to contain the words "Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster."
@Sp3000 That would work. However, Befunge doesn't have l and Minkolang doesn't have an equivalent yet.
I'm pretty convinced that a language without stack manipulation is not Turing-complete.
An expensive way would be to keep track of the length of stack manually (actually it probably wouldn't be too bad in Befunge-98, with k)
Actually, why are you doing this by building up the stack again?
(as opposed to multiplying as you go)
No stack manipulation or reflection capabilities.
1&> v
Hmm p/g is expensive
It's starting to look good: koth-phinotpi.rhcloud.com
p/g is what I mean by "reflection".
Ah, k
Q: The Mystery String Printer (Cops)

Daniel M.The robbers thread can be found here: The Mystery String Printer (Robbers) Your challenge Write a complete program that prints a string to STDOUT. The robbers will try to create a program that prints the same string. If they successfully can create the program within 7 days, your submission is...

Q: The Mystery String Printer (Robbers)

Daniel M.The cops thread can be found here: The Mystery String Printer (Cops) Your challenge Choose a submission from the cops thread, and print out the string from an answer in that thread. The submission that you choose must not be safe (it must be newer than 7 days). Your program needs to follow the...

Oh wow, that bot is fast
I think I've got everything I want to put in Downdraft.
Here's a program for this challenge: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/57802/…
Contains unprintables.
It's 65 bytes which isn't actually that good...
Oh oops I just noticed that I didn't escape the backquotes
Huh, I guess you just can't have backquotes.
It'll be tricky to implement all the features I used in that program. I'm going to work up to it, and once it can run that program I'll release it. Then I'll try to think of ways to make it better for golfing.
Are we allowed to use cryptographic hash functions in cops-and-robbers challenges?
^ really should be disallowed, as standard CnR practice
Should probably post a comment
The key must be between 0 and 255
Because it acts pretty much like a pseudo-random number generator
@ThomasKwa I don't speak pyth, so what is being used as the input for the hash in the comment?
@Sp3000 It took me a while, a reordering of the strings and base 380 to get it working, but it ultimately saved a byte. Thanks!
Oh? :o nice
@DanielM. Cryptographic hash functions are not seeded random calls, so it doesn't matter. They may be similar in many aspects, but the question does not forbid them in its current state.
(The input is the string hl0|VH]Sw<(%<.)
I'll modify the question so that it treats cryptography like rng's- an input of 1 byte is a bit easier to crack
Personally, I'd simply forbid all built-ins that involve cryptographic primitives (PRNGs, encryption/decryption, cryptographic hash functions, etc.).
Ok, changed it
You know, I've never figured out how to use Stuck's interpreter (pretty sure the cop's easy though)
That's why the program lengths where the cop is really easy give much less points. The robbers are going to have a real tough time, though.
Well anyways, it's midnight here, so I'll be checking out
@Tryth Fun fact: The one I was going to post was indeed STDOUT redirection :P (but thanks for clarifying)
@Sp3000 It appears I might have made a mistake. My REPL is giving me a different output to my commandline. Deleting it until I can work out what has happened. Apologies :P
Ah :P
For reference I have 103 bytes over here, so...
I'm about to make a meta post about my PPCG server
Ah. I see what has happened. Looks like my 47 byte thingamajig might be invalid
It's because the __import__('this') only activates once in the REPL
:( damn
Q: Introducing a KOTH server!

PhiNotPiThe Motivation The desire for a KOTH server has been around for a while. There have been a couple notable meta discussions about it in the past: Creating an official place to become a King of the Hill tester How could we run KotHs in a distributed fashion? By being able to host KOTHs on a se...

I now have for loops in Minkolang! The full program for calculating a factorial is thus: 1n[i1+*]N. . :D
Dennis' one is actually a fun puzzle and not just number bashing for once :D
Which one? :P
The Pyth one
(having said that, number strings win too much :( )
Darn, this shouldn't be that hard but it is :P
@BetaDecay 32 bytes? Why so mean? :P
@Dennis I'll give you a clue: It's a variant of something that all mathematicians and programmers know and love ;)
And I didn't realise that it was that long until I measured it :P
Damnit Dennis do you need that many number strings? :P
how should someone post a mathematical proof here?
SE doesn't like answers where the content is in the link, but MathJax is not enabled here
Okay I think I've got Dennis', but I don't know Pyth well enough. Drat.
Hmm how does one take a list product in Pyth...
argh, I feel like this CnR, like so many before it, is a good idea spoiled by a whole lot of needless rules
not letting me submit multiple cops in one language
letting someone crack it in a more concise language
requiring the length to be given to a nearest power of 2, so I can't use a clever 5-byte code
requiring it to be a full program so that Python has to have a print and Haskell has to include ugly IO
Unfortunately, yeah :( I didn't read the crack-in-other-language part, or Stuck would have gone down even quicker
With Pyth there, it makes Python a bit harder
especially because print plus anything interesting takes you over 8 bytes to 16 bytes, where Pyth can do basically anything
Informal poll: would anyone die of a heart attack if I posted a popcon to the sandbox?
what happened to the real Peter Taylor?
You may or may not get instant upvotes and be showered with stars and love
He came back from holiday with some panoramic photos that, when stitched, have holes that need filling in the sky.
it's a doppelganger!
the real Peter Taylor is locked up somewhere
And since judging how well they're filled is better done by people than by any program I care to write, I wondered about making it into a popcon.
i take it you'd ban image libraries that stitch or fill for you?
Are there any?
from adobe.photoshop import content_aware <-- I wish
The stitching isn't the issue. The idea is that I'd provide some stitched images as references. The challenge is basically "extrapolate blue sky colour", which is a lot less trivial than it sounds.
i think photoshop does have that, though probably not in library form
@PeterTaylor Paintshop Pro uses Python as its scripting language
@BetaDecay So does the GIMP, but I don't think either of them has built-in sky extrapolation.
It's quite a difficult challenge.
@Sp3000 nicely cracked!
The hardest part was trying to figure out what stringify was in Pyth :P
that was also the hardest part of writing it
But yeah the one-per-language rule is pretty annoying too
Now you can't Pyth :/
(I guess it stops people from, er, spamming long numbers in CJam or something? But still...)
What a stupid rule that is
go complain in the comments
i think the intent is just for scoring
surely there's no problem submitting more for fun
@BetaDecay I think I've got yours, but I think it's sad if I cracked it in CJam :/
@Sp3000 Really? Well you can crack if you want, I don't mind :)
Hmm Fourier takes code from STDIN o_O
1~x0~y0~q18(y~z+x~yz~xoq^~q) This is too long and I'm not even done yet
... oh right
Variables are autoinitialised to 0, so you can have q instead of 0~q BTW
k :P
0.675640430319848J0.8376870144941628 I know I have seen this number posted before here, but can't recall where...
@Sp3000 Nice :D
The actual code was: 1~y^~x20~k(xoy*x~gy~xg~yi^~i) but you are pretty much there
Q: What does "taking no input" mean for a program?

Martin BüttnerFixed output challenges usually state that the program "must take no input". I usually interpret this as "The standard input is empty", but after thinking about this, there are actually several valid interpretations: The program has to ignore the standard input, that is, it should work regardle...

hmmm... Not really a huge fan of the new Cops & Robbers
It's essentially even more impossible than the edit distance one for short APL answers
the fact that you don't have to use the same language really breaks the challenge
Q: print difference between icmp timestamp in request/reply ping

cnstThe challenge involves printing the difference between ICMP originate and receive timestamps. The idea is being able to determine which asymmetric internet path is responsible for packet delay. One can use hping with --icmp-ts option to gain the raw data. The task is complicated by the fact th...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Paŭlo EbermannCeylon golfer (whitespace + comment removal) As some people might have noted, I'm answering here often using Ceylon. This is usually done first writing a "normal" program, then slimming it down using whichever tricks I find, and at the last step remove all superfluous white space (and possibly a...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

VTCAKAVSMoACESomething smells Fishy... popularity-contestkolmogorov-complexity I recently saw this code in ><>, and it really got me thinking... Your task is to create a program (in any language) that will accept an input of some words and print out a ><> program that writes the same words that were input ...

@MartinBüttner Agreed. They should be able to find the solution with the same language, because then you might have a case of exactly the same code or even a golfed answer.
It's why I went and downloaded Fourier anyway :P
@Sp3000 Is my latest sandbox post similar to anything done before/could you suggest a search term?
I couldn't think of a search to use.
I was going to ask why 3 reflectors actually
I don't think there's been a challenge involving outputting ><> programs before, but I might be wrong
It makes it just that little bit more complex. I think it'd be cool to see how complex some answers can get.
Also the 8* limit also seems arbitrary. Both of these are trivial to bypass with useless code
Are you suggesting I remove them for conciseness?
Well I'm just trying to see what you're trying to do - you've also got this as popcon, so what do you see as a "good" answer?
btw regardless of what you end up doing, it might be good to link to the esolangs page and give a quick description of the language, since not everyone might know what ><> is
A good answer would be something that might have it so that it outputs code that doesn't repeat itself (for example, H shouldn't be represented as 89* twice). The ><> code should be extremely complex, too, with reflectors everywhere just scattering information. A good output would be similar to the example I put in there.
I'll put those links and description in.
Should I provide a simple description of how to program in ><>, or leave that to the wiki? I'm biased towards the latter.
You can leave it to the wiki if you want, but at least mention 2D/toroidal so people have a basic understand
I still don't get what you mean by "complex" though - why aim for complex?
Because the program shouldn't just be a simple "this is the best way to do it" output, but rather a more artistic (maybe less definitely less efficient) approach.
D: Strikethrough doesn't work?
Triple hyphen
There we go.
Should I add a tag similar to in there?
That tag doesn't exist, or anything similar, but that's what I mean.
Probably not, it'd be a confusing use of the tag compared to what people might expect
@xnor "You all have impressed me before." I almost want to say "bring it on" but ouch complex numbers really hurt
Rather ashamed of how fast my stuff got cracked...
I'mma try harder this time.
Trust me, if your cop is a large number that's not too big the first thing I'm doing is shoving it in Wolfram|Alpha :P
This one won't be a number.
I hope you know your Java because you'll need it.
I don't, so I'll leave it for someone else thanks :)
A: The Mystery String Printer (Cops)

quartataGroovy Range <= 128 String: [class org.codehaus.groovy.tools.GroovyStarter, class org.codehaus.groovy.tools.RootLoader, class org.codehaus.groovy.tools.LoaderConfiguration] This should do much better ;)

@quartata that could be compressed in 128 bytes
But only ASCII characters can be in the robbers program
Otherwise Dennis would have cracked every answer with Bubblegum
No, sadly you must find the real way to print it.
You could still do c="class org.codehaus.groovy.tools." then print "["+c+...
ascii is enough, even printable ascii
Fair enough.
It would have been better in Java rather than Groovy anyways.
One second.
Well not only was it incredibly long the Java version claims that the only class it ever loaded was itself.
(It's not like I used a million other classes to get it working or anything)
@muddyfish In case you're wondering, the only reason I'm asking is because I was thinking of doing one using __docs__, but refrained because most of them depend on which version you're running
Does anyone here have MATLAB?
I think I cracked Tom's answer but I can't test it.
@PeterTaylor there's a resynthesizer plugin for GIMP
@Sp3000 the program should print the same stuff from 2.3 to 2.7.9
Is that by research or by testing?
research, I can't find a 2.3 installer
Hmm k (they're all here btw python.org/downloads)
It most certainly works from 2.5 to 2.7.9
tbh I probably won't get around to it though, due to the (I'm guessing) research required
lol ok
Yeah, I'm only trying to crack ones which look doable without a ton of brute force :P (it's so easy to write a hard cop in this challenge it kinda takes the fun out of it)
Yeah, I can imagine that my one would take quite a lot of force but im pretty sure that my one is possible once you know how to get started (and the second output really makes it easy if you know what to look for)
@Calvin'sHobbies The wall at my new place would make a nice (advanced) sequel for Computer Generated Textured Wall Paint (if there had been any participation to speak of in the original challenge)
@MartinBüttner Funny you mention that. I was thinking the other day about making another similar challenge involving this faux granite pattern
wow, that looks even tougher
Yeah, and it's not as bright and pretty
@AlexA. What's your favorite integer from 3 to 12?
(Hint: there is only one correct answer.)
It's 10 (base 142857)
(both wrong)
Sweet, Mathematica 10.2 added MixedRadix for base conversion.
How are these tasks looking for you pyth/cjam experts?
the first two might be below the average of 11.67 in CJam. not sure about the third.
#1) Any rules on the size of the input? (in case any submission uses a hypotenuse function with precision problems) #2) Already tried :P #3) Might be decently longer than average
@Sp3000 I'll limit the ints to 2^16
I get 9 for the first task, or 8 if I can take input in list form
tbh, I'm slightly concerned that this might have the same problems as golf practice, in the sense that there's a lot of parts and you can't tell if someone copied or found it of their own accord
Yeah, well, that can't be helped can it?
"or (ideally) 14 programs" should probably read 12?
Yep, thanks
@Sp3000 How would hypotenuse-something help? It's not asking for right triangles.
"0200000 should become 2" why doesn't it just remain 200000?
@MartinBüttner Because I'm wrong
... misread, nvm (I get 8 as well for #1)
anyway, I get 15 for #2
Just checked, had 14 with leading zeroes, 15 without
(Waits for Martin to try the scary-looking #3)
looks easier in Retina :D
(still way of above average though)
btw are escaped codes allowed for #3?
(I dunno if there's any to move cursor left/right though)
Mmm, probly no
There are codes for moving the cursor in every direction
but they'd probably overwrite what's already there
(e.g. backspace for moving to the left)
wat... e& and e| only pop the condition if the block is executed? if anything, I feel like the opposite would make sense
@Sp3000 first working version has 50 bytes
I think this would be a really decent individual challenge
e& with a block sounds really weird for some reason :P
Decent individual challenge indeed
I wanted & and |
(I didn't even know you could e& with a block - nice :P)
~50 bytes for task 3? hmm..
{;}e| <-- remove the top two elements if the top element is truthy? I dunno :P (trying to find uses)
(Bets are you/Dennis have already used it somewhere before though)
no I haven't, I was just being stupid and mixing up {}| and {}e|
The fact that it weirdly keeps the condition is pretty cool though
have you tried #3?
Nope, I can't think of a non-painful way to do it
the space is annoying... otherwise I could do 31/ instead of 32%27> plus '=>
(and distinguish all three cases immediately)
trying to get rid of the awkward [{...}{...}]=& is one byte longer on the first attempt:
Ah, you're keeping track of the left/right halves separately, nice :)
(also incoming HNQ woes)
HNQ woes?
Both halves of mystery string are high up in HNQ
(Doorknob's trying to make us all install Rust)
@Sp3000 managed to shorten the switch between arrows and literal characters by 2 bytes
this would actually be simpler (not shorter) in Labyrinth :D
Probably simpler for ><> too, with g/p
(again not shorter)
So yeah, I'd definitely support this being a separate challenge ;)
(@Calvin'sHobbies hint hint)
Ditto, definitely too long for the pile :)
@Sp3000 maybe not that (if it remains one of the harder ones), but I'd like to tackle it in some languages which I definitely won't enter into the tweet challenge
I take it the point is not to let people get all of them then? :P
I was thinking of making just one of the < or >'s required. Like you can choose which to support.
@Doorknob I need a little help with Macaroni. c:
@Calvin'sHobbies I'll support just > ;)
Oh wait :P
if you reduce it to < it would already shorten my code quite a lot though
Ditto Macaroni help, how to Rust
(Specifically: error: can't find crate for `macaroni_lang`)
@Calvin'sHobbies first attempt at FILTHE is 29 bytes
nvm got it (cargo build/cargo run it seems)
ah nice, 24

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