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tabs are whitespace, too
inferior whitespace, but still whitespace
inferior maybe regarding the ASCII code, but they're superior for indentation
but it doesn't matter which one is superior when just talking about the tag
cue 30 Seconds to Mars
anyway, I suggest banning inflammatory language in questions, such as "lowly tab users", "evil tab users", "incorrect, bad, and inferior form of whitespace", "Tabs Must Die", "this is an evil tab" etc
@Doorknob ^
@MartinBüttner Is this for the character type or the language? (there might be some confusion)
character type. we already have
(I'll clarify that in the excerpt)
As long as the tag wiki makes the distinction I'd be fine with that :)
... or that :P
found 16 challenges where the tag is applicable. will start adding it later
Q: Time to adjust some prices!

ciscoheatI'm sure you know about the $9.99 price scheme, instead of using $10. Well, in your new job as a sys admin at a large retail store, they want prices to adhere to a similar scheme: All prices are in whole dollars, no cents. All prices should end with 5 or 9, rounding to the closest one but up if...

Q: Wrong Test case answer

tangofor the problem https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/chocolate-feast below is the code I wrote: #include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int availOff(int wrap, int m){ int r=0; while(wrap>=m){ r+=wrap/m; ...

qN/{i2-Ab)5<5 9?N}/ :/
If it wasn't for the space I could be beating Martin :P (assuming this works)
why are you starting with a dot?
@Sp3000 yeah, 19 bytes feels very beatable
@PeterTaylor "The lowest possible price is $5."
@Justin Yes, yes I have. I have no idea why his username is still that.
Oh boy, there's multiple DoorHandles?
@Justin Yes, we're still friends :P (although he no longer goes to my school)
@aditsu Even when used humorously and not intended to be taken seriously? It's all in the name of fun, which is mostly what this site is about anyway...
@Doorknob Dude, you're up early. ;-)
@ChrisJester-Young I have to leave for school at ~6:45. :)
@Doorknob Holy cow.
(I live really far away from my high school, which starts pretty early anyway.)
anyone else having trouble signing into skype?
"Skype Home is unavailable at the moment. Check back later to see your news and alerts."
1 hour later…
Q: Time to adjust some prices!

ciscoheatI'm sure you know about the $9.99 price scheme, instead of using $10. Well, in your new job as a sys admin at a large retail store, they want prices to adhere to a similar scheme: All prices are in whole dollars, no cents. All prices should end with 5 or 9, rounding to the closest but up if the...

^^ OP has clarified
I'll reopen when he addresses my question
Also here is another 19 byte version (that doesn't handle x==1), similar to yours qN/{~2-Ab)5/59s=N}/
I think mine is a byte shorter when fixing for that case though
Mine handles 1 apparently :D
Are people not allowed to edit challenges to clear things up now? Peter added a test case that would have clarified at least one of the concerns on that, but it seems like it was flatly denied.
If you meant me removing Peter's test case, I did that because it was ambiguous whether 1 was valid input or not at the time
It's not like the edit he made was even really controversial... it was a sensible test case with a sensible output.
I think it was
at least 3 users weren't sure that input < 5 was valid
so just adding a test case that assumes that doesn't make as much sense as just closing as unclear
@Sp3000 oh, right
do you want to post qN/{~2-Ab)5/59s=N}/?
If you managed to get to the alternative 19 byte, you might as well just take it :P
still seems beatable
Yeah it does :/ I tried to make use of the fact that 2^2+1 = 5, 2^3+1 = 9 but that's pretty expensive
also qN/{~2-Ab)5/4*5+N}/
As far as I can tell in the OP, the word "price" was only ever used for the output, so "The lowest possible price is $5" made perfect sense to me as output.
Don't get me wrong, I don't often edit questions. But this case seemed like a bit too much caution for something so simple.
I don't edit much either, but my first impression was genuinely that the input was at least $5, so I apologise for reverting the test case
@Geobits Sp thought it was input, I thought it was input, aditsu wasn't sure, you and Peter thought it was output. I think this kind of case is what unclear CVs are for.
@MartinBüttner I don't disagree with anyone who CVd. If you thought it was unclear that's the right thing to do and all. I'm saying that rejecting an edit that would clear it up (either way) makes less sense, that's all.
Anyway, it's open now so no big deal.
@Doorknob it's not very clear when it's intended to be humorous, and when it's just ill-intentioned or trolling
If you look over to the starboard, by hovering your mouse on the very bottom edge of the "alex is wrong" tag, you can get a strobing-cursor effect.
This might depend on your exact screen resolution, or something.
The bottom edge of the tag slightly shrinks when you hover over it, causing you to not be hovering over it anymore, causing a loop.
isn't that always the case with tags in chat?
Doesn't happen for me with the slightly bigger text in the main chat, just the starboard.
it's not as reliable in the main chat for me
it doesn't work now, but it did right after Phi posted it
Confirmed: the "test" tag worked when I first posted it, but not anymore.
I can get an effect by moving the mouse horizontally along the bottom of the tag, but nothing by holding it still.
I think that's just your trembling hands.
Quick, someone give me a code snippet for moving the mouse horizontally.
If I stay on the bottom edge, the cursor changes nonstop but I can never see the button depressing.
Good morning
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DankMemesMy first challenge in a long time. Feedback would be appreciated! Last Minute Shipments code-golf optimization Here's the situation: You're an engineer for Acme Rail Shipping Inc. There's a string of shipments to make for tomorrow but it turns out at the last moment that they're actually expec...

Huh. My kid's school district has a random-ass "Fall Holiday" this Wednesday. No school that day.
Sometimes I think they just really like to screw around with single parents.
@MartinBüttner Transliterate mode is not working for me when I add a regex.
Haha, was this commit name a pun? @MartinBüttner
@TheNumberOne example?
@ZachGates not intentionally
@TheNumberOne input?
should turn each trailing digit into an a, right?
oh no
I see
no, it should turn a 0 or a 1 into an a.
I get 15,9,4a,29,145,99,5,
looks right to me
I get: 12,8,41,27,144,99,5,
Could be a mono bug :\
hm, interesting
I'll have to test that later on Mono
another problem. when

echo "12,8,41,27,144,99,3," | mono Retina.exe -s money.retina

is ran with


in money.retina, it outputs 22
I get 15,9,39,29,145,99,5,
1, gives 9, though
are you sure you recompiled? :P
I'll do some testing in Mono later, but it seems to be working fine in .NET
@MartinBüttner The windows binary can be directly ran with mono.
ah okay
maybe try recompiling anyway?
@MartinBüttner I'll try.
Hello, world!
You do not belong here. Go back
Turns out I was wrong, ChatSEy is working on mobile data
Always has for me ;)
whats with the wink?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DennisCounting groups of a given size code-golf math abstract-algebra Groups In abstract algebra, a group is a tuple (G, ∗), where G is a set and ∗ is a function G × G -> G such that the following holds: For all x, y, z in G, (x ∗ y) ∗ z = x ∗ (y ∗ z). There exists an element e in G such that x ∗ ...

It's not a wink. Haven't we been through this before?
That's a wink
Aug 7 at 18:45, by Geobits
You guys are all confused. I'm talking about the bloodsucking bug.
@BetaDecay That's a square.
@Geobits Meh, get a better font
Or a mobile phone
I've never considered "has a bunch of unicode emoji" to be necessary for a "better font".
I'll rephrase: get a font with a wider range of supported Unicode characters
No thanks. The effort is not worth the gain.
Besides, then what would we be talking about right now?
Carrots or that face I don't know how to make probably
Question for @MartinBüttner :
Should this hexagon output -4, if I understand correctly?
) )
) ) ~
! @
Why don't you run it?
Don't have a chance at the moment. Just trying to make sure I understand the concept.
I'm fairly certain it evaluates as +1 +1 +1 +1 *-1 <output> <end>
Hi, I was looking at this question : codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/58311/…
And I wondered if it's OK to edit the question to make it more "code-golf-y"?
@Optimizer "Okay"
I don't know how its increasing though, there were definitely not more than 6 questions/day in the last 3 days
area 52 confirmed jewish mother
@Shazback It really depends mainly on the particular edits. There are a few different opinions on editing challenges here, but if it's a major edit, it's more likely to be rejected/reverted.
@Optimizer Maybe it's counting posted/deleted also, which the question list doesn't show.
but that does not look like a good way to judge a site anyways
i.e. including deleted/spam/etc questions
@Optimizer consider the opposite
but then, we all know these stats are "meh"
it gives incentive to the community to not delete shit questions
Are people really that desperate though?
People will (in general) do almost anything to game metrics if there's a decent incentive.
If anything, I'm quite happy that PPCG's still in beta
@orlp why should we not delete shi**y questions?
@Geobits OK. I'll try to submit a similar but different question then. That's slightly less "boring".
@Optimizer because it would decrease our questions / day
see where I'm getting at?
oh, are you referring that its a bad thing?
@orlp What about the mods?
I was trying to make a point
as a devil's advocate
which was ..
If it didn't count deleted, then by not deleting you could "raise" the q/d. Counting them all removes that incentive.
(but adds another (minor) one: posting a bunch of crap under sock names)
one can also just post random stuff and delete it, just to increase the count (if it counts deleted that is)
Which is probably more enticing
it doesn't have to be a sock
well guys
we can test this
It doesn't clutter the site and still raises the q/d
Except that would get detected by the system quicker and you'd get a q-ban...
Q: Dinic Algorithm with Dynamuc tree implementation

this_is_awesomeI am trying to solve this problem which has exactly same language as this one but with very tight time limit and hard test cases! Now I have solved the problem on SPOJ with Dinic but I am getting TLE on Vietnam SPOJ? Now I want to know how can I approach this problem? PS: I am particularly inte...

to see if it counts deleted questions
we recruit everyone on codegolf to make sock puppets, and post total shit and delete it instantly
@orlp Delete every question?
maybe we'll stir up enough drama to forget about egggate
Never forget.
1) we don't know the interval the stat is for. 2) I think its unethical, even for the same of experimentation. 3) I am sure mods can simply clear our doubts :)
(in case it wasn't clear, this was all tongue-in-cheek)
My suggestion wasn't :D
bite your tongue and cheek then!
@MartinBüttner failed with an error: pastebin.com/zGA6HPBs
Hahaha. What's going on with David Cameron at the moment? XD
He's made a right pig's ear of all this.
At least it wasn't a left pig's left ear.
I'm sure he doesn't want much to do with the left.
It's Jeremy Corbyn who goes for the left
TIL thenumberone is snek
Looks like a beat up ruler with googly eyes pasted on.
@Geobits explain the tongue
Blood. I did say beat up :D
that's no tongue
that's a red leg with heels
that makes it a huge snake! (to have just eaten a girl with red heels and red stockings)
It's probably a doll. No actual leg should be able to curve like that.
its probably him in red boots
Hmm, I haven't seen PPG in a long time, but that seems possible.
@Optimizer It's your red bow. I stole it.
I did not have a red bow ever
Or scarf.
He wears a scarf now. Scarves are cool.
@Geobits you did not get the reference
I got a reference, but it might not have been the intended one.
@Optimizer Snakes don't have legs ... or boots.
@TheNumberOne I never said its a snake
I said its probably him in red boots
geobits ?
No, red boots don't look good on me.
@PeterTaylor What is your profile image a graph of?
How did I miss the reference..‌​.?
oh PPG :D I thought it was some sort of short version of PPCG :D
too much.
user image
Why is Optimizer laying down on a broken ruler?
seems legit!
@Geobits its my ruler selfie!
@TheNumberOne codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2528/… pretty sure its from this
if you already knew that sorry !
@Geobits Depends. After an anaconda attack...
@SvenTheSurfer thank you :)
i saw :)
@PeterTaylor Maybe. My pet snake didn't break bones that thoroughly, but he wasn't an anaconda :)
@orlp I think the first snake is the cutest
Look like an ekans.
@Geobits why not arbok?
or do you not like Kobras?
Wow dude
Much late
I dunno, I just thought he looked more like Ekans. Geez :P
if ekans = snake in reverse, then what is Muk?
the second snake looks much more like me than the first snake
@orlp Exactly what it looks like.
Girafarig = girafariG
mind = blown
He's psychic. Mind-blowing is what he does.
Rotom = motoR
I thought it was pretty well known that wordplay was common in poke names.
@Geobits still fun
artic - UNO
zap - DOS
mol - TRES
@orlp racecar = racecar
Does anyone know a good file sharing site (unlimited in time?)
@Optimizer onix-pected
@flawr dropbox?
@Optimizer onixpected
@Optimizer ninja'd
...an anonymous one?
(like rapidshare or something like that)
@flawr u can share publicly without them knowing the account holder info
@TheNumberOne how so?
@Optimizer Oh, didn't know that, thx!
@flawr TPB? See the "real men" comment about mirroring.
Ugh I never played Pokémon so I have no idea what on earth you're talking about
@BetaDecay heathen
@orlp It's not my fault... Blame my parents :D
Typical kid, blaming others for things you could remedy :P
@PeterTaylor What is TPB?
Toasted Polar Bears
Toasted Polar Bears are a delicacy found in The Pirate Bay.
The Pirate Bay sounds like a Vegas hotel
No, that'd be a rip off of Mandalay Bay
I'm sure Vegas doesn't have any ripoffs of anything like that.
The Police Bureau
I liked The Police Bearue more ;)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta Decay1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz code-golf Challenge Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100 inclusive. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”. Output T...

I say post this in a week or two... @MartinBüttner @Dennis What do you think?
FizzBuzz with commas instead of line breaks gives me the creeps.
I played FizzBuzz in trigonometry last Thursday, haha
Do you go around the room saying the appropriate next response?
@BetaDecay The activity of the prime catalog is slowly diminishing. I'd say post it Friday. :)
@Geobits Yeah, commas in FizzBuzz are like spaces in indentation.
Its called whitespace, not whitetab. I think spaces have won long time back already
@admins: is it possible to make custom bronze/silver/gold badges?
@ZachGates sin(1), cos(2) tan(fizz), ...
@SvenTheSurfer No that's metalwork, not trig.
Unfortunately not. We went around the room counting upwards until someone messed up; then started over. :/
@ZachGates I think it'll run an infinite loop instead
it would print 4 if you leave out the ~
(zero and negative goes to the upper row, positive goes to the lower row)
@Dennis Oh right, that'll be great :D
@Optimizer When you have to bend an argument that far, it's safe to say you shouldn't bother with it :P
How do you quote a previous message?
And thanks @MartinBüttner It did run a loop; I tested it about an hour ago.
@ZachGates Copy the link and put it on its own in the chat
36 secs ago, by Zach Gates
How do you quote a previous message?
yesterday, by Zach Gates
The American Public Education System is suboptimal to say the least.
@Geobits its not that far, its a space. fixed width. editor independent
@ZachGates if you mean, how to reply to a specific message, hover over the message and click the little arrow on the right-hand side of the message
Nah, I meant the quote thing
@Optimizer A space character is not always fixed width, and it definitely appears different across editors/fonts.
@BetaDecay yeah as Dennis said, at the end of the week sounds good
@Geobits not fixed width in terms of pixels, sure. but columns - yes
@BetaDecay I'll have another look at it later today or tomorrow
@Zach There's an SE chat sandbox room for testing this stuff out if you want
Oh, awesome
@MartinBüttner Thanks :)
@Optimizer I was taught not to use stylistic constants where user preference might contradict them.
@TheNumberOne I get the same error, but it does build successfully into bin/Debug/
it's just the command that tries to copy the binary to the root folder
@Geobits where?
That place I learned stuff.
@MartinBüttner What do you mean by this?
@Geobits Internet?
@Optimizer life
40 secs ago, by Optimizer
@Geobits Internet?
Wait, what?
@ZachGates in your code, when the the IP hits the corner on the middle, if the current memory edge is positive the code will continue on the bottom row. if the current memory edge is zero or negative the code will loop back to the start.
Gotcha. Thanks.
@MartinBüttner Okay, using the new build in bin/debug returns the same results.
okay, so some recent change probably borked it thoroughly for Mono
Q: Counting groups of a given size

DennisGroups In abstract algebra, a group is a tuple (G, ∗), where G is a set and ∗ is a function G × G -> G such that the following holds: For all x, y, z in G, (x ∗ y) ∗ z = x ∗ (y ∗ z). There exists an element e in G such that for all x in G, x ∗ e = x. For each x in G, there exists an element y ...

Alright, I'm signing off for tonight. If you want to talk to me about FizzBuzz, either leave a comment or ask in chat after around 6 o'clock GMT+1 :)
It's strange to think that the amount of positive, even integers is equal to the amount of all integers.
infinity is weird like that
@flawr You ninja'd me linking my chat message there :D
@ZachGates Infinity != Infinity
@ZachGates google Hilbert's Hotel if you haven't heard about it
I've seen it previously
What about the Banach–Tarski paradox?
I'll be back in about an hour. Taking the bus home.
it's even stranger to realize that you can choose whether there exists an amount that is smaller than the amount of real numbers, but smaller than the amount of integers
@ZachGates is that the one with the spheres?
(it's independent from ZFC)
Yep @MartinBüttner That's the one.
@Geobits You get pinged by linking the message? (how did you find out then?=)
@ZachGates Is that Vsauce? [clicks] YES IT IS!
It is :P
In mathematics, the continuum hypothesis is a hypothesis about the possible sizes of infinite sets. It states: There is no set whose cardinality is strictly between that of the integers and the real numbers. The continuum hypothesis was advanced by Georg Cantor in 1878, and establishing its truth or falsehood is the first of Hilbert's 23 problems presented in the year 1900. Τhe answer to this problem is independent of ZFC set theory, so that either the continuum hypothesis or its negation can be added as an axiom to ZFC set theory, with the resulting theory being consistent if and only if ZFC is...
Alright, cya in a bit
His is the best explanation of the Banach-Tarski paradox I've ever seen, heard, or read.

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