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@MartinBüttner What about a case like a game with a programming easter egg, where the game is on Wikipedia? Does the language itself have to be the one that's documented?
@Sp3000 Sounds like you have something sinister planned. :P
No, just recalling that time I had to download an FPS (Unvanquished?) for a previous CnR because apparently the language was a console (debug? developer?) on the main screen of the game
I'm addicted to this Hello World quiz game.
@AlexA. Never seen that before, but I got 1400 on my first try with my basic language knowledge (I haven't actually learned anything but Haxe/AS3 and Javascript, and a little Java). I think I may be addicted too....
4900 is the best I've gotten.
@AlexA. Wow, that's pretty good....
I like programming languages.
"Your score is 100!" LOL, I must have gotten lucky the first time.
FiM++, Shakespeare, and BF are just too easy...
Nice, 7400.
Highest possible is 7500.
What whaaaaat
@BrainSteel Have you done the hello world quiz?
I tried it many moons ago, it was fun :D I think, on my best run, I got ~1500-ish.
Pretty good :)
I was doing something else a little while ago, and all of a sudden I thought, "Wouldn't it be funny if the game had a snippet in HQ9+?" And just now I found it... LOL
That was my first time seeing FiM++. Got it by process of elimination.
Unforgettable, though, once you get it right
Man, I've never even heard of half of these languages...
I can't tell the difference between various Javascript derivatives and I have very little knowledge of Ruby/Python/Perl, unfortunately.
Is there actually a snippet in Chef? I haven't seen one yet...
Yes there is
"Hello World Cake with Chocolate Sauce", or another recipe?
Nvm, I'll find it myself
I keep getting confused between the various Java and C descendants...
Groovy looks like Java but it doesn't have parens around print.
While I may suck at the Hello World quiz, my submission to Martin's challenge will be cool! I hope, anyway.
Ah, there's Chef :)
@BrainSteel What language? :D
@AlexA. Thanks for the Groovy tip, just ran across that
@AlexA. That's the fun part! You know how I only know one language... :P
Well you also learned Matlab recently.
Ah, yes, that's true. I'm using a language I've never used here, though (mostly because it would be super obvious)
Though, if I do it right, it should be pretty clever. Not clever enough to win, but I think people will enjoy it :D It's taking me a long time to write, though.
I'll enjoy it.
I hope so ;) It's certainly going to take the position of "Worst code Dr. Brian Steele has ever conceived"
I'm working on my own esoteric stack-based language.
It's called 7, and it's entirely based on numbers.
I mean, the stack can only contain numbers.
Is the code all numbers?
That would be awesome, but no
My shortest "Hello World!" program is 45 chars long, so it's got aways to go.
If anyone's curious, that program is: 4**++o/++d*no++doo:+do:/+no---*+ro+dro--o/++o
Is it meant to be particularly golfy?
Not really, just fun/challenging to golf.
I was hoping it would be good for golfing, but as it turns out, it's terrible ATM.
I want to pronounce that code as "od no doo do no ro drooo." Very sing-song-y.
I only have like the 20% most basic commands implemented, so it might turn out better than it looks right now.
'Foo' outputs 15 twice ;)
The thing that makes 7 unique is that you can only explicitly state a number at the very beginning of the program.
Oh? What do you mean?
All of the operations (+, -, *, /, etc.) are either made on the top two numbers on the stack, or between the top number and a 'base' number.
This base number is (by default) 7, but you can choose a custom 'base' at the beginning of the program.
Interesting :D
Exactly :)
I'll upload the interpreter and docs somewhere after I get a few more commands working.
Cool! You'll have to put a link in chat for us to look at.
Will do!
I'm going to bed now; cya folks tomorrow!
I'm also working on a language (half-assedly).
@BrainSteel Are you C only or do you dabble in C++?
Q: Prefix Tree Traversal

Calvin's HobbiesWhite a program that takes in (via stdin or command line) a string with the recursive form PREFIX[SUFFIXES] where PREFIX may be any string of lowercase letters (a-z), including the empty string, and SUFFIXES may be any sequence of strings with the recursive form PREFIX[SUFFIXES] concatenated...

Q: Barcodegolf: Generate a number's UPC

NinjaBearMonkeyJust about every store nowadays uses Universal Product Code (UPC) barcodes to simplify the checking out process. If the name doesn't mean anything to you, you will surely recognize what they look like: Format The most common system is UPC-A, which uses 12 digits to represent each specific pro...

@Calvin'sHobbies Did you install a new MC mod?
4 hours later…
@Dennis yeah, I always mouse-wheel-click them. I guess I could add target="_blank" or what it's called.
@Sp3000 yeah I think it's fairer if the language has to be documented
@BetaDecay The same as Dennis, with the additional observation that you need to fix revisions so that the criteria don't change over time.
@MartinBüttner Would it be a good idea if you specified that the language itself needs to be documented? I'm a bit paranoid of that loophole (considering the case I mentioned), although I'm not sure if it'll technically rule out things like TIS-100 (for which technically the game has an article, but not the language)
TIS is ruled out by the free interpreter/compiler thing
changed "choices" to "languages"
Well I mean that sort of thing. Think Manufactoria or LogicBox (rules out by other methods, but it's hard coming up with something that fits off the top of my head)
Quincunx's Manufactoria should be fair game (if it can write characters to STDOUT)
I think if the game is just the language, and that game has an article documenting the language, and the code can be written in the form of source files and is freely available, that's probably fine.
Hmm k. That makes things a bit interesting then (not that I can think of any examples atm)
Alternative scoring idea: Most languages in which the submission provably works, codegolf tiebreaker
But cracking still takes 1
(Not sure if that'll just unnecessarily complicate things, and most submissions will just be one language)
hm, interesting idea, but I'd probably prefer the simplicity of code golf
Hmm actually code-golf is probably fine. More incentive for shorter code, harder to obfuscate
Yeah, that
suggestions for colour-coding the "time left" column? I'm thinking three colours: one for "7 days have past, cop can make it safe", one for "1 day left" and one for "more than 1 day left".
I guess I could also compute a gradual hue as those 7 days pass
If not gradient, then one for posted in the past 24 hours might be useful if you want to look at new ones
(But I guess you could also sort by oldest)
that will be the default sort in the snippet as well
Ah k, then the ones you have are probably fine
then the question is just should it go from red to green or green to red
Green = safe probably?
I'm kind of thinking red = in danger of being cracked, but of course this is from the cop's perspective
well from the robbers' point of view it's "crap, it could be safe any time now, I better get moving!"
How about black to greyed out :P
Just as an "unavailable/done" indication
well it's not unavailable yet, right?
As in safe = greyed out? What do you mean?
well it's not automatically safe when the 7 days pass
it's only safe once the cop reveals the language
... ah
there will be a separate list for safe submissions
Then maybe which ever order's more beneficial to which side finds the snippet more useful? Robbers maybe?
brb a few hours, gl with the snippet :)
@Dennis The Wikipedia links
user image
could people add some more dummy answers to meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/5701/8478?
ideally with repeated robbers as well
feel free to post answers with invalid formats as well
snippet throws error "ReferenceError: NUMBER_REG is not defined"
I know
it's not finished yet
but I'm pretty much done with scraping the data, so I can already test the important bits.
okay, time formatting done
@Sp3000 I'm using a gradient from green to yellow now, which skips ahead to read once the time reaches 0.
aaaaand IP ban...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kurousagi(Possible deadlines?) The robber and the bank (Bank managers) (Based off 'Two makes all the difference') A group of robbers has decided to break into a bank, but one of the members leaked the information to the bank. To stop the robbers from getting any money, they have decided to change the c...

@MartinBüttner Sounds nice. Also, excuse the messing about :)
please continue messing about :P ... I can't test anything at the moment though because IP ban :/
How long does it last?
@MartinBüttner restart modem?
@Optimizer might be worth a shot, but I'm not the only person using the internet connection here :D
@Sp3000 ~3 hours or so
also wtf, you can insert underscores into integer literals in ruby o.O
@MartinBüttner are you in a dorm,/
1_2 is not a number.
@Optimizer it is, in ruby
of course.
Damn, can't actually test the snippet itself on my phone. Oh well, back soon.
looks like the reset worked
of couse it works
unless you have a static IP connection (which is super expensive), a reset has almost 100% chance of changing your IP
@MartinBüttner <censored> moderators. Can't take 'em anywhere.
sweet, this works now:
Override header: Python, 42 bytes, cracked by jimmy23013. — Martin Büttner ♦ 4 mins ago
@Sp3000 can you try overriding some random post?
or someone else...
Override header: CJam, 10 bytes, cracked by Alex A. — ProgramFOX 10 secs ago
ideally, it shouldn't work
looks like it doesn't. nice :)
If I understand correctly, the override should only work when the format is incorrect? Or only when the question OP uses it?
only when I use it (the user ID is configurable if someone else ever wants to reuse my snippet)
I see.
I just wanted to reduce the potential for trolling
trolls? here?
okay, the snippet is essentially done. the only thing I can think of to add is an option to sort the open submissions by size instead, but I'm no longer convinced it's sufficiently useful to be worth the trouble.
Someone tried really hard to get so many 7 on this answer meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/5690/31414
7 downvotes and 7 upvotes on each comment
@ProgramFOX the override comment is also really just a last resort. if someone gets the format wrong I'll just edit their post, but if they refuse to put a correct header in and keep rolling back or something, I can still salvage the leaderboard with such a comment.
@AlexA. Oooo, new language? I dabbled in C++ for a while. I have used the basics of OOP, namespaces, operator overloading, cin/cout etc. I don't know much of anything about the newer standard libraries or anything that involves angle brackets, though ;P
hmmm, Retina still doesn't have an esolangs page
Neither does CJam :P
nvm it does
... a stub
well, it links to the repo so that's fine
Element does
Clip does
Ostrich doesn't
JAGL doesn't, none of the 2D ones do from memory, Joe doesn't (I think?)
rs doesn't
ugh, the language list on esolangs is not complete
Yeah, that too
load average: 42.07, 54.70, 54.59
my laptop froze for a pretty long time, I was compiling stuff with too many things open :p
user image
Everyone knows the answer is C
>> rate at which work is done
E: Horsing around
damn, it's doing it again
I'm finding that Windows Defender's anti-malware has an annoying habit of using a lot of the disk transfer capacity when I'm trying to do a big build.
@Sp3000 thanks for reminding me, I wanted to add a "your answer has to fit into an SE post" clause...
Ahaha okay, no Unary then :P
What is the deal with programming languages with very inappropriate syntax? Are they allowed?
I really wonder if anyone will manage to get a safe answer in a popular language (and how long it will take until the first answer is safe).
A: What should our policy on insults, vulgarity, profanity, and other possibly offensive material be?

Shog9No, that's not why I deleted it. That's why a particular answer was flagged, but one answer with possibly-offensive verbiage was the least of the problems here. I'll let the question speak for itself: Shortest, simplest code that prints an unexpected obscenity I thought this would be fun...

That thread more talks about offensive material such as swear words and hate, I mean something like a programming language based off of 50 shades of grey, where the source code won't be offensive to anyone, but it is pretty innapropriate
Basically my question in a nutshell:
If I including "Bulging man meat" in an answer, will I get flagged?
Somehow I doubt a "popular" language will work - surely there'll be someone who will try their favourite language cos "why not" :P
"won't be offensive to anyone" --> you'd be surprised what some people are offended by.
Why did my rep just suddenly change to show it was 600 in chat?
that's your network wide rep
How did I just get like 500 rep...
and it's only shown if you post a large enough batch of messages at once
Oh thats why
@Sp3000 you might be able to get away with it if you make use of some version-specific compiler quirk (not of the current version).
So... I could have an answer that only worked in PopularLang 0.01 alpha-- ?
@MartinBüttner Good point. The spec should prohibit compiler flags.
@PeterTaylor you could just use an old compiler, right?
cc1plus, why you wanna take over 1GB ram? T_T
but yes, compiler flags should be prohibited anyway (I'm not even sure how you'd mention them without giving away what language you're using).
I'm thinking of things like -Dfoo=entireprogram
ah yes, definitely. "You must not assume a REPL environment, existing boilerplate code, or non-standard compiler/interpreter flags."
@Sp3000 provided that compiler/interpreter is still available, I don't see why not.
we usually allow that, right?
I think I've seen Pyth answers in old versions
This answer and this tip are all I can find.
Python 2 vs Python 3 is definitely ok, but allowing dependency on a bug which was only present in a couple of commits buried in the revision history seems a bit unfair.
It's hard to draw a clean line, though.
@PeterTaylor if you come up with anything, let me know
does anyone have comments for this?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerConvert a Point of the Compass to Degrees code-golf I came up with this challenge indepedently, but it turns out to be the inverse to this challenge by Doorknob. As I really like his spec, I decided to steal large parts of instead of cooking up my own explanations. The Challenge Given the abb...

I think someone has already posted the same challenge, not sure though
@TreFox check the link at the beginning. Doorknob posted the inverse challenge 1.5 years ago.
Ah, didn't see that. Thanks.
I don't really have anything else, I think it is formatted and described well, and ready to be posted.
When writing a function as an answer, do we assume that our rng has already been seeded or do we have to seed it?
you have to seed it.
(if you need it to be seeded)
For a moment, I thought that was about the compass question.
Looking good, by the way.
@Dennis I'm very much looking forward to what you come up with for that one ;)
@MartinBüttner Do we have a policy/ethical guideline for writing posts for questions that are still sandboxed?
@Dennis Some people object. I don't.
it's actually the best way to uncover any hidden ambiguities in the spec.
Q: Convert a Point of the Compass to Degrees

Martin BüttnerI came up with this challenge indepedently, but it turns out to be the inverse to this challenge by Doorknob. As I really like his spec, I decided to steal large parts of instead of cooking up my own explanations. The Challenge Given the abbreviation of one of the 32 points on the compass, prin...

that was quick
@MartinBüttner Never thought about it that way. That seems more important than a pregolfing advantage.
o.O when I slowly scroll past the compass image, the black circle in the centre appears larger
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerHelp, I'm trapped in an infinite factory! code-golf This challenge is loosely inspired by the Zachtronics game Infinifactory. You are given a top-down view of a rectangular grid of conveyors, represented by >v<^. There may be cells without conveyors, represented by spaces. Here is an example: >

1 hour later…
@MartinBüttner Doorknob discontinued development of Ostrich. u_u
@Sp3000 "Real Fast Nora's Hair Salon 3: Shear Disaster Download" <-- Is that a real language??
It looks a bit too easy to identify.
Indeed it does
@TreFox Yeah, I was just reading that page.
From now on I want to only write submissions in that language...
Then don't expect to win any code golf challenges. :P
I don't even care, just the opportunity to have an answer with 'Real Fast Nora's Hair Salon 3: Shear Disaster Download' in the title makes it completely worth it.
@MartinBüttner Would it confuse your snippet if a language was called ??? ?
Test it out
Nice, it works.
@AlexA. I believe neither esolangs nor wikipedia lists such a language.
There's still time to add one...
@AlexA. The problem with a language of that name would be safe submissions, not cracked ones. Although you could still make it work if you turned the name into a link (which you probably should with that language name)
@PeterTaylor I dare you...
@PeterTaylor good point for the factories... I might reorder those.
Anyone who has an aversion to the posting of this challenge say aye or forever hold your peace
Haha why aye man?
Alright, I'll post it now then
Q: Ich ne know pas

Beta DecayChallenge You must write a program which correctly identifies the language a passage is written in. Rules The passage will be a string passed to your program either via STDIN or function arguments. You may not use any external sources except for a local text file with words. The length of the...

so if a post is 10 pages long, is it wise to put TLDR at the very end ?
That gives people an incentive not to read the post then
And so may misinterpret the rules
nothing to do with PPCG
in general.
Ohh a post. Yeah, I guess a summary is a good addition
you seem to not understand my question completely
Uhh what is your question? :/
I've never understood "Too long, didn't read" at the end of a document. If someone can't be bothered to read any further, surely they just give up and look at something else, not scroll down to the end without reading?
@Optimizer I hate it when people do that. Although it fits perfectly with "too long, didn't read".
@PeterTaylor is the conveyor thing clearer now?
I've occasionally seen it at the start, which makes much more sense, and actually provides some motivation for reading the longer version
Technically TL;WR though.
@Dennis but if there is no special ormatting, they will surely miss the TLDR part too
Yes - someone should campaign to get that changed...
Won't read.
@trichoplax I heard Rainbolr is running campaign emails..
@Optimizer For this, or just in general?
@trichoplax read it as "he should do it"
You might want to use a ping then ;)
no way
I think the reason tl;dr is often at the end may be because it originated in forums where it might be added as an afterthought or by another person, when the original text is not editable
Which means there is no excuse for it on SE
Someone should definitely campaign
@MartinBüttner Yes, thanks.
@BetaDecay Aye.
Have you ever seen the film Lord of War? (yes, the one with Nicolas Cage)
ah, too bad. your "Aye" comically reminded me of a rather grim scene where Nic Cage also says the "stop word" too late.
1 hour later…
Wth? Laugen Pretzels use caustic soda in the cooking process?
I wouldn't trust that it's all baked off :P
"Lauge" == "base"
Lauge jumping
3rd Lauge
Laugically, ...
wow, its a pun and a correct word at the same time
Logically, Basically
SI lauge unit
And that is really interesting actually :D
Nah, that's completely laugeless.
I don't know what you're laugeing that on
I can't top that.
My job here is done.
Teething To Start?
Learning Python, is there a way to add to a map? I know with list it's .append, and I'm trying to use .append with the map and it's giving me an error,
What did we have the algorithm-advice tag for in the first place?
I have no clue...
For nubs like me that don't know what they're doing :P
Well, never mind.
You can try list(map())+[x]
Or list(map()).append(x)
We should keep a few tags like algorithm-advice, and if a question is submitted with one of them, set up something to automatically move it to Stack Overflow :P
SO doesn't really deserve that...
heh, fair point.
Nevermind, I fixed the problem.
@BetaDecay I was trying to .append the map (dict).
@trichoplax Have you considered running for mod?
@BassetHound Ohh, no you use dictionary[key] = value
Yep @BetaDecay
Thanks for the help anyway
Uhh no problem.

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