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Way to make people jealous ;)
Haha wow. Is there anywhere you can buy swag?
I see there used to be a place
Q: What happened to the Stack Exchange Store?

Michael PryorThere used to be a place where you could buy Stack Exchange branded gear, what happened to it?

@ChrisJester-Young for ..free?
@Optimizer No, Alex will have to pay 6000 rep for it. :-P :-P :-P
People getting swag just by asking devalues the swag I won in contests :P
@ChrisJester-Young fine by me
Is it possible to have minus rep?
@BetaDecay Once you get the swag, it is.
I'm sure the swag you can get from contests is unique, right? I hope it is. Otherwise, others being able to buy it or whatever would indeed devalue it.
@Optimizer Though once you have swag, who needs rep?
@BetaDecay exactly
I dunno, I got a SO branded t-shirt, mug, and stickers. I've seen them before, so I assume not unique.
Well, now I feel kind of bad for being eligible just by asking, but not bad enough to not want the swag.
@ChrisJester-Young Done. Thanks again!
"but not bad enough to not want the swag" <- truth
Truth indeed, my friend. Truth indeed.
I wrote a terrible poem to get mine. There is no shame when swag is involved.
"There is no shame when swag is involved." <- truth
/me does not mention all the employee swag I get. ;-)
so is it really for free ?
@Optimizer Well, you have to write a poem, see what Geobits said? :-P Lol.
sky is blue. give me swag.
To see the sort of desperation I went through, here's mine. (see OP for rules)
Stack Exchange is a / Magical place for code golf / Now give me some swag
^ a haiku for the ages
I also got some for a haiku, but that's neither here nor there. Well, technically it's there.
It's certainly not here.
@Doorknob This made me literally lol.
@Geobits your name is not in winners list though
Oh, I changed it to Generic Holiday Name for Winterbash that year.
oh, the post should also say it..
Hi guys, I'm working on a new KOTH / Code golf hybrid type of challenge, and I need a bit of input :)
@SirDarius Is it in the Sandbox?
not yet, I need to write the controller code first
Something about koth/golf hybrid makes my insides twitch.
@Geobits That might just be gas.
@Doorknob Very nice. :-)
that's the first draft, enjoy
@AlexA. A very blunt poem, if I may say so. ;-)
wow, just wow.
Q: A code golf challenge, m'kay

Fatalize Mr. Mackey is a South Park character well-known for adding "m'kay" in everything he says. Write a program or function that transforms a string of text into something Mr. Mackey would say. M'kay placement m'kay has a random 50% chance of being added after the punctuations ,, ., ? and !. If t...

so my main concern about "TOC" is whether the tests might too hard, especially the later ones
@Optimizer When job hunting, as soon as I see the word "Excel" in a job description, I immediately move on.
I'm not sure I understand what makes it koth-like at all. If I'm reading it right, there's no interaction between bots.
@AlexA. Yeah, don't put Excel in your resume either. ;-)
@Geobits all the bots share a single JS engine, with functions and variables that can be read and written by anyone
@ChrisJester-Young I wouldn't dare. :P
I also don't really get the energy thing. You just wait until you have enough to do the output, right? How is that different (in terms of golf) than just counting the length?
@AlexA. I mean, if you worked on the Excel product, like Joel Spolsky did back in the 90s, then yes, you can mentioned that. :-P
@SirDarius Oh. That's not made clear at all in your link IMO.
that's kind of my second concern :)
I don't want to tell people straight-on "try to sabotage other people's variables"
So is it really bad that I created an automated structural pile foundation calculator? With a precise foundation plan output to CAD?
but that's missing from the 'tips' section
@SirDarius Well, considering there's a defaultish-standard rule against it, I think it needs to be made clear if that's an intended mechanic.
@Optimizer Uh, why is that bad? That sounds awesome.
it was purely in Excel
Hahaha, best punchline ever.
That still sounds Excel-lent.
@Doorknob That pun is low-hanging fruit. Should have gone for something really bad like Office-ial.
and you'd better mark his Word-s !
@Geobits I think you have a good Outlook on puns.
and not stick your tongue into a PowerPoint. :-P
Umm.. Access isn't very punny. It's just a word :(
@Optimizer I revoke my earlier statement.
@Geobits Yes, but you have to learn to Access the pun potential inside of it!
@Geobits Unless you're trying to access a file you don't have Access to, then you get EACCES.
I believe you mean puntential.
That's the whole PowerPoint of it.
Ok, Ok, I've heard an Access of Access puns now, thank you :P
(And remember kids, EACCES is "Permission denied", not to be confused with EPERM, which is "Operation not permitted". #unixprogramming101 :-P)
One day I slipped in some Paint. Had to Gimp around the Lightroom in my Photoshop for days...
(I'm so sorry for that)
@ChrisJester-Young Expecting an onslaught of Unix puns now...
@AlexA. That would be SIGALRMing.
I want to bash(1) my head in.
@Geobits The puns, they kill(2) me.
@Geobits I added a tip explaining that bot interaction is encouraged :)
Did I spell "bash" incorrectly, @Doorknob?
@Doorknob I believe you meant man(1).
@AlexA. No, I added a Unix manual section number to it. :-P
Oh perfect, thanks, now I can look it up in the manual.
@AlexA. No, you were missing the section number, like @ChrisJester-Young sed(1).
Ran across this just now:
Umm. No?
killall -9
sudo killall -9
If you click continue with it blank, it even says You forgot to enter an email address in red. No, I really didn't forget it.
@Optimizer You have to specify something to kill.
@Doorknob killall -9 -1
apt-get outta here.
@ChrisJester-Young Just killall5 should work also.
@Doorknob If I really wanted to read it I'd give them an address of someone I'd like to troll. Gateways like that make me much less interested in what they have to say, though.
@Doorknob Nice.
sudo killall5
@Geobits It sounds a little better than You seem to have deliberately omitted your email address. We want to sell your information to third parties so we won't let you proceed until you provide it.
@Geobits Yeah, regwalls are annoying. Protip: You can bypass the Quora regwall by adding a share=1 parameter.
did all of you die ?
I haven't died yet
@Optimizer No, I apt-got out of the way.
Can confirm I am dead. Cannot confirm for others.
no we do sleep(3) though
I'm dead inside. Does that count?
Can everyone please confirm that they are dead?
Are you asking if they can confirm, or asking them to confirm?
yooniks. is doing rite?
you nicks sucks
This reminds me of seeing Windoze and Winblows in random comment sections. Someone say M$, quick!
Of course, Crapple is welcome as well.
M$, quick!
echo '0 4d240a' | xxd -r
@Doorknob Speaking of which, syscall number 9 in MS-DOS used $-terminated strings. So you'll often see lots of $ symbols in .com files.
But because of that, I was very, very well acquainted with the value of 0x24 in ASCII.
Whom should I send my address for the promised swag?
The post office is the usual place
The TimPost office would be even better.
I thoroughly dislike South Park, but the draw of the golf was too strong for me to avoid participating in the recent South Park themed challenge. u_u
If you send Tim Post some llama hair, he might knit it into a Stack Exchange sweater for you.
^needs less "might"
that's kind of cannibalism.. I suppose
@Geobits Well, he could just be like, "wtf who sent me llama hair" and throw it out. Could go either way.
@Optimizer No one said anything about llamas eating llamas, though it is a llama eat llama world...
no it isn't
we are not birds
@Optimizer No worse than a hat made out of fingernails, right?
Good lord
I think the correct term is llama wool
stop ripping my clothes off with your eyes you pervs!
I believe you mean ripping your wool off with our eyes.
Hush, you've still got your scarf.
I want to see more than just your head
Maybe a family photo or something
llamas dont family
Much like terminators.
Llama selfie:
Did you.... hack my phone?
"Me with my llama family. Love them. #soblessed"
You're pretty handsome
I mean these nostils ;)
Are you falling for me ?
Maybe... ;)
you can fall on me too
The wool will make you bouncy
Today, I decided I'd make a Sudoku solver in Python. pastebin.com/GZgpHPfG
Well that's just blatant cheating
What, using python?
Just as it was getting increasingly uncomfortable, Pietu came in and saved us.
@AlexA. You're welcome.
@Geobits No, it's cheating to make sudoku solver
Programming a sudoku solver is the only way to make sudoku fun.
@BetaDecay All right, tell me when you're finished with this one
I'm finished with it already. It's not filled in, but I'm definitely done with it.
I dunno. Sudoku is just a load numbers and boxes. Only sadists like to do them
@Optimizer Why wouldn't this return the same string, since it's in base 128? o-lang.herokuapp.com/link/… I don't know if it's me, my code, or my other code. The first line converts the string from 128 to 345, then the second line converts it back to 128. Shouldn't they be the same since it's 128?
@Pietu1998 Does it return the image with the boxes filled in? Because that would be pretty cool
umm, can you give me a cjam equi ?
how would I do 128 in CJam?
@BetaDecay Nope, it uses text I/O with no cell separators and newline row separators, and blanks are put in as zeros.
Well you've got a new challenge ;)
It's quite fast though, solves what is apparently the world's hardest sudoku in a couple hundred ms
@phase 128
(On an unrelated note, just hit 7k rep. Woot woot.)
@AlexA. I thought you'd only started PPCG a few months ago so was amazed when I saw you had over 6k
you mean future 1K
@BetaDecay Haha no, according to my profile I've been here 1 year, 3 months.
I spent most of that time with 101 rep though.
that is rep 101
@AlexA. That's good. I thought I was just absolutely terrible at gathering rep
@Optimizer something like this? cjam.aditsu.net/…
@BetaDecay Optimizer has been here only 10 months and has over 20k.
the quickest in recent times is Sp3000 though
overall - Martin
@Optimizer Then my algorithm is off somewhere....
Maybe I am terrible :O
Although I did leave for three or so months
why will someone star that ? If you want, you could star this instead..
you all are such kids!
@BetaDecay Your avatar would imply that yes, you are terrible at gaining rep. Much like mine kinda implies I lose a bunch to downvotes.
@Geobits as per that logic, I lose a bunch to llamas?
Yeah. I think it might be a bad omen :|
I don't see a llama/rep connection. Downvoting (answers at least) directly costs me rep.
what are you saying?? llamas are connected to everything.
Wow, such passion for llama-connecting.
llama life!
Are you connected by wool ropes or something?
I think it's more of a psychic connection
@Geobits yes, right by our right hooves
Better than being connected like this.
Reminds of this:
@Geobits that's a llamadra. An urban legend.
You guys are into weird creepy stuff.
@BetaDecay Is this the Anti-Llama
Their friends, the Cow are also pretty cool youtube.com/watch?v=FavUpD_IjVY
Cows are just ugly.
So are decaying particles
So are uglis.
@Optimizer That's rather hurtful
Not as hurtful as knowing you're a llama is.
He's just deflecting.
@Geobits Indeed, and even not as hurting as being an upside down triangle
Geobits isn't a triangle pointing North West??
He has a blue circle to make up for his imperfctions
Huh? Oh, that's just something I stole back in my stalker days.
@trichoplax @Geobits is a papparazi following kid celebrities ???
With the internet it isn't hard to be a stalker these days. People's digital prescences are bloody massive
Wasn't all that hard to be a stalker before, either. Tedious, sure, but following someone around and digging through their trash isn't very difficult.
Off topic - Oh my God
@BetaDecay Nothing is off topic in The Nineteenth Byte.
(Except for Puzzling.)
You can say what you like here as long as you're not verbose
@AlexA. I meant off the topic of stalking
and for verbose thing, just prefix it with Brain, you BrainF***er
So would I be allowed Braindamn you guys? ;)
@Alex A** What are those stars for? The count seems wrong for any appropriate words ;)
@Geobits Just gave me an idea for a challenge
like list all words from dict that match a censor
This is the result from a Google search for "deerknob":
user image
@AlexA. That is fantastic :D
@Maltysen Glad to be of assistance. Sounds like a pretty easy-to-regex task, though.
What if you can't simply display the results (they were censored for a reason) and you have to replace part of the word with a synonym?
Like in buttistance or donkeyign?
I can't disassemble that
Oh wait
@Geobits good point, maybe censor a word such that the most possible letters are censored while remaining unique?
I can
@Maltysen Basically like the text abbreviations challenge
@trichoplax I bet you can disrearemble it, though.
My poor brain
But that one was the letters have to be in order, and can't be taken out from the middle. Is that enough not to be a dup?
Hmm. I think "censor any (minimal) subset of letters" might be different enough.
Yeah. Only thing is how offensive do you have the words?
Though I think that many words can't be censored at all while keeping them unambiguous. No subset of letters removed from "shit" is uniquely "shit" that I can see.
Is c**t to be in the dictionary?
you know, you don't actually need to censor (and include) offensive words for the challenge to work
how bout I make the dict as a list from stdin
Also keep in mind that
> There's no acceptable level of intentional offensiveness
True, but I think my last point is more general than that. You'd need to be careful with your test cases is all I'm saying.
Yes this applies even if the test cases are not actually offensive
Oh yeah, test cases :O
Just take extracts from YouTube comments. Those have enough curse words to keep your program going for years
Don't pick any video from 2012, though. They all include "Ron Paul 2012" for some reason.
I suspect it was a script ran by google to just insert it into whatever.
how's "Thorough and Specific Censor" as the title?
I think you should censor the title
^ this at a minimum
Can you f**king censor this tw*ts?
Markdown fail.
I'd also not put f**king in the title, tbh.
@Geobits Ron P**** 2012
You could also look at it as "poorly redacted" rather than censored, since each word can be uniquely identified.
@Doorknob next time I see a doorknob, I probably am gonna replace it with that..
A dear deer doorknob.
Well my fellow programmers, it seems we have a plan
A dour dear deer doorknob.
Q: "Magic erase" part of an image

minxomatGoal Create a tool that loads an image and four coordinates on that image. The tool should try to erase the given part (rectangle constructed by the four coordinates) and save it to the same file. This is commonly called "magic erase". Rules You may use any algorithm that does the job, except...

I thought that was going to be a popcon until I scrolled down.
That might be interesting, but maybe still a bit too broad.
Shouldn't your comment say "objective enough"?
It does :P
Originally it was "x is too subjective...". Incomplete rewrite ftw.
Q: Create a working Stack

phaseYour mission, if you choose to accept it, is to create a stack that can do basic math operations. Explanation: Your stack must be able to do basic arithmetic (+-*/) and must support normal base 10 numbers (0123456879); numbers will only be one character long. Programming: You will load a progr...

How do you recognise doge's face?
Isn't that what Google's AI is only just doing now?
You don't, he wants you to attempt to smooth over a rectangle of the image by pulling information from elsewhere
Oh right. So it's like a clone brush?
That should be good as a pop con
Yeah, would be very cool
I'd like to see his other test cases
@DigitalTrauma you can't award a bounty within the first 24 hours
So many creepy images could be made
Like my kid with his mouth missing :D
He looks like he's ready to downvote, just like his daddy.
Jul 13 at 20:09, by Geobits
He does thumbs up/down videos on youtube, though, so I guess that counts.
Chat is getting repeat-y.
Welcome to my brain.
Oh God. That would be scary
@AlexA. Actually, I think there's a level beyond: writing a program to evaluate the difficulty of a Sudoku. The obvious way to do it is a fold (reduce) over the graph of deductions, but that's not practical.
@Geobits You made a kid?! I thought that was just the stuff of legends
@BetaDecay He didn't make his kid; he won him in an SE Meta contest.
Ohhhh I see. Did it come prebuilt or as an Airfix kit?
It? HE has a name. And he came prebuilt.
I'm sorry, I'm not an expert on this kind of thing
Imagine having Geobits Jr. teamed up with Geobits Sr... no one would ever get any rep
@PeterTaylor I don't know what that means, so for me implementing that isn't practical at all, as it would require extensive research beforehand. ;)
@BetaDecay Geobits Jr. --> Geoqubits.
@AlexA. He didn't come prebuilt at all. It was quite a bit of both fun and work producing him.
Spend an afternoon with a beer and some Ikea tools assembling a child...
I bet there was a great feeling of accomplishment after completing the task
It takes a bit more than a small, flimsy hex wrench for sure.
Good thing I closed that quickly, didn't have sound muted :P
I don't want to click on the link lest it's NSFW :/
It's SFW in that it's not lewd or scandalous. It does have sound, so headphones or lower volume I guess. (It's a clip from The Office)
@MartinBüttner Yep, It's been a while since I last participated in a bounty
@Geobits Oh I see. I thought it was a walkthrough of how to construct a child
The show? If so, it's a terrible one. While a couple characters do end up pregnant, the process is never explicitly explained.
Nah, you need to watch a David Attenborough documentary for that kind of debauchery
Isn't s[ ... ) the best way to concatenate a bunch of strings in Pyth?
Wait, are we back to talking serious stuff already?
No, but I'm still trying to golf
You must be looking for a different room. Nobody golfs here..
I've noticed that lately
It's amazing how quickly the mood changes here
I never realized how much fun Golfing in Racket can be, despite being a horrible language for the task
Maybe it's because I don't know it very well
@Pietu1998 I've noticed that always.
I wonder if anyone here plays the kind of golf that requires going outside.
@Winny I very much despise Racket :P Was the language my first-year class used.
@Vioz- What university? I'm rather jealous. My first uni experience was in VB.net, however the prof didn't understand why List<T> is so much better than Collection or VB.net arrays, among other things
University of Waterloo :)
Thankfully the follow-up class moved to Python
@Vioz- I take it you're absolutely not a Lisper
Correct :P
@Winny What subject did you study where the programming language of choice was VB.NET?
it was one of the very first undergrad CS courses
it's not a bad language, provided the instructor is competent
Huh. I can't imagine learning CS for the first time in VB.
Did you get a degree in CS?
I can see why it would be chosen
VB.net is basically C#.net with a wordier syntax and missing a few shortcuts that cut down on boilerplate
@Winny You must be younger than me. .Net was in beta when I was at uni.
yeah most likely. Currently in undergrad school still, so no BA yet
or bs
whatever it is lol
Same here, starting second year in a month.
more-or-less the same
@aditsu where's your base conversion? I think my algorithm is wrong, but I'm not sure where. The input string is not changing the output, only the to base.
@PeterTaylor So undergraduate studies in the early 2000s?
I spent a few years in other ventures, so I'm a little old for my academic career
@PeterTaylor You seem like the kind of fellow who would have a PhD in math. (Though probably maths would be more accurate.)
@Winny What did you do before returning to university to study CS?
@AlexA. I started in the 90s and finished in the early 2000s. And I do sometimes regret not having studied more maths. I did consider doing a PhD in CompSci, but in the end I decided that I'd rather go into the real world, so I just have an MA.
@AlexA. traveling some of the EU, working at a sbux (ew), and general trouble making :)
@Winny Sounds like a good time.
@PeterTaylor What did you get your MA in and what do you do now in the real world?
@AlexA. Always feels better 20/20 !
The MA isn't technically in anything, but I studied CompSci, worked mainly in the computer games industry for a few years, then mainly in web for a few, and now I'm in a company that does "serious games". Basically we make games for use in rehabilitation of people with neurological injuries or diseases.
That's really, really cool. A very noble endeavor.

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