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I am never quite sure of the etiquette
I suppose I should have specified a time limit?
@BrainSteel So someone called for it ^^
I guess?
You can re-accept a better one later
@Lembik If you see it 1 week without any move, you can approve :)
on the other hand I don't want to put anyone off from putting in a new answer
@Katenkyo the question is if it will put people off from contributing new answers
@feersum or even yourself :)
@Lembik Accepting answers will always contribute
@Katenkyo what do you mean. What is "It" in that sentence?
But 1 week is safe, it'll be rare that someone will even see your question
@feersum accepted
@feersum I will try not to beg too regularly for a j =3 answer :)
and thank you!
The difference between j=3 and j=2 is less than from 1 to 2
It's just very long and tedious
@feersum did you suggest it could be automated?
to reduce the tediousness.. or did I make that up?
that already sounds very cool in itself!
maybe a PPCG challenge :)
(except you would have to write most of it as I don't understand your method properly yet)
I thought you understood the j=2 answer?
well yes I can follow it
but I really don't get how you would extend it to j= 3
so for some version of understand
or write code to do it automatically for general j
So you could sum over each of the 2^j initial sequences (which must be repeated at the end)
Then have 2^(j-1) indices which are used to count all of the 2^j possible substrings of length j
Then 2^j-n indices for how many steps are taken in each possible direction, and the other n are fixed to make it end at 0
is that it?
you do make it look very simple
there is a cubic half-inch of tungsten sitting on my desk. it is heavy.
@Sparr Why do you have it?
kickstarter reward
it's a novelty prop. it's just a lot heavier than you would expect from such a small object
what's the weight ?
1 kg ?
oh, you are in inch zone, 2.5 pounds ?
I had a tungsten ring some years back. I liked the weight of it, and it just plain didn't get scratched up.
that's not much
for a 12.2mm cube
12.2mm :)
Hahah :P
@Optimizer it's 2.5x the weight of an iron cube the same size
Tungsten is denser than mercury IIRC.
by quite a bit
~40% denser?
@feersum there was a compliment for you above :)
mercury is even lighter than iron ?
It's about on par with gold I think, but it's not soft and crappy like gold is.
@Sparr some online thingy showed 14g weight for same size
Not quite what I was looking for
I don't think the engine in a tungsten Nissan Cube would move it very well.
Osmium - 22.61 g/cm³
Iridium - 22.65 g/cm³
Platinum - 21.45 g/cm³
Gold - 19.3 g/cm³
Tungsten - 19.25 g/cm³
Lead - 11.34 g/cm³
Mercury - 13.534 g/cm³
Silver - 10.49 g/cm³
gold and tungsten are almost equal
Huh, I thought platinum was quite a bit lighter than gold.
That is why they show so much trouble while lifting gold bars in movies
Gold bars are f*ing heavy. I held one at some museum once.
fling ?
uranium - 19.1 g/cm3
given that they fire this at people.. it's worth knowing
@Lembik this list is of common metals :)
@Optimizer Yes, they are fling heavy = hard to fling.
@Optimizer Is iridium more common than uranium?
f*ing != f?ing :)
@Lembik uranium is nuclear, iridium is inert precious metal like gold.
"[Uranium] is considered to be more plentiful than antimony, beryllium, cadmium, gold, mercury, silver, or tungsten and is about as abundant as tin, arsenic or molybdenum."
and yes, iridium is common
I sound like the uranium marketing board :)
common != abundant or plentiful
@Lembik It's also what gets you your electricity :p
common in a sense of commonly available..
You can buy an ounce of Iridium for.. $1500 :(
@Optimizer well.... you mean easy to buy in a shop?
It can be really hard to reliably and costlessly extract, even if it's common
@Optimizer if uranium is as abundant as tin then that's fairly abundant
@Lembik forget easy, just to be able to buy in a shop
@Optimizer I can't buy iridium in my shops! :)
or osmium
your shops s*
is that legal ?
look more closely :)
in particular at the questions and answers
If I opt for air mail does it get delivered by Amazone Prime Air or CIA drones?

A: No sir, just give us your coordinate and we will deliver it via intercontinental missile in less than an hour, guaranteed speed.
Or do they just toss you into Gitmo after adding to your cart?

A: [Deleted by the CIA on May 27, 2010 6:30 PM PST]
oh and...
> I purchased this product 4.47 Billion Years ago and when I opened it today, it was half empty.
Will this take me back to the future in my DeLorean?

A: No. Your DeLorean uses a standard GE General Purpose Waste Disposal FUSION Reactor. U238 is not a fusible material, and thus will just clog up the intake, rendering your reactor useless. I recommend ordinary H20 for the reactor, and place the canister of U238 in your pocket, where it will best serve the interests of the human race by improving the gene pool.
@Geobits sue! :)
sorry,,,, have I ruined an entirely serious PPCG debate... :)
Magic stuff. Been taking 1 spoon a day for 3 weeks. I can now type this review using all 12 fingers.
@Lembik why not compliment it with another of yours linear time challenges related to strings
@Optimizer I would love to thank you! However....
I worry every time I pose one of those.... they always get a small number of wrong answers by people who get slightly annoyed
and an even smaller number of correct answers.. perhaps zero
@Optimizer or were you teasing me about compliment versus complement?
in which case I am crestfallen :)
I am waiting for a cjam/pyth/apl answer to codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/51948/… :)
Q: Draw Growing Stacks of Boxes

ZgarbThe Task In this challenge, your task is to draw an ASCII art representation of several stacks of boxes of increasing height. You are given as input the number of stacks, which is a positive integer. The first stack contains one box of size 2x2. The second stack contains 2 boxes of size 3x3. In ...

@Lembik hi
@Lembik oh I meant complement
and that was sarcasm
@Optimizer I think that is Muphry's law
Muphry's law is an adage that states: "If you write anything criticizing editing or proofreading, there will be a fault of some kind in what you have written." The name is a deliberate misspelling of Murphy's law. Similar laws have also been coined, usually in the context of online communication, under names including Umhoefer's Rule (or Umhöfer's Rule), Skitt's Law, Hartman's Law of Prescriptivist Retaliation (or The Law of Prescriptive Retaliation), The Iron Law of Nitpicking, McKean's Law. and Bell's First Law of USENET. Further variations state that flaws in a printed or published work will...
@Optimizer so.. are you saying you hate my linear time stringy questions?
@MitchSchwartz how things?
@Optimizer if so.. why?
and beware.. an awesome answerer of one is here :)
"linear time stringy questions" sounds fun :3
@Phase :)
woot, got vertical line drawing done 2 "+"n@ {.1>}{"|"n@1-}while; "+"
@MitchSchwartz did you see feersum thinks one can write an automated solver writer for my prob puzzle?
Anyone trying growing stacks ?
@Dennis ^ ?
Hadn't even seen it yet. Just woke up...
so posting in next 5 minutes ? (now that you've seen)
You have at least 2 hours.
@Lembik things are progressing in an orderly fashion toward oblivion
I'm doing the stacks :3
today must be my lucky day
@Lembik yep
@MitchSchwartz I love the idea of code that writes code to solve puzzles
I was about to do stacks, then I remembered why I don't usually do ascii art golfs ;)
@MitchSchwartz good news on the orderly front :)
Yep, I tried for about a minute, not going to bother with it
doing... well...?
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doing well ?
how do you get a list of who is currently logged into this chat?
You mean beside the list on the sidebar with the icons?
You could also use this.
hmm... I must be being blind but... i don't see the list in the sidebar
the link you gave works
oh right I see those pictures
Yahoo, Finally implementing the capacity for Summoner Wars, it will be real soon !
@Geobits thanks very much
I've been playing Sokobond the last two days, and it's one amazing puzzle game.
Anyone who's on OEIS know how long it took them to approve your registration?
@MartinBüttner :D I second that
@Vioz- I know Peter Taylor is on it
@Sp3000 did you finish it?
@Vioz- My first submission was approved in less than 24 hours, my second one has been waiting for approval for two weeks now.
No, I got stuck on the last few of the lanthanides/actinides and haven't touched it since
@Sp3000 I don't know enough chemistry to be able to tell which part of the table that is.
Er... the dangly table at the bottom right
oh, the bonus levels
I'm doing those right now
:P tell me how you go
I already started skipping some, so... :D
I seem to be missing Combine, Jellyfish, then everything to the right of that
I really want that last achievement though ;)
let me see
I want it so I can clear it off my drive, but thankfully it doesn't take up much space :)
ah okay, I've got the first four columns but skipped Bunny Ears and Combine
bunny ears looks so simple...
Bunny ears was fun :) it's the only level I seem to have taken a screenshot of
Flower is surprisingly a lot harder than Clockwork
Q: Are languages like sed exempt from "no input" rules?

DennisSome types of challenges require submission that produce constant output and, as such, forbid the solutions from taking input of any kind. That presents a problem for languages like sed, which execute code for each line of input, so they downright refuse to do anything if STDIN is empty. On one...

(Didn't we have a bot for that?)
It'll probably catch up in a minute or two :)
@NewMetaPosts: Quit slacking off!
Q: Are languages like sed exempt from "no input" rules?

DennisSome types of challenges require submission that produce constant output and, as such, forbid the solutions from taking input of any kind. That presents a problem for languages like sed, which execute code for each line of input, so they downright refuse to do anything if STDIN is empty. On one...

My immediate thought is to just give such programs a single newline (\n) as input.
@Sp3000 Oh I did skip ahead to Fortress earlier, so I've got that one.
k, will give it a try :)
I failed to find a mathematical formula for the growing stacks :(
Which part of it? Also, it's probably easier done via zipping, surely?
not tried zipping approach
was hoping to get a formula for the whole thing
@Optimizer: 2*n=sqrt(1-4k+4i)-1 where k<n+1 and i actual index
does that help ?
@Sp3000 Did you try Elephant in the Snake? :/
Yeah, I seem to have that one
it looks so simple
@Agawa001 I have no idea what you are talking about Mr. Troller
So does Bunny Ears :P
lol i have a reputation of troll now
wonder where did that thing come from and when
not reputation, but that equation certainly looks like trolling
anyways if you look for explanation just ask me
what is k, n, i ?
@Sp3000 oh I've got an idea
really ? i read the question , then understood it, then spent few minutes writing that equation
Growing stacks question ?
@Sp3000 worked
and why theres no latex here
Some people are allergic to latex.
its not even on our main
ok, so can I have explanation now ?
that would make reading mathematical equation look like a torture
Glorious Potato
its just arithmetic summation
but why is there an equation here ? shouldn't it be a function ?
well, the function i culdnt do it
1+2+3+... = actual index
everythng is extracted from this principle
Even if you extracted that into something useful, that only (seems to) give the vertical wall locations.
let me see an answer based on that equation
except if you wanna settle another variable which incremets each new term of this arithmetic series of difference=1
The problem with doing it by indices is that to revert a triangular number back you have to take a square root :/
@Sp3000 exactly
btw @Optimizer if you're bored, here's a zipping that I can't be bothered golfing: ri:X{'-SI*+I)*'-+aI*}fI][LX{'+'|I*+I)*'++}fI_]2ew{~.e<a}%.\:~z{XX)*2/)Se[N}%W%(‌​
My original thought was to build it rotated by 180, then reverse the string.
stabs eyes out
(hint: the only awesome part is .e<)
@Sp3000 Meditation was fun :)
Oh boy, that's another I haven't done
it's not quite as bad as it looks
Hmm where to stick these bonds...
come on, together we can sort out the remaining ones... I really want move on to some other game :D
Almost... got... this... full.. loop
Oh, I managed to resolve Bunny, if you need a hint
Can't remember the other's solutions though
@Sp3000 trying Complex right now, but I'll probably take you up on that
Did I click on the Puzzling chat by mistake? :P
Welcome to Steam Games and Molecules.
We're supposed to be talking about important things here, like ramen burgers and the density of various metals.
Q: Cut a silicon wafer into dies

anatolygWhen manufacturing chips, circular silicon wafers are cut into dies of needed size: The goal of this challenge is maximizing the number of whole dies that can be cut from a wafer of a given diameter. The machine puts the wafer into an angular compartment: _____________________ | xxxxxx |...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayIonic Compound Golf code-golf chemistry Challenge Given two inputs, a positive ion and a negative ion, you must output the formula for the ionic compound which would be made from the two ions. This basically means balancing out the charges so they equal zero. Do not bother with formatting the...

Unless somebody can think of a compelling reason not to, I'm going to post this:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DennisFirst code golf decathlon code-challenge math string array-manipulation ascii-art Tasks All competitors try to solve the following list of 10 tasks: math Read a positive integer n from input and return the sum of the cubes of the first n non-negative integers. Read a positive integer n fr...

@Dennis I'll have a look
Well, my first attempt at contributing to OEIS has failed :(
@Vioz- which sequence?
@MartinBüttner Thanks!
Doorknob suggested a stack snippet for the leaderboard, but that's way beyond my capabilities.
I was going to add a b-file to it, unfortunately it looks like it will not be very useful considering how fast the sequence grows.
by a(17) the value is 973 characters long, and a(30) the value is over 140,000 characters long
@Dennis a stack snippet would definitely be helpful
@MartinBüttner Sure would, but I don't know how to deal with edits. Rule 6 should be especially tricky.
Hmm. Google just added this to their Play Store content policy:
> Sensitive Events: We don't allow content which may be deemed as capitalizing on or lacking reasonable sensitivity towards a natural disaster, atrocity, conflict, death, or other tragic event.
Probably has to do with that recent shooting
Yea. Wonder if there was a specific app that triggered the ban?
@Dennis hm yeah
Man, it's hardly been 16 months and my Nexus 5 is showing signs of dying :(
@Vioz- I've had mine for about the same time, no problems yet. Battery life dropping, or something else?
There's a chance it's something to do with my software, the memory leaking is rendering the phone useless after about 8 hours.
Maybe Spotify is causing some sort of problem..
Could be. I don't use spotify much any more because it likes to use all my free space for its cache.
I'm always changing between streaming services, I was on Google Unlimited until I found out Spotify was doing $0.99 for 3 months
And I don't really notice any issues with taking up cache
probably because I keep most of the music I like saved on the phone anyways
I like spotify a lot, and use it plenty on my desktop/laptop/chromecast/ps4. It just got aggravating on my phone.
Ooh, they have a Chromecast app?! When did that happen?
It's not official. I think their official word is "when hell freezes over, maybe". I use spoticast, but it's a little funky sometimes. I end up using my ps4 moore often recently.
Confirmed: Spotify Chromecast app coming with PPCG graduation.
It'll be bundled with Half-Life 3.
They want to make their own TV streaming thing for some reason: phandroid.com/2015/01/14/…
I love the "closer examination of the data" bit here: stackoverflow.com/research/…
I don't think they understand that my TV has limited input ports, and I won't dedicate one of them for just spotify.
@Sparr Spaces are for sadists.
Who are the poor 0.2% using Vista?!
What's the award for obvious studies again?
> It feels good to be the boss. Executives are 16% more satisfied (on an arbitrary 5-point scale) than average (3.36). Product managers are generally the least satisfied with their jobs.
@MartinBüttner and would be PS3 version playable on PS4 using native backward compatibility
Really? Most recent I heard was that the PS4 was only going to be compatible with 360 games, not PS3.
@MartinBüttner I've added a required answer format that could make the posts parsable for future stack snippets.
Any problems with the tasks themselves?
@Geobits Well, times will change when we graduate.
It will be a revolution
Like the Vita was?
Whoa, you used when instead of if. That's progress, right? Right?!
Well once you know the date, "if" seems a bit wrong.
yeah, 27th July is finally finalized
They timed it with the Spotify Chromecast app release date
Where has such a date been finally finalized?
Meh, they are obviously hiding it from google
its known only to 19th Byte as the dates collide
and we are hosting a joint celebration party in peru
@BrainSteel There's a list on big meta of sites that are "semi-graduated", so they're doing it in increments now. We aren't first on the list, but I remember it being in July.
wow ^ that is taking it to extremes, quoting mother meta
Google was fine and all, but mother meta ??
I figured I should keep it in the network. No sense sending people off to google ;)
@Geobits spaces are for anyone who doesn't have total control over their development environment and the tools of their colleagues
@Sparr Isn't that what I said? Sadists.
Eww, spaces... Gross.
Space Invaders are even grosser
@Dennis nothing in particular, except that some individual tasks are duplicates, and the usual problem with minigolf-like challenges that people might copy some parts from others
@MartinBüttner That would only help to complete the list of tasks, but completely forfeit bonus points.
@MartinBüttner Not sure if (near) duplicates would be a problem. All tasks are simple enough that a quick Google search should return usable code.
@Dennis Well I mean they could copy it and then golf off a byte or two.
@MartinBüttner That's certainly possible. A problem the decathlon shares with rosetta stone challenges.
yeah exactly
An enforceable rule regarding this would probably require calculating Levenshtein distances or something like that.
Wrong window. :P
Discovery requires experimentation. I'll just go for it.
I knew that profile pic of yours was just numerous snakes. You Hydra!
@Vioz- Yeah..it's like the want you to buy a new phone ... :)
The OnePlus One just got 50 dollars cheaper. Great phone.
The white one is out of stock :( And I'm not exactly looking to pay for another off-contract phone, when 100% of my money needs to go towards university-related things next year
The dark one was out of stock yesterday.
Just try your luck tomorrow.
I don't exactly have ~$410 ($339 CAD + Tax & Shipping) to throw at a phone right now :(
In my country, phones cost more with a contract than without. :P
Really? Wow
Q: First code golf decathlon

DennisTasks All competitors try to solve the following list of 10 tasks: math Read a positive integer n from input and return the sum of the cubes of the first n non-negative integers. Read a positive integer n from input and return a truthy value if and only if n is a Mersenne prime. Read a non-em...

Basically one giant rip-off. Imported electronic articles usually cost at least 50% more than their real value in the official stores.
So you either buy them from some shady business or directly in the US.
I can't figure out what is wrong with this Python snippet. Any help? Why does the column get filled with only the letter 'd'?

for n in range(5):
print n,'abcde'[n]

print '\n'.join(''.join(i)for i in a)
a has 5 copies (references) of the same list
How do I declare an array that I can modify nicely? Should I use numpy?
[['.']*5for x in[0]*5]
or the insane way, eval(str([['.']*5]*5))
Can you use eval(`[['.']*5]*5`)?
Oh you're using Py 2, yeah sure
Okay, thanks.
@AlexA. I can already picture the upvotes.
(Does somebody have to be in the room to get pinged?)
I've been pinged when outside of the room
decathalon.. looks like now is a good time as any to learn CJam and Pyth
#9 looks like all hell's gonna break loose with people picking the right languages
What is the map syntax in CJam?
{}% in general, <arg>f<binary op>, or :<unary op>
Program #1 should probably not take 14 bytes, haha
9 bytes in CJam
Or 7.
or 0
if you don't try.. that is
I guess implementing the formula isn't the way to go then :P but I won't be CJam'ing that one anyway
@Dennis how do you have 7 ?
I have 8
The straightforward implementation is 8 bytes long, yes.
I have 7 in gs
I have 5 in Pyth. :P
can you tell your ungolfed code @Optimizer
growing stack ?
maybe tomorrow
@Dennis betcha Jakube has 4
off to sleep now
happy nightmares
and then you ask about your trolling rep
@Dennis Can you check my #9 to see if it's okay?
@Sp3000 I don't know Mathematica. Is #2#& a function?
Yeah, unnamed
But I was more concerned about whether it was a standard loophole because of builtins or whatnot
The loopholes post says that a "standard loophole" has to have twice as many upvotes as downvotes, so using built-ins is not a loophole (yet).
Well there's probably languages with medians, subsequences and such builtin - are you okay with that?
I've deliberately chosen a non-standard definition for the median, so I'd be surprised if somebody finds a built-in for that task.
I usually outlaw built-ins for my code-golf questions, but given the find-the-optimal-language-for-each-task approach of this one, I've opted for anything goes.
Ahaha k
I'll be looking forward to that language with access to pneumonoultra...

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