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I made a few changes to the EOEIS scoring to 1) even out the scoring of the different depths, and 2) multiplying scores by a larger number so that people don't get scores less than their number of answers.
sounds reasonable
btw it's kinda funny that I went to fractran for a language where the empty program is the identity... that actually works in GolfScript ;)
It shows your... breadth of esoteric programming knowledge?
if I could claim to be able to program in fractran... that would be impressive, I guess.
It's not actually that hard, or at least not as hard as it could be.
But... it can't output arbitrary numbers, so it couldn't really be used for a challenge like this.
well for this particular challenge I think it's actually trivial to find sequences that do work
like 2/1 should do
Wouldn't that be an infinite loop?
wait no
yeah, I was thinking about a different form of sequence printing
Any opinions on whether I should allow different forms of "outputting a sequence", instead of returning the Nth term?
I don't think it would hurt, and it might accommodate some esolangs (if you care about that).
maybe output a continuous stream of numbers?
Or maybe just the first N numbers?
I'd probably allow those 3
(i.e. those 2, plus the one you already have)
@PhiNotPi "There must be a way to differentiate between consecutive terms" what about sequences where all numbers have the same width?
Do you have a better idea? (honestly, not sarcastically)
no, I'm (honestly) asking what your stance on those is. should they still be delimited?
i.e. do the terms have to be distinguishable with or without knowledge of the given sequence?
I think so.
It's probably easiest to always require delimiters, or you'll get into loads of annoying arguments. But the current wording seems vague enough so people might start doing this anyway.
How about "Consecutive terms must be delimited by arbitrary strings of non-digit characters."
Only thing is, I can't decide on the coarseness. :/
Definitely go with the 2500 so you can actually see the chords.
If you view them on 2560x1440 you can see the chords on all of them :P
I think I'll go with 10k for now.
You do realize it's 3 AM in the UK, right?
I found my favorite subreddit of the day: reddit.com/r/pitchforkemporium
apparently the chat room has finally kicked the habit of starring anybody that says "hi"
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

randomraArea of an ascii polygon code-golf ascii-art geometry You should write a program or function which receives a string representing an ascii-art polygon as input and outputs ot returns the area of the polygon. The input is a string consisting of the characters _ / \ L V space and newline definin...

@PhiNotPi you can't tell me what to do
If you have the time, are you willing to read over the Evolution of OEIS spec?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PhiNotPiEvolution of OEIS In this challenge, the goal is to recreate the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences one sequence at a time. Similar to the Evolution of Hello World, each answer depends on a previous answer. Over time, this challenge will create a "family tree" of the OEIS sequences. It...

I think this could be one of my most virulent challenges yet.
@PhiNotPi maybe add the trick for prefix searching in OEIS
which Zgarb mentioned
otherwise looks good to me
maybe cut off some digits from numbers like 12.330684244297007 in the snippet
graph is cool!
you cant add OEIS link in the snippet, right?
2 hours later…
@PhiNotPi can you not show the label above or below the node, instead of inline (which makes it overlap with the curves)
2 hours later…
@randomra if I submit a function, do I have to print the output, or can I simply output them ?
@Optimizer by output you mean return, right? "You should write a program or function ... outputs or returns the number of occurrences..." so you can just output/return it
hi all
I am thinking of relaunching codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/41021/… with a different sort of matrix
please tell me if you think this is a terrible idea!
that is not a cyclic one
That really depends on the property.
@PhiNotPi says the guy who posted the challenge with the most answers ever...
I think I fixed the last of the bugs in my type checker. i.imgur.com/DP4gdlW.png -> i.imgur.com/mmZ8Yj9.png
@Lembik "diagonally up and left"?
also I feel like this is too similar, but Peter would be the better judge of that.
@randomra I like that ASCII polygon proposal. You realise though that it can be solved simply by sweeping lines?
(that's probably still very fun to golf)
@MartinBüttner yes
@MartinBüttner it is definitely similar but also definitely not the same
@MartinBüttner it is quite possible that you can get completely different scores
that doesn't mean it's different enough to be interesting. ;) also do you know that there are non-cyclic matrices scoring higher than cyclic ones?
@MartinBüttner just added one to the question
there is a 7 by 12 T matrix but no such 7 by 12 cyclic one
we need more than one Peter :)
there was a nimrod guy at one point who seemed to be a match for Peter but he seems to have gone
oh.. what tags shall I add?
those two and
why permutations?
( I just added it)
oh wait
no sorry, get rid of it
I still half had your Hankelable challenge in mind
ah yes
that was tough too :)
I asked a cstheory question about that and got zero response
but then cstheory << ppcg :)
Q: Is Hankelability NP-hard?

LembikI asked this question on SO on April 7 and added a bounty which has now expired but no poly time solution has been found yet. I am trying to write code to detect if a matrix is a permutation of a Hankel matrix. Here is the spec. Input: An n by n matrix M whose entries are 1 or 0. Output: A ...

just dumb comment questions where were already answered in the question
there are only three good *.se sites in my opinion :)
3.5 maybe
@Lembik it's on the front page of unanswered questions. it might get some attention eventually.
yeah, started with only /\_ but that was way too easy
marking closed areas with letters and asking their area might be interesting too
I'm not sure what you mean by that.
that would need some row-interaction
no what do you mean by "marking closed areas with letters"
/a  \b  / _____
\___/\_/  \___/
@MartinBüttner maybe... I tend to think that cstheory people don't like to say anything too new in case they could have published it :)
@randomra yes that would be much harder, but at the same time it would be "just another flood fill challenge"
@MartinBüttner will think a bit about it maybe there is a smarter solution (probably isn't)
hey folks guess what! my koth controller finally works!! :D :D :D
@sirpercival fun fun fun youtube.com/watch?v=dJFyz73MRcg
@Sieg lol
here's a replay with some default bots: gfycat.com/AnnualBestBrontosaurus
Now what's your koth about?
I'm adding some info into the github Readme then I'll post a link
@Zgarb @randomra What is the trick to searching prefixes in OEIS? I must have missed where that was mentioned.
@PhiNotPi chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/240?m=21279326#21279326 (seq:1,2,3,6,11,23 -seq:_,1,2,3,6,11,23)
I'm working on a way to change the position of the labels so that they are underneath the points.
centered label text now live: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/4921/2867
looks nice
maybe I could add sequence links....
(ignoring the scope creep which is going on)
@PhiNotPi and answer links? :)
Scope creep should be a card game. Or possibly a KotH
(link the number to the answer and OEIS ID to the sequence)
The number to the answer? Something different then the "link" on the right?
oh, in the table. I thought in the graph.
I might be able to add it to the graph (table is easiest)
sure, just use the table
Hmm... it seems to replace the {{SEQUENCE}} tag in the link but not in the text. (there are two {{SEQUENCE}} but only one is replaced)
Is that normal, should I just add a second replace, or is there a replaceall that I should use?
I've gotten it to work by adding a second replace statement
Interestingly, one of the example sequence numbers we randomly picked was the unary sequence.
@PhiNotPi string replacement only replaces one. to get replaceall you need regex replacement with a /g modifier. did you switch to nderscore's suggestion that uses regex?
well, my plan to add links to the actual graph backfired: 42 : <a href="https://oeis.org/A012345">A012345</a>
ah okay, no worries
@PhiNotPi btw, I ended up going with 2,500 chords, but regenerated that with less opacity so the black didn't look as harsh.
sequence links in table are now live
Did anyone work out a quick way for Euclidean rhythms? Or are they just secretly saving it for when I post? :P
I have a partial solution...
@MartinBüttner floodfilling ascii-polygon seems tedious, I would probably still use a modified sweeping method. Making areas convex makes that method easier.
I was contemplating allowing cyclic rotations but those solutions can't win, but I think it might get confusing if there's a mix of answers...
floodfill needs to know the direction where the flood is coming from
it could be a Carcassone field score like challenge (goo.gl/LxC2xu)
If you are trying to find (8,5) for example, divide 8 into five equal parts: 0, 1.6, 3.2, 4.8, 6.4. Then you add a small constant, which I can't find easily, and which is between 0.4 and 0.6 in this case, and then truncate the number.

{0, 1.6, 3.2, 4.8, 6.4} -> {0.4, 2, 3.6, 5.2, 6.8} -> {0,2,3,5,6} -> x.xx.xx.
@Sp3000 I would say don't allow cyclic solutions at all.
Ahaha yeah that constant...
Okay, will keep it as is then
Did you already know about said constant?
Well I had the divide-and-truncate part but didn't know what to do from there
Ugh. I should focus when I code. I have no idea what this does, but it works. scope[x[x2[i][0]][1]] = placeVariables(placeVariables(f[1][x2[i][0]], args[2]), args[1]);
Oh, it solves the type variables of functtion's parameters.
@MartinBüttner it seems my definition of T matrix is causing some confusion
@MartinBüttner can you see any way I could clarify it?
@Lembik it seems like the confusion was merely caused by your typo, which you've fixed
@MartinBüttner great.. and you pointed it out earlier to me.. thanks
at least I think you did :)
hi @Sp3000
@Sp3000 that was fun :)
:) glad you enjoyed it - I'd tag it array-manipulation but I'm pre-empting otherwise :P
@Lembik hi
Lol. My test failed -> I went bug hunting for 30 minutes -> noticed the test was flawed -> noticed the compiler originally gave exactly the right error
@Sp3000 have you had a chance to look at my latest challenge by any chance?
@Sp3000 haha, yeah that's what I thought
I can't come up with a better tag unfortunately
maybe number theory or music
@Lembik I took a look, but I won't be attempting (been busy lately). Are you sure there's no optimal single answer?
@MartinBüttner I'd put music, but the question itself doesn't really have anything to do with that... btw I demand an explanation when you have time with all the e<blah> commands you have in there :P
oh yeah I was just about to write one
@Sp3000 As sure as I am that I can't prove goldbach's conjecture :)
@Sp3000 there is no hurry.. maybe you will find it interesting some time later
@Sp3000 I would bet some money that there isn't an optimal single answer in fact
but that doesn't mean I can't be wrong :)
@Sp3000 done
@Sp3000 That message soon connects the world.
"e` - run length encode". Well. :P
what? :D it gives you an array of pairs of run-length and element
I think I'm going to post EOEIS today, because I have some free time and I want to be present to make sure the thing gets off to a good start.
@PhiNotPi Already working hard on my 0-byte golfscript submission ;)
I was hoping you'd do Fractran.
So... now we wait for Pyth to include RLE?
@PhiNotPi sure, let me port it.
How do we score Fractran, anyway :P
I've always had that problem
@Sp3000 in some ascii representation
but the program is empty, so...
I just mean in general
probably just the bytes of 32/123 54/66 87/3...
I would assume like 23/56 43/16 = 11 bytes
Well, that really is the minimal representation in ascii-form.
Unless you want to do shady stuff like Base64 :P
@Sieg well you could use a larger base for the numbers
Well if I ever get the excuse to update my old answers I'll fix that then
Don't want to necro bump :P
btw, there will likely be several 0-byte answers
at least oeis.org/A000027 and oeis.org/A001477 because you allow different offsets
and it's likely someone will find a language to do the zero sequence
I want to do the 1 sequence :P
ready to post
Wait... say Martin posts 1 2 3 4 5... as level 1, then I can't post 1 1 1 1 1... as level 1 also because the next sequence would have to start with 1 in both cases and it's the same?
Q: Evolution of OEIS

PhiNotPiIn this challenge, the goal is to recreate the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences one sequence at a time. Similar to the Evolution of Hello World, each answer depends on a previous answer. Over time, this challenge will create a "family tree" of the OEIS sequences. It is simple to add o...

@Sp3000 You can submit it as level 1, but there's no reason to (unless you like for 1 1 1 to be level 1).
Bad example I guess, but my question is whether or not two "The next answer should match the following terms:"s can be the same
Yes, that it okay.
@PhiNotPi are you kicking it off?
right now I'm editing the snippet
Ummm.... what should I pick as my kickoff sequence?
0 0 0 0
@PhiNotPi Props for trying a tree-based answer-chaining question. Something I've been hesitant to risk.
@PhiNotPi you could pre-empt one 0-byte sequence by doing the natural numbers
I'll do the natural numbers then.
Maybe two bytes in Element is better than 0 bytes??
Or should I do it in Perl or Java?
whatever you want
I'm putting off learning JS so I'm likely to say silly things to waste time - feel free to remind me to learn JS
@trichoplax how are you learning it?
For writing Stack Snippets, does anyone have an opinion on whether it's better to focus on learning JavaScript in general, or hop straight into looking at example Snippets?
@MartinBüttner no idea yet... :)
my go-to source for any new language is learnXinYminutes
I need to learn it to put together my trial version of my KotH. I'm planning on starting with Calvin's Hobbies SSKotH, but I'll need a basic understanding before I can modify it
if you actually want to delve fully into JS, I can recommend JavaScript: The Good Parts
I think learnXinYminutes is good for basic understanding
user image
As a joke I was trying to find a OEIS sequence with 1 number and recommend starting off that
But I couldn't find one in time :(
@MartinBüttner that's brilliant - I love that such a site exists, and a quick glance suggests it's readable so I'll start there
it's exactly what you need when you already know how to code
@MartinBüttner I'll take that as a compliment ;)
(but time will tell...)
The snippet seems to be working properly, although it takes a minute or so to update after every new answer.
That would be the API delay.
yeah, that's normal
@PhiNotPi uhhh, when you said that links around language names were working, I thought you meant they are also linked in the table :D
I meant "didn't break stuff"
With a Stack Snippets KotH, would it be acceptable to say that only upvoted answers will be picked up by the Snippet?
@PhiNotPi that's okay too, I guess ;)
@trichoplax it might result in some tactical downvoting
Hah, I thought next would be ints mod 2
Ah. Yes. I was only thinking of it encouraging upvotes to see how a bot does, but encouraging downvotes seems even more of a problem
I was hoping to automatically exclude downvoted answers but the tactical side means I almost certainly won't then
@Doorknob does GolfScript automatically convert the input to an integer? o.O
@MartinBüttner I'm assuming input is on the stack.
@Doorknob since when are snippets allowed? :P
@MartinBüttner Well, the question says it can be an argument, and that's the normal way to take arguments in Golfscript :P
GolfScript puts STDIN on the stack
but as a string
or does it also put command-line arguments there as integers?
> The first option is to write a program or function that inputs a number (from STDIN or as an argument)
I would assume that "argument" means "command-line argument for programs or function argument for functions" :/
@PhiNotPi ? ^
@trichoplax I tried that for Red Vs Blue, people didn't like it and thought it would lead to biased voting. I ended up removing the rule.
@Calvin'sHobbies thanks - I'll follow suit
If you really want, I could wrap it in {}, which would make it a "function"
@MartinBüttner Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
@Doorknob or you could prepend a ~ which would make it a working program ;)
I'll wait until I'm feeling more controversial before thinking about a KotH with fire power proportional to upvotes
I would also like to inform you that there is very little different in score between a 2 byte and 4 byte solution.
@randomra that's depth 4
@MartinBüttner ctrl-c :/ does the snippet corrects itself?
it does :)
I don't think your submission is valid though
I don't think you can truncate sequences. the "indexing is up to you" is only how you refer to the elements I think
@PhiNotPi ^ ?
Yeah... I think I mentioned that somewhere... maybe under one of the different options.
I can only find a sentence saying you can use any indexing you like, but nothing that explicitly says whether or not you can skip the first element of the sequence as given on OEIS
(which I'd find odd)
I covered that under option two, I'll copy it to option 1: "the first terms of the output must be the first terms of the OEIS entry"
ah I see
@randomra sorry :/
(I even already had a follow-up to yours)
I'm being stupid
all is well
I can't follow, so what is up?
why it's invalid?
nothing is up
ignore me
He thought it was invalid, but it isn't.
f(1)=first_element or f(0)=first_element would be valid too right?
@MartinBüttner Damnit Martin!
@randomra yes. but I somehow thought we were doing 1, 4, 18 not 0, 1, 4, 18, which would not have been valid.
i see
Well I think we've hit our first dead end
(two in fact)
That's the beauty of a tree.
I wonder how big is the minimum maximal OEIS tree i.e. kind of cancelling out the most common routes at start (which will happen to some extent)
@Sp3000 yep
@randomra 1
there's only one sequence starting with 249 for instance
if you start from the empty list, like in the challenge
You'd have to look at how many different start numbers there are...
@randomra I don't understand. starting from the empty list, the tree is complete.
@MartinBüttner what size (number of nodes) is the smallest tree in the snippet which you can't increase by a valid answer
oh, that's what you mean. I'm pretty sure that is the entire OEIS
What is a minimum maximal tree?
I see.
I'm a slow typer atm :P
my bad, I thought you can't use 0,1,2,[3,5,7] from 0,1,[2,3,..]
so you can't use the next number which the parent had for your new number
in the real case there will be a million submissions probably :D
I am hoping for a million submissions.
you will have to submit a few 100.000 new sequence to OEIS
"Contains 257082 sequences." we're over a quarter of the way there
Hmm Calvin's new challenge looks so ><>able
just do a 'Generating OEIS sequences' challenge :)
My sequence: 1. (Hint: divisors of 1)
@Sp3000 ugh, if it wasn't for the exception of the first character this would be really short in CJam
What's wrong with the first character?
well it doesn't work like the other odd characters
I guess I could initialise the stack to a clever pair
there is no real solution to a+b=1 ^ a*b=2
Is there an unreal solution?
.5 + sqrt(7)i or .5 - sqrt(7)i
@aditsu Unhandled operator after '.': ? :(
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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