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We have SoundCloud embeds! However, please do keep the plain SoundCloud links in the post too, as the embedding requires Flash.
Time for more audio challenges? something something sight reading...
Huzzah, now we need this to be a challenge
@BrainSteel lol, I just thought about that
I'll see what I can do tomorrow
No rush. I'm excited for the integration, though! We'll have to see what people come up with. Perhaps @Calvin'sHobbies may even put in a challenge, eh?
@Calvin'sHobbies I can hear the gears in your mind grinding about how you are gonna write a challenge that makes use of the soundclound embedding :P
@BrainSteel I'm sure he will... so far he didn't miss any chance when we got a new feature ;)
No pressure :)
(I think he missed the redesign though)
Just as long as it's not another MathJax fiasco :P
I've been scoring RvB and just saw that we got SoundCloud
Very recently.
@Calvin'sHobbies I doubt that. ;)
That RvB challenge is an amazing success! I hadn't checked on it in a while.
to my shame, I never even got around to reading the rules :(
Blue Team has remained ahead ever since the Sphibots. I thought maybe Hosch and TheNo1 would turn it around for red, but alas...
I read the rules, but didn't come up with anything particularly clever. I should have tried to help my team :(
I was hoping the comeback would come, but I guess people were busy
I remember watching the Sphibots on the first day they existed. It was about as terrifying as 2 little pixels could be...
@Sp3000 Yeah, a Red comeback would have been quite spectacular, if discouraging for the blues
btw you should accept Phi's answer :P
Ah right, forgot about that. Wish I could accept both
The formation thing was Phi's idea to begin with anyway
Why does the help bar still say MathJax is supported? We did drop support for that, right?
@ASCIIThenANSI Where does it say that?
@ChrisJester-Young Go to 'ask question' or 'edit question'. Under 'How To Format' on the right side, it says 'MathJaX Equations'.
I think RvB was one of the most fun challenges I've done in a while.
@ASCIIThenANSI Not on the main site, it doesn't. (MathJax is still enabled on meta.)
@ChrisJester-Young OK, but why is MathJax disabled on the main site and not on meta?
Because it causes problems.
Q: Do we really want LaTeX/MathJax (right now)?

Martin BüttnerUpdate: The decision has been made to deactivate MathJax on main for now (it's still active on meta to play around with). This does not reflect the current votes, as these changed significantly after the decision was made. We've had MathJax support for 3 days now. While it makes our maths chal...

@Doorknob OK, thanks.
@Calvin'sHobbies I'm listening to that audio sample you put in the Numbered Cube challenge. It's funny to watch all the comments to go by.
Apparently, I've only ever had 3 answers of mine accepted.
16 of 229 here.
Similar ratio to yours.
@PhiNotPi If you won any of my last 30 or 40 contests I will accept eventually. I usually accept in batches in one go
I almost certainly didn't.
Here's an idea I've had for a while, now we've got SoundCloud it seems ripe:
Using only the sounds that noteblocks can make in Minecraft, simulate any other given song/music file as best as possible. (pop-con, pros: good answers could be really really cool, cons: good answers could be really really hard)
Time to learn FFT, tempo analysis, and how to actually read audio files in Python...
"Convert MIDI files into note blocks"
@Doorknob what's the quickest way to find the number of accepted answers? SEDE?
@MartinBüttner user:me isaccepted:yes
I went to my profile page and counted.
(search query)
@Doorknob ah thanks
"me" doesn't actually work, does it?
It does.
48 accepted
so just short of 10 percent
@PhiNotPi Pretty much. Figures it's already been done :P
@Calvin'sHobbies Cool idea. But how would the sound be made if you don't own Minecraft?
Maybe we write code to generate songs?
It looks like @Calvin'sHobbies has inspired another team-based KOTH. Are we ushering in a new era? If this kind of thing takes off, perhaps we could get a [team-KOTH] tag?
@ASCIIThenANSI I'd provide all the sounds as individual files or something. You wouldn't need minecraft.
@Doorknob I suppose this can be deleted now. I don't need it at least. Others may want to keep it, not sure.
Dear Calvin. Quilt is driving me insane with the number of possible approaches. - Sp
@Calvin'sHobbies I'll delete that post. If you want you can leave a note on the main challenge that people who lost anything important from their answers can ping me.
@MartinBüttner Alright
@BrainSteel @AlexA. so I started collecting "the list"... it's gonna be some 40 bands (plus whomever I forgot in the first pass)... still need to collect some youtube links and write a little something about each of them though.
I'm blue team again. (for capture-the-flag)
@PeterTaylor would you say questions like this qualify for the set partition tag? i.e. anything that asks to group a number of entities into disjoint sets, even if it's not necessarily related to combinatorics?
And so is Sp3000.
SphiNotPi3000 v2.0, anybody?
@PeterTaylor or similarly, questions about "the" partition problem.
@PhiNotPi Haha, the OP should have tried to avoid that
@MartinBüttner Is a proposed tag?
I'll start adding the tags and to questions tomorrow
I'm collecting a list of applicable questions right now
@PhiNotPi I'll join if things get interesting :P
(still quilting - my algorithms are getting weirder by the minute)
what you outlined applies to a lot of questions, too broad IMO
We should probably wait and see what happens. I haven't even read all of the rules yet.
and set-partition strongly suggests combinatorics for me
@randomra hm yeah, I might stick with those. but in some cases, even if the challenge isn't about combinatorics, if the question asks you to return a partition of some input set, the search space is still all set partitions.
is any f: [*]->N function a set-partition in that sense?
ummm... why?
I see, you mean that the input is the set
(just noting that there is a tag)
set is structure-less, the data in what you linked question isn't
I would call it
or maybe as I didn't get that you meant it to the input :)
@randomra the set-partition tag is supposed to cover ordered partitions as well
ok then
@MartinBüttner Excellent!!
@MartinBüttner What is this in reference to?
@Calvin'sHobbies: We were talking about music the other day. Martin has is going to share some of his recommendations with BrainSteel and me.
@Calvin'sHobbies: What kind of music do you like?
Oh, I thought it was for some kind of challenge. I actually have my own huge excel list of songs I like. The Beatles have the majority. Most of the rest is angsty stuff from the 90's.
Favorite Beatles album?
Not sure. Rarely listen to them by the album. Maybe Let it Be
Are you a "shuffle" kind of person, or do you like selecting individual songs as you see fit?
Shuffle all then hit next until a song I want to hear pops up
When you say "angsty stuff from the 90's," do you mean things like this?
Don't know them but kinda, though a little less screamy
Favorite 90s bands?
1 hour later…
good (evening/morning/day).
hacking away at the details of integer overflow and domain checking (div by 0).
@Calvin'sHobbies I love some anxsty 90s! NIN, Ministry, Marilyn Manson. One really cool lesser-known group is Morphine which was a power-trio of drums bass and barry sax.
@Jakube get rekt yourself
what's with 3 rows of chat users ? o.O
did we offend the entire SE again ? xD
when was the first time?
Whew. I got inca3 to produce inf for division by zero.
March the 31st, UTC
Oh? what did we do?
Q: When something that was supposed to be fun became not fun

Simon André ForsbergStackEgg! What a great invention. Probably the best thing to hit Stack Exchange since the invention of unicoins! Very entertaining game, very fun to play. Many users have probably spent several hours playing this. And April Fool's day is not over yet. However, where there is great inventions t...

Too much uncensored brainfuck
Wow. I totally missed all of that. I was busy a lot with the play these last few weeks.
theater ?
I played the upright Bass in a local musical.
It's my second show with the group, so I think they'll keep asking me back. (I still need to pay off this Bass).
Since we're all nerds, here. It's $120/mo. And I can apply 2 years rent toward the purchase price of $3400. Since after 24 months == 2880, just a small balloon and it's mine, all mine. :)
So, what's StackEgg?
I got a tremendous complement at the last show from the band director's boyfriend. He said I was very precise and hit the correct notes. In truth, I felt like I hit every note wrong and always had to roll or bend into the right pitch.
StackEgg was some kind of April Fool's Day game.
Apparently, we won.
Go us!
we came second in the leader board, as I recall
Oh. The linked page said we won.
I guess I stopped reading after that.
I like the 'basking in the admiration of stackexchange part'. We should do that more.
Obtuse? Moi??
I want to play StackEgg.
I've got a new idea for inca: implicit indexing. Right now variables can only be alphabetic, not alphanumeric (starting with alpha) like most languages. So my idea is to make the case <array> <scalar> perform indexing, without an intervening symbol.
Then if you have an array a, its elements are naturally a0, a1 etc.
@AlexA. Let's see: nirvana, blink 182, the offspring, pearl jam, rage against the machine. Most of the stuff here‌​. Pretty typical I guess.
My cat threw up all over the living room. And now he wants a treat.
Got to say 'no'. We're not doing treats right now.
Q: Preserving Antiquine for Antiquity

trichoplaxThis question clearly has problems, as highlighted in the comments, but seems to be an interesting idea. Maybe we could have some suggestions on ways to improve it so the idea isn't lost?

"New" meta posts
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mattdmRandomly generated "Bézier petals" Introduction A "bézier petal" is a: simple closed curve (no loops or self-intersection) made by two cubic Bézier curves which share endpoints but not necessarily control points Challenge The challenge is to generate these randomly, such that: the ent...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

randomraSmoothing out a list code-golf number sequence You should write a program or function which takes a non-negative integer k and a sorted integer list Las input and outputs or returns a smoothed list M. M is created from the ascending list L by inserting at most k integer elements while keeping ...

anyone want to do a micro-sandboxing of the question i just posted while i'm in the grace period?
Q: Who wins a Spades trick

xnorWrite code to determine who wins a four-card trick in a game of Spades. Fewest bytes wins. The input is a string that lists the four cards played in sequence like TH QC JH 2H (Ten of Hearts, Queen of Clubs, Jack of Hearts, Two of Hearts). A card is given by two characters: a suit from CDHS and a...

@xnor Looks good but maybe a few more test cases, eg all spades
thanks, i'll add some more
I'd try it now, but we're having a blackout :(
oh no
you have no power at all?
Yeah, laptop's out and can't charge. I can CJam on my phone though I guess :P
@PeterTaylor SE informed me now about your answer
@MartinBüttner That seems a bit too wide an interpretation to me.
@Optimizer lol, 33 bytes
My previous version was way too complicated.
so this is now similar to user23013's algorithm, right ?
As far as I understand user23013's algorithm, he is generating a 2D-array which he fills iteratively.
I simply generate each line of the output seperate.
But parts of it are similar. For instance his ___T#TW%@#~T<> is the same thing as my >_>JxJYx_J.
can you explain the last line of aabbccddaaeebb ?
where aa pair is not printed.
even though bb is there inside the aa pair
In the last line H = "e" (loop variable)
And "e" is not part of the aabbccddaa block.
"e" is only part of the "bbccddaaeebb" block and of the "ee" block, therefore only bs and es are printed
so your algorithm is flawed.
damn, is this in the requirements?
your previous one works still
"the pair should be printed until all its inside elements are done printing"
O.k. Made a rollback to the 52 solution.
Btw. does the "CJam development branch" count?
I guess that is why he has 54 on top
JwFHS{Js.e?@zk&gHYsm&gdH}d>_>JxJYx_JYJdJ (40 bytes) works
WTH, 3 pyth answers!
I like the >_> in there.
1 hour later…
@Optimizer I have 30 but I'm still trying to see if we can beat Pyth :P
doing some maths magic ?
It's got a lot of overlap with yours, the main difference is handling the suit
srsly ? I thought I am wasting bytes in handling the values
Woops I miscounted, it's 29: l_1='Rer"TQKA"_$erS/Wf%_$W>#)
Trying to shorten the first bit
@PeterTaylor Right, but where do you draw the line?
shrugs I think you might as well take it, I can't seem to improve on the other parts
@Sp3000 thanks for ew tip. 11 bytes, but unfortunately not valid ;)
:P worth noting anyway
btw I didn't realise mine was a port of Peter's, didn't read the others
(bad port anyway)
@PhiNotPi Now's your chance to join in the Pyth fun
@Sp3000 which question ?
Q: Telescopic Parentheses

Martin BüttnerConsider a non-empty string of correctly balanced parentheses: (()(()())()((())))(()) We can imagine each pair of parentheses represents a ring in a collapsed telescopic construction. So let's extend the telescope: ( )( ) ()( )()( ) () ()() ( ) () ...

@BrainSteel there you go ^
^ was it through sandbox ?
@Optimizer all weekend
oh, didn't notice..
why, does it not look like it was? :P
no, because i did not see the 1box
oh, and is the weekend over ?
my calendar says it's monday
oh, right, I am at home lazying off :D
@MartinBüttner ughh, 46 bytes :(
thought it would be much smaller
there's no competition yet, so who knows... that might be very good :P
I thought u would have one already :P
you keep thinking that...
history, dude
How exactly does SE make your profile picture when you join for the first time?
level of your awesomeness
@Optimizer I wish.
@MartinBüttner Just in time for me to get an hour break :)
Though, I've already lost to @Optimizer :P
how long is yours ?
I'm about to post it. Though, I wrote mine in C, so it's an uphill battle.
You guys and your new-fangled fancy golfing languages...
are you guys still talking about the formatter?
(not that there's anythign wrong w/ that, just asking)
@ASCIIThenANSI SE doesn't. Gravatar does.
Does CJam have a strip-trailing-whitespace?
@Sp3000 I don't think so (unless it's in 0.6.5)
Awww there goes my plan to beat Optimizer :(
do you have that much whitespace?
or are you talking about another challenge?
@Sp3000 why do you think I used e] ?
I have a lot of whitespace for telescopic, yes :P (wiki hasn't updated with all the 0.6.5 things so I'll have to go through the tickets I guess)
how about a challenge to read in a code and produce proper formatting code for it based on bracket pairs
maybe if someone did not rely on evaluating the brackets, they can do sub 41
@BrainSteel *requests explanation*
@Sp3000 there's a changelog
@MartinBüttner Oh boy! I'll try and make some sense.
I have 5 bytes to get rid of a ton of trailing whitespace to tie with Optimizer :/
@MartinBüttner How do you show asterisks without causing bold or italic??
Oh, changelog found
* Escape them! "\*"
@trichoplax I think backlashes. *test*
Yeah, backslashes.
*thanks :)*
Spam ALL the asterisks!
maybe you guys need backslashes, but I definitely used willpower.
My willpower IS backslashes.
Airquotes work too
@MartinBüttner I rearranged the beginning of the universe so eventually people would invent backslashes for me.
Did anyone else see that test appear momentarily as ****test**** before changing to ****test****? I didn't edit it...
yea, it does that
big + changed to weird flat cross
Hmmm. Even escaping the outermost of the four asterisks still results in ****test****
Same for escaping the innermost
Wait, what?
*****************************************stop testing*************************************************
Mine formatted for about 2 seconds, then fixed itself.
@ASCIIThenANSI that's what started this testing craze. I can't make any sense of it
@trichoplax Me either. Let's try some more.
lol let's give @Optimizer some peace - maybe we need a testing room...
What is going on?!
I leave for 10 minutes and I come back to the apasterisk
Horrible pun intended.
@MartinBüttner NO WAY.
@MartinBüttner That was enlightening, plus I met a giant purple squirrel
@MartinBüttner I added my explanation. I hope it makes sense :)
@Sp3000 is ditching Python to get inspired by my CJam answers :D :D :D
Python zip isn't as nice, so CJam was the first language I thought of :/
I can still try though
You guys may beat me in bytes, but I've apparently captured the heart of the people :)
Damn, array repetition in ruby actually copies the object, so I can't shorten mine by pre-populating every row...
I gave up on hearts long back
@BrainSteel it does, thanks
hearts is a great card game
I enjoy shooting the moon
@Sp3000 there you go.
tch :P
I'll try later if I get time
SIGH. why are tires so expensive
Because if they cost $1, they'd blow every mile.
@sirpercival +1, Just got a new set a couple weeks back.
From my experiments, separating asterisks with spaces only works for the innermost ones. The outer asterisks are not formatted). Only 1-3 are supported. Without a backslash, asterisks can not be bolded. Code can be bolded and italicized. Strikethrough dosen't work on code. More than 2 non-escaped spaces are reformatted as one. I hope this somehow helps in the future. It probably won't.
@Geobits a single flat = four new tires since i have an AWD car. ugh.
@Compass Oh, you do that too? I totally am not shooting the moon right now.
You know what I hate?
I have enough rep to review certain things on PPCG, but those rarely come up.
And on StackOverflow, I don't have enough rep and those always come up.
@sirpercival Well, mine were getting pretty old, so it was expected soon anyway. One started getting a bit of tread separation, so just got a whole new set. 100k+ miles on original tires isn't so bad.
@ASCIIThenANSI Solution: Get more rep on SO. It's a pretty easy place to get rep once you figure out SE in general.
@Geobits I'm trying. The only problem is actually asking questions and getting attention for them :|
@ASCIIThenANSI On SO in particular, answering accumulates rep much faster.
@Geobits And the only problem is trying to find a question I can answer!
It's usually no problem, though. I've gotten around 10-20 rep per good answer.
Hit the tag page for a language/framework you know, and just keep up with the newest questions. You'd be surprised how many you can answer. Just try not to answer dupes :P
@Geobits That's basically my strategy. I try to find ones with bad, few, or no answers.
@Sp3000 something wrong with your CJam answer?
Optimizer noticed the () inc/dec thing, so I'm not too willing to steal that too
can you do smaller after stealing that ?
Feel free to try and improve on it
then go for it
lets try to beat pyth together
although Jakube will probably come up with a sub 30 byte solution
:P k
@Sp3000 I want to try to write a Pyth answer. I've read a bunch of the documentation, but I can't find an actual interpreter/compiler for it.
:/ damn
That's exactly what I'm talking about.
oh u actually mean it on purpose?
19 hours ago, by PhiNotPi
Some day, I'll write a code golf solution in Pyth just to mess with everybody.
Hm. () seem to do the opposite of what we want though, since ( adds a space and ) removes one
exactly, you see a z in there ?
hm, I've got a nice recursive solution for CH's challenge, but I can't be bothered to implement or golf it :D ... expanding things recursively in 2D is annoying.
how long is it right now ?
oh, if its not implemented.. is it really a solution ? :P
Well, it was nice while it lasted. Prepare for competition in several thousand years: news.discovery.com/animals/…
@Optimizer Golfed mine to 36: l{_'(=_(U+_@+:U;S*\+}%_$0=,f{Se]}zN*
@Sp3000 tie i
what part of "lets work together" did you not understand ;)
I was trying to use your idea in mine and see if it did anything
And I failed, but golfed in another way :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PaulIRC reader Internet Relay Chat (or IRC for short) is a simple yet popular chat communication method. The challenge is to create a program that can take an IRC server from program arguments and print out new messages sent on that server. e.g.: <your_irc_client> irc.freenode.net A very simple im...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Paul ClavierIRC reader Internet Relay Chat (or IRC for short) is a simple yet popular chat communication method. The challenge is to create a program that can take an IRC server from program arguments and print out new messages sent on that server. e.g.: <your_irc_client> irc.freenode.net A very simple im...

Would you guys mind looking at a Sandbox challenge of mine?
@Doorknob I golfed your answer codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/22994/30686 a bit more and used it in an openshift server (I'm really tired of not getting the badge because of saturday or sunday not being able to log in, when I'm here the rest of the week)
Would you want the code or something?
@Optimizer btw you should update Spades to use R for suits already :P
your 29 one ?
I was trying to golf it further, then the bracket question came
Do mods have the power to edit comments? I goofed up a link on a comment under my answer.
@BrainSteel since there is no reply yet, you can just delete and repost ;)
(but yes, I could)
heck, let me do it
Hooray! Thanks.
Didn't want to let go of that one upvote...
whoo! updated my IDL formatter w/ a new algorithm, saved 10 bytes
lol IDL golfing is kinda silly
Well, so is doing it in C, really, but that never stopped anybody :P
Any comments on my pearl challenge before posting? The only thing I can think to add is a "programs should run test cases in minutes/hours, not days/weeks" to prevent the most naive brute force methods.
Is it perl only ?
god no
or maybe, ruby too ..
@Geobits Looks great. Is the final test case deliberately without a solution?
Yes. I have a solution done by hand, so I know it's solvable.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PhiNotPiInterpret a Turing-Complete Language This challenge is inspired by this esolangs.org page, which lists some languages with very small interpreters. There have been some similar challenges before, like this one about a self-interpreter, or a few other interpreter challenges, like one for BF. co...

"Stringing a Perl Necklace"
I like it.
@Geobits Cool. I don't see any reason that the test case needs to have a solution in the question - I was just curious. +1 by the way
Slightly on topic: Necromancer has basically no meaning on meta due to the sandbox.
Maybe Necromancer should become a gold badge?
Well here it is, in all its glory:
Q: Stringing a Pearl Necklace

GeobitsOverview Pearls (or Masyu) is a logic game played on a grid. There are black and white pearls placed on the grid. The object is to form a single, closed loop that travels through each pearl using only straight line segments and right angles. There are some rules that govern how the loop intera...

@ChrisJester-Young I got two pings from you in my notifications (something about "where did you get that list from") but when I click on it, it won't take me to the link. If you still need something let me know :)
I've been slowing updating my meta post (and writing the code)
Could somebody take a look at it?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nathan MerrillCode Bots: Multi-Threaded Bots Ok. This description is going to be long, but I've tried to make it as clear as possible. It's fairly difficult to give a language spec in a short post. What Code Bots all about? This is a King of the Hill where you try to write your code over other bot's code ...

21 hours ago, by Martin Büttner
@ChrisJester-Young Poor Rainbolt will wonder what pinged him there ;)
@Rainbolt ^
Confirmed: @MartinBüttner is a prophet.
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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