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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

I never understood people's fascination with cookie clicker.
clicking cookies
I'd rather be eating cookies.
when computers can fabricate cookies for eating, then I'll prefer Cookie Eater to Cookie Clicker
@Geobits Have you ever played any kind of tycoon game?
Railroad and Rollercoaster, long ago.
I still play rollercoaster
The fascination is always "How many of <insert arbitrary resource here> can I get?"
You max out, or it becomes a chore, and you get bored.
I don't know if I count "people vomiting" as a resource, but I guess I see your point :)
You obv need to tone down your roller coasters and move your food stands into the ferris wheel and haunted house district.
I guess it just wasn't fun IMO. Games have a tendency to repetition, but...
@Rainbolt Tone them down? Nah, after a while playing, vomit was the goal.
rollercoaster tycoon, in my case, is about design
it is completely different than a clicker
I think it had two sides. The design and the customers.
Cookie clicker just has the one side
but its relatively easy to get customers in rollercoaster tycooon
All in all I like old-school railroad tycoon better though.
so I ended up just ignoring that
But there's also the fascination with using AutoIt to click for you. I learned a lot doing that (for example, I learned that infinite loops without a thread sleep will destroy your CPU)
I struggled figuring out how to make good money in railroad tycoon
Oh, has anyone played Cities: Skylines? It seems interesting...
I really want to
but it costs money
good think you removed that comment. I was about to call you out :P
Whoops. Apparently it was Cities XXL that got awful reviews. Cities Skylines got awesome reviews.
Wow. I'm buying this tonight.
Railroad Tycoon 2 is the best game ever (this is my totally correct opinion)
I love city building games, and this will finally break my two month Minecraft/watching terrible TV shows binge.
@VisualMelon I only played the original one but I wasted away many hours on it :)
OpenTDD was fun for a while.
I couldn't play the original, not pretty enough (don't like the look of OpenTDD either)
lol I played it when it was pretty, in the early 90s
RRT2 (Platinum) is beautiful, I learned a lot playing that game
The recommended requirements for Skylines look pretty low for how pretty the game looks
OpenTDD has different graphic packs you can install.
Ah crap, I need a video card. I forgot mine burnt out a couple months back, I've been running on integrated since :(
integrated is the way of the future
everybody knows that
Let me know when that future gets here, k? Until then, I need a card :)
@NathanMerrill integrated can't really match a real one . even in future
its by design
Surely you're not implying that it's all a ploy by chip makers to squeeze more money out of consumers? I mean, that would be totally not like a corporation to do that. The implications are astounding.
The best design is to mish-mash all of your computer into one big integration
that's what Mac is doing
@Geobits You seem to know a lot about the Man. Are you a spy for the Man?
@NathanMerrill mac uses intel's chips, its not really doing anything
@Rainbolt Would you believe me if I said no? What about yes?
no and yes
yes and no
they started with their frames. Soon they'll be making the entire computer without any assembly
@NathanMerrill and also, can you play crysis 2 on high res on your mac.
I have no idea
I don't have a mac
although, crysis?
you cannot, an integrated can only pump so much juice. its all really due to the size of things.
I can't stand that game
it was the stress test game for cards from 2000s
oh really?
no idea
oh, that reminds me
modular phones!
The problem with integration over removable/replaceable is still upgradability. Even if integrated gfx matched standalone cards, a subset of people will hate it just because it's not swappable. Sure, most consumers don't care (at all), but many early adopters do, and they help drive the market initially.
@Geobits its same as upgrading your card. You simply upgrade your integrated chip (CPU)
that's why we need to adopt the way of "buying a new computer", not "buying a new GFX card"
Yes, and once the entire board/chip/whatever assembly price comes down enough, it'll happen.
@NathanMerrill dude.
it'll give Mac so much money that they can come out with the next computer faster!
@Optimizer hmm?
you totally sounds like an Apple fanboy
I've heard they're hurting for money :)
maybe I like poking fun at Apple fanboys?
Well that's not creepy at all.
its actually a devolution of Pikachu that frequently says "iPika"
devolution doesn't happen. Unless you are bulbasaur
"get sprayed"
Are you writing a LOLCODE submission right now ?
the competition isn't open yet
Oh, there's a new type of scam going around. I got an email saying that I was to appear in court on April 13, and that my court notice was attached
I wanted to take a look at the code, but my employer's email provider blocked it
in concept, yes
the actual text was quite different
I hardly ever get scam emails. Nobody loves me :(
I can put your email into the dark web
Everyone will love you there
Is this the same dark web I hear about on bad crime shows? Sounds scary :P
it is
You should be iScared right now
It's 2007 and Clojure's in the house
If I visit the dark web, will random code float by matrix-style like it does on TV? That looks fun.
(I've been watching Scorpion lately. Don't ask why.)
not only that, the fragments you see will be the algorithm that solves all NP-hard problems in polynomial time
@Geobits no
@NathanMerrill linear*
Q: Thoughts on compiler golf?

billpgSome time ago, I set this challenge as a test for a new type of challenge I called "compiler golf". In the end, my idea didn't set the world alight but I wanted to see if anyone had ideas for improving the idea. The original version of the FizzBuzz challenge set the score by the length of the ge...

I've put way too much time into a LOLCODE solution for 2007
The ASCII N one is really hard
Q: Interpreting Fish (no, not that Fish)

Calvin's HobbiesConsider these five ASCII art sea creatures: Standard fish: ><> or <>< Speedy fish: >><> or <><< Sturdy fish: ><>> or <<>< Stretchy fish: ><<<> or <>>>< Crab: ,<..>, Write a program that accepts an arbitrary string of the characters <>,.. If there is a way to interpret the entire string as a ...

should also have kolmogorov tag
in other news, Sp3000 overtook me in code-golf . and I am close to my 5upvotes per question avarage
You mean 5 upvotes per answer?
You don't post questions that often, do you?
@AlexA. yes that
Ah okay
@AlexA. LDS is short for a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Is that the same as Mormonism?
Ah okay
I know a couple people who are Mormon.
Submitted LOLCODE for programming languages through the years. That took me way, way too long.
@PeterTaylor: How was your trip?
@Optimizer No trailing space
@MartinBüttner Was something fishy about the Retina answer?
Woo, I'm the first to ever win a Socratic badge! And I'll be the only user to have one for at least 31 more days ;D
@Calvin'sHobbies: Nice work!
@AlexA. Thanks!
I'm one 0-vote accepted answer away from Unsung Hero on Stack Overflow.
Thank you for making PPCG fun by consistently bringing us awesome challenges.
Seriously, when was the last time you posted a challenge that wasn't fun and well received?
One negatively voted question out of 116.... not bad :D
Thanks, and good luck with your golds. I did post at least one badly received challenge, no bones about it
Why +3/-7 on that? Seems like a perfectly reasonable challenge to me.
comments trivially solve it
Oh. Bummer.
@AlexA. Unsung Hero is like a bad consolation prize. I had mixed feelings when SO gave me one.
@Geobits: Yeah, I know. u_u
It's gold though, and I don't have any of those on any site.
"Oh, you're helpful, just not good enough for upvotes."
Haha pretty spot on.
@Sp3000 modified ><> GCD saves 1 byte: pastebin.com/WndrKCzP
I answer a lot of SAS and R questions, and those are particularly high-traffic tags.
Electorate is probably the easiest gold to get. Or Fanatic, depending on how you look at it.
I got mine mainly for Android.
@Sp3000 how do you make the ><> gifs?
@Geobits: I'm working on Fanatic for Stack Overflow and here. At day 60 or something. I'm working on Electorate as well, little over 100 votes for it on SO.
Forty a day adds up quick if you sprint through it. (Disclaimer: I do not condone voting for the sake of voting. This comment is for informational purposes only.)
That's why I'm not at 600 on either site; I don't vote for the sake of voting.
I'm around 3000 on SO IIRC, but I've been a member there for years.
Oh wow: visited 1008 days, 103 consecutive
That's surprising, since I haven't been active there in quite some time.
I've been on SO for 1 year and 4 months. Visited 179 days, 60 consecutive.
That reminds me, I'm close to Yearling for PPCG
Just one more week.
Yeah you're right! How did you know that?
Hover "11 months" on your profile. Most times/durations on the site work the same
Oh okay, neat.
Whoa, speak of the devil. I just got Unsung Hero on SO!
Alex A., you've just earned your very first gold badge! Would you like to share a few words about how you're feeling right now?
I'm just so honored. I'd like to thank my parents, who always believed in me.
They aren't your real parents.
dun dun dunnnnn....
@Rainbolt knew that because he moused over your personal information in your profile. Another neat trick.
The final neat trick is that you can link to a comment by clicking on a time stamp.
Maybe that means I won't inhert my dad's baldness, if he's not my real dad.
hits head on wall
Contemplates meaning of life after learning that parents aren't parents
That's not a real wall.
I always heard it was your mother's father that passed baldness down. I've also heard that that's not true at all.
Yeah, that's probably the reason why it's not helping me solve this problem
Well my mother's father played the banjo and had a ton of hair.
Does the increased blood flow to your head temporarily compensate for the permanent loss of brain cells?
It does if the problem results in the solution to the singularity
As long as the loss of brain cells is scheduled not to be too severe before the creation of the singularity, applying forehead to concrete is an effective solution.
^ Wise words.
Unless you lose the good brain cells you'd want to use to upload...
I assume there are some I could lose without major effect.
All I need to upload to the singularity is cat videos
Why? Those are already there.
everyone else smart can fill in
and to think
the singularity will result in the death of stackexchange
because there will never be questions without answers anymore
I'm skating on thin ice as it is; if I lose any more brain cells, I'll have to drink tofu through a straw.
Didn't you know, YouTube is the singularity in its early stages. So far it's just terribly disappointing, like most sci-fi dreams when they come around...
I mean, seriously, where the hell is my hoverboard?
Back to the Future 2 lied.
I like to think that future just got changed again.
Stupid Doc and Marty, always messing with crap.
what exactly is wrong with drinking tofu through a straw?
i mean thats an actual desert
@Compass: Depending on the firmness of the tofu, it's quite challenging.
Douhua (Chinese: 豆花; pinyin: dòuhuā) is the short form of doufuhua (Chinese: 豆腐花; pinyin: dòufuhuā). It is a Chinese snack made with very soft tofu. It is also referred to as tofu pudding and soybean pudding. == History == Tofu or doufu (Chinese: 豆腐, dòufu) is thought to have originated in ancient China during the Western Han Dynasty. Chinese people have developed and enriched the recipes for tofu dishes on the basis of their own tastes, such as mapo tofu, stinky tofu, pickled tofu and uncongealed tofu pudding, etc. == Unpackaged == === Northern Chinese cuisine === In northern China, ...
That sounds pretty good.
Skip stinky tofu btw
its really stinky
I believe it
I also avoid durian for similar reasons
Douhua however is like a softer version of jello almost
Hmm. Don't know how I feel about that. Never been big on jello.
There's a place near me that makes tofu cheesecake and it's awesome.
im trying to think of a good example of consistency
its very soft
I'd probably like it.
like jello is chewy, this is melt in your mouth
you could basically consume it without chewing
Perfect candidate for consuming tofu through a straw.
<- does not chew jello
^ you could die from that
I dunno
It sounds dangerous
i mean, a giant gelatinous substance
if it gets wedged in such a way that it blocks you from breathing, well, jello-death
Doesn't have to be giant. You can take small bites.
Jello death sounds awful.
I normally don't swallow brick-sized pieces either, though.
I just looked it up. People have died from choking on jello.
i never liked jello for some reason
the flavor, not the texture
Luckily that probably won't happen to me given that I thoroughly dislike jello. You should watch out though, Geobits.
I don't doubt it's possible. I doubt it'll happen to me. Kinda like being hit by lightning.
like red jello is blech for me.
so is orange jello.
Have you had coffee jello?
is it clear or opaque
because if its clear it sounds remarkably terrifying
I like coffee agar at least. Very similar.
that is acceptable
i have an issue with something clear tasting like coffee
Also i just remembered my DOCTOR LIED TO ME WHEN I WAS A KID
That bastard!
I had an operation to get my tonsils removed
And I was a kid and I hated the mask for the sleeping gas.
Coffee itself is clear(ish) in thin streams
So the doctor convinced me that it was flavored gas.
And said he set it to chocolate.
@Geobits: Not how I drink it. Shakes
@Compass: That's kind of mean.
And now I have discovered that sleeping gas has no smell whatsoever.
Mean? Maybe. Effective? Yes.
And that flavored sleeping gas is a scam!
So why haven't we invented it yet?
Let's get on it.
Compass' Magical Flavored Gas. Puts you right to sleep in flavors like chocolate, coffee, and jello.
ah yes, my life's accomplishment - knocking people out with flavored knock-out gas as opposed to normal knock-out gas.
Do you normally knock people out with gas?
If I had gotten into medical school, probably
Things didn't work out though so instead I became a software developer
Pretty much the same IMO.
I guess
Though the likelihood of blood spraying everywhere is slightly less common in development
^ Probably for the best
Yes, but only slightly.
And I have fewer emotional crisis moments.
Haha I looked up alternatives for IMO and found "I Mean Obviously"
Now Geobits looks like a jerk. "Pretty much the same I Mean Obviously."
It's pretty much the same Irish Medical Organisation
I wonder how my alternate universe self is doing in med school
well i guess he'd be a resident now.
At least I'm earning more than my alternate self is.
I mean obviously he has blood spraying all over the place.
ha ha omg if i had gone into emergency medicine i'd probably break down after a year
mentally of course
see some crazy stuff at hospitals
He's probably working for the Irish Medical Organisation, too.
Affirmative action requires an asian person be part of the irish medical organization yarpyarp.
Yeah, I work in clinical trials as a programmer and just seeing the statistics of some of the stuff is enough to give one a mental breakdown.
Does Irish refer to being from Ireland, or an ethnicity typically?
I used to work in clinical trials.
@Compass Seen it used for both. Ethnicity normally for those looking for a reason to get drunk on March 17.
Typically Irish => From Ireland, IMO
I think it depends on where you are, though. They probably use it differently in the UK and the US, for example.
i think it relates to ethnicity more
Northern Ireland is part of the UK but not regular(?) Ireland
Ireland Classic
Yea, New Ireland was a flop :)
Whoa, that's actually a thing
I thought about making a UK English -> American English decoder as a challenge here but I figured it'd be too simple.
Remove extraneous "u"s and swap "r" and "e"
Yeah that too
its not simple
i actually made a really rough version
for academia, worked on it for 3 hours and then gave up
Haha then maybe it's too hard to be a challenge here
there's too many possibilities
Colour -> Color makes sense. Gourd -> Gord = wat.
basically you'd have to whitelist a bunch of words
That would probably just make it more annoying than anything else.
I didn't realise houw annouying it wouould be
Is the US the only country that uses American style English? Do all other countries that speak English use the UK style? By style I mean spelling, not necessarily pronounciation.
This is one of a series of articles about the differences between British English and American English, which, for the purposes of these articles, are defined as follows: British English (BrE) is the form of English used in the United Kingdom. It includes all English dialects used in the United Kingdom. American English (AmE) is the form of English used in the United States. It includes all English dialects used in the United States. Written forms of British and American English as found in newspapers and textbooks vary little in their essential features, with only occasional noticeable differences...
There's also Canadian English
Do we have any Canadians here on PPCG?
I would assume the UN uses American English since its based on US soil
Hm, didn't think of that.
The EU seems to favour Bringlish
Haha. Could just be a proximity thing. Also it seems like a lot of countries aren't so crazy about the US.
My aunt's husband is British and his son Kurt speaks with a heavy accent and uses colloquialisms which are very specific to British English. I understand almost none of what he says.
I should go do things. Nice talking with you all. Talk to you again soon!
US is crazy about the US
@Calvin'sHobbies I can't (yet) suppress the printing of a single newline conditionally.
@nhahtdh cc ^
hmmm... 2006... PowerShell anyone?
I wonder what is the time complexity of my solution .. codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/48667/31414
@MartinBüttner I played some with a Penrose-tiling based language and it's nice and all but there is like 0% chance that I will write an IDE for that :D
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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